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In this paper it is shown that if the dry seeds of the cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) are soaked for 3 hours in solutions of ethyl alcohol of concentration ranging from 2 to 16 per cent by volume, and then germinated and grown in distilled water in the dark, the total growth attained is greater by amounts ranging from 9 to 35 per cent than is that made by seeds treated in every way identically except that they are initially soaked in distilled water instead of alcohol. It is shown that this result is not due simply to differences in osmotic pressure in the different alcohol solutions. It is probably due to a simple selective action of the alcohol which eliminates the constitutionally weak and defective seeds.  相似文献   
Ecologists have used Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to track animals for 30 years. Issues today include logging frequency and precision in estimating space use and travel distances, as well as battery life and cost. We developed a low‐cost (~US$125), open‐source GPS datalogger based on Arduino. To test the system, we collected positions at 20‐s intervals for several 1‐week durations from cattle and sheep on rangeland in North Dakota. We tested two questions of broad interest to ecologists who use GPS collars to track animal movements: (1) How closely do collared animals cluster in their herd? (2) How well do different logging patterns estimate patch occupancy and total daily distance traveled? Tested logging patterns included regular logging (one position every 5 or 10 min), and burst logging (positions recorded at 20‐s intervals for 5 or 10 min per hour followed by a sleep period). Collared sheep within the same pasture spent 75% of daytime periods within 51 m of each other (mean = 42 m); collared cattle were within 111 m (mean = 76 m). In our comparison of how well different logging patterns estimate space use versus constant logging, the proportion of positions recorded in 1‐ and 16‐ha patches differed by 2%–3% for burst logging and 1% for regular logging. Although all logging patterns underestimated total daily distance traveled, underestimations were corrected by multiplying estimations by regression coefficients estimated by maximum likelihood. Burst logging can extend battery life by a factor of 7. We conclude that a minimum of two collars programmed with burst logging robustly estimate patch use and spatial distribution of grazing livestock herds. Research questions that require accurately estimating travel of individual animals, however, are probably best addressed with regular logging intervals and will thus have greater battery demands than spatial occupancy questions across all GPS datalogger systems.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi take up photosynthetically fixed carbon from plant roots and translocate it to their external mycelium. Previous experiments have shown that fungal lipid synthesized from carbohydrate in the root is one form of exported carbon. In this study, an analysis of the labeling in storage and structural carbohydrates after (13)C(1) glucose was provided to AM roots shows that this is not the only pathway for the flow of carbon from the intraradical to the extraradical mycelium (ERM). Labeling patterns in glycogen, chitin, and trehalose during the development of the symbiosis are consistent with a significant flux of exported glycogen. The identification, among expressed genes, of putative sequences for glycogen synthase, glycogen branching enzyme, chitin synthase, and for the first enzyme in chitin synthesis (glutamine fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase) is reported. The results of quantifying glycogen synthase gene expression within mycorrhizal roots, germinating spores, and ERM are consistent with labeling observations using (13)C-labeled acetate and glycerol, both of which indicate that glycogen is synthesized by the fungus in germinating spores and during symbiosis. Implications of the labeling analyses and gene sequences for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism are discussed, and a 4-fold role for glycogen in the AM symbiosis is proposed: sequestration of hexose taken from the host, long-term storage in spores, translocation from intraradical mycelium to ERM, and buffering of intracellular hexose levels throughout the life cycle.  相似文献   
1. Female burying beetles behave differently towards males of different sizes, avoiding mating with large males that are not defending resources but mating with small males regardless of the presence of resources. Females of the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis were therefore examined to determine whether they discriminate among males using only pheromonal signals. The influence of female size on its own mate choice was also examined. 2. Females do use male pheromonal signals to discriminate among males and these signals do appear to convey information about male body size to females. Overall, females were more likely to be attracted to larger males than to smaller males. 3. Female choice of a male was influenced by both the female's own body size and the size of the female relative to the size of the two males available to it. 4. While there is an overall mating advantage for larger males, resulting from female preferences based on odour cues, smaller males are also attractive to some females under some circumstances. 5. It is argued that there are different costs and benefits of mating with different sized males, leading to the evolution of context‐dependent mate choice for females and the need to be able to discriminate males of different sizes from a distance.  相似文献   
The effect of cholera toxin (CTX), an activator of the adenylate cyclase-coupled G protein alpha(s) subunit, was studied on cultured vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation. Continuous exposure (48 h) to CTX as well as 2-min pretreatment of VSMC with CTX led to the same level of cAMP production, inhibition of DNA synthesis, and arrest in the G1 phase without induction of necrosis or apoptosis in VSMC. Protein kinase A (PKA) activity in CTX-pretreated cells was transiently elevated by 3-fold after 3 h of incubation, whereas after 48 h it was reduced by 2-fold compared with baseline values without modulation of the expression of its catalytic alpha subunit. The PKA inhibitors H89 and KT 5720 did not protect VSMC from the antiproliferative effect of CTX. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to analyze the influence of CTX on protein phosphorylation. After 3 h of incubation of CTX-pretreated cells, we observed both newly-phosphorylated and dephosphorylated proteins (77 and 50 protein species, respectively). After 24 h of incubation, the number of phosphorylated proteins in CTX-treated cells was decreased to 39, whereas the number of dephosphorylated proteins was increased to 106. In conclusion, brief exposure to CTX leads to full-scale activation of cAMP signaling and evokes VSMC arrest in the G1 phase.  相似文献   
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