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The effects of the interaction between low molecular weight iron complexes (citrate, lactate, and ATP complexes) with ATP and proteins, on the modification of Ehrlich carcinoma cell calcium homeostasis have been studied. In that modification the ferric-ATP complex shows much higher activity than the others. Sodium ATP, by iron translocation from citrate and lactate, increases their activity. This phenomenon implicates ATP as a mediator on the cellular activity of the complexes. Proteins, particularly ferritin, appear to moderately reduce their activity, whereas glutathione and ascorbic acid, acting as lipid peroxidation-inhibitors, show only a slight reduction of the iron complex’s effects on cellular calcium uptake.  相似文献   
European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations inhabit rivers from northern Portugal to northern Norway across a wide spectrum of environmental variability. To address whether single physical factors might lead to genetic divergence of isolated populations, we compared the digestive performances total digestibility, relative nitrogen digestibility, passage time, and digestion rate (g dry matter · h–1) — of northern (Scotland) and southern (Asturias, northern Spain) populations at three temperature regimes (5, 12, and 20° C). Total dry matter digestibilities increased directly with temperature but were similar for both populations at each of the three trials. Relative nitrogen digestibility did not differ between populations nor among temperature regimes. In contrast, passage time was significantly longer for low-than for high-latitude fish at both 5 and 20° C. When the percentage of food digested and the passage time were integrated as digestion rates (food digested per unit time), a significant population × temperature interaction consistent with a genotype × environment interaction was detected in addition to the population and temperature effects. This implies that not only is the digestive performance of the high-latitude population higher throughout the range of temperatures examined, but moreover the difference is reinforced at high temperatures, where the digestion rate of high-latitude fish was 1.6 times greater. Taken together, these two results provide preliminary evidence for countergradient variation in digestive rates of salmonids in response to variation in growth opportunity. The data support our previous work on the same two populations showing differences in growth rates, and underlie one of the possible mechnisms leading to more rapid growth of the high-latitude fish when both populations are reared in a common environment.  相似文献   
The level of -hexosaminidase activity in plasma and leukocytes and the frequency of three known HEXB mutations were studied in an Argentinean deme with high incidence of infantile Sandhoff disease. Two mutations were previously identified in one of two Sandhoff patients from the region, a splice mutation, IVS-2+1 GA, and a 4-bp deletion, CTTT782–785. These mutations, and a 16kb deletion from the 5' end of the HEXB gene common in non-Argentineans, were screened in 9 Sandhoff patients (all unrelated), 24 obligate heterozygotes, 33 additional individuals belonging to families with affected members, and 64 randomly ascertained individuals from the high risk region. Of 31 independent alleles examined, including those of the two patients previously reported, 30 had the IVS-2 splice mutation and only the originally reported patient had the CTTT deletion. The 16-kb deletion was not observed. Further, among the 57 unaffected members of families with a previous history of Sandhoff disease, and absolute correlation was found between carrier diagnosis by enzyme assay of leukocytes and the DNA-based tests for mutation. One of the 64 controls was classified as a carrier by enzyme assay but did not have one of the three mutations screened. We conclude that a single mutation predominates in this Argentinean population and that the DNA-based test can be an effective supplement or alternative to enzyme-based testing.  相似文献   
Three new allelic forms of the HLA-G DNA sequence (HLA-G*II, HLA-G*III, and HLA-G*IV) have been identified. With the HLA-G*I sequence (previously designated HLA 6.0) as a reference, HLA-G*II shows a silent (G A) mutation at the third base of codon 57, HLA-G*III bears a non-synonymous (A T), but conservative, (Thr Ser) substitution at the first base of codon 31, and HLA-G*IV shows two silent substitutions: (A T) at the third base of codon 107 and (G A) at the third base of codon 57. A rapid method of singling out each allele on genomic DNA has been developed by using polymerase chain reaction amplification followed by restriction endonuclease treatment. Also, more or less strong linkage disequilibria has been found between most HLA-A alleles and either HLA-G*I or *II, both being the most prevalent alleles in the population, with a genotypic frequency of 0.55 and 0.38, respectively; HLA-G*III is very rare and HLA-G*IV has a genotypic frequency of 0.07. An evolutive classification of HLA-A alleles results according to their association with either HLA-G*I or HLA-G*II, which does not correlate with the classical serological cross-reacting groups classification. The finding of a strong and selective A/G linkage disequilibria with most HLA-A alleles, together with the existence of less frequent random A/G associations, may suggest that there exist in different haplotypes true and varied A/G genetic distances (and not a recombinational hotspot). It may be inferred from preliminary data that in primates HLA-A/G haplotypes bearing G*II may have appeared later than those bearing G*I.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank and EMBL nucleotide sequence databases and have been assigned the following accession numbers: EMBL-X60983 (HLA-G*II), GenBank-M99048 (HLA-G*III), and GenBank-L07784 (HLA-G*IV).The contribution to this paper by P. Morales and A. Corell is equal, and the order of authorship is arbitrary. Correspondence to: A. Arnaiz-Villena.  相似文献   
Protein conformational changes related to transport into chloroplasts have been studied. Two chimaeric proteins carrying the transit peptide of either ferredoxin or plastocyanin linked to the mouse cytosolic enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (EC were employed. In contrast to observations in mitochondria, we found in chloroplasts that transport of a purified ferredoxin-dihydrofolate reductase fusion protein is not blocked by the presence of methotrexate, a folate analogue that stabilizes the structural conformation of dihydrofolate reductase. It is shown that transport competence of this protein in the presence of methotrexate is not a consequence of alteration of the folding characteristics or methotrexate binding properties of dihydrofolate reductase by fusion to the ferredoxin transit peptide. Binding of dihydrofolate reductase fusion proteins to chloroplast envelopes is not inhibited by low temperature and it is only partially diminished by methotrexate. It is demonstrated that the dihydrofolate reductase fusion proteins unfold, despite the presence of methotrexate, on binding to the chloroplast envelopes. We propose the existence of a strong protein unfolding activity associated to the chloroplast envelopes.  相似文献   
The presence of the Mixed-Function Oxydase (MFO) system, in Moina macrocopa was detected through the transformation of p-nitroanisole to para-nitrophenol. The presence of this enzymatic system suggested that this cladoceran participates in the biotransformation of xenobiotics in aquatic ecosystems. This capacity, in conjunction with the aquatic flea's high tolerance to environmental stress, suggested that M. macrocopa could be used in bioremediation efforts to increase ecosystem health. The effects of lead on the MFO system in M. macrocopa, were also studied. Lead acted as an inhibitor of the enzymatic complex. Therefore, induction of MFO-activity as an early warning may not work in waterbodies affected by both inducers of MFO and inhibitors like lead.  相似文献   
The soil fungus Trichoderma harzianum is a mycoparasitic fungus known for its use as a biocontrol agent of phytopathogenic fungi. Among other factors, Trichoderma produces a series of antibiotics and fungal cell wall-degrading enzymes. These enzymes are believed to play an important role in mycoparasitism. Among the hydrolytic enzymes, we have identified a basic proteinase (Prb1) which is induced by either autoclaved mycelia, fungal cell wall preparation or chitin; however, the induction does not occur in the presence of glucose. The proteinase was purified and biochemically characterized as a serine proteinase of 31 kDa and pl 9.2. Based on the sequence of three internal peptides, synthetic oligonudeotide probes were designed. These probes allowed subsequent isolation of a cDNA and its corresponding genomic clone. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that the proteinase is synthesized as a pre-proenzyme and allows its classification as a serine proteinase. Northen analysis shows that the induction of this enzyme is due to an increase in the corresponding mRNA level.  相似文献   
Jasminum odoratissimum is a Madeira and Canary Islands endemic showing classic heterostyly, i.e. with long-styled flowers with anthers at a low level in the corolla tube and short-styled flowers with anthers at a high level in the corolla tube. Short-styled flowers have large pollen, whereas long-styled flowers have small pollen. The two types are present in equal frequencies in the population.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To investigate if extracts of Hypericum perforatum (St John''s wort) are more effective than placebo in the treatment of depression, are as effective as standard antidepressive treatment, and have fewer side effects than standard antidepressant drugs. DESIGN--Systematic review and meta-analysis of trials revealed by searches. TRIALS--23 randomised trials including a total of 1757 outpatients with mainly mild or moderately severe depressive disorders: 15 (14 testing single preparations and one a combination with other plant extracts) were placebo controlled, and eight (six testing single preparations and two combinations) compared hypericum with another drug treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--A pooled estimate of the responder rate ratio (responder rate in treatment group/responder rate in control group), and numbers of patients reporting and dropping out for side effects. RESULTS--Hypericum extracts were significantly superior to placebo (ratio = 2.67; 95% confidence interval 1.78 to 4.01) and similarly effective as standard antidepressants (single preparations 1.10; 0.93 to 1.31, combinations 1.52; 0.78 to 2.94). There were two (0.8%) drop outs for side effects with hypericum and seven (3.0%) with standard antidepressant drugs. Side effects occurred in 50 (19.8%) patients on hypericum and 84 (52.8%) patients on standard antidepressants. CONCLUSION--There is evidence that extracts of hypericum are more effective than placebo for the treatment of mild to moderately severe depressive disorders. Further studies comparing extracts with standard antidepressants in well defined groups of patients and comparing different extracts and doses are needed.  相似文献   
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