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The fecundity of insect-pollinated plants may not be linearly related to the number of flowers produced, since floral display will influence pollinator foraging patterns. We may expect more visits to plants with more flowers, but do these large plants receive more or fewer visits per flower than small plants? Do all pollinator species respond in the same way? We would also expect foragers to move less between plants when the number of flowers per plant are large, which may reduce cross-pollination compared to plants with few flowers. We examine the relationships between numbers of inflorescence per plant, bumblebee foraging behaviour and seed set in comfrey, Symphytum officinale, a self-incompatible perennial herb. Bumblebee species differed in their response to the size of floral display. More individuals of Bombus pratorum and the nectar-robbing B.?terrestris were attracted to plants with larger floral displays, but B. pascuorum exhibited no increase in recruitment according to display size. Once attracted, all bee species visited more inflorescences per plant on plants with more inflorescences. Overall the visitation rate per inflorescence and seed set per flower was independent of the number of inflorescences per plant. Variation in seed set was not explained by the numbers of bumblebees attracted or by the number of inflorescences they visited for any bee species. However, the mean seed set per flower (1.18) was far below the maximum possible (4 per flower). We suggest that in this system seed set is not limited by pollination but by other factors, possibly nutritional resources.  相似文献   
The identity of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) antigens that serve as targets for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and their ability to induce protective immunity remain uncertain. In this article, we report the identification of the immediate-early protein ICP27 as a CTL antigen in H-2d mice but not in H-2k or H-2b mice. Calculation of the frequencies of H-2d-restricted virus-specific CTL demonstrated that approximately one-fourth of the total HSV-1-specific response was directed against ICP27. To define the location of this CTL epitope, four truncated derivatives of the ICP27 gene which place the epitope in a 217-amino-acid region (amino acids 189 to 406) near the central portion of the protein were constructed. Mice immunized with ICP27 were able both to induce HSV-1-specific CTL and to survive a lethal intraperitoneal challenge with virulent HSV-1. However, neither appreciable antibody nor delayed-type hypersensitivity responses were induced in immunized mice, and they were also unable to clear a local epithelial virus challenge. It appears that ICP27, although capable of inducing several aspects of the immune response, is by itself unable to provide complete immunity.  相似文献   
Group A streptococcal cell wall fragments (SCW) induce erosive polyarthritis, characterized by synovial cell hyperplasia and intense mononuclear cell infiltration, in susceptible rats. Because of the known antiproliferative and immunomodulatory effects of interferon (IFN), we evaluated the effect of systemically administered alpha, beta and gamma IFN on the evolution of these destructive lesions. Treatment with gamma IFN not only reduced the acute response, but had an even greater suppressive effect on the chronic mononuclear cell-mediated destructive phase of the disease (articular index 10.2 +/- 1.2 for SCW only versus 3.8 +/- 0.7 for SCW + gamma IFN; p less than 0.01). Treatment with gamma IFN was more effective in the suppression of the arthritis than alpha, beta IFN. Histopathologic evaluation of the joints demonstrated that gamma IFN-treated animals had significantly fewer inflammatory cells, and less synovial hyperplasia and erosions than the SCW controls. gamma IFN suppression of mononuclear cell prostaglandin synthesis and synovial fibroblast proliferation was consistent with its anti-arthritic effects. These data indicate that the pathophysiology of SCW-induced erosive polyarthritis is subject to regulatory control by gamma IFN and that the mechanisms of suppression may be relevant in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
Plasma membrane ghosts form when plant protoplasts attached to a substrate are lysed to leave a small patch of plasma membrane. We have identified several factors, including the use of a mildly acidic actin stabilization buffer and the inclusion of glutaraldehyde in the fixative, that allow immunofluorescent visualization of extensive cortical actin arrays retained on membrane ghosts made from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) suspension-cultured cells (line Bright Yellow 2). Normal microtubule arrays were also retained using these conditions. Membrane-associated actin is random; it exhibits only limited coalignment with the microtubules, and microtubule depolymerization in whole cells before wall digestion and ghost formation has little effect on actin retention. Actin and microtubules also exhibit different sensitivities to the pH and K+ and Ca2+ concentrations of the lysis buffer. There is, however, strong evidence for interactions between actin and the microtubules at or near the plasma membrane, because both ghosts and protoplasts prepared from taxol-pretreated cells have microtubules arranged in parallel arrays and an increased amount of actin coaligned with the microtubules. These experiments suggest that the organization of the cortical actin arrays may be dependent on the localization and organization of the microtubules.  相似文献   
A report of two years'' operation of a day-treatment center for autistic children is given. A brief historical review and a capsule summary regarding current concepts on autism are presented. The educational and treatment programs at the center are described, and two case vignettes illustrate the progress of the children. Highlights from group counseling sessions with the mothers of autistic children reveal the conflicts with which parents of disturbed children must deal. The two-year experience indicates that the identification of autism at an early age is crucial and that a day-treatment facility has much to offer the psychotic child and his parents.  相似文献   
Machiguenga Indians of the Peruvian Amazon, like other low populationdensity, technologically “simple” peoples, produce ample food for a nutritious diet. Assuming that this is an intended outcome of their foodproduction strategy, to what extent is it a labor-efficient solution to the problem of producing a “balanced diet”? A linear-programming model of the “diet problem” is constructed with parameters reflecting the Machiguenga economy, and solutions are computed. These are then compared to observed Machiguenga food production; the degree of fit between model and behavior is examined and reasons for discrepancies are discussed.  相似文献   
The fate of breast cancer patients is dependent upon elimination or control of metastases. We studied the effect of antibody-targeted liposomes containing entrapped doxorubicin (DXR) on development of tumours in two models of breast cancer, pseudometastatic and metastatic, in mice. The former used the mouse mammary carcinoma cell line GZHI, which expresses the human MUC-1 gene (L. Ding, E.N. Lalani, M. Reddish, R. Koganty, T. Wong, J. Samuel, M.B. Yacyshyn, A. Meikle, P.Y.S. Fung, J. Taylor-Papadimitriou, B.M. Longenecker, Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 36 (1993) 9--17). GZHI cells seed into the lungs of Balb/c mice following intravenous injection. The latter used the 4T1-MUC1 cell line, a MUC-1 transfectant of the mouse mammary carcinoma cell line 4T1, which metastasizes from a primary mammary fatpad (mfp) implant to the lungs (C.J. Aslakson, F.R. Miller, Cancer Res. 52 (1992) 1399--1405). B27.29, a monoclonal antibody against the MUC-1 antigen, was used to target sterically stabilized immunoliposomes (SIL[B27.29]) to tumour cells. In vitro, SIL[B27.29] showed high specific binding to both GZHI and 4T1-MUC1 cells. The IC(50) of DXR-loaded SIL[B27.29] was similar to that of free drug for GZHI cells. In the pseudometastatic model, mice treated with a single injection of 6 mg DXR/kg in DXR-SIL[B27.29] at 24 h after cell implantation had longer survival times than those injected with non-targeted liposomal drug. In the metastatic model, severe combined immune deficiency mice given weekly injectionsx3 of 2.5 mg DXR/kg encapsulated in either targeted or non-targeted liposomes were almost equally effective in slowing growth of the primary tumour and reducing development of lung tumours. Surgical removal of the primary tumour from mfp, followed by various chemotherapy regimens, was attempted, but removal of the primary tumour was generally incomplete; tumour regrowth occurred and metastases developed in the lungs in all treatment groups. DXR-SL reduced the occurrence of regrowth of the primary tumour, whereas neither targeted liposomal drug or free drug prevented regrowth. We conclude that monoclonal antibody-targeted liposomal DXR is effective in treating early lesions in both the pseudometastatic and metastatic models, but limitations to the access of the targeted liposomes to tumour cells in the primary tumour compromised their therapeutic efficacy in treating the more advanced lesions.  相似文献   
Pre-harvest sprouting results in significant economic loss for the grain industry around the world. Lack of adequate seed dormancy is the major reason for pre-harvest sprouting in the field under wet weather conditions. Although this trait is governed by multiple genes it is also highly heritable. A major QTL controlling both pre-harvest sprouting and seed dormancy has been identified on the long arm of barley chromosome 5H, and it explains over 70% of the phenotypic variation. Comparative genomics approaches among barley, wheat and rice were used to identify candidate gene(s) controlling seed dormancy and hence one aspect of pre-harvest sprouting. The barley seed dormancy/pre-harvest sprouting QTL was located in a region that showed good synteny with the terminal end of the long arm of rice chromosome 3. The rice DNA sequences were annotated and a gene encoding GA20-oxidase was identified as a candidate gene controlling the seed dormancy/pre-harvest sprouting QTL on 5HL. This chromosomal region also shared synteny with the telomere region of wheat chromosome 4AL, but was located outside of the QTL reported for seed dormancy in wheat. The wheat chromosome 4AL QTL region for seed dormancy was syntenic to both rice chromosome 3 and 11. In both cases, corresponding QTLs for seed dormancy have been mapped in rice.C. Li and P. Ni contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), those proliferations of algae that can cause fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, form unsightly scums, or detrimentally alter ecosystem function have been increasing in frequency, magnitude, and duration worldwide. Here, using a global modeling approach, we show, for three regions of the globe, the potential effects of nutrient loading and climate change for two HAB genera, pelagic Prorocentrum and Karenia, each with differing physiological characteristics for growth. The projections (end of century, 2090–2100) are based on climate change resulting from the A1B scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Climate Model (IPCC, IPSL‐CM4), applied in a coupled oceanographic‐biogeochemical model, combined with a suite of assumed physiological ‘rules’ for genera‐specific bloom development. Based on these models, an expansion in area and/or number of months annually conducive to development of these HABs along the NW European Shelf‐Baltic Sea system and NE Asia was projected for both HAB genera, but no expansion (Prorocentrum spp.), or actual contraction in area and months conducive for blooms (Karenia spp.), was projected in the SE Asian domain. The implications of these projections, especially for Northern Europe, are shifts in vulnerability of coastal systems to HAB events, increased regional HAB impacts to aquaculture, increased risks to human health and ecosystems, and economic consequences of these events due to losses to fisheries and ecosystem services.  相似文献   
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