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The high diversity of microbial communities hampers predictions about their responses to global change. Here we investigate the potential for using a phylogenetic, trait-based framework to capture the response of bacteria and fungi to global change manipulations. Replicated grassland plots were subjected to 3+ years of drought and nitrogen fertilization. The responses of leaf litter bacteria and fungi to these simulated changes were significantly phylogenetically conserved. Proportional changes in abundance were highly correlated among related organisms, such that relatives with approximately 5% ribosomal DNA genetic distance showed similar responses to the treatments. A microbe''s change in relative abundance was significantly correlated between the treatments, suggesting a compromise between numerical abundance in undisturbed environments and resistance to change in general, independent of disturbance type. Lineages in which at least 90% of the microbes shared the same response were circumscribed at a modest phylogenetic depth (τD 0.014–0.021), but significantly larger than randomized simulations predict. In several clades, phylogenetic depth of trait consensus was higher. Fungal response to drought was more conserved than was response to nitrogen fertilization, whereas bacteria responded equally to both treatments. Finally, we show that a bacterium''s response to the manipulations is correlated with its potential functional traits (measured here as the number of glycoside hydrolase genes encoding the capacity to degrade different types of carbohydrates). Together, these results suggest that a phylogenetic, trait-based framework may be useful for predicting shifts in microbial composition and functioning in the face of global change.  相似文献   
The anterior forebrain (AF) pathway of songbirds has an essential but poorly understood function during song learning, a process requiring auditory experience. Consistent with a role in processing auditory information, two nuclei of the AF, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (lMAN) and Area X (X), contain some of the most complex auditory neurons known. In adult zebra finches, these neurons are strongly selective for both spectral and temporal properties of song: They respond more robustly to the bird's own song (BOS) than to songs of conspecific individuals, and they respond less well to BOS if it is played in reverse. lMAN and X neurons of young finches early in the process of song learning (30–45 days of age) are also song responsive, but lack the song and order selectivity present in adult birds. By an intermediate stage of learning (60 days), when birds have experience of both tutor song and their own developing (plastic) song, AF neurons have significant song and order selectivity for both tutor song and BOS (in this case, plastic song). The degree of BOS selectivity is still less than that found in adults, however. In addition, neurons at 60 days are heterogenous in their preference for BOS versus tutor song: Most prefer BOS, some prefer tutor song, and others respond equally to both songs. The selectivity of adult AF auditory neurons therefore arises rapidly during development from neurons that are initially unselective. These neurons are one of the clearest examples of experience-dependent acquisition of complex stimulus selectivity. Moreover, the neural selectivity for both BOS and tutor song at 60 days raises the possibility that experience of both songs during learning contributes to the properties of individual AF neurons. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 694–709, 1997  相似文献   
While neddylation is known to activate cullin (CUL)-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs), its role in regulating T cell signaling is poorly understood. Using the investigational NEDD8 activating enzyme (NAE) inhibitor, MLN4924, we found that neddylation negatively regulates T cell receptor (TCR) signaling, as its inhibition increases IL-2 production, T cell proliferation and Treg development in vitro. We also discovered that loss of CUL neddylation occurs upon TCR signaling, and CRLs negatively regulate IL-2 production. Additionally, we found that tyrosine kinase signaling leads to CUL deneddylation in multiple cell types. These studies indicate that CUL neddylation is a global regulatory mechanism for tyrosine kinase signaling.  相似文献   
The transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) developed by Spielman et al. can be a powerful family-based test of linkage and, in some cases, a test of association as well as linkage. It has recently been extended in several ways; these include allowance for implementation with quantitative traits, allowance for multiple alleles, and, in the case of dichotomous traits, allowance for testing in the absence of parental data. In this article, these three extensions are combined, and two procedures are developed that offer valid joint tests of linkage and (in the case of certain sibling configurations) association with quantitative traits, with use of data from siblings only, and that can accommodate biallelic or multiallelic loci. The first procedure uses a mixed-effects (i.e., random and fixed effects) analysis of variance in which sibship is the random factor, marker genotype is the fixed factor, and the continuous phenotype is the dependent variable. Covariates can easily be accommodated, and the procedure can be implemented in commonly available statistical software. The second procedure is a permutation-based procedure. Selected power studies are conducted to illustrate the relative power of each test under a variety of circumstances.  相似文献   
Autistic disorder (AD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects approximately 2–10/10,000 individuals. Chromosome 15q11–q13 has been implicated in the genetic etiology of AD based on (1) cytogenetic abnormalities; (2) increased recombination frequency in this region in AD versus non-AD families; (3) suggested linkage with markers D15S156, D15S219, and D15S217; and (4) evidence for significant association with polymorphisms in the γ-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit B3 gene (GABRB3). To isolate the putative 15q11–q13 candidate AD gene, a genomic contig and physical map of the approximately 1.2-Mb region from the GABA receptor gene cluster to the OCA2 locus was generated. Twenty-one bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones, 32 P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) clones, and 2 P1 clones have been isolated using the markers D15S540, GABRB3, GABRA5, GABRG3, D15S822, and D15S217, as well as 34 novel markers developed from the end sequences of BAC/PAC clones. In contrast to previous findings, the markers D15S822 and D15S975 have been localized within the GABRG3 gene, which we have shown to be approximately 250 kb in size. NotI and numerous EagI restriction enzyme cut sites were identified in this region. The BAC/PAC genomic contig can be utilized for the study of genomic structure and the identification and characterization of genes and their methylation status in this autism candidate gene region on human chromosome 15q11–q13.  相似文献   
Genomic rearrangements resulting in activating kinase fusions have been increasingly described in a number of cancers including malignant melanoma, but their frequency in specific melanoma subtypes has not been reported. We used break‐apart fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to identify genomic rearrangements in tissues from 59 patients with various types of malignant melanoma including acral lentiginous, mucosal, superficial spreading, and nodular. We identified four genomic rearrangements involving the genes BRAF, RET, and ROS1. Of these, three were confirmed by Immunohistochemistry (IHC) or sequencing and one was found to be an ARMC10‐BRAF fusion that has not been previously reported in melanoma. These fusions occurred in different subtypes of melanoma but all in tumors lacking known driver mutations. Our data suggest gene fusions are more common than previously thought and should be further explored particularly in melanomas lacking known driver mutations.  相似文献   
A dramatic rise in obesity has occurred among humans within the last several decades. Little is known about whether similar increases in obesity have occurred in animals inhabiting human-influenced environments. We examined samples collectively consisting of over 20 000 animals from 24 populations (12 divided separately into males and females) of animals representing eight species living with or around humans in industrialized societies. In all populations, the estimated coefficient for the trend of body weight over time was positive (i.e. increasing). The probability of all trends being in the same direction by chance is 1.2 × 10(-7). Surprisingly, we find that over the past several decades, average mid-life body weights have risen among primates and rodents living in research colonies, as well as among feral rodents and domestic dogs and cats. The consistency of these findings among animals living in varying environments, suggests the intriguing possibility that the aetiology of increasing body weight may involve several as-of-yet unidentified and/or poorly understood factors (e.g. viral pathogens, epigenetic factors). This finding may eventually enhance the discovery and fuller elucidation of other factors that have contributed to the recent rise in obesity rates.  相似文献   
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