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Mechanical ventilation can promote lung injury by triggering a pro-inflammatory response. Macrolides may exert some immunomodulatory effects and have shown significant benefits over other antibiotics in ventilated patients. We hypothesized that macrolides could decrease ventilator-induced lung injury.


Adult mice were treated with vehicle, clarithromycin or levofloxacin, and randomized to receive mechanical ventilation with low (12 cmH2O, PEEP 2 cmH2O) or high (20 cmH2O, ZEEP) inspiratory pressures for 150 minutes. Histological lung injury, neutrophil infiltration, inflammatory mediators (NFκB activation, Cxcl2, IL-10) and levels of adhesion molecules (E-selectin, ICAM) and proteases (MMP-9 and MMP-2) were analyzed.


There were no differences among groups after low-pressure ventilation. Clarithromycin significantly decreased lung injury score and neutrophil count, compared to vehicle or levofloxacin, after high-pressure ventilation. Cxcl2 expression and MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels increased and IL-10 decreased after injurious ventilation, with no significant differences among treatment groups. Both clarithromycin and levofloxacin dampened the increase in NFκB activation observed in non-treated animals submitted to injurious ventilation. E-selectin levels increased after high pressure ventilation in vehicle- and levofloxacin-treated mice, but not in those receiving clarithromycin.


Clarithromycin ameliorates ventilator-induced lung injury and decreases neutrophil recruitment into the alveolar spaces. This could explain the advantages of macrolides in patients with acute lung injury and mechanical ventilation.  相似文献   
Isotopic analyses are now official or standard methods in Europe and North America for routine use in testing the authenticity of several food products. These methods are based on the measurement of stable isotope content (2H, 13C, 18O) of the product or of a specific component such as an ingredient or target molecule of the product. The determinations carried out using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS), provide information on the botanical and geographical origin of the food product. A deuterium natural abundance quantitative NMR method (SNIF-NMR: Site-specific Natural Isotope Fractionation) was developed as an efficient and powerful tool capable of characterizing the chemical origins of organic molecules and distinguishing their biological and geographical origin. The SNIF method is based on the measurement of deuterium / hydrogen (D/H) ratios at the specific sites of the ethanol. Using these methods, we present the obtained results for a series of Romanian wines. Our results may be used like reference data set for authenticity and origin control of wines.  相似文献   
Wild barley, Hordeum vulgare spp. spontaneum, has a wider genetic diversity than its cultivated progeny, Hordeum vulgare spp. vulgare. Osmotic stress leads to a series of different responses in wild barley seminal roots, ranging from no changes in suberization to enhanced endodermal suberization of certain zones and the formation of a suberized exodermis, which was not observed in the modern cultivars studied so far. Further, as a response to osmotic stress, the hydraulic conductivity of roots was not affected in wild barley, but it was 2.5-fold reduced in cultivated barley. In both subspecies, osmotic adjustment by increasing proline concentration and decreasing osmotic potential in roots was observed. RNA-sequencing indicated that the regulation of suberin biosynthesis and water transport via aquaporins were different between wild and cultivated barley. These results indicate that wild barley uses different strategies to cope with osmotic stress compared with cultivated barley. Thus, it seems that wild barley is better adapted to cope with osmotic stress by maintaining a significantly higher hydraulic conductivity of roots during water deficit.  相似文献   
Aldehyde dehydrogenases are found in all organisms and play an important role in the metabolic conversion and detoxification of endogenous and exogenous aldehydes. Genomes of many organisms including Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium encode two succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenases with low sequence similarity and different cofactor preference (YneI and GabD). Here, we present the crystal structure and biochemical characterization of the NAD(P)+‐dependent succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase YneI from S. typhimurium. This enzyme shows high activity and affinity toward succinate semialdehyde and exhibits substrate inhibition at concentrations of SSA higher than 0.1 mM. YneI can use both NAD+ and NADP+ as cofactors, although affinity to NAD+ is 10 times higher. High resolution crystal structures of YneI were solved in a free state (1.85 Å) and in complex with NAD+ (1.90 Å) revealing a two domain protein with the active site located in the interdomain interface. The NAD+ molecule is bound in the long channel with its nicotinamide ring positioned close to the side chain of the catalytic Cys268. Site‐directed mutagenesis demonstrated that this residue, as well as the conserved Trp136, Glu365, and Asp426 are important for activity of YneI, and that the conserved Lys160 contributes to the enzyme preference to NAD+. Our work has provided further insight into the molecular mechanisms of substrate selectivity and activity of succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenases. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Naturally dynamic forests have a high proportion of biotopes with old large trees, diverse vertical and horizontal structure at multiple scales, and much dead wood. As such, they provide habitat to species and ecosystem processes that forests managed for wood production cannot provide to the same degree. Whether termed old-growth, ancient, virgin, intact, primeval or continuity forests, a major challenge and need is to map such potential high conservation value forest for subsequent inclusion in functional habitat networks for biodiversity conservation in forest landscapes. Given that the delivery time of natural forest properties is much longer than of industry wood, we explore the usefulness of using historical maps to identify forests that have been continuously present for 220 years (potential old-growth) versus 140 years (potential aging forest) in a case study in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains (see Online Resource 1). While the total forest cover increased by 35 % over the past two centuries, the area of potential aging and potential old-growth forest declined by 56 and 34 %, respectively. Spatial modelling of edge effects and patch size for virtual species with different requirements indicated an even greater decrease in the area of functional habitat networks of old-growth and ageing forest. Our analyses show that compared to simple mapping of potential high conservation forests, the area of functional habitat patches is severely overestimated, and caution is needed when estimating the area of potential high conservation value forests that form functional habitat networks, i.e. a green infrastructure. In addition, the landscape and regional scale connectivity of patches needs to be considered. We argue that the use of historical maps combined with assessment of spatial patterns is an effective tool for identifying and analyzing potential high conservation value forests in a landscape context.  相似文献   
Silver nanoparticles possess antibacterial effect for various bacteria; however mechanisms of the interaction between Ag-NPs and bacterial cells remain unclear. The aim of our study was to obtain direct evidence of Ag-NPs penetration into cells of Gram-negative bacterium S. typhimurium and Gram-positive bacterium S. aureus, and to study cell responses to Ag-NPs. The Ag-NPs (most 8–10 nm) were obtained by gas-jet method. S. typhimurium (7.81 × 107 CFU), or S. aureus (8.96 × 107 CFU) were treated by Ag-NPs (0.05 mg/l of silver) in orbital shaker at 190 rpm, 37 °C. Bacteria were sampled at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5 and 23 h of the incubation for transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections. The Ag-NPs adsorbed on outer membrane of S. typhimurium and cell wall of S. auereus; penetrated and accumulated in cells without aggregation and damaging of neighboring cytoplasm. In cells of S. aureus Ag-NPs bound with DNA fibers. Cell responses to Ag-NPs differed morphologically in S. typhimurium and S. aureus, and mainly were presented by damage of cell structures. The cytoplasm of S. aureus became amorphous, while S. typhimurium showed lumping and lysis of cytoplasm which led to formation of “empty” cells. Other difference was fast change of cell shape in S. typhimurium, and late deformation of S. aureus cells. The obtained results showed how different could be responses induced by the same NPs in relatively simple prokaryotic cells. Evidently, Ag-NPs directly interact with macromolecular structures of living cells and are exert an active influence on their metabolism.  相似文献   
A series of 13 phosphonium salts on the basis of pyridoxine derivatives were synthesized and their antibacterial activity against clinically relevant strains was tested in vitro. All compounds were almost inactive against gram-negative bacteria and exhibited structure-dependent activity against gram-positive bacteria. A crucial role of ketal protection group in phosphonium salts for their antibacterial properties was demonstrated. Among synthesized compounds 5,6-bis[triphenylphosphonio(methyl)]-2,2,8-trimethyl-4H-[1,3]dioxino[4,5-c]pyridine dichloride (compound 20) was found to be the most effective towards Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis strains (MIC 5 μg/ml). The mechanism of antibacterial activity of this compound probably involves cell penetration and interaction with genomic and plasmid DNA.  相似文献   
A wide range of pests and diseases attacks larch, and over 3 years in an orchard in north-western Romania, the most frequently occurring were larch needle disease (Hypodermella laricis), the case-bearer (Coleophora laricella) and woolly adelgid (Adelges laricis) insects. Their attack on seven larch clones obtained through selection from different geographic populations from Romania was studied. To evaluate the attack intensity, four branches per tree were analysed in the upper, middle and lower third of the crowns in all cardinal directions. According to the position in the crown, a high attack intensity by H. laricis was recorded on the branches in the north direction. A high intensity of C. laricella attack was registered on the upper third of the crown, especially in the east, west and south directions. A positive relationship was identified between the damaged sprouts caused by the C. laricella and A. laricis attack. The differences among the reaction of the clones and the heritability coefficients illustrated that the response to the attacks had a strong genetic determinism, with resistance being clearly influenced by genotype. In addition to the identification of gene sources that are useful for larch breeding, this study offers technical information about the potential to develop efficient treatments based on the attacks on the tree crowns.  相似文献   
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