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The cell line B16/C3 will undergo melanogenesis at a specific time after plating. We have found that this time can be modulated by varying the pH of the culture medium. At high pH levels (8.2–8.6) the onset of melanogenesis occurs in 3 or 4 days, while at lower pH (6.7–7.2) it occurs in 7 or 8 days. Furthermore, the time of onset is also sensitive to the extracellular ionic strength. The addition of sodium lactate, sodium chloride, or any other salt tested delays or blocks completely the onset of melanogenesis. These effects are not simply consequence of growth inhibition, nor can they be correlated with patterns of lactate accumulation. These cells are sensitive to pH or ionic strength after entering the stationary phase just prior to the time of onset of melanogenesis. The existence of a specific pH-and ionic-strength-sensitive phase may provide an important clue to the events responsbile for differentiation in this system.  相似文献   
The effect of oxytetracycline and demethylchlortetracycline on aldosterone- and insulin-mediated Na+ transport (short-circuit current) were examined in toad urinary bladders mounted in modified Ussing chambers. Oxytetracycline had little or no effect on either basal or aldosterone-mediated Na+ transport. In contrast, demethylchlortetracycline markedly inhibited both basal and aldosterone-mediated Na+ transport. Furthermore, demethylchlortetracycline inhibited the aldosterone response significantly out of proportion to its effects on basal Na+ transport. Neither of the drugs had an effect on insulin-mediated Na+ transport. Consequently, the natriuresis observed in certain patients treated with demethylchlortetracyline may be related to drug-induced renal resistance to the effects of aldosterone.  相似文献   
Isolated rat hepatocytes release an acidic glycoprotein(s) that can selectively promote the growth of transformed cells. This factor has a molecular weight of 60 000–70 000 D. Liver microsomal and cytosol fractions contain two species of stimulatory activity—44 000 and 3 500 D. Mitochondrial and nuclear fractions contain only the lower molecular weight factor.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that neural processing in the human visual pathways compensates for both optical degradation as well as noise contamination at the photoreceptor level is introduced and shown to be consistent with the high frequency portion of the contrast sensitivity function for threshold detection of sinusoidal gratings in addition to the suprathreshold phenomenon of matching sinusoidal gratings of different spatial frequencies. This offers a unifying interpretation for why, at threshold conditions, the high spatial frequency portion of the image is blurred as severely by the nervous system as it is by the optics (e.g. Campbell and Green, 1965) while in extreme suprathreshold conditions the nervous system effectively deblurs the image (e.g. Georgeson and sullivan, 1975; Kulikowski, 1976). These conclusions do not necessitate a highly specific form of visual processing such as Fourier channeling.This research was conducted at Yale University, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, throughout which period A.W.S. was a John Simon Guggenheim fellow  相似文献   
The temperature optimum for photosynthesis of natural populations of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) from Lake Mendota was determined during the period of June to November 1976. In the spring, when temperatures ranged from 0 to 20°C, there were insignificant amounts of blue-green algae in the lake (less than 1% of the biomass). During the summer and fall, when the dominant phytoplankton was blue-green algae, the optimum temperature for photosynthesis was usually between 20 and 30°C, whereas the environmental temperatures during this period ranged from 24°C in August to 12°C in November. In general, the optimum temperature for photosynthesis was higher than the environmental temperature. More importantly, significant photosynthesis also occurred at low temperature in these samples, which suggests that the low temperature alone is not responsible for the absence of blue-green algae in Lake Mendota during the spring. Temperature optima for growth and photosynthesis of laboratory cultures of the three dominant blue-green algae in Lake Mendota were determined. The responses of the two parameters to changes in temperature were similar; thus, photosynthesis appears to be a valid index of growth. However, there was little photosynthesis by laboratory cultures at low temperatures, in contrast to the natural samples. Evidence for an interaction between temperature and low light intensities in their effect on photosynthesis of natural samples is presented.  相似文献   
Summary This communication examines the question of phylogenetic congruency- i.e., whether or not the branching order of evolutionary trees is independent of the protein studied. It was found that trees constructed for birds on the basis of immunological comparison of their transferrins, albumins, and ovalbumins agree approximately with a published tree based on the amino acid sequences of their lysozymesc. This congruency is especially noteworthy with respect to the phylogenetic position of the chachalaca, a Mexican bird classified on morphological grounds in the family Cracidae of the order Galliformes. At the protein level, this species differs as much from non-cracid galliform birds as does the duck, which belongs to another order. Despite the organismal similarity between cracid and non-cracid galliform birds, the molecular relationship is remote. If this contrast between organismal and molecular results had been based on comparative studies with only lysozyme, one could have ascribed the contrast to the possibility that chachalaca lysozyme was paralogous, rather than orthologous, to the other bird lysozymesc. Examination of several proteins is thus desirable in cases of possible paralogy.This work was supported in part by grants GB-42028X from NSF and GM-21509 from NIH  相似文献   
Summary The amino acid sequence of lysozyme c from chachalaca egg white was determined. Like other bird lysozymes c, that of the chachalaca has 129 amino acid residues. It differs from other avian lysozymes c by 27 to 31 amino acid substitutions as well as by being devoid of phenylalanine. It contains substitutions at 9 positions which are invariant in the other 7 bird lysozymes of known sequence. Although the chachalaca is classified zoologically in the order Galliformes, which includes chickens and other pheasant-like birds, its lysozyme differs more from those of pheasant-like birds than do the lysozymes c of ducks. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence comparisons confirms that the lineage leading to chachalaca lysozyme c separated from that leading to other galliform lysozymes c before the duck lysozyme c lineage did. This indicates a contrast between protein evolution and evolution at the organismal level. Immunological comparison of chachalacalysozyme c with other lysozymes of known sequence provides further support for the proposal that immunological cross-reactivity is strongly dependent on degree of sequence resemblance among bird lysozymes.103rd communication on lysozymes from the Laboratory of P. Jollès. Supported in part by grants from C.N.R.S. (ER 102), I.N.S.E.R.M. (Groupe de recherche U-116), N.S.F. (GB-42028X), and N.I.H. (GM-21509).  相似文献   
A variety of amphiphilic cations caused very large increases in the rates of incorporation of Pi and glycerol into phosphatidylinositol in pig mesenteric small lymphocytes. This synthesis de novo of phosphatidylinositol led to a doubling of the phosphatidylinositol concentration in the cells within 3.5 h. The increase in synthesis of phosphatidylinositol labelled with [3H]- or [14C]-glycerol was matched by an approximately equivalent decrease in incorporation of glycerol into phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and triacylglycerol. Amphilic cations which produced these effects included, in order of decreasing effectiveness, trifluoperazine (half-maximal effect at about 70 mum) greater than chlorpromazine approximately promethazine approximately imipramine greater than cinchocaine greater than amethocaine approximately cetyltrimethylammonium greater than fenfluramine greater than amphetamine greater than 2-phenethylamine greater than cocaine approximately procaine; the most effective compounds were those with the largest and most hydrophobic non-polar substituents. The response to cations was not changed by varying the extracellular Ca2+ concentration in the range 10 nm-1mm. The active amphiphilic cations interacted with anionic phospholipids causing aggregation of aqueous dispersions and/or changes in chromatographic behaviour. These results indicate that amphiphilic cations redirect glycerolipid synthesis de novo, probably owing to inhibition of phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, so that phosphatidylinositol synthesis is increased at the expense of other glycerolipids.  相似文献   
Circulating immune complexes were detected in serum and sputum of patients with cystic fibrosis (C.F.). There were extensive deposits of immunoglobulins and complement immune complexes in several of the C.F. organs, especially the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, but not in the kidneys. Significant concentrations of IgG and of complement complexes could be eluted from the lungs of the C.F. patients but not from those of controls. Studies involving immunoabsorption, autoradiography, and molecular sieving through Sephadex G-200 columns identified both bovine serum albumin and staphylococcal α-haemolysin as two of the antigens present in the immune complexes. The sedimentation constant of the immune complexes was about 8S to 11S. The clinical significance of these immune complexes and the wide variety of antibodies detected in C.F. patients are discussed.  相似文献   
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