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This study was designed to investigate the physical characteristics and crystalline structure of 2-hydroxy-N-[3(5)-pyrazolyl]-1,4-naphthoquinone-4-imine (PNQ), a new active compound against Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of American trypanosomiasis. Methods used included differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry, hot stage microscopy, polarized light microscopy (PLM), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction (HR-XRPD). According to PLM and HR-XRPD data, PNQ crystallized as red oolitic crystals (absolute methanol) or prisms (dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO]-water) with the same internal structure. The findings obtained with HR-XRPD data (applying molecular location methods) showed a monoclinic unit cell [a = 18.4437(1) A, b = 3.9968(2) A, c = 14.5304(1) A, alpha = 90 degrees , beta = 102.71(6) degrees , gamma = 90 degrees , V = 1044.9(1) A(3), Z = 4, space group P2(1)/c], and a crystal structure (excluding H-positions) described by parallel layers in the direction of the b-axis, with molecules held by homochemical (phenyl-phenyl and pyrazole-pyrazole) van der Waals interactions. In addition, FTIR spectra displayed the NH-pyrazole stretch overlapped with the OH absorption at 3222 cm(-1), typical of -NH and -OH groups associated through H-bondings; and a carbonyl stretching absorption at 1694 cm(-1), indicating a nonextensively H-bonded quinonic C=O, which was in accordance with the solved crystal structure of PNQ. The existence of such cohesive forces shed light on the thermoanalytical data, which revealed that PNQ is a stable solid, unaffected by oxygen that decomposed without melting above 260 degrees C.  相似文献   
The clinical data of 21 patients, suffering AIDS-related histoplasmosis, who were able to interrupt antifungal secondary prophylaxis, after achieving a partial restoration of the cell mediated immunity by HAART administration, are presented. They were 16 males and five females, whose ages varied between 32 and 54 years (mean = 38.5 years). All of them presented disseminated progressive forms of histoplasmosis, with multiple locations (skin, mucous membranes, liver, spleen, lymph nodes and lungs). The majority of the cases suffered other concomitant diseases (specially tuberculosis and Kaposi sarcoma), 66.6 % of the patients had less than 50 CD4+ cells/microl at the start of treatment and the average viral burden was 278,385 RNA copies/ml. The initial treatment consisted in 400 mg/day of itraconazole, by oral route, in 14 cases and the remaining seven patients were treated with amphotericin B, intravenously, at a daily dose of 0.7 mg/kg of body weight. One patient who did not tolerate amphotericin B and presented a partial response to itraconazole, was treated with posaconazole orally at a daily dose of 800 mg. Fourteen patients received oral itraconazole at a daily dose of 200 mg as a secondary prophylaxis, the remaining three patients were treated with intravenous amphotericin B, 50 mg twice a week. After HAART for an average lapse of 16.7 months (10 to 32 months), five cases showed CD4+ cells counts above 150 cells/microl and the remaining 16 presented more than 200 cells/microl; 18 of them had undetectable viral burden and all cases were asymptomatic. The follow up after secondary prophylaxis discontinuation varied between six months and six years (mean= 33.6 months). Twenty out of 21 patients (95 %) were clinically stable, without any manifestation of relapses, including two patients who abandoned HAART. One patient, who discontinued HAART, contracted a fatal bacterial pneumonia. Even though the limited number of cases, the data presented in this study seem to suggest that it is possible to interrupt antifungal secondary prophylaxis of histoplasmosis, when the patient is clinically asymptomatic and the CD4+ cells counts are above 150 cells/microl.  相似文献   
H2AX: the histone guardian of the genome   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
At close hand to one's genomic material are the histones that make up the nucleosome. Standing guard, one variant stays hidden doubling as one of the core histones. But, thanks to its prime positioning, a variation in the tail of H2AX enables rapid modification of the histone code in response to DNA damage. A role for H2AX phosphorylation has been demonstrated in DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoints, regulated gene recombination events, and tumor suppression. In this review, we summarize what we have learned about this marker of DNA breaks, and highlight some of the questions that remain to be elucidated about the physiological role of H2AX. We also suggest a model in which chromatin restructuring mediated by H2AX phosphorylation serves to concentrate DNA repair/signaling factors and/or tether DNA ends together, which could explain the pleotropic phenotypes observed in its absence.  相似文献   
Glia are required for axon pathfinding along longitudinal trajectories, but it is unknown how this relates to the molecular paradigm of axon guidance across the midline. Most interneuron axons in bilateral organisms cross the midline only once. Preventing them from recrossing the midline requires the expression of Robo receptors on the axons. These sense the repulsive signal Slit, which is produced by the midline. The lateral positioning of longitudinal axons depends on the response to Slit by the combination of Robo receptors expressed by the axons, on selective fasciculation, and on longitudinal (lateral) glia. Here, we analyse how longitudinal glia influence reading of the 'Robo code' by axons. We show that whereas loss of robo1 alone only affects the most medial axons, loss of both glial cells missing (gcm) and robo1 causes a severe midline collapse of longitudinal axons, similar to that caused by the loss of multiple Robo receptors. Furthermore, whereas ectopic expression of robo2 is sufficient to displace the medial MP2 axons along a more lateral trajectory, this does not occur in gcm-robo1 double-mutant embryos, where axons either do not extend at all or they misroute exiting the CNS. Hence, lateral neuron-glia interactions steer the response of axons to the Robo code.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif protein is specifically packaged into virus particles through an interaction with viral genomic RNA in which it associates with the viral nucleoprotein complex. We now demonstrate for the first time that virus-associated Vif is subject to proteolytic processing by the viral protease (Pr). Pr-dependent processing of Vif was observed both in vivo and in vitro. In vivo processing of Vif was cell type independent and evident by the appearance of a 7-kDa processing product, which was restricted to cell-free virus preparations. Processing of Vif required an active viral Pr and was sensitive to Pr inhibitors such as ritonavir. The processing site in Vif was characterized both in vivo and in vitro and mapped to Ala(150). Interestingly, the Vif processing site is located in a domain that is highly conserved among HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus Vif isolates. Mutations at or near the processing site did not affect protein stability or packaging efficiency but had dramatic effects on Vif processing. In general, mutations that markedly increased or decreased the sensitivity of Vif to proteolytic processing severely impaired or completely abolished Vif function. In contrast, mutations at the same site that had little or no effect on processing efficiency also did not influence Vif function. None of the mutants affected the ability of the virus to replicate in permissive cell lines. Our data suggest that mutations in Vif that cause a profound change in the sensitivity to Pr-dependent processing also severely impaired Vif function, suggesting that intravirion processing of Vif is important for the production of infectious viruses.  相似文献   
alpha and beta-Tubulin fold in a series of chaperone-assisted steps. At least five protein cofactors are involved in the post-chaperonin tubulin folding pathway and required to maintain the supply of tubulin; some of them also participate in microtubule dynamics. The first tubulin chaperone identified in the tubulin folding pathway was cofactor A (CoA). Here we describe the three-dimensional structure of human CoA at 1.7 A resolution, determined by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD). The structure is a monomer with a rod-like shape and consists of a three-alpha-helix bundle, or coiled coil, with the second helix kinked by a proline break, offering a convex surface at one face of the protein. The helices are connected by short turns, one of them, between alpha2 and alpha3, including a 3(10)-helix. Peptide mapping analysis and competition experiments with peptides show that CoA interacts with beta-tubulin via the three alpha-helical regions but not with the rod-end loops. The main interaction occurs with the middle kinked alpha2 helix, at the convex face of the rod. Strong 3D structural homology is found with the Hsp70 chaperone cofactor BAG domain, suggesting that these proteins define a family of cofactors of simple compact architecture. Further structural homology is found with alpha-spectrin/alpha-actinin repeats, all are rods of identical length of ten helical turns. We propose to call these three-helix bundles alpha ten modules.  相似文献   
Mice contain a serum factor capable of inactivating some subgroups of murine leukemia viruses. This leukemia virus-inactivating factor (LVIF) is distinct from immunoglobulin and complement; it has been associated with lipoprotein serum fractions and may be an apolipoprotein. The present study demonstrates that some Swiss-derived inbred strains are LVIF negative. Genetic crosses show this factor to be under control of a single gene that maps to distal chromosome 10 at or near the gene encoding a minor serum apolipoprotein, apolipoprotein F (ApoF). To evaluate this gene as a potential candidate for LVIF, the mouse ApoF gene was cloned and sequenced and its expression was assessed in LVIF-positive and -negative mice; no obvious differences were detected, suggesting that LVIF is under the control of a distinct linked gene.  相似文献   
We previously reported that glucose intake amplifies cortisol response to psychosocial stress and smoking in healthy young men, while low blood glucose levels prevented the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. However, it remains unknown whether this modulation is specific for glucose load or a more common effect of energy availability. To elucidate this question, 37 healthy men, who fasted for at least 8 h before the experiment, were randomly assigned to four experimental groups, who received glucose (n = 8), protein (n = 10), fat (n = 10), and water (n = 9), one h before their exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Blood glucose levels were measured at baseline and following stress, while salivary cortisol was assessed repeatedly measured before after the TSST. The results show that both absolute cortisol levels and net cortisol increase were greater in the glucose group in comparison to the other groups (F(3,33) = 3.00, P < 0.05 and F(3,33) = 3.08, P < 0.05, respectively. No group differences were observed with respect to perceived stress and mood. Furthermore, the cortisol response was positively correlated with blood glucose changes (r = 0.49, P < 0.002). In conclusion, the results suggest a central mechanism responsible for regulation of energy balance and HPA axis activation, rather than peripheral mechanisms. We thus recommend controlling for blood glucose levels when studying HPA axis responsiveness.  相似文献   
Regional differences in presynaptic [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) release and its modulation by D2 DA-receptors between the frontal cortex and striatum obtained from Wystar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneous-hypertensive rats (SHR) have been evaluated using superfused synaptosomes. Synaptosomal tritium content was significantly lower in the frontal cortex than in the striatum in both SHR and WKY (45% and 48%, respectively), but no differences in tritium content were obtained between strains. However, the 15 mM K+-evoked [3H]DA overflow was lower in the SHR as compared to WKY rats in both brain regions (striatum 23%, frontal cortex 21). Concentration-response curves for quinpirole (1nM-10 M)-mediated inhibition of 15mM K+-evoked [3H]DA release showed no differences between SHR and WKY. These results suggest that SHR has less ability to release [3H]DA as compared to WKY rats, but SHR did not show differences in the autoregulation of such release in both the frontal cortex and striatum.  相似文献   
Guo M  Sun H  McArdle HJ  Gambling L  Sadler PJ 《Biochemistry》2000,39(33):10023-10033
The organometallic anticancer agent titanocene dichloride, Cp(2)TiCl(2), is now in phase II clinical trials as an anticancer drug, but its mechanism of action is poorly understood. We show here that the interactions of Cp(2)TiCl(2) with human serum transferrin (hTF) and that of Ti(2)-hTF with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) have characteristics that could allow transferrin to act as a mediator for titanium delivery to tumor cells. Such reactions may therefore be important to the anticancer activity of this new class of drugs. Cp(2)TiCl(2) reacts rapidly with human apo-transferrin under physiological conditions (100 mM NaCl, 25 mM bicarbonate, and 4 mM phosphate, pH 7.4) with carbonate as a synergistic anion. The Cp ligands are released from the drug. Two-dimensional [(1)H, (13)C] NMR studies of epsilon-[(13)C]Met-hTF show that Ti(IV) loads the C-lobe first followed by the N-lobe and binds in the specific Fe(III) sites. The protein conformational changes induced by Ti(IV) appear to be similar to those induced by Fe(III). Carbonate can act as a synergistic anion in Ti(2)-hTF but does not appear to be essential. A specific Ti(IV)-hTF adduct is formed even in the absence of bicarbonate. When the pH of Ti(2)-hTF solutions is lowered, no Ti(IV) is released at the endosomal pH of ca. 5.0-5.5, but one Ti(IV) dissociates between pH 4.5-2.0. In contrast, in the presence of 1 mM ATP, all Ti(IV) is readily released from both lobes when the pH is lowered from 7.0 to 4.5. Moreover, Fe(III) displaces Ti(IV) rapidly from the C-lobe of Ti(2)-hTF (<5 min) but only slowly (days) from the N-lobe. Thus, the species Fe(C)Ti(N)-hTF might also provide a route for Ti(IV) entry into tumor cells via the transferrin receptor. Ti(2)-hTF effectively blocked cell uptake of radiolabeled (59)Fe-hTF into BeWo cells, a human placental choriocarcinoma cell line in culture. These results imply that titanium transferrin might be recognized by the transferrin receptor and be taken up into cancer cells.  相似文献   
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