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We have analyzed t(1;14)(p32;q11) chromosome translocations from two patients with T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia. The chromosome 1 breakpoints of these patients lie within a kilobasepair of each other, and thus define a genetic locus (designated tal) involved in T cell oncogenesis. Moreover, we have identified sequences within tal that potentially encode an amphipathic helix-loop-helix motif, a DNA-binding domain found in a variety of proteins that control cell growth and differentiation. The homology domain of tal is especially related to that of lyl-1, a gene on chromosome 19 that has also been implicated in T cell oncogenesis. Hence, tal and lyl-1 encode a distinct family of helix-loop-helix proteins involved in the malignant development of lymphocytes.  相似文献   
IL-18 has pleotropic effects on the activation of T cells during antigen presentation. We investigated the effects of human IL-18 on the engraftment and function of human T cell subsets in xenograft mouse models. IL-18 enhanced the engraftment of human CD8(+) effector T cells and promoted the development of xenogeneic graft versus host disease (GVHD). In marked contrast, IL-18 had reciprocal effects on the engraftment of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the xenografted mice. Adoptive transfer experiments indicated that IL-18 prevented the suppressive effects of Tregs on the development of xenogeneic GVHD. The IL-18 results were robust as they were observed in two different mouse strains. In addition, the effects of IL-18 were systemic as IL-18 promoted engraftment and persistence of human effector T cells and decreased Tregs in peripheral blood, peritoneal cavity, spleen and liver. In vitro experiments indicated that the expression of the IL-18Ralpha was induced on both CD4 and CD8 effector T cells and Tregs, and that the duration of expression was less sustained on Tregs. These preclinical data suggest that human IL-18 may have use as an adjuvant for immune reconstitution after cytotoxic therapies, and to augment adoptive immunotherapy, donor leukocyte infusions, and vaccine strategies.  相似文献   
A hallmark of the response to high-dose radiation is the up-regulation and phosphorylation of proteins involved in cell cycle checkpoint control, DNA damage signaling, DNA repair, and apoptosis. Exposure of cells to low doses of radiation has well documented biological effects, but the underlying regulatory mechanisms are still poorly understood. The objective of this study is to provide an initial profile of the normal human skin fibroblast (HSF) phosphoproteome and explore potential differences between low- and high-dose irradiation responses at the protein phosphorylation level. Several techniques including Trizol extraction of proteins, methylation of tryptic peptides, enrichment of phosphopeptides with immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), nanoflow reversed-phase HPLC (nano-LC)/electrospray ionization, and tandem mass spectrometry were combined for analysis of the HSF cell phosphoproteome. Among 494 unique phosphopeptides, 232 were singly phosphorylated, while 262 peptides had multiple phosphorylation sites indicating the overall effectiveness of the IMAC technique to enrich both singly and multiply phosphorylated peptides. We observed approximately 1.9-fold and approximately 3.6-fold increases in the number of identified phosphopeptides in low-dose and high-dose samples respectively, suggesting both radiation levels stimulate cell signaling pathways. A 6-fold increase in the phosphorylation of cyclin dependent kinase (cdk) motifs was observed after low- dose irradiation, while high-dose irradiation stimulated phosphorylation of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) and AKT/RSK motifs 8.5- and 5.5-fold, respectively. High- dose radiation resulted in the increased phosphorylation of proteins involved in cell signaling pathways as well as apoptosis while low-dose and control phosphoproteins were broadly distributed among biological processes.  相似文献   
Understanding the determinants of species’ distributions is a fundamental aim in ecology and a prerequisite for conservation but is particularly challenging in the marine environment. Advances in bio‐logging technology have resulted in a rapid increase in studies of seabird movement and distribution in recent years. Multi‐colony studies examining the effects of intra‐ and inter‐colony competition on distribution have found that several species exhibit inter‐colony segregation of foraging areas, rather than overlapping distributions. These findings are timely given the increasing rate of human exploitation of marine resources and the need to make robust assessments of likely impacts of proposed marine developments on biodiversity. Here we review the occurrence of foraging area segregation reported by published tracking studies in relation to the density‐dependent hinterland (DDH) model, which predicts that segregation occurs in response to inter‐colony competition, itself a function of colony size, distance from the colony and prey distribution. We found that inter‐colony foraging area segregation occurred in 79% of 39 studies. The frequency of occurrence was similar across the four seabird orders for which data were available, and included species with both smaller (10–100 km) and larger (100–1000 km) foraging ranges. Many predictions of the DDH model were confirmed, with examples of segregation in response to high levels of inter‐colony competition related to colony size and proximity, and enclosed landform restricting the extent of available habitat. Moreover, as predicted by the DDH model, inter‐colony overlap tended to occur where birds aggregated in highly productive areas, often remote from all colonies. The apparent prevalence of inter‐colony foraging segregation has important implications for assessment of impacts of marine development on protected seabird colonies. If a development area is accessible from multiple colonies, it may impact those colonies much more asymmetrically than previously supposed. Current impact assessment approaches that do not consider spatial inter‐colony segregation will therefore be subject to error. We recommend the collection of tracking data from multiple colonies and modelling of inter‐colony interactions to predict colony‐specific distributions.  相似文献   
The parasitic filarioid Onchocerca lupi causes ocular disease characterized by conjunctivitis and nodular lesions. This nematode was first described in 1967 in a wolf from Georgia, and since then cases of infection from dogs and cats with ocular onchocercosis and sporadically from humans also with subcutaneous and cervical lesions caused by O. lupi have been reported from the Middle East, Europe, and North America. Due to its zoonotic potential, this parasitic infection has gained attention in the past 20 years. Phylogenetic studies have highlighted the recent divergence of O. lupi from other Onchocerca spp. and the importance of domestication in the evolutionary history of this worm. Moreover, the finding of an O. lupi genotype associated with subclinical and mild infection in the Iberian Peninsula, raises important questions about the pathogenicity of this presently enigmatic parasite.  相似文献   
Interleukin (IL)–15 is an inflammatory cytokine that constitutes a validated therapeutic target in some immunopathologies, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Previously, we identified an IL‐15 antagonist peptide named [K6T]P8, with potential therapeutic application in RA. In the current work, the metabolic stability of this peptide in synovial fluids from RA patients was studied. Moreover, [K6T]P8 peptide was labeled with 99mTc to investigate its stability in human plasma and its biodistribution pattern in healthy rats. The biological activity of [K6T]P8 peptide and its dimer was evaluated in CTLL‐2 cells, using 3 different additives to improve the solubility of these peptides. The half‐life of [K6T]P8 in human synovial fluid was 5.88 ± 1.73 minutes, and the major chemical modifications included peptide dimerization, cysteinylation, and methionine oxidation. Radiolabeling of [K6T]P8 with 99mTc showed a yield of approximately 99.8%. The 99mTc‐labeled peptide was stable in a 30‐fold molar excess of cysteine and in human plasma, displaying a low affinity to plasma proteins. Preliminary biodistribution studies in healthy Wistar rats suggested a slow elimination of the peptide through the renal and hepatic pathways. Although citric acid, sucrose, and Tween 80 enhanced the solubility of [K6T]P8 peptide and its dimer, only the sucrose did not interfere with the in vitro proliferation assay used to assess their biological activity. The results here presented, reinforce nonclinical characterization of the [K6T]P8 peptide, a potential agent for the treatment of RA and other diseases associated with IL‐15 overexpression.  相似文献   
In this work we compared the efficiency of a laccase treatment performed on steam-exploded wheat straw pretreated under soft conditions (water impregnation) or harsh conditions (impregnation with diluted acid). The effect of several enzymatic treatment parameters (pH, time of incubation, laccase origin and loading) was analysed. The results obtained indicated that severity conditions applied during steam explosion have an influence on the efficiency of detoxification. A reduction of the toxic effect of phenolic compounds by laccase polymerization of free phenols was demonstrated. Laccase treatment of steam-exploded wheat straw reduced sugar recovery after enzymatic hydrolysis, and it should be better performed after hydrolysis with cellulases. The fermentability of hydrolysates was greatly improved by the laccase treatment in all the samples. Our results demonstrate the action of phenolic compounds as fermentation inhibitors, and the advantages of a laccase treatment to increase the ethanol production from steam-exploded wheat straw.  相似文献   
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), a tumor of skeletal muscle origin, is the most common sarcoma of childhood. Despite multidrug chemotherapy regimens, surgical intervention, and radiation treatment, outcomes remain poor, especially in advanced disease, and novel therapies are needed for the treatment of these aggressive malignancies. Genetically engineered oncolytic viruses, such as herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV), are currently being explored as treatments for pediatric tumors. M002, an oncolytic HSV, has both copies of the γ134.5 gene deleted, enabling replication in tumor cells but thwarting infection of normal, postmitotic cells. We hypothesized that M002 would infect human RMS tumor cells and lead to decreased tumor cell survival in vitro and impede tumor growth in vivo. In the current study, we demonstrated that M002 could infect, replicate in, and decrease cell survival in both embryonal (ERMS) and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) cells. Additionally, M002 reduced xenograft tumor growth and increased animal survival in both ARMS and ERMS. Most importantly, we showed for the first time that repeated dosing of oncolytic virus coupled with low-dose radiation provided improved tumor response in RMS. These findings provide support for the clinical investigation of oncolytic HSV in pediatric RMS.  相似文献   
Bioethanol is mainly produced from food crops such as sugar cane and maize, and this has been held partly responsible for the rise of food commodity prices. Tobacco, integrated in biorefinery facilities for the extraction of different compounds, could become an alternative feedstock for biofuel production. When grown for energy production, using high plant densities and several mowings during the growing season, tobacco can produce large amounts of inexpensive green biomass. We have bred two commercial tobacco cultivars (Virginia Gold and Havana 503B) to increase the carbohydrate content by the overexpression of thioredoxin f in the chloroplast. Marker-free transplastomic plants were recovered and their agronomic performance under field conditions was evaluated. These plants were phenotypically equivalent to their wild types yet showed increased starch (up to 280 %) and soluble sugar (up to 74 %) contents in leaves relative to their control plants. Fermentable sugars released from the stalk were also higher (up to 24 %) for transplastomic plants. After heat pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis and yeast fermentation of leaf and stalk hydrolysates, an average of 20–40 % more ethanol was obtained from transplastomic plants than their wild-type controls. We propose an integral exploitation of the entire tobacco plant managed as a forage crop (harvesting sugar and starch-rich leaves and lignocellulosic stalks) that could considerably cheapen the entire production process.  相似文献   
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