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Increased membrane unsaturation has been associated with shorter longevity due to higher sensitivity to lipid peroxidation (LP) leading to enhanced mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS overproduction. However, the role of LP during aging has been put in doubt along with the participation of electron leak at the electron transport chain (ETC) in ROS generation in aged organisms. Thus, to test these hypothesis and gain further information about how minimizing LP preserves ETC function during aging, we studied the effects of α-linolenic acid (C18:3) on in situ mitochondrial ETC function, ROS production and viability of chronologically aged cells of S. cerevisiae, whose membranes are intrinsically resistant to LP due to the lack of PUFA. Increased sensitivity to LP was observed in cells cultured with C18:3 at 6 days of aging. This was associated with higher viability loss, dissipated membrane potential, impaired respiration and increased ROS generation, being these effects more evident at 28 days. However, at this point, lower sensitivity to LP was observed without changes in the membrane content of C18:3, suggesting the activation of a mechanism counteracting LP. The cells without C18:3 display better viability and mitochondrial functionality with lower ROS generation even at 28 days of aging and this was attributed to full preservation of complex III activity. These results indicate that the presence of PUFA in membranes enhances ETC dysfunction and electron leak and suggest that complex III is crucial to preserve membrane potential and to maintain a low rate of ROS production during aging.  相似文献   
The identification of proficient target sites within long RNA molecules, as well as the most efficient ribozymes for each, is a major concern for the use of ribozymes as gene suppressers. In vitro selection methods using combinatorial libraries are powerful tools for the rapid elucidation of interactions between macromolecules, and have been successfully used for different types of ribozyme study. This paper describes a new method for selecting effective target sites within long RNAs using a combinatorial library of self-cleaving hairpin ribozymes that includes all possible specificities. The method also allows the identification of the most appropriate ribozyme for each identified site. Searching for targets within the lacZ gene with this strategy yielded a clearly accessible site. Sequence analysis of ribozymes identified two variants as the most appropriate for this site. Both selected ribozymes showed significant inhibitory activity in the cell milieu.  相似文献   
Successful behavioral-based control methods rely on the accurate knowledge of the mating dynamics of the target insect. Age at first mating affects reproductive potential and the chance of multiple mating. The cabbage moth, Copitarsia decolora (Guenée) is an important pest of a number of commodities. We investigated combinations of age, body size and mating history to determine how these variables affect insect reproductive capacity. Fecundity and fertility decreased as the age of mating pairs increased, heavy and average sized females laid more eggs than light females. Female multiple mating did not enhance fecundity nor fertility potential. Furthermore, spermatophore size did not determine female re-mating behavior. However, female fecundity and fertility was related to the male mating history. Our results show that SIT is a valuable tool for controlling this pest.  相似文献   
We studied for the first time the mammary gland morphogenesis and its hormonal modulation by immunolocalizing estradiol, progesterone and prolactin receptors (ER, PR and PRLR) in adult females of Lagostomus maximus, a caviomorph rodent which shows a pseudo-ovulatory process at mid-gestation. Mammary ductal system of non-pregnant females lacks expression of both ERα and ERβ. Yet throughout pregnancy, ERα and ERβ levels increase as well as the expression of PR. These increments are concomitant with ductal branching and alveolar differentiation. Even though mammary gland morphology is quite similar to that described for other rodents, alveolar proliferation and differentiation are accelerated towards the second half of pregnancy, once pseudo-ovulation had occurred. Moreover, this exponential growth correlates with an increment of both progesterone and estradiol serum-induced pseudo-ovulation. As expected, PR and PRLR are strongly expressed in the alveolar epithelium during pregnancy and lactation. Strikingly, PRLR is also present in ductal epithelia of cycling glands suggesting that prolactin function may not be restricted to its trophic effect on mammary glands of pregnant and lactating females, but it also regulates other physiological processes in mammary glands of non-pregnant animals. In conclusion, this report suggests that pseudo-ovulation at mid-gestation may be associated to L. maximus mammary gland growth and differentiation. The rise in P and E2-induced pseudo-ovulation as well as the increased expression of their receptors, all events that correlate with the development of a more elaborated and differentiated ductal network, pinpoint a possible relation between this peculiar physiological event and mammary gland morphogenesis.  相似文献   
An Ndh-deficient mutant of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum cv. Petit Havana) was prepared by disrupting the ndhF gene in a transplastomic approach. The mutant (Δ ndhF ) showed 10% of the Ndh complex activity (EC and 8% of the NDH-F polypeptide of that of non-transformed plants. However, in Δ ndhF , NDH-A, another Ndh polypeptide, was still present at 50% of the level in non-transformed plants. Δ ndhF tobacco showed higher sensitivity than non-transformed plants to photo-oxidative stress (as judged by chlorophyll bleaching) caused by increased light intensity and paraquat applications. These photo-oxidative treatments increased the amount and activity of the Ndh complex, thylakoid peroxidase, post-illumination chlorophyll fluorescence and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of chlorophyll fluorescence in non-transformed but not in Δ ndhF tobacco. Highly stressed non-transformed plants showed a rapid post-rise decline of chlorophyll fluorescence, probably indicating a re-oxidation of reduced plastoquinone. The results indicate that, in normal plants, the Ndh complex and thylakoid peroxidase (EC provide and remove electrons, respectively, to balance the redox level of the intermediates of cyclic electron transport. In this way, they optimize the generation of the transmembrane H+ gradient of thylakoids and, as a consequence, increase the NPQ and the protection against photo-oxidative stress.  相似文献   
This study describes the micro-morphological features of the shell nacre in the vent mytilid Bathymodiolus azoricus collected along a bathymetric gradient of deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR). Pressure-dependent crystallisation patterns were detected in animals subjected to post-capture hydrostatic simulations. We provide evidence for the following: (1) shell micro morphology in B. azoricus is similar to that of several vent and cold-seep species, but the prismatic shell layers may vary among bathymodiolids; (2) nacre micro-morphology of mussels from three vent sites of the MAR did not differ significantly; minor differences do not appear to be related to hydrostatic pressure, but rather to calcium ion availability; (3) decompression stress may cause drop off in pH of the pallial fluid that damages nascent crystals, and in a more advanced phase, the aragonite tablets as well as the continuous layer of mature nacre; and (4) adverse effects of decompression on calcium salt deposition in shells was diminished by re-pressurisation of specimens. The implications of the putative influence of hydrostatic pressure on biomineralisation processes in molluscs are discussed.  相似文献   
Lipoperoxidative damage to the respiratory chain proteins may account for disruption in mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) function and could lead to an augment in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of lipoperoxidation on ETC function and cytochromes spectra of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria. We compared the effects of Fe2+ treatment on mitochondria isolated from yeast with native (lipoperoxidation-resistant) and modified (lipoperoxidation-sensitive) fatty acid composition. Augmented sensitivity to oxidative stress was observed in the complex III-complex IV segment of the ETC. Lipoperoxidation did not alter the cytochromes content. Under lipoperoxidative conditions, cytochrome c reduction by succinate was almost totally eliminated by superoxide dismutase and stigmatellin. Our results suggest that lipoperoxidation impairs electron transfer mainly at cytochrome b in complex III, which leads to increased resistance to antimycin A and ROS generation due to an electron leak at the level of the QO site of complex III.  相似文献   
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