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Changes in enthalpy (i.e., heat content) occur during the diverse intracellular chemical and biophysical interactions that take place in the life cycle of biological cells. Such changes have previously been measured for cell suspensions or cell-free biochemical extracts by using microcalorimetry, thermocouples, or pyroelectric films, all of which afford minimal spatial or temporal resolution. Here we present a novel thermal imaging method that combines both diffraction-limited spatial (approximately 300 nm) and sampling-rate-limited time resolution, using the temperature-dependent phosphorescence intensity of the rare earth chelate Eu-TTA (europium (III) thenoyltrifluoro-acetonate). With this thermosensitive dye, we imaged intracellular heat waves evoked in Chinese hamster ovary cells after activation of the metabotropic m1-muscarinic receptor. Fast application of acetylcholine onto the cells evoked a biphasic heat wave that was blocked by atropine, and after a brief delay was followed by a calcium wave. Atropine applied by itself produced a monophasic heat wave in the cells, suggesting that its interactions with the receptor activate some intracellular metabolic pathways. The thermal imaging technique introduced here should provide new insights into cellular functions by resolving the location, kinetics, and quantity of intracellular heat production.  相似文献   
Responses of Photoreceptors in Hermissenda   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
The five photoreceptors in the eye of the mollusc Hermissenda crassicornis respond to light with depolarization and firing of impulses. The impulses of any one cell inhibit other cells, but the degree of inhibition differs in different pairs. Evidence is presented to show that the interactions occur at terminal branches of the photoreceptor axons, inside the cerebropleural ganglion. Properties of the generator potential are examined and it is shown that the depolarization develops in two phases which are affected differently by extrinsic currents. Finally, it is shown that by enhancing the differences in the responses of individual cells to a variety of stimuli, the interactions may facilitate a number of simple discriminations.  相似文献   
The genus Dasylirion is a group of plants typically present in the Chihuahuan Desert, perennial, with a dioecious sexual behavior and commonly called sotoles. This genus has been little studied from the biological point of view, and the bases of its reproductive response remain unknown. In this work we studied the chromosome number and meiotic response of Dasylirion cedrosanum in the county of Saltillo, Coahuila, located at the North East of Mexico. For the preparation of mitotic chromosomes, we used a technique based on enzymatic treatment with pectolyase and cellulase, as well as staining with acetocarmin dye. For the study of meiosis, male flower buds were collected, fixed and stained for analysis with the same dye. As a result, the gametic (n = x = 19) and somatic chromosome (2n = 38) numbers of D. cedrosanum are reported for the first time, being consistent with previous findings in other Dasylirion species, which points to a constant ploidy level across the genus. Variation was observed in the morphology and size of the somatic chromosomes, with types ranging from submetacentric to subtelocentric, and sizes oscillating in a range of 4.43 µm, with an average total length of 112.38 µm for the diploid chromosome complement. This shows that the chromosome complement of D. cedrosanom would belong to a 3B classification of Stebins, with a medium variation between chromosome lengths and low chromosome asymmetry. This variation indicates the feasibility of constructing a chromosome ideotype for this species. The meiotic chromosome pairing showed a chromosome behavior consistent with a disomic inheritance characteristic of a diploid species, with prevalence of ring and chain bivalents, typically without pairing abnormalities. Bivalent configurations in all cases were symmetrical.The normal and symmetrical meiotic pairing indicates a balanced production of gametes, and suggests the absence of heteromorphic sex determination.  相似文献   
Pharmacologic activation of endogenous protein kinase C (PKC) together with elevation of the intracellular Ca2+ level was previously shown to cause reduction of two voltage-dependent K+ currents (IA and ICa2+-K+) across the soma membrane of the type B photoreceptor within the eye of the mollusc Hermissenda crassicornis. Similar effects were also found to persist for days after acquisition of a classically conditioned response. Also, the state of phosphorylation of a low-molecular-weight protein was changed only within the eyes of conditioned Hermissenda. To examine the role of PKC in causing K+ current changes as well as changes of phosphorylation during conditioning (and possibly other physiologic contexts), we studied here the effects of endogenous PKC activation and exogenous PKC injection on phosphorylation and K+ channel function. Several phosphoproteins (20, 25, 56, and 165 kilodaltons) showed differences in phosphorylation in response to PKC activators applied to intact nervous systems or to isolated eyes. Specific differences were observed for membrane and cytosolic fractions in response to both the phorbol ester 12-deoxyphorbol 13-isobutyrate 20-acetate (DPBA) or exogenous PKC in the presence of Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine/diacylglycerol. Type B cells pretreated with DPBA responded to PKC injection with a persistent reduction of K+ currents. In the absence of DPBA, PKC injection also caused K+ current reduction only following Ca2+ loading conditions. However, the direct effect of PKC injection in the absence of DPBA was only to increase ICa2+-K+. According to a proposed model, the amplitude of the K+ currents would depend on the steady-state balance of effects mediated by PKC within the cytoplasm and membrane-associated PKC. The model further specifies that the effects on K+ currents of cytoplasmic PKC require an intervening proteolytic step. Such a model predicts that increasing the concentration of cytoplasmic protease, e.g., with trypsin, will increase K+ currents, whereas blocking endogenous protease, e.g., with leupeptin, will decrease K+ currents. These effects should be opposed by preexposure of the cells to DPBA. Furthermore, prior injection of leupeptin should block or reverse the effects of subsequent injection of PKC into the type B cell. All of these predictions were confirmed by results reported here. Taken together, the results of this and previous studies suggest that PKC regulation of membrane excitability critically depends on its cellular locus. The implications of such function for long-term physiologic transformations are discussed.  相似文献   
A series of studies on Hermissenda classical conditioning has lead to a discovery that the biophysical events (accumulation of Ca2+ and depolarization in B cell) found during memory acquisition are clearly distinct from those (suppression of K-currents, IA and ICa2+K+) detected in the retention phase of memory. Biochemical analysis of eyes isolated shortly after (a few hours) training revealed increased phosphorylation of a 20,000 M.W. protein which is very likely one of the substrates for both Ca/CaM-dependent protein kinase and C-kinase and possibly a locus of convergence for conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus pathways. Furthermore, conditioning-specific changes in the two K+ currents have been reproduced by simultaneous activation of the CaM-kinase pathway (via iontophoretic injection of CaM-kinase II plus Ca2+-load or IP3 injection) and the C-kinase pathway (via bath application of phorbol-ester or diacylglycerol analog plus Ca2+-load). Therefore, synergistic interaction between the two Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation systems in the identified B cell is considered to be critically important for acquisition of associative memory. Evidence also has been obtained for similar biophysical changes and molecular mechanisms during retention of classical conditioning in the mammalian brain. Further work will be needed to uncover the biochemical mechanism(s) responsible for transforming short-term into long-lasting memory.  相似文献   
Previous work has shown that molecular phylogenies of plastids, cyanobacteria, and proteobacteria based on the rubisco (ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) genes rbcL and rbcS are incongruent with molecular phylogenies based on other genes and are also incompatible with structural and biochemical information. Although it has been much speculated that this is the consequence of a single horizontal gene transfer (of a proteobacterial or mitochondrial rubisco operon into plastids of rhodophytic and chromophytic algae), neither this hypothesis nor the alternative hypothesis of ancient gene duplication have been examined in detail. We have conducted phylogenetic analyses of all available bacterial rbcL sequences, and representative plastid sequences, in order to explore these alternative hypothesis and fully examine the complexity of rubisco gene evolution. The rbcL phylogeny reveals a surprising number of gene relationships that are fundamentally incongruent with organismal relationships as inferred from multiple lines of other molecular evidence. On the order of six horizontal gene transfers are implied by the form I (L8S8) rbcL phylogeny, two between cyanobacteria and proteobacteria, one between proteobacteria and plastids, and three within proteobacteria. Alternatively, a single ancient duplication of the form I rubisco operon, followed by repeated and pervasive differential loss of one operon or the other, would account for much of this incongruity. In all probability, the rubisco operon has undergone multiple events of both horizontal gene transfer and gene duplication in different lineages.   相似文献   
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