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The pharmacologic inhibition of aromatase activity has been the focus of clinical trials in patients with advanced stage breast cancer. Recent developments with imidazole compounds that inhibit aromatase activity suggest their clinical use as potent inhibitors of estrogen biosynthesis in postmenopausal breast cancer patients. In this Phase I, open-label, dose-range finding study, we examined the inhibitory potency of CGS 20267 on blood and urine levels of estradiol, estrone and estrone sulfate in 8 patients with metastatic breast cancer. Studies included evaluation of adrenal and thyroid function to look for evidence of general hydroxylase inhibition at dose levels effective for aromatase blockade. Patients were administered CGS 20267 at doses of 0.1 and 0.25 mg, once a day in ascending doses over a 12-week period. Preliminary data reveal that CGS 20267 elicits a striking suppression in plasma estradiol, estrone and estrone sulphate which was observed in some patients as quickly as within 24 h of the first dose. Estrogen suppression of over 90% was achieved within 2 weeks of therapy. No alterations in either baseline or ACTH (cortrosyn) stimulated cortisol and aldosterone levels were observed through the 12 weeks of therapy. In addition, 24 h urine sodium and potassium values were not appreciably altered during therapy. We conclude that CGS 20267 is a potent, specific inhibitor of estrogen biosynthesis in postmenopausal patients with metastatic breast cancer and effectively reduces blood and urine estrogens to undetectable levels.  相似文献   
The gene for the -A subunit of inhibin (INHBA) was assigned to bovine syntenic group U13 by bovine x rodent hybrid somatic cells and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A 482-bp PCR fragment was used to clone a 37-kb cosmid. This cosmid was assigned to bovine Chromosome (Chr) 4 (BTA 4) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This is the first assignment of a U13 marker to a bovine chromosome. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was detected with PstI within the INHBA cosmid.  相似文献   
The consumption of inorganic macronutrients (NO3?+ NO2?, NH4+, and PO4?3) and the composition of intra- and extracellular dissolved free amino acid pools (IDFAA and EDFAA, respectively) were determined in continuous-reservoir batch dialysis cultures of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin maintained on unenriched natural seawater as a growth medium. Nutrient diffusion (Nd), which equals the nutrient uptake of the culture, increased with the cell density and the age of the culture. A concentration of 6.77 × 107 cells · mL?1 was obtained in stationary phase, which coincided with the NO3?+ NO2? diffusion limit (Ndmax) of the dialysis apparatus. The Ndmax for NH4+ occurred much earlier, at the end of exponential growth, whereas Ndmax for PO4?3 was not attained during the growth cycle of the culture, even in early stationary phase. A significant depletion (77%) of the IDFAA pool during exponential phase was followed by a reestablishment–to approximately 60% of the initial level–of internal pools during linear and stationary growth phases. This recovery occurred during the illuminated portion of the photoperiod (12:12 h LD) and involved principally the amino acids GLN, GLU, β-GLU, and ASN. The recovery of GLN and ASN levels was particularly significant, because the intracellular concentrations of these amino acids were higher at the end of the growth cycle than before. The EDFAA pool was generally dominated by the amino acids SER and GLY+THR; however, during active growth, ORN and LYS often constituted an important fraction. The EDFAA concentration increased until linear growth phase was reached, during which a higher concentration of total free amino acids was attained in darkness than under illumination. The EDFAA component diminished afterward, and in stationary phase this fraction returned to concentrations equivalent to those observed at the beginning of the growth cycle. The variations in EDFAA concentrations were expressed by a pronounced decrease in the cellular excretion of amino acids with increasing cell density. These cellular responses of Phaeodactylum tricornutum in dense culture, specifically the regulation of amino acid excretion and intracellular pool size, may affect the N-conversion coefficient (YN). Consequently, by prolonging the linear phase of growth and reducing the concentration of autoinhibitory metabolites by diffusion, a markedly enhanced final cell density can be achieved in cultures grown on natural unenriched seawater.  相似文献   
Objective: To measure red cell flux of adipose tissue in morbidly obese patients' pannus in the upright and supine position to determine factors which would render the lower pannus susceptible to ischemic necrosis. Design: A cohort study of morbidly obese subjects without ischemic necrosis. Setting: University teaching hospital. Patients: Twenty-three consecutive morbidly obese patients referred for gastroplasty. Measurements: Red cell flux, measured as RMS voltage by a laser Doppler velocimeter. An optical fiber with a tip diameter of 250μ was inserted into the upper and lower pannus and output recorded in the upright and supine positions. Other variables recorded were age, BMI, blood pressure and serum lipids. Results: Adipose tissue red cell flux demonstrates considerable spatial and temporal heterogeneity from subject to subject and in various locations in the pannus. No differences in red cell flux were detected in response to change in position. However, regression analysis demonstrated that the gradient between the upper and lower abdomen in the supine position was increasingly positive with age and in the upright position it was increasingly positive with increasing weight or BMI. Conclusions: These data suggest that red cell flux is heterogeneously distributed in the abdominal pannus and is not greatly influenced by body position. However, with increasing age and adiposity there is a gradient for decreased red cell flux to the lower portion of the pannus. This may be a factor in rendering this part of the pannus prone to ischemic fat necrosis.  相似文献   
Microdialysis probes were inserted into the tibialis anterior muscle and into the femoral vein of anaesthetised Sprague-Dawley rats for monitoring of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) extracellular glutathione. The dialysates were analysed using HPLC. The levels of GSH and GSSG were high immediately after implantation in the skeletal muscle and declined to steady state levels after 90 minutes into the same range as that found in the venous dialysate. Total ischemia was induced two hours after implantation of the dialysis probe after steady state levels had been reached. The extracellular levels of GSH increased during total ischemia and had doubled at the end of the ischemic period compared to preischemic values. During the following initial 30 minutes of reperfusion the levels increased further to four-fold the preischemic levels. The levels of GSSG also increased (100%) during the initial 30 minutes of reperfusion. The extracellular GSH levels remained elevated for 1 hour of reperfusion, but the GSSG levels returned to preischemic levels. The results indicate that intermittent hypoxia or anoxia in muscle tissue through hypoperfusion or ischemia decreases intracellular GSH stores by leakage, reducing the intracellular antioxidative capacity and increasing the risk for oxidative reperfusion injury upon final normalization of tissue blood supply.  相似文献   
Productive, spreading infection of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) requires the viral protein Vif. To study the requirement for vif in this system, we infected PBL with a phenotypically complemented HIV-1 clone mutated in vif. Progeny virus was produced which was noninfectious in PBL but replicated in SupT1 cells. Analysis of metabolically labeled proteins of sedimentable extracellular particles made in PBL by radioimmunoprecipitation with either serum from a patient with AIDS or a monoclonal antibody reactive with HIV-1 Gag proteins revealed that vif-negative but not wild-type particles carry higher levels of p55, p41, and p38 Gag-specific proteins compared with those of p24. Similar results were obtained with sucrose-purified virions. Our data indicate that vif plays a role in Gag protein processing or in incorporation of processed Gag products into mature virions. The presence of unprocessed precursor Gag polyprotein (Pr55gag) and other Gag processing intermediates in PBL-derived vif-negative extracellular particles may contribute to the reduced infectivity of this virus.  相似文献   
Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is widely held to be a disorder associated with oxidative stress due, in part, to the membrane action of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ). Aβ-associated free radicals cause lipid peroxidation, a major product of which is 4-hydroxy-2- trans -nonenal (HNE). We determined whether HNE would alter the conformation of synaptosomal membrane proteins, which might be related to the known neurotoxicity of Aβ and HNE. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, using a protein-specific spin label, MAL-6(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-maleimidopiperidin-1-oxyl), was used to probe conformational changes in gerbil cortical synaptosomal membrane proteins, and a lipid-specific stearic acid label, 5-nitroxide stearate, was used to probe for HNE-induced alterations in the fluidity of the bilayer domain of these membranes. Synaptosomal membranes, incubated with low concentrations of HNE, exhibited changes in protein conformation and bilayer order and motion (fluidity). The changes in protein conformation were found to be concentration- and time-dependent. Significant protein conformational changes were observed at physiologically relevant concentrations of 1–10 µ M HNE, reminiscent of similar changes in synaptosomal membrane proteins from senile plaque- and Aβ-rich AD hippocampal and inferior parietal brain regions. HNE-induced modifications in the physical state of gerbil synaptosomal membrane proteins were prevented completely by using excess glutathione ethyl ester, known to protect neurons from HNE-caused neurotoxicity. Membrane fluidity was found to increase at higher concentrations of HNE (50 µ M ). The results obtained are discussed with relevance to the hypothesis of Aβ-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation, leading to subsequent HNE-induced alterations in the structure and function of key membrane proteins with consequent neurotoxicity in AD brain.  相似文献   
Abstract: Gangliosides are implicated in the regulation of cellular proliferation as evidenced by differences in ganglioside composition associated with malignant transformation and density of cells in culture, as well as their inhibitory effects when added to cells growing in culture. Exogenously added gangliosides have a bimodal effect on proliferation in U-1242 MG glioma cells, inhibiting DNA synthesis in growing cells and stimulating it in quiescent cells. We investigated the mechanisms involved in stimulation of DNA synthesis using [3H]thymidine incorporation and immune complex kinase assays to identify responsible signal transduction pathways. Treatment of quiescent U-1242 MG cells with GM1 caused activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase isoform Erk2. Pretreatment with the specific MAP kinase kinase inhibitor PD98059 prevented the GM1-stimulated Erk2 activation and GM1-stimulated DNA synthesis. GM1 treatment stimulated another distinct signaling pathway leading to activation of p70 S6 kinase (p70s6k), and this was prevented by pretreatment with rapamycin. Rapamycin also inhibited GM1-stimulated DNA synthesis. Activation of both pathways and stimulation of DNA synthesis were inhibited by forskolin treatment; however, GM1 had no effect on cyclic AMP levels. Platelet-derived growth factor also activated both Erk2 and p70s6k but did not cause DNA synthesis, suggesting that GM1 may stimulate additional cascades, which also contribute to GM1-mediated DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Abstract: There is increasing evidence that levels of glutamate are elevated in certain brain regions immediately prior to and during induction and propagation of seizures. Modulation of high-affinity glutamate uptake is a potential mechanism responsible for the elevated levels observed with seizures. To date, three distinct Na+-dependent glutamate transporters have been cloned from rat and rabbit: GLT-1, GLAST, and EAAC-1. We performed a series of experiments to determine whether levels of these transporters are altered in amygdala-kindled rats. Levels of GLT-1, GLAST, and EAAC-1 were examined in three brain regions (hippocampus, piriform cortex/amygdala, and limbic forebrain) by quantitative immunoblotting using subtype-specific antibodies. GLAST protein was down-regulated in the piriform cortex/amygdala region of kindled rats as early as 24 h after one stage 3 seizure and persisting through multiple stage 5 seizures. In contrast, kindling induced an increase in EAAC-1 levels in piriform cortex/amygdala and hippocampus once the animals had reached the stage 5 level. No changes in GLT-1 were observed in any region examined. Changes in transporter levels could contribute to the changes in glutamate levels seen with kindling.  相似文献   
A complex of human interferon-γ (IFN- γ) with the soluble extracellular domain of the IFN- γ receptor α-chain (IFN-γ-R) has been crystallised. Crystals of the complex were grown using PEG 4000 as the precipitating agent in the presence of β-octyl glucoside. The receptor-ligand complex crystallizes in a monoclinic space group and diffracts to about 3.0 Å resolution. Isomorphous crystals have been obtained with complex containing selenomethionine and cysteine mutants of IFN-γ, which may facilitate the ongoing X-ray structure determination. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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