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Inhibitors of Urokinase and Thrombin in Cultured Neural Cells   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Recent studies have suggested important roles for certain proteases and protease inhibitors in the growth and development of the CNS. In the present studies, inhibitors of urokinase or thrombin in cultured neural cells and serum-free medium from the cells were identified by screening for components that formed sodium dodecyl sulfate-stable complexes with 125I-urokinase or 125I-thrombin. Rinsed glioblastoma possessed two components that complexed 125I-urokinase. One was type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), because the 125I-urokinase-containing complexes were immunoprecipitated with anti-PAI-1 antibodies. The other component formed complexes with 125I-urokinase that were not recognized by antibodies to PAI-1 or protease nexin-1 (PN-1). Its identity is unknown. In addition to these cell-bound components, the glioblastoma cells also secreted two inhibitors that formed complexes with 125I-urokinase; one was PAI-1, and the other was PN-1. The secreted PN-1 also formed complexes with 125I-thrombin. It was the only thrombin inhibitor detected in these studies. Human neuroblastoma cells did not contain components that formed detectable complexes with either 125I-urokinase or 125I-thrombin. However, human neuroblastoma cells did contain very low levels of PN-1 mRNA and PN-1 protein. Added PN-1 bound to the surface of both glioblastoma and neuroblastoma cells. This interaction accelerated the inhibition of thrombin by PN-1 and blocked the ability of PN-1 to form complexes with 125I-urokinase. Thus, cell-bound PN-1 was a specific thrombin inhibitor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary We have reviewed the studies on neutral glycosphingolipids and gangliosides of normal and leukemia human leukocytes. In this review, we examine (a) the glycosphingolipid composition of various leukocyte populations, (b) the differences in glycosphingolipids found among subsets of these cells, (c) the possible use of these compounds as markers of differentiation, and (d) the changes in glycosphingolipid composition that occur with leukemogenesis.  相似文献   
Auxin treatment results in hyponastic curvature of the primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var pinto. Ethylene production by hyponastic leaves is detected within 1 hr after treatment with IAA in concentrations at or above 1 μm. The amount of ethylene detected is proportional to the concentration of auxin applied. Untreated control leaves and leaves treated with 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid or gibberellic acid did not produce ethylene detectable by our equipment. The hyponastic curvature induced by auxin treatment can be inhibited by exogenous application of ethylene or ethylene-generating compounds, and these treatments produce epinasty in auxin-treated leaves. Treatment with inhibitors of ethylene synthesis or action, such as aminoethoxy-vinylglycine, carbon dioxide, or heat treatment, prolong hyponasty. The planar form, therefore, appears to be affected by both hyponastic auxin effect and an epinastic ethylene effect.  相似文献   
Benzodiazepines are known to facilitate GABA-ergic transmission at synaptic sites, while sodium valproate is an anticonvulsant drug which is reported to elevate GABA levels in the brain. In order to determine whether these two drugs interact functionally at GABA receptor sites, graded doses of chlordiazepoxide (CDZ) and sodium valproate were injected bilaterally into the nucleus accumbens and their effect on the dopamine (DA)-induced stimulation of motor activity was studied. Both of these compounds, as well as GABA, produced an inhibition of the hyperactivity induced by the bilateral injection of DA into the nucleus accumbens. Bicuculline, the GABA receptor antagonist, blocked the effect of CDZ on the DA-induced hyperactivity. A low dose of CDZ (2 μg), which by itself did not significantly inhibit the effect of DA, potentiated the inhibition of the hyperactivity produced by valproate. These results suggest that CDZ and sodium valproate can interact functionally at GABA-ergic sites in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Alice S. Tempel 《Oecologia》1981,51(1):97-106
Summary The acceptance of secondary plant metabolites as herbivore deterrents rests primarily on their deleterious effects on herbivores. Efforts to demonstrate differential fitness in natural plant populations with varying concentrations of tannin have failed, since coevolved plant predators may physiologically or behaviorally circumvent the defense, which results in apparently equal amounts of damage to defended and undefended individuals. In this study, two approaches were used to overcome this difficulty. 1) Theoretically, more energy should be allocated to the defense of parts which contribute more heavily to the plant's fitness. Bracken fern clones produce fronds throughout the growing season. Fronds which are produced early should be more heavily defended than late-emerging fronds which will return less photosynthate per unit cost of production. The results of this study do not support this prediction; it appears that the production of tannin is more closely linked to environmental factors such as water stress than to date of frond emergence. Fronds which emerged in August contained as much tannin as fronds which emerged in May. 2) By recording the temporal occurrence of herbivore damage in bracken ferns, it was found that in fronds which escaped attack until after reaching maturity there was a significant negative correlation between tannin concentration in the frond and the amount of damage experienced. This result supports the generally accepted assumption that herbivory has been a selective force in the evolution of tannin as a defensive substance.  相似文献   
Human erythrocyte glycophorin is one of the best characterized integral membrane proteins. Reconstitution of the membrane-spanning hydrophobic segment of glycophorin (the tryptic insoluble peptide released when glycophorin is treated with trypsin) with liposomes results in the production of freeze-fracture intrabilayer particles of 80 Å diameter (Segrest, J.P., Gulik-Krzywicki, T. and Sardet, C. (1974) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71, 3294–3298), with particles appearing at or above a tryptic insoluble peptide concentration of 4 mmol per mol phosphatidylcholine. In the present study, increasing concentrations of tryptic insoluble peptide were added to sonicated small unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles and the rate of efflux of 22Na+ was examined by rapid (30 s) gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. Below a concentation of 3–5 mmol tryptic insoluble peptide/mol phosphatidylcholine, 22Na+ efflux occurs at a constant slow rate at given tryptic insoluble peptide concentrations. Above a concentration of 3–5 mM, the rate of efflux is biphasic at given tryptic insoluble peptide concentrations, exhibiting both an initial fast and a subsequent slow component. On the basis of graphic and computer curve-fitting analysis, with increasing tryptic insoluble peptide concentration, the rate of the slow component reaches a plateau at a tryptic insoluble peptide concentration of 3–5 mM and remains essentially constant until much higher concentrations are reached; the fast component increases linearly with increasing tryptic insoluble peptide concentration well beyond 5 mM. The most consistent interpretation of this data is as follows. The slow 22Na+ efflux component is due to perturbations of small unilamellar vesicle integrity by tryptic insoluble peptide monomers. At a tryptic insoluble peptide concentration of 3–5 mmol/mol, a critical concentration is reached following which there is intrabilayer tryptic insoluble peptide self-association. The fast 22Na+ efflux component is due to the increasing presence of tryptic insoluble peptide self-associated multimers the 80-Å particles seen by freeze-fracture electron microscopy) which results in a significantly larger bilayer defect than do tryptic insoluble peptide monomers. The failure of complete saturation of efflux by the fast component is ascribed to the presence of two populations of small unilamellar vesicles, some of which contain tryptic insoluble peptide multimers and some of which do not.Addition of cholesterol to the tryptic insoluble peptide/phosphatidylcholine vesicles decreases the rate of 22Na+ efflux by inhibiting primarily the fast component. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy indicates that the presence of cholesterol has no effect on the size, number or distribution of 80-Å intra-bilayer particles in the tryptic insoluble peptide/phosphatidylcholine vesicles. These results are consistent with a mechanism to explain the fast Na+ efflux component involving protein-lipid boundary perturbations.Efflux of 45Ca2+ from phosphatidylcholine vesicles is also enhanced by incorporation of tryptic insoluble peptide, but only if divalent cations (Ca2+ or Mg2+) are present in the external bathing media as well as inside the sonicated vesicles. If monovalent Na+ only is present in the bathing media no 45Ca2+ efflux is seen. Under conditions where 45Ca2+ efflux is seen, both a fast and a slow component are present, although both appear lower than corresponding rate constants for 22Na+ efflux. These results suggest a coordinated mechanism for ion efflux induced by tryptic insoluble peptide and, together with the 22Na+ efflux studies, may have mechanistic implications for the transbilayer phospholipid exchange (flip-flop) suggesed to be induced at glycophorin/phospholipid interfaces (de Kruiff, B., van Zoelen, E.J.J. and van Deenen, L.L.M. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 509, 537–542).  相似文献   
A new virus, Mycoplasmatales virus-modicum 1 (MV-M1), was recovered from spontaneous plaques in lawns ofAcholeplasma modicum. Strain “mod” produced plaques onA. modicum strains but not on strains ofAcholeplasma laidlawii. Only MV-L3 of the three knownA. laidlawii viruses (MV-L1, MV-L2, and MV-L3) produced plaques onA. modicum. The MV-M1 virus was serologically distinct from the threeA. laidlawii viruses; filterable at 0.1 μm; partially sensitive to heat and Nonidet P-40; and chloroform labile. Spherical particles ranging from 105 to 160 nm were observed in electron micrographs of negatively stained preparations.  相似文献   
Summary Monosomy 21, whether homogeneous or as a mosaicism, is very uncommon. We report here a 3-month-old white female with a low degree of monosomy 21 in the blood karyotype (6.5%, 110 cells counted) but not in the skin fibroblasts, which contained only the normal chromosome complement.The patient's physical features included microcephaly with frontal slanting; prominent occiput; ridge-shaped sutures; agenesis of the corpus callosum; large, prominent ears; high and narrow palate; micrognathia; tetralogy of Fallot; crowded toes; and dry, thick skin with very little subcutaneous tissue. The case is discussed in light of the suggested clinical features of the monosomy 21 syndrome and the possible implications of such a low-grade mosaicism in prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
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