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The haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily is comprised of structurally homologous enzymes that share several conserved sequence motifs (loops I-IV) in their active site. The majority of HAD members are phosphohydrolases and may be divided into three subclasses depending on domain organization. In classes I and II, a mobile "cap" domain reorients upon substrate binding, closing the active site to bulk solvent. Members of the third class lack this additional domain. Herein, we report the 1.9 A X-ray crystal structures of a member of the third subclass, magnesium-dependent phosphatase-1 (MDP-1) both in its unliganded form and with the product analogue, tungstate, bound to the active site. The secondary structure of MDP-1 is similar to that of the "core" domain of other type I and type II HAD members with the addition of a small, 28-amino acid insert that does not close down to exclude bulk solvent in the presence of ligand. In addition, the monomeric oligomeric state of MDP-1 does not allow the participation of a second subunit in the formation and solvent protection of the active site. The binding sites for the phosphate portion of the substrate and Mg(II) cofactor are also similar to those of other HAD members, with all previously observed contacts conserved. Unlike other subclass III HAD members, MDP-1 appears to be equally able to dephosphorylate phosphotyrosine and closed-ring phosphosugars. Modeling of possible substrates in the active site of MDP-1 reveals very few potential interactions with the substrate leaving group. The mapping of conserved residues in sequences of MDP-1 from different eukaryotic organisms reveals that they colocalize to a large region on the surface of the protein outside the active site. This observation combined with the modeling studies suggests that the target of MDP-1 is most likely a phosphotyrosine in an unknown protein rather than a small sugar-based substrate.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic reaction center from the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been modified such that the bacteriochlorophyll dimer, when it becomes oxidized after light excitation, is capable of oxidizing tyrosine residues. One factor in this ability is a high oxidation-reduction midpoint potential for the dimer, although the location and protein environment of the tyrosine residue appear to be critical as well. These factors were tested in a series of mutants, each of which contains changes, at residues L131, M160, M197, and M210, that give rise to a bacteriochlorophyll dimer with a midpoint potential of at least 800 mV. The protein environment was altered near tyrosine residues that are either present in the wild type or introduced by mutagenesis, focusing on residues that could act as acceptors for the phenolic proton of the tyrosine upon oxidation. These mutations include Ser M190 to His, which is near Tyr L162, the combination of His M193 to Tyr and Arg M164 to His, which adds a Tyr-His pair, and the combinations of Arg L135 to Tyr with Tyr L164 to His, Arg L135 to Tyr with Tyr L144 to Glu, and Arg L135 to Tyr with Tyr L164 to Phe. Radicals were produced in the mutants by using light to initiate electron transfer. The radicals were trapped by freezing the samples, and the relative populations of the oxidized dimer and tyrosyl radicals were determined by analysis of low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. The mutants all showed evidence of tyrosyl radical formation at high pH, and the extent of radical formation at Tyr L135 with pH differed depending on the identity of L144 and L164. The results show that tyrosine residues within approximately 10 A of the dimer can become oxidized when provided with a suitable protein environment.  相似文献   
Although Streptococcus suis is an economically important pathogen of pigs and an occasional cause of zoonotic infections of humans knowledge of crucial virulence factors, and as a consequence targets for therapeutic or prophylactic intervention, remains limited. Here we describe a detailed study of the distribution, diversity, and in vitro expression of hyaluronate lyase, a protein implicated as a virulence factor of many mucosal pathogens. The gene encoding hyaluronate lyase, hyl, was present in all 309 bona fide S. suis isolates examined representing diverse serotypes, geographic sources, and clinical backgrounds. Examination of the genetic diversity of hyl by RFLP and sequence analysis indicated a pattern of diversity shared by many gram-positive surface proteins with a variable 5' region encoding the most distal cell surface-exposed regions of the protein and a much more conserved 3' region encoding domains more closely associated with the bacterial cell. Variation occurs by several mechanisms, including the accumulation of point mutations and deletion and insertion events, and there is clear evidence that genetic recombination has contributed to molecular variation in this gene. Despite the ubiquitous presence of hyl, the corresponding enzyme activity was detected in fewer than 30% of the 309 isolates. In several cases this lack of activity correlates with the presence of mutations (either sequence duplications or point mutations) within hyl that result in a truncated polypeptide. There is a striking absence of hyaluronate lyase activity in a large majority of isolates from classic S. suis invasive disease, indicating that this protein is probably not a crucial virulence factor, although activity is present in significantly higher numbers of isolates associated with pneumonia.  相似文献   
Myosin-based cell contractile force is considered to be a critical process in cell motility. However, for epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced fibroblast migration, molecular links between EGF receptor (EGFR) activation and force generation have not been clarified. Herein, we demonstrate that EGF stimulation increases myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, a marker for contractile force, concomitant with protein kinase C (PKC) activity in mouse fibroblasts expressing human EGFR constructs. Interestingly, PKCdelta is the most strongly phosphorylated isoform, and the preferential PKCdelta inhibitor rottlerin largely prevented EGF-induced phosphorylation of PKC substrates and MARCKS. The pathway through which EGFR activates PKCdelta is suggested by the fact that the MEK-1 inhibitor U0126 and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 had no effect on PKCdelta activation, whereas lack of PLCgamma signaling resulted in delayed PKCdelta activation. EGF-enhanced MLC phosphorylation was prevented by a specific MLC kinase inhibitor ML-7 and the PKC inhibitors chelerythrine chloride and rottlerin. Further indicating that PKCdelta is required, a dominant-negative PKCdelta construct or RNAi-mediated PKCdelta depletion also prevented MLC phosphorylation. In the absence of PLC signaling, MLC phosphorylation and cell force generation were delayed similarly to PKCdelta activation. All of the interventions that blocked PKCdelta activation or MLC phosphorylation abrogated EGF-induced cell contractile force generation and motility. Our results suggest that PKCdelta activation is responsible for a major part of EGF-induced fibroblast contractile force generation. Hence, we identify here a new pathway helping to govern cell motility, with PLC signaling playing a role in activation of PKCdelta to promote the acute phase of EGF-induced MLC activation.  相似文献   
RING domains are found in a large number of eukaryotic proteins. Most function as E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases, catalyzing the terminal step in the ubiquitination process. Structurally, these domains have been characterized as binding two zinc ions in a stable cross-brace motif. The tumorigenic human gamma-herpesvirus Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus encodes a ubiquitin-protein ligase termed K3, which functions as an immune evasion molecule by ubiquitinating major histocompatibility complex class I. K3 possesses at its N terminus a domain related to cellular RING domains but with an altered zinc ligand arrangement. This domain was initially characterized as a plant homeodomain, a structure not previously known to function as an E3. Here, it is conclusively demonstrated that the K3 N-terminal domain is a variant member of the RING domain family and not a plant homeodomain. The domain is found to interact with the cellular ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UbcH5A to -C and UbcH13, which dock to the equivalent surface as on classical cellular RING domains. Interaction with UbcH13 suggests a possible role for K3 in catalyzing Lys(63)-linked ubiquitination.  相似文献   
During angiogenesis, endothelial cells initiate a tissue-invasive program within an interstitial matrix comprised largely of type I collagen. Extracellular matrix-degradative enzymes, including the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) MMP-2 and MMP-9, are thought to play key roles in angiogenesis by binding to docking sites on the cell surface after activation by plasmin- and/or membrane-type (MT) 1-MMP-dependent processes. To identify proteinases critical to neovessel formation, an ex vivo model of angiogenesis has been established wherein tissue explants from gene-targeted mice are embedded within a three-dimensional, type I collagen matrix. Unexpectedly, neither MMP-2, MMP-9, their cognate cell-surface receptors (i.e., beta3 integrin and CD44), nor plasminogen are essential for collagenolytic activity, endothelial cell invasion, or neovessel formation. Instead, the membrane-anchored MMP, MT1-MMP, confers endothelial cells with the ability to express invasive and tubulogenic activity in a collagen-rich milieu, in vitro or in vivo, where it plays an indispensable role in driving neovessel formation.  相似文献   
Several hundred strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), isolated in New Zealand from samples of soil and sheep fleece, were tested for toxicity to larvae of the blowfly Lucilia cuprina Wiedemann. Characterization of the Bt strains revealed that three of the more active strains produced Cry1Ba (an insecticidal protein present in Bt mother cell crystal inclusion) that was toxic to blowflies. These strains were evaluated for the ability to prevent experimentally induced fly strike in a bioassay by using first instars. Results with undiluted spore/crystal preparations were variable, but they generally prevented fly strike on sheep maintained on pasture for 3-6 wk. Spore viability was satisfactory throughout the trials and environmental factors (e.g., precipitation and UV radiation) seemed to have minimal effect on persistence. The loss of fly strike protection in these experiments correlated with the movement of spore/crystal toxicity away from the skin as a result of wool growth. Solubilized protein preparations were not as potent as spore/crystal preparations and fly strike protection lasted only from 1 to 3 wk. Vegetative forms of the Cry1Ba-producing strains of Bt did not establish on the fleece of sheep, did not produce significant sporulation, and no protection against fly strike was achieved. Escherichia coli expressing recombinant Cry1Ba protein was toxic to larvae in vitro but did not effectively protect sheep from fly strike because blowfly larvae were able to establish readily 8 d posttreatment. In a single field experiment involving 80 sheep per group, a spore/crystal preparation from a Bt strain expressing Cry1Ba provided less protection from naturally acquired fly strike than afforded by a commercially available dip.  相似文献   
Research into the folding mechanisms of integral membrane proteins lags far behind that of water-soluble proteins, to the extent that the term protein folding is synonymous with water-soluble proteins. Hydrophobic membrane proteins, and particularly those with transmembrane alpha-helical motifs, are frequently considered too difficult to work with. We show that the stored curvature elastic stress of lipid bilayers can be used to guide the design of efficient folding systems for these integral membrane proteins. The curvature elastic stress of synthetic phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine lipid bilayers can be used to control both the rate of folding and the yield of folded protein. The use of a physical bilayer property generalises this approach beyond the particular chemistry of the lipids involved.  相似文献   
Viktor Hamburger was a developmental biologist interested in the ontogenesis of the vertebrate nervous system. A student of Hans Spemann at Freiburg in the 1920s, Hamburger picked up a holistic view of the embryo that precluded him from treating it in a reductionist way; at the same time, he was committed to a materialist and analytical approach that eschewed any form of vitalism or metaphysics. This paper explores how Hamburger walked this thin line between mechanistic reductionism and metaphysical vitalism in light of his work on the factors influencing growth of neurons into limb buds, and the discovery of nerve growth factor, work carried out with Rita Levi-Montalcini and Stanley Cohen.  相似文献   
CD8 T-cell responses are thought to be crucial for control of viremia in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection but ultimately fail to control viremia in most infected persons. Studies in acute infection have demonstrated strong CD8-mediated selection pressure and evolution of mutations conferring escape from recognition, but the ability of CD8 T-cell responses that persist in late-stage infection to recognize viruses present in vivo has not been determined. Therefore, we studied 24 subjects with advanced HIV disease (median viral load = 142,000 copies/ml; median CD4 count = 71/ micro l) and determined HIV-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses to all expressed viral proteins using overlapping peptides by gamma interferon Elispot assay. Chronic-stage virus was sequenced to evaluate autologous sequences within Gag epitopes, and functional avidity of detected responses was determined. In these subjects, the median number of epitopic regions targeted was 13 (range, 2 to 39) and the median cumulative magnitude of CD8 T-cell responses was 5,760 spot-forming cells/10(6) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (range, 185 to 24,700). On average six (range, one to 8) proteins were targeted. For 89% of evaluated CD8 T-cell responses, the autologous viral sequence was predicted to be well recognized by these responses and the majority of analyzed optimal epitopes were recognized with medium to high functional avidity by the contemporary CD8 T cells. Withdrawal of antigen by highly active antiretroviral therapy led to a significant decline both in breadth (P = 0.032) and magnitude (P = 0.0098) of these CD8 T-cell responses, providing further evidence that these responses had been driven by recognition of autologous virus. These results indicate that strong, broadly directed, and high-avidity gamma-interferon-positive CD8 T-cells directed at autologous virus persist in late disease stages, and the absence of mutations within viral epitopes indicates a lack of strong selection pressure mediated by these responses. These data imply functional impairment of CD8 T-cell responses in late-stage infection that may not be reflected by gamma interferon-based screening techniques.  相似文献   
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