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Summary TheE.coli tkt gene has been subcloned into high copy number vectors. In fed batch fermentations up to 4gL–1 of soluble intracellular transketolase was produced representing 43% of the total cell protein. Increased plasmid stability during fed-batch fermentations was obtained by using kanamycin resistant pBGS vectors rather than the ampicillin resistant pUC vectors. Plasmid stability was maintained throughout growth in a complex medium without any selective pressure by incorporating thecer region fromColE1 into the expression construct.  相似文献   
Transgenic tobacco plants that express the bacterial nahG gene encoding salicylate hydroxylase have been shown to accumulate very little salicylic acid and to be defective in their ability to induce systemic acquired resistance (SAR). In recent experiments using transgenic NahG tobacco and Arabidopsis plants, we have also demonstrated that salicylic acid plays a central role in both disease susceptibility and genetic resistance. In this paper, we further characterize tobacco plants that express the salicylate hydroxylase enzyme. We show that tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) inoculation of NahG tobacco leaves induces the accumulation of the nahG mRNA in the pathogen infected leaves, presumably due to enhanced stabilization of the bacterial mRNA. SAR-associated genes are expressed in the TMV-infected leaves, but this is localized to the area surrounding necrotic lesions. Localized acquired resistance (LAR) is not induced in the TMV-inoculated NahG plants suggesting that LAR, like SAR, is dependent on SA accumulation. When SA is applied to nahG-expressing leave's SAR gene expression does not result. We have confirmed earlier reports that the salicylate hydroxylase enzyme has a narrow substrate specificity and we find that catechol, the breakdown product of salicylic acid, neither induces acquired resistance nor prevents the SA-dependent induction of the SAR genes.  相似文献   
The polyhydroxylated nortropane alkaloids called calyste-ginesoccur in many plants of the Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae, andMoraceae families. Certain of these alkaloids exhibit potentinhibitory activities against glycosidases and the recentlydemonstrated occurrence of calystegines in the leaves, skins,and sprouts of potatoes (Solatium tuberosum), and in the leavesof the eggplant (S.melongena), has raised concerns regardingthe safety of these vegetables in the human diet. We have surveyedthe occurrence of calystegines in edible fruits and vegetablesof the families Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae, and Moraceae byGC-MS. Calystegines A3, B1, B2, and C1 were detected in allthe edible fruits and vegetables tested; sweet and chili peppers,potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, Physalis fruits, sweet potatoes,and mulberries. Calystegines B1 and C1 were potent competitiveinhibitors of the bovine, human, and rat β-glucosidaseactivities, with K1 values of 150, 10, and 1.9 µM, respectivelyfor B1 and 15,1.5, and 1 µM, respectively, for C1. CalystegineB2 was a strong competitive inhibitor of the -galactosidaseactivity in all the livers. Human β-xylosidase was inhibitedby all four nortropanes, with calystegine C1 having a K1 of0.13 µM. Calystegines A3 and B2 selectively inhibitedthe rat liver β-glucosidase activity. The potent inhibitionof mammalian β-glucosidase and -galactosidase activitiesin vitro raises the possibility of toxicity in humans consuminglarge amounts of plants that contain these compounds. edible plants calystegines glycosidase inhibitors bovine, human, and rat liver  相似文献   
Amphiphysin (amphiphysin I), a dominant autoantigen in paraneoplastic Stiff-man syndrome, is a neuronal protein highly concentrated in nerve terminals, where it has a putative role in endocytosis. The yeast homologue of amphiphysin, Rvs167, has pleiotropic functions, including a role in endocytosis and in actin dynamics, suggesting that amphiphysin may also be implicated in the function of the presynaptic actin cytoskeleton. We report here the characterization of a second mammalian amphiphysin gene, amphiphysin II (SH3P9; BIN1), which encodes products primarily expressed in skeletal muscle and brain, as differentially spliced isoforms. In skeletal muscle, amphiphysin II is concentrated around T tubules, while in brain it is concentrated in the cytomatrix beneath the plasmamembrane of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier. In both these locations, amphiphysin II is colocalized with splice variants of ankyrin3 (ankyrinG), a component of the actin cytomatrix. In the same regions, the presence of clathrin has been reported. These findings support the hypothesis that, even in mammalian cells, amphiphysin/Rvs family members have a role both in endocytosis and in actin function and suggest that distinct amphiphysin isoforms contribute to define distinct domains of the cortical cytoplasm. Since amphiphysin II (BIN1) was reported to interact with Myc, it may also be implicated in a signaling pathway linking the cortical cytoplasm to nuclear function.  相似文献   
Abstract: Myelin basic protein (MBP) is a highly heterogeneous family of membrane proteins consisting of several isoforms resulting from alternative splicing and charge isomers arising from posttranslational modifications. Although well characterized in the bovine and human species, those in the mouse are not. With the availability of a number of transgenic and knockout mice, the need to understand the chemical nature of the MBPs has become very important. To isolate and characterize the MBP species in murine brain, two methods were adapted for use with the small amounts of MBP available from mice. The first was a scaled-down version of the preparative CM-52 chromatographic system commonly used to isolate MBP charge isomers; the second was an alkaline-urea slab gel technique that required five times less material than the conventional tube gel system and, from these gels, western blots were readily obtained. Murine MBP was resolved into two populations of charge isomers: the 18.5- and 14-kDa isoforms. Isolation and characterization of these charge isomers or components permitted us to assign possible posttranslational modifications to some of them. Component 1 (C-1), the most cationic isomer, had a molecular weight of 14,140.38 ± 0.79. C-2 consisted of two 14-kDa species, 14,136.37 ± 0.74 and 14,204.45 ± 0.70. Two variants, 14,215.57 ± 0.94 and 18,413.57 ± 0.76, constituted C-3. C-4, C-5, and C-8 (the least cationic isomer) each consisted of both 14- and 18.5-kDa isoforms. During myelinogenesis, the 18.5-kDa isoform appeared first (day 4); the 14-kDa isoform appeared at day 16 and subsequently became the dominant isoform. The transgenic shiverer mutant synthesized mainly the 18.5-kDa isoform, but none of the 14-kDa isoform, similar to the 4-day-old mouse. We concluded that the trangenic shiverer was able to initiate myelinogenesis with the 18.5-kDa isoform, but was unable to complete myelinogenesis because of the absence of the 14-kDa isoform.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have examined the mechanisms that underlie Ca2+ wave propagation in cultured cortical astrocytes. Norepinephrine evoked Ca2+ waves in astrocytes that began at discrete initiation loci and propagated throughout the cell by regenerative amplification at a number of cellular sites, as shown by very high Ca2+ release rates at these regions. We have hypothesized previously that domains displaying elevated Ca2+ release kinetics in astrocytes may correspond to sites of high inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) density. To examine this possibility, we compared the distribution pattern of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and InsP3Rs with Ca2+ release kinetics in subcellular regions during propagation of norepinephrine-evoked waves. 3,3'-Dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide staining revealed that the ER in astrocytes exists as a meshwork of membranes extending throughout the cells, including fine processes. A specific antibody directed against type 2 InsP3Rs (InsP3R2) detected a 260-kDa band in western blotting of astrocyte membranes. Immunocytochemistry using this antibody stained the entire ER system in a punctate, variegated manner. When Ca2+ responses and InsP3R2 immunofluorescence were compared in the same cell, domains of elevated Ca2+ response kinetics (high amplitude and rapid rate of rise) showed significant positive correlation with high local intensity of InsP3R2 staining. It appears, therefore, that specializations in the ER responsible for discrete local Ca2+ release sites that support regenerative wave propagation include increased levels of InsP3R2 expression.  相似文献   
Synopsis Two groups of coho salmon,Oncorhynchus kisutch, were raised under identical regimes to test the hypothesis that the group from a stream with lower and less variable temperatures would have a lower and less variable preferred temperature than would the group from a stream with warmer and more variable temperatures. The preferred (modal) temperatures in an electronic shuttlebox of coho salmon young from a relatively cool, groundwater-fed stream were slightly lower and less variable than those of young from a warmer and more heterothermal stream (mean = 9.6° C, range: 6–16° C vs. mean = 11.6° C, range: 7–21° C). However, there was a great deal of variation within and among individual fish. While some genetic variation in thermal preference may exist, the species seems best characterized as tolerant of relatively large temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence to support some form of light-activated phosphoinositide signal transduction pathway in the mammalian retina. Although this pathway plays no obvious role in mammalian phototransduction, mutations in this pathway cause retinal degenerations in Drosophila. These include the retinal degeneration A mutant, which is caused by an alteration in an eye-specific diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) gene. In our efforts to consider genes mutated in Drosophila as candidates for mammalian eye disease, we have initially determined the map position of three DAGK genes in the mouse.  相似文献   
Sex cell contact in Chlamydomonas is due to complementary sex-specific glycoproteins (mating-type substances, MTSs). Their interaction causes an instantaneous but labile flagella agglutination between sexually different gametes. The dynamic nature of this contact permits partner exchange between agglutinated gametes and accounts for the transitoriness of the contact, flagella adhesion being terminated upon ensuing pairing. This paper describes molecular events that underlie the adhesion potential of differentiated (+) gametes. In the contact-establishing interaction with its receptors on the (?) flagella, the agglutinin of differentiated (+) gametes is inactivated. Compensating for this inactivation, the adhesion potential of gametes in agglutination is sustained by continuous replenishment of the inactivated MTS by newly synthesized units. If this glycoprotein neosynthesis is blocked by tunicamycin (TUM), the adhesiveness of differentiated (+) gametes ceases. It is postulated that this complex interaction with incapacitation and neosynthesis forms the basis of the dynamic nature of the flagella contact and eventually accounts for its termination at pairing.  相似文献   
In a controlled trial, thermal biofeedback (n=20) and abbreviated progressive relaxation (n=22) were compared in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertensive patients whose blood pressures (BP) were initially controlled on two medications. For the clinical end point of maintaining control of BP on a single drug after treatment, biofeedback was superior to relaxation training (at 3 months, 47% success for biofeedback versus 23% for relaxation). This same result tended to be true for patient-measured home BPs. BPs from laboratory psychophysiological testing showed no consistent advantage for one treatment over the other.This research was supported by a grant from NHLB1, HL-27622.  相似文献   
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