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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Shake-flask in vitro culture of Buddleja cordata cells produces large amounts of biomass and synthetizes verbascoside (VB), linarin and...  相似文献   
Plasmids are mobile genetic elements that play a key role in microbial ecology and evolution by mediating horizontal transfer of important genes, such as antimicrobial resistance genes. Many microbial genomes have been sequenced by short read sequencers and have resulted in a mix of contigs that derive from plasmids or chromosomes. New tools that accurately identify plasmids are needed to elucidate new plasmid-borne genes of high biological importance. We have developed Deeplasmid, a deep learning tool for distinguishing plasmids from bacterial chromosomes based on the DNA sequence and its encoded biological data. It requires as input only assembled sequences generated by any sequencing platform and assembly algorithm and its runtime scales linearly with the number of assembled sequences. Deeplasmid achieves an AUC–ROC of over 89%, and it was more accurate than five other plasmid classification methods. Finally, as a proof of concept, we used Deeplasmid to predict new plasmids in the fish pathogen Yersinia ruckeri ATCC 29473 that has no annotated plasmids. Deeplasmid predicted with high reliability that a long assembled contig is part of a plasmid. Using long read sequencing we indeed validated the existence of a 102 kb long plasmid, demonstrating Deeplasmid''s ability to detect novel plasmids.  相似文献   
Treadmilling protein filaments perform essential cellular functions by growing from one end while shrinking from the other, driven by nucleotide hydrolysis. Bacterial cell division relies on the primitive tubulin homolog FtsZ, a target for antibiotic discovery that assembles into single treadmilling filaments that hydrolyse GTP at an active site formed upon subunit association. We determined high-resolution filament structures of FtsZ from the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus in complex with different nucleotide analogs and cations, including mimetics of the ground and transition states of catalysis. Together with mutational and biochemical analyses, our structures reveal interactions made by the GTP γ-phosphate and Mg2+ at the subunit interface, a K+ ion stabilizing loop T7 for co-catalysis, new roles of key residues at the active site and a nearby crosstalk area, and rearrangements of a dynamic water shell bridging adjacent subunits upon GTP hydrolysis. We propose a mechanistic model that integrates nucleotide hydrolysis signaling with assembly-associated conformational changes and filament treadmilling. Equivalent assembly mechanisms may apply to more complex tubulin and actin cytomotive filaments that share analogous features with FtsZ.

Bacterial cell division critically relies on the tubulin homolog FtsZ, which assembles into filaments that treadmill, fuelled by GTP hydrolysis. This structural and biochemical study of FtsZ from Staphylocuccus aureus reveals the mechanism of GTP hydrolysis and its connection with filament dynamics.  相似文献   
We studied the release of salbutamol and ketoprofen enantiomers from HPMC K100M matrices containing two types of cellulose derivatives: cellulose tris (3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) and cellulose tris (2,3-dichlorophenylcarbamate), chiral excipients used as stationary phases for liquid chromatography. These matrices provided an extended release of both drugs. Ketoprofen release from formulations elaborated with cellulose tris (2,3-dichlorophenylcarbamate) was by anomalous transport, because the value of n (release exponent of the diffusion equation) ranged between 0.60-0.68, whereas for all other formulations the value of exponent n ranged from 0.50-0.54. The drug thus diffuses through the matrix and is released following a quasi-Fickian diffusion mechanism (stereoselective process). The matrices preferentially retained R-salbutamol and S-ketoprofen and cellulose tris (3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) showed more capacity of chiral discrimination for both drugs than cellulose tris (2,3-dichlorophenylcarbamate). Moreover, we observed that stereoselectivity is dependent on the amount of chiral excipient in the formulation. Diffusion tests confirmed the chiral interaction between drugs and cellulose derivatives observed in the dissolution assays except for matrices elaborated with ketoprofen and cellulose tris (2,3-dichlorophenylcarbamate), where the low stereoselectivity observed with the matrices is due to the presence of HPMC K100M. We conclude that the inclusion of these cellulose derivatives in HPMC matrices does not result in a relevant stereoselectivity with respect to the two drugs studied.  相似文献   
We compared the coenological information of the only Italian population of Malcolmia littorea (L.) R. Br. with published phytosociological relevés, including ones of this species, throughout its European range. With the aim of highlighting the main climatic features influencing the distribution patterns of M. littorea, we integrated coenological data with some climatic variables and considered major drivers for plant distribution at the European scale. Finally, we analysed the population extent of M. littorea in Italy, in order to assess its conservation status at regional level. The DCA analysis, performed on a matrix 139 relevés × 183 species, separated the relevés according to their floristic composition, showing a geographic gradient from Portugal to Mediterranean coasts, until Italy; with Mediterranean relevés clearly separated from Atlantic ones as well. Along the beach-inland gradient, the analysis highlights that the species is typical of fixed dunes habitats (more inland, mainly stabilised dunes), although in the Atlantic it can also be found in mobile dunes. The analysis of climatic variables in relation to M. littorea distribution, suggested that the species is sensitive to low winter temperature and to summer drought. The only Italian population of M. littorea is subjected to many threats, due to its small dimensions (<1 ha), isolation from the rest of its distribution area, that ranges from Portugal to France (until the Camargue region) and intensive human disturbances. Using both field and remote sensing information, we showed a considerable decrease of the occupied surface in Italy, leading us to suggest that the IUCN threat category of M. littorea in Italy should be reassessed from endangered to critically endangered.  相似文献   
Activation of the caspase cascade is a pivotal step in apoptosis and can occur via death adaptor-mediated homo-oligomerization of initiator procaspases. Here we show that c-FLIP(L), a protease-deficient caspase homolog widely regarded as an apoptosis inhibitor, is enriched in the CD95 death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) and potently promotes procaspase-8 activation through hetero-dimerization. c-FLIP(L) exerts its effect through its protease-like domain, which associates efficiently with the procaspase-8 protease domain and induces the enzymatic activity of the zymogen. Ectopic expression of c-FLIP(L) at physiologically relevant levels enhances procaspase-8 processing in the CD95 DISC and promotes apoptosis, while a decrease of c-FLIP(L) expression results in inhibition of apoptosis. c-FLIP(L) acts as an apoptosis inhibitor only at high ectopic expression levels. Thus, c-FLIP(L) defines a novel type of caspase regulator, distinct from the death adaptors, that can either promote or inhibit apoptosis.  相似文献   
Glutaredoxins (Grx) are small (approximately 12kDa) proteins which catalyze thiol disulfide oxidoreductions involving glutathione (GSH) and disulfides in proteins or small molecules. Here, we present data which demonstrate the ability of glutaredoxins to catalyze the reduction of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) by dihydrolipoamide (DHL), an important biological redox catalyst and synthetic antioxidant. We have designed a new assay method to quantify the rate of reduction of GSSG and other disulfides by reduced lipoamide and have tested a set of eight recombinant Grx from human, rat, yeast, and E. coli. Lipoamide dependent activity is highest with the large atypical E. coli Grx2 (k(cat)=3.235 min(-1)) and lowest for human mitochondrial Grx2a (k(cat)=96 min(-1)) covering a wider range than k(cat) for the standard reduction of hydroxyethyldisulfide (HED) by GSH (290-2.851 min(-1)). The lipoamide/HED activity ratio was highest for yeast Grx2 (1.25) and E. coli Grx2 and lowest for E. coli Grx1 (0.13). These results suggest a new role for Grxs as ancillary proteins that could shunt reducing equivalents from main catabolic pathways to recycling of GSSG via a lipoyl group, thus serving biochemical functions which involve GSH but without NAD(P)H consumption.  相似文献   
118 strains of heterotrophic microorganisms were isolated from goat cheese produced domestically in the IV Region of Northern Chile (Serene, Ovalle, and Illapel) and sold in supermarkets in Valparaíso, Chile. The results of 89 phenotypic tests were numerically analyzed against 17 reference strains, using the simple matching coefficient (SSM). Thirteen phena were found at a 78% similarity level. Five of them (A, B, C, D, and E) were assigned to the family Enterobacteriaceae, phenon F was identified as belonging to the genus Aeromonas and strains of phenon G were assigned to the genus Acinetobacter. The other phena were identified as being members of the genera Bacillus (H, I, and J), Staphylococcus (K), Enterococcus (L), and Micrococcus (M). Approximately 19% of the isolates were Escherichia coli and 27%, Staphylococcus aureus. Received: 20 February 2001 / Accepted: 12 April 2001  相似文献   
The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is a master cell regulator involved in CD8+ T cell proliferation and differentiation. In human CD8+ T cells, this pathway induces differentiation into memory cells or a “stem cell memory like” population, which is preferentially present in cord blood. To better understand the role of canonical Wnt signals in neonatal or adult blood, we compared the proteins associated with β-catenin, in nonstimulated and Wnt3a-stimulated human neonatal and adult naive CD8+ T cells. Differentially recruited proteins established different complexes in adult and neonatal cells. In the former, β-catenin-associated proteins were linked to cell signaling and immunological functions, whereas those of neonates were linked to proliferation and metabolism. Wnt3a stimulation led to the recruitment and overexpression of Wnt11 in adult cells and Wnt5a in neonatal cells, suggesting a differential connexion with planar polarity and Wnt/Ca2+ noncanonical pathways, respectively. The chromatin immunoprecipitation polymerase chain reaction β-catenin was recruited to a higher level on the promoters of cell renewal genes in neonatal cells and of differentiation genes in those of adults. We found a preferential association of β-catenin with CBP in neonatal cells and with p300 in the adult samples, which could be involved in a higher self-renewal capacity of the neonatal cells and memory commitment in those of adults. Altogether, our results show that different proteins associated with β-catenin during Wnt3a activation mediate a differential response of neonatal and adult human CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   
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