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There is growing evidence to support some form of light-activated phosphoinositide signal transduction pathway in the mammalian retina. Although this pathway plays no obvious role in mammalian phototransduction, mutations in this pathway cause retinal degenerations in Drosophila. These include the retinal degeneration A mutant, which is caused by an alteration in an eye-specific diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) gene. In our efforts to consider genes mutated in Drosophila as candidates for mammalian eye disease, we have initially determined the map position of three DAGK genes in the mouse.  相似文献   
Sex cell contact in Chlamydomonas is due to complementary sex-specific glycoproteins (mating-type substances, MTSs). Their interaction causes an instantaneous but labile flagella agglutination between sexually different gametes. The dynamic nature of this contact permits partner exchange between agglutinated gametes and accounts for the transitoriness of the contact, flagella adhesion being terminated upon ensuing pairing. This paper describes molecular events that underlie the adhesion potential of differentiated (+) gametes. In the contact-establishing interaction with its receptors on the (?) flagella, the agglutinin of differentiated (+) gametes is inactivated. Compensating for this inactivation, the adhesion potential of gametes in agglutination is sustained by continuous replenishment of the inactivated MTS by newly synthesized units. If this glycoprotein neosynthesis is blocked by tunicamycin (TUM), the adhesiveness of differentiated (+) gametes ceases. It is postulated that this complex interaction with incapacitation and neosynthesis forms the basis of the dynamic nature of the flagella contact and eventually accounts for its termination at pairing.  相似文献   
In a controlled trial, thermal biofeedback (n=20) and abbreviated progressive relaxation (n=22) were compared in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertensive patients whose blood pressures (BP) were initially controlled on two medications. For the clinical end point of maintaining control of BP on a single drug after treatment, biofeedback was superior to relaxation training (at 3 months, 47% success for biofeedback versus 23% for relaxation). This same result tended to be true for patient-measured home BPs. BPs from laboratory psychophysiological testing showed no consistent advantage for one treatment over the other.This research was supported by a grant from NHLB1, HL-27622.  相似文献   
Tetrahymena thermophila cells that had been shifted from log growth to a non-nutrient medium (60 mM Tris) were unable, during the first few hours of starvation, to mount a successful heat shock response and were killed by what should normally have been a nonlethal heat shock. An examination of the protein synthetic response of these short-starved cells during heat shock revealed that whereas they were able to initiate the synthesis of heat shock proteins, it was at a much reduced rate relative to controls and they quickly lost all capacity to synthesize any proteins. Certain pretreatments of cells, including a prior heat shock, abolished the heat shock inviability of these starved cells. Also, if cells were transferred to 10 mM Tris rather than 60 mM Tris, they were not killed by the same heat treatment. We found no abnormalities in either heat shock or non-heat shock mRNA metabolism in starved cells unable to survive a sublethal heat shock when compared with the response of those cells which can survive such a treatment. However, selective rRNA degradation occurred in the nonsurviving cells during the heat shock and this presumably accounted for their inviability. A prior heat shock administered to growing cells not only immunized them against the lethality of a heat shock while starved, but also prevented rRNA degradation from occurring.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural and histochemical studies on guard cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Serial thick sections of guard cells from Vicia faba L., Nicotiana tabacum L., Allium cepa L., Zea mays L. and Beta vulgaris L. were obtained systematically (600–800 nm) and viewed with the transmission electron microscope in an effort to demonstrate the presence or absence of a symplastic transport pathway within the stomatal complex. Eight to ten stomata from each species were examined, and no continuous plasmodesmata were found connecting guard cells to sister guard cells or to adjacent epidermal or subsidiary cells. Continuous plasmodesmata were observed in immature guard cells, but were sealed (truncated) during the development of the mature cell wall. Histochemical stains, phosphotungstic acid and silver methenamine, were used to demonstrate differentiation within the mature guard-cell wall. The structural differentiation of the stomatal apoplastic region is discussed in relation to fanctional specialization. Plasma-membrane elaborations or plasmalemmasomes were identified in the guard cells of Zea, and it is suggested that these structures may function in ion transport.Abbreviations PTA-HCl phosphotungstic acid and hydrochloric acid - SM silver methenamine - UA-LC uranyl acetate and lead citrate  相似文献   
Summary The fusion of the eye-antennal discs during culturein vitro has been investigated, and the complex morphogenetic movements which occur during the formation of the head capsule of the insect are described. The initial contact between the eye anlagen is by means of cell processes spanning the gap between the two discs. Subsequently the two epithelia become firmly apposed, and then the integrity of the epithelium in the region of fusion breaks down, cells appearing to move to new positions in order to form an epithelium which unites the two discs. The epithelium eventually secretes a pattern of cuticular structures which is continuous between the derivatives of the two discs. Bristles on either side of the line of fusion are perfectly aligned, and structures such as the median ocellus, which are formed jointly by the cells of the two discs, differentiate normally. This is also found when left and right eye-antennal discs of different genotypes are placed side-by-side, indicating that processes of pattern regulation can occur in culture.  相似文献   
The role of gas vacuoles in the vertical stratification of planktonic bacteria is analysed. Measurements made with certain gas-vacuolate bacteria in laboratory culture suggest that only colonial forms could sink or float fast enough to form population maxima in lakes by vertical migration from other depths. It is suggested that in the case of individual cells the importance of the buoyancy provided by gas vacuoles is to minimise sinking rates and thereby to increase residence times of the organisms at depths where conditions support their growth.Changes in the vertical distribution of a number of gas-vacuolate bacteria were followed throughout the year in a monomictic, eutrophic lake (Crose Mere, Shropshire). All were restricted to the anaerobic hypolimnion which developed in summer. The various species formed maxima at different depths and times. With some of them (e.g. species of Thiopedia, Pelonema and Brachyarcus) growth was necessary to explain their development. In others (e. g. species of Pelodictyon and two colourless bacteria) vertical migrations might also have contributed to their development.  相似文献   
Summary Previous work by this and other laboratories has shown that glucagon administration stimulates calcium uptake by subsequently isolated hepatic mitochondria. This stimulation of hepatic mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake byin vivo administration of glucagon was further characterized in the present report. Maximal stimulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation was achieved between 6–10 min after the intravenous injection of glucagon into intact rats. Under control conditions, Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by the presence of Mg2+ in the incubation medium. Glucagon treatment, however, appeared to obliterate the observed inhibition by Mg2+ of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Kinetic experiments revealed the usual sigmoidicity associated with initial velocity curves for mitochondrial calcium uptake. Glucagon treatment did not alter this sigmoidal relationship. Glucagon treatment significantly increased the Vmax for Ca2+ uptake from 292±22 to 377±34 nmoles Ca2+ /min per mg protein (n=8) but did not affect the K0.5, (6.5–8.6 μM). Since the major kinetic change in mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake evoked by glucagon is an increase in Vmax, the enhancement mechanism is likely to be an increase either in the number of active transport sites available to Ca2+ or in the rate of Ca2+ carrier movement across the mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   
Identity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) was essential for successful transfer of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) in mice. The regions of the MHC involved differed according to the antigen used for sensitization. In the case of fowl gamma globulin (FGG), identity atI-A was necessary, whereas with dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB), identity at theK, I, orD region was sufficient. These different genetic constraints probably reflect differences in the mechanisms by which antigens are presented to T lymphocytes. Cells from sensitized (CBA×C57BL)F1 mice transferred DTH to FGG into parental-strain mice, but transfer was more effective in C57BL than in CBA with the same cell dose. This phenomenon is governed by the MHC, since there was better transfer intoH-2 b than intoH-2 k mice, regardless of their backgrounds. It may reflect the activity of an Ir gene-dependent process. Cells of one genotype (e.g., CBA), sensitized in chimeric mice derived from two MHC-incompatible strains (CBAC57BL), transferred DTH to both strains. These results do not support the notion that the genetic constraint observed in DTH transfer may be a result of the necessity for sensitized T and stimulator cells to match an identical MHC-coded cell interaction molecule. Rather, they favor the hypothesis that T cells recognize antigen, not as a naked determinant, but in close association with products of genes of the MHC.  相似文献   
Asteroid bodies in multinucleate giant cells from sarcoid granulomas were investigated by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The following points have been established: 1. Asteroid bodies are made up of individual components of the so-called cytoskeleton, predominantly vimentin filaments. Microtubules are involved in smaller amounts in the formation of the asteroid bodies. 2. They arise within the area of the cytosphere. The body of the asteroid includes the centrioles while the arms of the asteroid usually extend into the Golgi area and occasionally up to the cell nuclei. 3. Asteroid bodies result from aggregation of the flexible filamentous and microtubular systems of the centrosphere. The processes of aggregation probably result from local fluid shifts and sol-gel transformations. 4. The stellate form of the aggregations is determined by the preexistent radial arrangement of the elements of the cytosphere. 5. The prevailing specific environment of the underlying granulomatous disease, together with the internal characteristics of the structure and function of the giant cells, in particular in states of exhaustion may play a part in their development.  相似文献   
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