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Various studies have been performed using the Social Rhythm Metric (SRM), though none has been developed with stroke patients. Stroke is a pathology that provokes a strong physical and social impact caused by an abnormality in cerebral circulation. Consequently, we performed two studies to validate the SRM and translate it into Portuguese, and to evaluate the regularity of the daily activities of stroke patients. Both healthy individuals and patients with unilateral cerebral lesions were evaluated. Subjects were of both sexes and between 45 and 65 yrs of age. Participants underwent clinical evaluation and recorded the time of 17 daily activities on the SRM for two weeks. Data were analyzed by the Pearson correlation and Fisher tests. After conceptual translation into Portuguese, corrections were made to arrive at the final version. Normative SRM scores varied from 3.2 to 7.0, suggesting that the activities presented in SRM adequately represented the daily routines of the patients. A correlation was found in SRM between the weeks (r=0.84; p=0.0001), indicating instrument reliability. The mean (±SD) score of the stoke patients was 4.8 (±1.0), and the correlation between the SRM and level of neurological damage showed that patients with lower SRM values were more physically compromised (r=?0.29; p=0.04), suggesting that SRM may be a clinical predictor. Activities related to eating and the sleep‐wake cycle were rated by most patients. In all, 71% of the patients did not work, while 84% of healthy individuals did (p=0.001). Only 64% of patients left home compared to 90% of the healthy subjects (p=0.001), and 59% of patients recorded the activity of going home compared to 82% of healthy individuals (p=0.001). According to the results, there is evidence of the validity and reliability of the SRM, enabling it to be reliably used in chronobiological studies of stroke patients. Given that a less regular lifestyle may be associated with neurological compromise and a decrease in social activities, we suggest new studies with the repeated application of this instrument over the clinical evolution of the disease to better define improvement or worsening of the patient's condition in terms of their social and health aspects.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial and antiviral activities of the fractions from Scutia buxifolia stem bark and leaves were evaluated. Best antimicrobial results occurred with the ethyl acetate (EA) and n-butanolic (NB) fractions from the leaves against Micrococcus sp. (minimal inhibitory concentration—MIC = 62.5 μg/ml), and NB fraction from stem bark and leaves against Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis (MIC = 62.5 μg/ml). The most active fractions were selected and fractioned into silica column to perform an in vitro antibiofilm assay, which evidenced subfractions EA2 and EA3 as the more active against Candida albicans (biofilm inhibitory concentration—BIC = 582 ± 0.01 μg/ml) and Staphylococcus aureus (BIC = 360 ± 0.007 μg/ml), respectively. The NB (selectivity index—SI = 25.78) and the EA (SI = 15.97) fractions from the stem bark, and the EA (SI = 14.13) fraction from the leaves exhibited a potential antiviral activity towards Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 whereas EA2 and EA3 subfractions from leaves (SI = 12.59 and 10.06, respectively), and NB2 subfraction from stem bark (SI = 12.34) maintained this good activity. Phenolic acids and flavonoids (gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, rutin, isoquercitrin, quercitrin and quercetin) were identified by HPLC and may be partially responsible for the antimicrobial and antiherpes activities observed. The results obtained in this study showed that Scutia buxifolia has antibiofilm and anti-herpetic activities and that these properties are reported for the first time for this species.  相似文献   
Australia, and especially South-Western Australia, is a diversity hotspot for large branchiopod crustaceans. A significant proportion of this diversity is found in the anostracans (Crustacea, Anostraca) and particularly in the diverse genus Branchinella with at least 34 species. Members of this genus are found exclusively in temporary aquatic habitats which are increasingly threatened by secondary salinization and other anthropogenic pressures. The development of adequate conservation strategies is therefore considered a priority. To define conservation units, however, thorough knowledge of the taxonomy and phylogenetic position of extant lineages is essential. We reconstructed a large scale phylogeny of the Australian Branchinella by analyzing the 16S mitochondrial gene of 31 presumed species, complemented with analysis of morphological structures holding taxonomic information. Results revealed the presence of at least three new cryptic species. On the other hand, some Branchinella lineages, surviving in environments subjected to contrasting selection regimes, appeared to be conspecific. This suggests substantial physiological plasticity or important adaptive variation present in some species, potentially enabling them to better cope with environmental change, such as secondary salinization. Overall, these results further illustrate the benefits of combining molecular markers and classic morphological taxonomy and phylogeny to assess biodiversity and define conservation units in cryptic groups.  相似文献   
Brachiaria brizantha is considered one of the preferred fodders among farmers for having high forage yield and large production of root mass. The association of beneficial bacteria with these grasses can be very valuable in the recovery of the pasture areas with nutritional deficiency. With the aim of studying this possibility, we carried out the sampling of soil and roots of B. brizantha in three areas (Nova Odessa-SP, S?o Carlos-SP and Campo Verde-MT, Brazil). Seventy-two bacterial strains were isolated and used in tests to evaluate their biotechnological potential. Almost all isolates presented at least one positive feature. Sixty-eight isolates produced analogues of indole-3-acetic acid, ten showed nitrogenase activity when subjected to the method of increasing the concentration of total nitrogen (total N) in the culture medium and sixty-five isolates showed nitrogenase activity when subjected to acetylene reduction technique. The partial sequencing of 16S rRNA of these isolates allowed the identification of seven main groups, with the prevalence of those affiliated to the genus Stenotrophomonas (69?%). At the end, this work elected the strains C4 (Pseudomonadaceae) and C7 (Rhodospirillaceae) as promising organisms for the development of inoculants due to their higher nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   


It was recently shown that niacin supplementation counteracts the obesity-induced muscle fiber transition from oxidative type I to glycolytic type II and increases the number of type I fibers in skeletal muscle of obese Zucker rats. These effects were likely mediated by the induction of key regulators of fiber transition, PPARδ (encoded by PPARD), PGC-1α (encoded by PPARGC1A) and PGC-1β (encoded by PPARGC1B), leading to type II to type I fiber transition and upregulation of genes involved in oxidative metabolism. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether niacin administration also influences fiber distribution and the metabolic phenotype of different muscles [M. longissimus dorsi (LD), M. semimembranosus (SM), M. semitendinosus (ST)] in sheep as a model for ruminants. For this purpose, 16 male, 11 wk old Rhoen sheep were randomly allocated to two groups of 8 sheep each administered either no (control group) or 1 g niacin per day (niacin group) for 4 wk.


After 4 wk, the percentage number of type I fibers in LD, SM and ST muscles was greater in the niacin group, whereas the percentage number of type II fibers was less in niacin group than in the control group (P?<?0.05). The mRNA levels of PPARGC1A, PPARGC1B, and PPARD and the relative mRNA levels of genes involved in mitochondrial fatty acid uptake (CPT1B, SLC25A20), tricarboxylic acid cycle (SDHA), mitochondrial respiratory chain (COX5A, COX6A1), and angiogenesis (VEGFA) in LD, SM and ST muscles were greater (P?<?0.05) or tended to be greater (P?<?0.15) in the niacin group than in the control group.


The study shows that niacin supplementation induces muscle fiber transition from type II to type I, and thereby an oxidative metabolic phenotype of skeletal muscle in sheep as a model for ruminants. The enhanced capacity of skeletal muscle to utilize fatty acids in ruminants might be particularly useful during metabolic states in which fatty acids are excessively mobilized from adipose tissue, such as during the early lactating period in high producing cows.
Guignardia citricarpa is the causal agent of Citrus Black Spot (CBS), an important disease in Citriculture. Due to the expressive value of this activity worldwide, especially in Brazil, understanding more about the functioning of this fungus is of utmost relevance, making possible the elucidation of its infection mechanisms, and providing tools to control CBS. This work describes for the first time an efficient and successful methodology for genetic transformation of G. citricarpa mycelia, which generated transformants expressing the gene encoding for the gfp (green fluorescent protein) and also their interaction with citrus plant. Mycelia of G. citricarpa were transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which carried the plasmid pFAT-gfp, contains the genes for hygromycin resistance (hph) as well as gfp. The optimization of the agrotransformation protocol was performed testing different conditions (type of membrane; inductor agent concentration [acetosyringone – AS] and cocultivation time). Results demonstrated that the best condition occurred with the utilization of cellulose's ester membrane; 200 μM of AS and 96 h as cocultivation time. High mitotic stability (82 %) was displayed by transformants using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique to confirm the hph gene insertion. In addition, the presence of gfp was observed inside mycelia by epifluorescence optical microscopy. This technique easy visualization of the behaviour of the pathogen interacting with the plant for the first time, allowing future studies on the pathogenesis of this fungus. The establishment of a transformation method for G. citricarpa opens a range of possibilities and facilitates the study of insertional mutagenesis and genetic knockouts, in order to identify the most important genes involved in the pathogenesis mechanisms and plant–pathogen interaction.  相似文献   


We recently described a human blood microbiome and a connection between this microbiome and the onset of diabetes. The aim of the current study was to assess the association between blood microbiota and incident cardiovascular disease.

Methods and Results

D.E.S.I.R. is a longitudinal study with the primary aim of describing the natural history of the metabolic syndrome and its complications. Participants were evaluated at inclusion and at 3-, 6-, and 9-yearly follow-up visits. The 16S ribosomal DNA bacterial gene sequence, that is common to the vast majority of bacteria (Eubac) and a sequence that mostly represents Proteobacteria (Pbac), were measured in blood collected at baseline from 3936 participants. 73 incident cases of acute cardiovascular events, including 30 myocardial infarctions were recorded. Eubac was positively correlated with Pbac (r = 0.59; P<0.0001). In those destined to have cardiovascular complications, Eubac was lower (0.14±0.26 vs 0.12±0.29 ng/µl; P = 0.02) whereas a non significant increase in Pbac was observed. In multivariate Cox analysis, Eubac was inversely correlated with the onset of cardiovascular complications, (hazards ratio 0.50 95% CI 0.35–0.70) whereas Pbac (1.56, 95%CI 1.12–2.15) was directly correlated.


Pbac and Eubac were shown to be independent markers of the risk of cardiovascular disease. This finding is evidence for the new concept of the role played by blood microbiota dysbiosis on atherothrombotic disease. This concept may help to elucidate the relation between bacteria and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   


Environmental challenges might affect the maternal organism and indirectly affect the later ontogeny of the progeny. We investigated the cross-generation impact of a moderate heat challenge in chickens. We hypothesized that a warm temperature–within the thermotolerance range- would affect the hormonal environment provided to embryos by mothers, and in turn, affect the morphology and behavioral phenotype of offspring.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Laying hens were raised under a standard thermal condition at 21°C (controls) or 30°C (experimental) for 5 consecutive weeks. A significant increase was observed in the internal temperature of hens exposed to the warm treatment; however plasma corticosterone levels remained unaffected. The laying rate was not affected, but experimental hens laid lighter eggs than the controls during the treatment. As expected, the maternal thermal environment affected yolk hormone contents. Eggs laid by the experimental hens showed significantly higher concentrations of yolk progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol. All chicks were raised under standard thermal conditions. The quality of hatchlings, growth, feeding behavior and emotional reactivity of chicks were analyzed. Offspring of experimental hens (C30 chicks) were lighter but obtained better morphological quality scores at hatching than the controls (C21 chicks). C30 chicks expressed lesser distress calls when exposed to a novel food. Unlike C21 chicks, C30 chicks expressed no preference for energetic food.


Our findings suggest that moderate heat challenge triggers maternal effects and modulate the developmental trajectory of offspring in a way that may be adaptive. This suggests that the impact of heat challenges on captive or wild populations might have a cross-generation effect.  相似文献   
ArtinM is a D-mannose-binding lectin extracted from the seeds of Artocarpus heterophyllus that interacts with TLR2 N-glycans and activates antigen-presenting cells (APCs), as manifested by IL-12 production. In vivo ArtinM administration induces Th1 immunity and confers protection against infection with several intracellular pathogens. In the murine model of Candida albicans infection, it was verified that, in addition to Th1, ArtinM induces Th17 immunity manifested by high IL-17 levels in the treated animals. Herein, we investigated the mechanisms accounting for the ArtinM-induced IL-17 production. We found that ArtinM stimulates the IL-17 production by spleen cells in BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice, a response that was significantly reduced in the absence of IL-23, MyD88, or IL-1R. Furthermore, we showed that ArtinM directly induced the IL-23 mRNA expression and the IL-1 production by macrophages. Consistently, in cell suspensions depleted of macrophages, the IL-17 production stimulated by ArtinM was reduced by 53% and the exogenous IL-23 acted synergistically with ArtinM in promoting IL-17 production by spleen cell suspensions. We verified that the absence of IL-23, IL-1R, or MyD88 inhibited, but did not block, the IL-17 production by ArtinM-stimulated spleen cells. Therefore, we investigated whether ArtinM exerts a direct effect on CD4+ T cells in promoting IL-17 production. Indeed, spleen cell suspensions depleted of CD4+ T cells responded to ArtinM with very low levels of IL-17 release. Likewise, isolated CD4+ T cells under ArtinM stimulus augmented the expression of TGF-β mRNA and released high levels of IL-17. Considering the observed synergism between IL-23 and ArtinM, we used cells from IL-23 KO mice to assess the direct effect of lectin on CD4+ T cells. We verified that ArtinM increased the IL-17 production significantly, a response that was inhibited when the CD4+ T cells were pre-incubated with anti-CD3 antibody. In conclusion, ArtinM stimulates the production of IL-17 by CD4+ T cells in two major ways: (I) through the induction of IL-23 and IL-1 by APCs and (II) through the direct interaction with CD3 on the CD4+ T cells. This study contributes to elucidation of mechanisms accounting for the property of ArtinM in inducing Th17 immunity and opens new perspectives in designing strategies for modulating immunity by using carbohydrate recognition agents.  相似文献   
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