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Catabolic plasmids of environmental and ecological significance   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The environmental and ecological significance of catabolic plasmids and their host strains are discussed in the context of their potential application for environmental biotechnology. Included is a comprehensive list of naturally occurring discrete catabolic plasmids isolated from either natural habitats or selective enrichment studies. General properties, such as plasmid maintenance, stability and transfer, are discussed together with the techniques for plasmid detection and monitoring in the environment. The issues concerning the construction of catabolic strains with new or broader substrate ranges and the uses of monocultures or consortia for in situ treatment are addressed.  相似文献   
Starch gel electrophoresis of proteins was used to study geographic variation at 26 gene loci in the Red River pupfish ( Cyprinodon rubrofluviatílís ), a species restricted to west Texas and Oklahoma. Marked differences were detected between populations in the Red and Brazos river drainages, with fixed or nearly fixed differences occurring at five gene loci. In addition, mean heterozygosity was uniformly high for the Red River form ( = 0·076–0·101) while samples of the Brazos River form were genetically depauperate ( =0·00–0·017). Introduced populations in the South Canadian and Colorado river drainages appear to have been derived from the Red River drainage. The presence of alleles diagnostic of the Red and Brazos river forms supports the suggestion from previous work that they may represent cryptic species. Regardless of taxonomy, however, the presence of two genetically distinct forms must be taken into consideration by those concerned with maintenance of biotic diversity.  相似文献   
Many prey species change their antipredator defence during ontogeny, which may be connected to different potential predators over the life cycle of the prey. To test this hypothesis, we compared reactions of two predator taxa – spiders and birds – to larvae and adults of two invasive true bug species, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis and Oxycarenus lavaterae (Heteroptera: Oxycarenidae) with life-stage-specific chemical defence mechanisms. The reactions to larvae and adults of both true bug species strikingly differed between the two predator taxa. The spiders were deterred by the defences of adult bugs, but the larval defences were ineffective against them. By contrast, birds attacked the larvae considerably less often than the adult bugs. The results indicate a predator-specific ontogenetic change in defence effectiveness of both Oxycarenus species. The change in defence is likely linked to the life-stage-specific composition of secretions in both species: whereas secretions of larvae are dominated by unsaturated aldehydes, secretions of adults are rich in terpenoids, which probably serve dual function of defensive chemicals and pheromones. Our results highlight the variation in defence between different life stages and the importance of testing responses of different types of predators.  相似文献   


Coastal fishes have a fundamental role in marine ecosystem functioning and contributions to people, but face increasing threats due to climate change, habitat degradation and overexploitation. The extent to which human pressures are impacting coastal fish biodiversity in comparison with geographic and environmental factors at large spatial scale is still under scrutiny. Here, we took advantage of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to investigate the relationship between fish biodiversity, including taxonomic and genetic components, and environmental but also socio-economic factors.


Tropical, temperate and polar coastal areas.

Time period

Present day.

Major taxa studied

Marine fishes.


We analysed fish eDNA in 263 stations (samples) in 68 sites distributed across polar, temperate and tropical regions. We modelled the effect of environmental, geographic and socio-economic factors on α- and β-diversity. We then computed the partial effect of each factor on several fish biodiversity components using taxonomic molecular units (MOTU) and genetic sequences. We also investigated the relationship between fish genetic α- and β-diversity measured from our barcodes, and phylogenetic but also functional diversity.


We show that fish eDNA MOTU and sequence α- and β-diversity have the strongest correlation with environmental factors on coastal ecosystems worldwide. However, our models also reveal a negative correlation between biodiversity and human dependence on marine ecosystems. In areas with high dependence, diversity of all fish, cryptobenthic fish and large fish MOTUs declined steeply. Finally, we show that a sequence diversity index, accounting for genetic distance between pairs of MOTUs, within and between communities, is a reliable proxy of phylogenetic and functional diversity.

Main conclusions

Together, our results demonstrate that short eDNA sequences can be used to assess climate and direct human impacts on marine biodiversity at large scale in the Anthropocene and can further be extended to investigate biodiversity in its phylogenetic and functional dimensions.  相似文献   
Analysis of a new antibacterial agent, Ro 23-9424 (I), in plasma has been complicated by the fact that its metabolite, fleroxacin (II), is formed not only in vivo, but also nonenzymatically by the hydrolysis of the ester bond of I. In order to minimize sample preparation time and possible hydrolysis during sample preparation, a high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure was developed which features direct injection of plasma and multidimensional chromatography. The first dimension size-exclusion separation allows plasma proteins to elute with the column void volume. The second dimension reversed-phase column provides a high-resolution separation dependent upon the hydrophobicity of the sample species. With a 5-μl injection, the limit of quantitation of the method is 0.35 μg/ml for I and 0.27 μg/ml for II. The method was used to determine steady state plasma vs. time profiles for I and II from 750 mg i.v. doses of I administered twice daily.  相似文献   
Summary A buffer system consisting of 50 mM Tris-HCl-TRIZMA base plus 10 mM EDTA was used to rapidly dissolve gellan gels used for maintaining transformed carrot root cultures. The optimum conditions of pH 7.5 in the presence of 10 mM EDTA for dissolving gellan were first worked out on a model test system containing 0.4% gellan, 0.025% MgSO4·7H2O, and blue dye. The conditions were then tested on gellan gels (0.2% gellan plus nutrients) containing carrot roots. This gel dissolution system was rapid (18 to 20 min), did not require heating, and could also be efficiently performed at 4 °C. Furthermore, the buffer system used for gel dissolution is a standard one used for plant cell fractionation studies.  相似文献   
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