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Background aimsMetastasis to different organs is the major cause of death in breast cancer patients. The poor clinical prognosis and lack of successful treatments for metastatic breast cancer patients demand the development of new tumor-selective therapies. Thus, it is necessary to develop treatments capable of releasing therapeutic agents to both primary tumors and metastases that avoid toxic side effects in normal tissue, and neural stem cells are an attractive vehicle for tracking tumor cells and delivering anti-cancer agents. The authorspreviously demonstrated that a soluble form of growth arrest specific 1 (GAS1) inhibits the growth of triple-negative breast tumors and glioblastoma.MethodsIn this study, the authors engineered ReNcell CX (EMD Millipore, Temecula, CA, USA) neural progenitor cells to express truncated GAS1 (tGAS1) under a tetracycline/on inducible system using lentiviral vectors.ResultsHere the authors show that treatment with ReNcell-tGAS1 in combination with tetracycline decreased primary tumor growth and inhibited the formation of metastases in tumor-bearing mice by diminishing the phosphorylation of AKT and ERK1/2 in orthotopic mammary gland tumors. Moreover, the authors observed that ReNcell-tGAS1 prolonged the survival of 4T1 tumor-bearing mice.ConclusionsThese data suggest that the delivery of tGAS1 by ReNcell cells could be an effective adjuvant for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic movement of species has favoured the introduction of invasive plants worldwide. Invasive plants are frequently released from their natural enemies; however, new associations with generalist herbivores may induce defence mechanisms of non-native plants. Defensive traits are often directly related to the highly competitive ability, but also to potential antagonisms and mutualisms that they can establish with soil microorganisms. Here, we examined whether the intraspecific competition and soil microorganisms influence the morphological and physiological traits of Carpobrotus edulis when is being attacked by the native generalist snail Theba pisana. To achieve this, we grew two C. edulis individuals in separate and same pots filled with live or sterile sand, and with or without T. pisana. Our results indicated that herbivory induced an increase of shoot biomass in attacked C. edulis individuals (i.e., treated donor plants), as well as in un-attacked neighbouring individuals co-growing in the same pot (i.e., untreated recipient plants). Nevertheless, intraspecific competition nor soil microorganisms did not affect the growth of C. edulis despite reduced physiological activity and damage caused by the herbivore. Overall, our findings revealed that C. edulis individuals tolerate snail attack by inducing a compensatory growth response. We conclude that phenotypic plasticity of invasive C. edulis favours tolerance against herbivores, but we also suggest that plant-plant interactions probably determine the plant growth of un-attacked neighbouring C. edulis individuals, thus favouring their invasion mechanisms.

CmPI-II is a Kazal-type tight-binding inhibitor isolated from the Caribbean snail Cenchritis muricatus. This inhibitor has an unusual specificity in the Kazal family, as it can inhibit subtilisin A (SUBTA), elastases and trypsin. An alanine in CmPI-II P1 site could avoid trypsin inhibition while improving/maintaining SUBTA and elastases inhibition. Thus, an alanine mutant of this position (rCmPI-II R12A) was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. The gene cmpiR12A was expressed in P. pastoris KM71H yeast. The recombinant protein (rCmPI-II R12A) was purified by the combination of two ionic exchange chromatography (1:cationic, 2 anionic) followed by and size exclusion chromatography. The N-terminal sequence obtained as well as the experimental molecular weight allowed verifying the identity of the recombinant protein, while the correct folding was confirmed by CD experiments. rCmPI-II R12A shows a slightly increase in potency against SUBTA and elastases. The alanine substitution at P1 site on CmPI-II abolishes the trypsin inhibition, confirming the relevance of an arginine residue at P1 site in CmPI-II for trypsin inhibition and leading to a molecule with more potentialities in biomedicine.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of feeding rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) peptidoglycan (PG) enriched diets on antimicrobial peptide (AMP) gene expression. Fish were divided into 5 groups and fed diets containing 0, 5, 10, 50 and 100 mg PG/Kg, and sampled 1, 7 and 14 days later. The expression of eight AMP genes (four defensins, two cathelicidins and two liver expressed AMPs) was determined in skin, gill, gut and liver, tissues important for first lines of defence or production of acute phase proteins. Up-regulation of many AMPs was found after feeding the PG enriched diets, with sequential expression seen over the time course studied, where defensins were typically expressed early and cathelicidins and LEAPs later on. A number of clear differences in AMP responsiveness between the tissues examined were also apparent. Of the four PG concentrations used, 5 mg PG/Kg did not always elicit AMP gene induction or to the same degree as seen with the other diets. The three higher dose groups generally showed similar trends although differences in fold change were more pronounced in the 50 and 100 mg PG/Kg groups. Curiously several AMPs were down-regulated after 14 days of feeding in gills, gut and liver. Nevertheless, overall the PG enriched diets had a positive effect on AMP expression. Further investigations now need to be undertaken to confirm whether this higher AMP gene expression correlates with protection against common bacterial diseases and if PG enriched diets have value as a means to temporarily boost the piscine immune system.  相似文献   
During the mass settlement events of brachyuran crabs, there is a significant chance of density-dependent injury in the megalopae (last larval stage) because cannibalism can occur by larger conspecifics. Laboratory observations revealed that the appendages that are more prone to injury are eyestalks, as well as first (P1) and fifth (P5) pereiopods. The ability of Carcinus maenas megalopae to autotomize these structures and the effect of such injuries in their feeding ability and metamorphosis were investigated. All tested specimens were able to autotomize one or both of their P1 and P5, but not their eyestalks. Megalopae missing a single P1, as well as one or both P5, were able to capture and ingest prey, as well as intact specimens. Megalopae with either P1 and P5 appendages or at least one damaged eyestalk failed to ingest sufficient food to reach the nutritional threshold required to successfully metamorphose.  相似文献   

Este modesto, deslabazado e insignificante trabajo de Algas de agua dulce, se lo dedico con mucho cariñ, veneració y respeto, al gran maestro de la Ficologia Prof. De Toni (q. e. p.d.).

Las tres especies nuevas y la variedad, se las dedico a él. Oedogonium De-Tonii, Phythelios De-Tonii y Rivularia beccariana var. De toniana, han sido cogidas en las aguas dulces de España, de las regiones hidrograficas de los rios Guadiana y Tajo, mientras que Catena De-toniana la cogi, en la margen izquierda del rio Valtournance, próximo al Matterhorn.

Las diagnosis se dan en latin. En cada especie se hacen observaciones referentes a la ontogenia, ecologia, etc., de tales especies criptogamicas nuevas, al final, se dibujan tales novedades cientificas, y se acompañan de fotografias, que indican el habitat en el cual fueron halladas las especies. En Rivularia he preferido la fotografia macro-scopica de los talos a la que indicase, el lugar de su captura, como se hace en las otras especies.

La critica botanica tiene la palabra.  相似文献   
Two arylderivatives, 3a-Acetoxy-5H-pyrrolo(1,2-a) (3,1)benzoxazin-1,5-(3aH)-dione 3 and cis-N-p-Acetoxy-phenylisomaleimide 4, were synthesized from anthranilic acid and para-aminophenol, respectively. The inhibitory effects of these compounds on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity were evaluated in vitro as well as by docking simulations. Both compounds showed inhibition of AChE activity (Ki = 4.72 ± 2.3 μM for 3 and 3.6 ± 1.8 μM for 4) in in vitro studies. Moreover, they behaved as irreversible inhibitors and made π–π interaction with W84 and hydrogen bonded with S200 and Y337 according to experimental data and docking calculations. The docking calculations showed ΔG bind (kcal/mol) of ? 9.22 for 3 and ? 8.58 for 4. These two compounds that can be use as leads for a new family of anti-Alzheimer disease drugs.  相似文献   
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