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The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is a key pest of citrus in Spain because of significant yield losses and to quarantine restrictions. Biologically based control methods, such as the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), which relies on the sterilization by irradiation of large numbers of insects, is gaining an increasing role in the control of medfly in Mediterranean areas. However, gamma-irradiation might damage the midgut epithelium cells, causing a lowering of nutritive assimilation that can negatively affect adult performance. Irradiation effects on digestive physiology are well established for a number of insect pests, but there is no information on medfly. Our aim was to determine the effects of gamma-irradiation on C. capitata digestive protease activity. Both larvae and adults were found to use a similar proteolytic system based on aspartyl-, trypsin-, chymotrypsin-, amino peptidase-, and carboxypeptidase A- and B-like activities. Pupae of the Vienna-7 (tsl) strain were irradiated at 70 or 140 Gy, two days before emergence, and the adults fed during 5 days on sugar-protein (4:1) diets. Protease activity was measured in midgut extracts and compared with males non-irradiated reared in the same conditions. The results showed that the irradiation doses tested had no effect on the digestive proteolytic activities of medfly adults. Moreover, the longevity of irradiated medflies at the highest dose (140 Gy) was similar to that of controls.  相似文献   
Starting from the 2.8-A resolution x-ray structure of bovine rhodopsin, three-dimensional molecular models of the complexes between arginine vasopressin and two receptor subtypes (V1a, V1b) have been built. Amino acid sequence alignment and docking studies suggest that four key residues (1.35, 2.65, 4.61, and 5.35) fine tune the binding of vasopressin and related peptide agonists to both receptor subtypes. To validate these predictions, a series of single or double mutants were engineered at V1a and V1b receptor subtypes and tested for their binding and functional properties. Two negatively charged amino acids at positions 1.35 and 2.65 are key anchoring residues to the Arg8 residue of arginine vasopressin. Moreover, two amino acids (V(4.61) and P(5.35)) delineating a hydrophobic subsite at the human V1b receptor are responsible for the recognition of V1b selective peptide agonists. Last, one of the latter positions (5.35) is hypothesized to explain the pharmacological species differences between rat and human vasopressin receptors for a V1b peptide agonist. Altogether these refined three-dimensional models of V1a and V1b human receptors should enable the identification of further new selective V1a and V1b agonists as pharmacological but also therapeutic tools.  相似文献   
Expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes is part of the plant's natural defense response against pathogen attack. The PRms gene encodes a fungal-inducible PR protein from maize. Here, we demonstrate that expression of PRms in transgenic rice confers broad-spectrum protection against pathogens, including fungal (Magnaporthe oryzae, Fusarium verticillioides, and Helminthosporium oryzae) and bacterial (Erwinia chrysanthemi) pathogens. The PRms-mediated disease resistance in rice plants is associated with an enhanced capacity to express and activate the natural plant defense mechanisms. Thus, PRms rice plants display a basal level of expression of endogenous defense genes in the absence of the pathogen. PRms plants also exhibit stronger and quicker defense responses during pathogen infection. We also have found that sucrose accumulates at higher levels in leaves of PRms plants. Sucrose responsiveness of rice defense genes correlates with the pathogen-responsive priming of their expression in PRms rice plants. Moreover, pretreatment of rice plants with sucrose enhances resistance to M. oryzae infection. Together, these results support a sucrose-mediated priming of defense responses in PRms rice plants which results in broad-spectrum disease resistance.  相似文献   
Islet-Brain 1 (IB1) (also called JNK-interacting protein 1; JIP1) is a scaffold protein that tethers components of the JNK mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway inducing a modulation of the activity and the target specificity of the JNK kinases. Dysfunctions in IB1 have been associated with diseases such as early type II diabetes. To gain more insight in the functions of IB1, its ability to modulate the expression levels of the various JNK proteins was assessed. Each of the three JNK genes gives rise to several splice variants encoding short or long proteins. The expression levels of the short JNK proteins, but not of the long variants, were systematically higher in rat tissues and in transformed cell lines expressing high IB1 levels compared to tissues and cells with no or low IB1 expression. HEK293 cells bearing a tetracycline-inducible IB1 construct showed a specific increase of the short JNK endogenous splice variants in the presence of tetracycline. The augmented expression level of the short JNK splice variants induced by IB1 resulted from an increased stability towards degradation. Modulation of the stability of specific JNK splice variants represents therefore a newly identified mechanism used by IB1 to regulate the JNK MAPK pathway.  相似文献   
The principles driving the organization of the ventral object-processing stream remain unknown. Here, we show that stimulus-specific repetition suppression (RS) in one region of the ventral stream is biased according to motor-relevant properties of objects. Quantitative analysis confirmed that this result was not confounded with similarity in visual shape. A similar pattern of biases in RS according to motor-relevant properties of objects was observed in dorsal stream regions in the left hemisphere. These findings suggest that neural specificity for "tools" in the ventral stream is driven by similarity metrics computed over motor-relevant information represented in dorsal structures. Support for this view is provided by converging results from functional connectivity analyses of the fMRI data and a separate neuropsychological study. More generally, these data suggest that a basic organizing principle giving rise to "category specificity" in the ventral stream may involve similarity metrics computed over information represented elsewhere in the brain.  相似文献   
Identifying attributes associated with good breeding habitat is critical for understanding animal population dynamics. However, the association between environmental heterogeneity and breeding probability has been often overlooked in habitat analyses. We evaluated habitat quality in a metapopulation of the endangered Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus by analyzing spatiotemporal patterns in breeding records. Data summarizing successful production of litters after emergence from dens over four years within 13 lynx territories were examined. We designed a set of generalized linear mixed models representing different hypotheses regarding how patterns in breeding records relate to environmental heterogeneity. Environmental heterogeneity was described by two characteristics: 1) a landscape index measured in lynx territories indicative of time‐averaged prey availability and 2) yearly variability in prey abundance not captured with this index. By including the random effect of the lynx territory we also accounted for other territory‐specific effects on reproduction. We found significant differences in yearly prey density dynamics among lynx territories. However, temporal variation in prey density contributed poorly to explaining lynx breeding. The most parsimonious model included the landscape structure as the only effect explaining breeding patterns. A multinomial‐model‐representation of the landscape hypothesis explained nearly 50% of variability in breeding records. Results pointed to the existence of a habitat quality gradient associated with particular landscape structures influencing lynx habitat selection and breeding performance. Underlying this gradient was time‐averaged prey availability. Probably as a result of long‐term fitness strategies in long‐lived territorial species, the short‐term fluctuations in prey availability had a minor influence. Our results illustrate how habitat inferences can be enhanced by incorporating the link between spatiotemporal patterns in reproduction and environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Nucleic acids that contain multiple sequential guanines assemble into guanine quadruplexes (G-quadruplexes). Drugs that induce or stabilize G-quadruplexes are of interest because of their potential use as therapeutics. Previously, we reported on the interaction of the Cu(2+) derivative of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphine (CuTMpyP4), with the parallel-stranded G-quadruplexes formed by d(T(4)G( n )T(4)) (n = 4 or 8) (Keating and Szalai in Biochemistry 43:15891-15900, 2004). Here we present further characterization of this system using a series of guanine-rich oligonucleotides: d(T(4)G( n )T(4)) (n = 5-10). Absorption titrations of CuTMpyP4 with all d(T(4)G( n )G(4)) quadruplexes produce approximately the same bathochromicity (8.3 +/- 2 nm) and hypochromicity (46.2-48.6%) of the porphyrin Soret band. Induced emission spectra of CuTMpyP4 with d(T(4)G( n )T(4))(4) quadruplexes indicate that the porphyrin is protected from solvent. Electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry revealed a maximum porphyrin to quadruplex stoichiometry of 2:1 for the shortest (n = 4) and longest (n = 10) quadruplexes. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy shows that bound CuTMpyP4 occupies magnetically noninteracting sites on the quadruplexes. Consistent with our previous model for d(T(4)G(4)T(4)), we propose that two CuTMpyP4 molecules are externally stacked at each end of the run of guanines in all d(T(4)G( n )T(4)) (n = 4-10) quadruplexes.  相似文献   
The bacterial actin homologue MreB forms a helix underneath the cytoplasmic membrane and was shown to be essential in the morphogenesis of the rod-shaped cells. Additionally, MreB was implicated to be involved in DNA segregation. However, in our hands the mreBCD deletion strain (PA340-678) grew without apparent DNA segregation defect, suggesting that the reported chromosome segregation inhibition could be caused by a temporarily effect of MreB inhibition or depletion. To assess the involvement of MreB in DNA segregation during the transition from rod to sphere, we compared the effect of A22 and the PBP2 inhibitor mecillinam on the percentage of cells with segregated nucleoids and the number of oriC foci in wild-type Escherichia coli cells. Cells became spherical in the same time window during both treatments and we could not detect any difference in the chromosome or oriC segregation between these two treatments. Additionally, flow cytometric analyses showed that A22 and mecillinam treatment gave essentially the same chromosome segregation pattern. We conclude that MreB is not directly involved in DNA segregation of E. coli.  相似文献   
Facilitation can increase the phylogenetic diversity of plant communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the advent of molecular phylogenies the assessment of community assembly processes has become a central topic in community ecology. These processes have focused almost exclusively on habitat filtering and competitive exclusion. Recent evidence, however, indicates that facilitation has been important in preserving biodiversity over evolutionary time, with recent lineages conserving the regeneration niches of older, distant lineages. Here we test whether, if facilitation among distant-related species has preserved the regeneration niche of plant lineages, this has increased the phylogenetic diversity of communities. By analyzing a large worldwide database of species, we showed that the regeneration niches were strongly conserved across evolutionary history. Likewise, a phylogenetic supertree of all species of three communities driven by facilitation showed that nurse species facilitated distantly related species and increased phylogenetic diversity.  相似文献   
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