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Summary Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is characterized by neoplasia of the parathyroids, the pancreas, and the pituitary. Tumorigenesis involves unmasking of a recessive mutation at the MEN1 locus, which has been mapped to the centromeric part of chromosomal region 11q. In order to localize the MEN1 gene further and to make its isolation possible, a number of new markers were isolated. Two radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrids were identified that only contained markers close to and flanking the MEN1 region. DNA from these hybrids was used for the construction of a cosmid library, and clones containing human inserts were isolated. In addition, cosmid clones were isolated for locus expansion of 7 other markers that were mapped to the 11q12–13.2 region. The 33 newly isolated clones together with 25 previously published markers from this region were analyzed in a panel of radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrids. From the hybridization pattern, the region was divided into 11 parts. New restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified in 7 of the newly isolated cosmid clones and in one plasmid. These were then used to sublocalize meiotic cross-overs more precisely in two MEN1 families, thus refining the mapping of the disease gene.  相似文献   
-globin gene haplotypes were determined for 196 normal (-A) and 419 thalassaemia (-Th) chromosomes of individuals from four different regions of the Indian subcontinent; North-west Pakistan, Gujarat, Punjab and Sindh. Analysis of -A and -Th haplotypes and haplotype-mutation associations in each regional group along with a consideration of Indian history provided information about the origin and spread of -thalassaemia mutations on the Indian subcontinent. The data are consistent with relatively recent and local origins for most -thalassaemia mutations. The frequencies of particular alleles differ markedly in various regions and these may be useful population markers. Of the high frequency alleles, intervening sequence 1 (IVS-1) nucleotide 5 (G-C) and codons 41/42 (-CTTT) appear to be older as suggested by multiple haplotype associations and a widespread geographical distribution. The microepidemiology of -thalassaemia in this region reflects considerable ethnic diversity, gene flow from population migration and natural selection by malaria infection.  相似文献   
A subcellular fraction enriched in plasma membranes was obtained from gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larval midgut tissue. Using [45Ca]2+ as a tracer, Ca2+ transport activity by membrane vesicles in the enriched fraction was measured and shown to be ATP-dependent, with a very high affinity for Ca2+ (apparent Km for [Ca2+ free]
  • 1 Abbreviations used: [Ca2+free] = concentration of free (unbound) calcium ion;CaM = calmodulin; F = fraction; IOV = inside-out membrane vesicles; W-5 = N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonamide; W-7 = N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide.
  • = 22 nM). Ca2+ transport was abolished upon addition of the calcium ionophore, A23187. Ca2+-stimulated, Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity peaked between 100 and 200 nM Ca2+free. Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase activity was inhibited by vanadate, 2 phenothiazine drugs (trifluoperazine and chlorpromazine), and the naphthalene sulfonamide, W-7; the related compound, W-5, and ouabain had a negligible effect. These results suggest the presence of a high affinity plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in gypsy moth larval midgut cells and are discussed in light of earlier work involving calcium transport in isolated midguts of larval Hyalophora cecropia. Ionic and other conditions that characterize the midgut physiology of larval Lepidoptera (e.g., luminal pH; electrochemical gradient for Ca2+; effect of certain ions and inhibitors on Ca2+ transport) contrast significantly with those found in adult Diptera. The implications that these differences may have for calcium regulation are discussed. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
    The expression of proteins that play a role in neuronal differentiation was examined in central nervous system (CNS) micromass embryo cell cultures and compared to expression at comparable developmental stages in vivo. The protein product of the src proto-oncogene (pp60c-src) has been postulated to have a specific role in development because, although it is expressed in many tissues, marked increases in amount and activity of pp60c-src occur in neurons at the time of differentiation. Another protein of interest, high molecular weight neurofilament (NF) protein, is found in differentiated neurons. In the present study, changes over time in the expression of these two proteins in vitro and in vivo were examined. In the micromass cell cultures, primary cells from day 12 rat embryo CNS are plated at high density and differentiate into neurons during five days in culture. Tissues from embryos grown in vivo were assessed at 12 and 17 days post-coitum. Proteins were quantified by PAGE separation of equal amounts of total protein followed by transfer to membranes, immunoblotting, and densitometric scanning of blots. Increases in the amount of both proteins with neuronal differentiation was shown. Protein kinase activity of immunoprecipitated pp60c-src also increased in cell cultures and in embryos. Similarity in patterns of expression between in vitro and in vivo tissue samples provides further evidence that the cultures closely simulate in vivo differentiation and are a useful system for examining expression of developmental genes in vitro.Abbreviations BCIP 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolylphosphate p-toluidine salt - CNS central nervous system - DPBS Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline - GAM-AP goat anti-mouse IgG alkaline phosphatase conjugate - LB limb bud - NF high molecular weight neurofilament protein - NBT nitroblue tetrazolium chloride - SDS-PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PVDF polyvinylidene difluoride - RIPA radioimmunoprecipitation - TBS Tris-buffered saline - TTBS TBS with 0.05% Tween-20 Presented in part at the 1989 and 1990 Teratology Society Meetings and the 1990 Society of Toxicology Meetings.  相似文献   
    Human Xq28 is highly gene dense with over 27 loci. Because most of these genes have been mapped by linkage to polymorphic loci, only one of which (DXS52) is informative in most families, a search was conducted for new, highly polymorphic Xq28 markers. From a cosmid library constructed using a somatic cell hybrid containing human Xq27.3----qter as the sole human DNA, a human-insert cosmid (c346) was identified and found to reveal variation on Southern blot analyses with female DNA digested with any of several different restriction endonucleases. Two subclones of c346, p346.8 and p346.T, that respectively identify a multiallelic VNTR locus and a frequent two-allele TaqI polymorphism were isolated. Examination of 21 unrelated females showed heterozygosity of 76 and 57%, respectively. These two markers appeared to be in linkage equilibrium, and a combined analysis revealed heterozygosity in 91% of unrelated females. Families segregating the fragile X syndrome with key Xq28 crossovers position this locus (designated DXS455) between the proximal Xq28 locus DXS296 (VK21) and the more distal locus DXS374 (1A1), which is proximal to DXS52. DXS455 is therefore the most polymorphic locus identified in Xq28 and will be useful in the genetic analysis of this gene dense region, including the diagnosis of nearby genetic disease loci by linkage.  相似文献   
    Fifty-four clones containing human inserts were selected from a cosmid library constructed from a somatic cell hybrid containing chromosome 11p15.3-p15.5 as its only human complement. In 32 of these clones, 63 polymorphic systems were identified with a panel of restriction enzymes: 57 conventional RFLP systems and 6 highly polymorphic VNTR systems. Although we examined the cosmid with only seven enzymes, 18 clones (including 6 VNTRs) were polymorphic with three or more enzymes. The results suggested that DNA sequences on the peritelomeric region of chromosome 11p tend to be highly variable. Because these markers are highly informative, they will be excellent resources for investigations of hereditary diseases and tumor suppressor genes in this region of chromosome 11.  相似文献   
    A micropropagation system was developed to test concepts for automation and microenvironment alteration. Amelanchier x grandiflora Rehd. Princess Diana (serviceberry) shoot cultures were grown in seven-liter polycarbonate containers. Through computer control, the apparatus intermittently applied culture medium to the plant material according to a selected schedule. Shoot growth in the programmable system was compared with four micropropagation treatments: gelled and liquid medium in baby food jars and gelled and non-cycling liquid medium in a seven-liter vessel. Plants cultured in continuous contact with liquid medium became increasingly vitrified. Significantly greater shoot number, shoot length, shoot weight, and culture weight occurred in the programmable system than in jars with gelled medium. The combination of liquid medium, 7-liter vessel, and intermittent contact with medium caused a significantly higher proliferation rate than any combination of jar/vessel and gelled/liquid medium tested.  相似文献   
    Comparative mapping studies in human and mouse have shown that, to date, human Chromosome (Chr) 20 is completely syntenic with distal mouse Chr 2. The structural locus for S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase (EC in human, AHCY, maps to 20 qterq13.1, and we report here that the homologous locus in the mouse, Ahcy, maps to distal mouse Chr 2 with gene order Pcna-Ahcy-Ada. Analysis of 123 progeny of an interspecific backcross between a laboratory stock, AN, and Mus spretus using a rat cDNA probe revealed the presence of at least two other Ahcy-related sequences segregating independently in the mouse genome. One, Ahcy-rs1, was mapped to Chr 8 in the BXH recombinant inbred strains, and the other, Ahcy-rs2, shows a pattern of inheritance consistent with X-linkage.  相似文献   
    Larvae of the large cabbage white butterfly, Pieris brassicae L. are important pests of cruciferous crops. Third and fifth instars were treated topically with sublethal doses of the formamidine pesticide chlordimeform. A number of excitable actions were induced but they did not persist beyond 24 hours. Following the initial period, however, subsequent development was delayed and mortality increased, particularly when third instars were treated. Dosing fifth-instar larvae caused few further deaths. A link is suggested between these results and the nutritional status of the insects, and they are discussed in terms of how they might contribute towards control.
    Résumé Les chenilles de troisième et cinquième stades de P. brassicae L. ont reçu une application superficielle de chlordiméforme, insecticide à la formamidine. Les doses inférieures à 335 g/g ont été sublétales, provoquant plusieurs formes d'excitation. Bien que leur comportement soit redevenu normal en 24 heures, les troisièmes stades traités ont eu leur développement retardé et une mortalité accrue. Le traitement des chenilles plus âgées a eu moins d'effets. Une relation est suggérée entre ces observations et le régime alimentaire de cet insecte; une réduction de l'alimentation, plus importante chez les chenilles de troisième que de cinquième stade de P. brassicae, accompagne le début des altérations du comportement provoquées par le chlordiméforme. La discussion porte sur le mécanisme de contrôle sublétal du chlordiméforme, impliquant des effects immédiats et retardés.
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