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We tested whether predation on duck nests ( Anas spp.) was density dependent at three spatial scales using artificial and natural nests in the Suisun Marsh, California, USA. At the largest spatial scale, we used 5 years (1998–2002) of data to examine the natural variation in duck nest success and nest densities among 8–16 fields per year, each 5–33 ha in size (n=62 fields). At an intermediate spatial scale, we deployed artificial nests (2000, n=280) within 1-ha plots at three experimental densities (5, 10, and 20 nests ha−1) in a complete randomized block design and examined differences in nest predation. At the smallest spatial scale, we examined nest success in relation to nearest-neighbor fates and distances for artificial (2000, n=280) and natural nests (2000, n=507). We detected no relationship between nest success and the density of natural nests among fields in any year, nor when we pooled data for all years after controlling for year effects. The proportion of artificial nests that survived also did not depend on experimental nest densities within 1-ha plots. Overall, 15.0±12.4%, 15.0±11.0%, and 6.2±4.3% of artificial nests survived the 32-day exposure period in the low, intermediate, and high nest densities, respectively. Additionally, we detected no consistent effect of nearest-neighbor fate or distance on the success of artificial or natural nests. Thus, our results provide no evidence of density-dependent predation on duck nests at any scale of analysis, in contrast to a number of previous studies. Variation among geographical locations in the degree to which predation is density-dependent may reflect the composition of the predator community and the availability of alternate prey.  相似文献   
We present an in-depth study of theTy1-copia group of retrotransposons within the plant genusVicia, which contains species with widely differing genome sizes. We have compared the numbers and sequence heterogeneities of these genetic elements in three diploidVicia species chosen to represent large (V. faba, 1C=13.3 pg), medium (V. melanops, 1C=11.5 pg) and small (V. sativa, 1C=2.3 pg) genomes within the genus. The copy numbers of the retrotransposons are all high but vary greatly, withV. faba containing approximately 106 copies,V. melanops about 1000 copies andV. sativa 5000 copies. The degree of sequence heterogeneity ofTy1-copia group elements correlates with their copy number within each genome, but neither heterogeneity nor copy number are related to the genome size of the host. In situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes shows that the retrotransposons inV. faba are distributed throughout all chromosomes but are much less abundant in certain heterochromatic regions. These results are discussed in the context of plant retrotransposon evolution.  相似文献   
Gene trap vectors have been used in insertional mutagenesis in animal systems to clone genes with interesting patterns of expression. These vectors are designed to allow the expression of a reporter gene when the vector inserts into a transcribed region. In this paper we examine alternative splicing events that result in the expression of a GUS reporter gene carried on a Ds element which has been designed as a gene trap vector for plants. We have developed a rapid and reliable method based on PCR to study such events. Many splice donor sites were observed in the 3 Ac border. The relative frequency of utilisation of certain splice donor and acceptor sites differed between tobacco and Arabidopsis. A higher stringency of splicing was observed in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
Western tussock moths (Orgyia vetusta Bdv., Lymantriidae) infest one stand of bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus Sims, Fabaceae) heavily and several other stands very lightly at the Bodega Marine Reserve (Sonoma Co., Calif., USA). We found that the disappearance rates of experimentally placed larvae and pupae were consistently lower in the outbreak area than in non-outbreak areas. For pupae but not larvae, this difference was removed by using tanglefoot to repel nonflying predators. However, the major nonflying predator of pupae, the ant Formica lasioides, was no more abundant in non-outbreak areas than in the outbreak area. We found inverse density-dependence in the rate of attack by F. lasioides on experimental pupae, suggesting this generalist predator is satiated within the outbreak area, but preys more heavily on the moth where the moth is sparse.  相似文献   
We present ab-initio periodic Hartree–Fock calculations (crystal program) of small molecules on TiO2 and MgO. The adsorption of the molecules may be molecular or dissociative. This depends on their acid and basic properties in the gas phase. For the molecular adsorption, the molecules are adsorbed as bases on Ti(+IV) sites, the adsorption energies correlate with the proton affinities. The dissociations on the surface correlate with the gas phase cleavages: thus, the dissociation of MeOH leads to a preferential basic cleavage (the fragment HO– is adsorbed on a Ti+4 ion and the fragment Me+ is adsorbed on a O2– ion of the oxide). The opposite result is obtained with MeSH. Another important factor is the adsorbate–adsorbate interaction: favorable cases are a sequence of H-bonds for the hydroxyl groups resulting from the water dissociation and the mode of adsorption for the ammonium ions. Lateral interactions also force the adsorbed CO2 molecules to bend over the surface so that their mutual orientation resembles the geometry of the CO2 dimer. With respect to water adsorption, MgO appears to be a basic oxide. As experimentally observed, NH3 adsorbs preferentially on TiO2 and CO2 on MgO. However, this difference of reactivity should not be expressed in terms of acid vs. basic behaviour but in terms of hard and soft acidity. The MgO surface is a 'soft' acidic surface that reacts preferentially with the soft base, CO2.  相似文献   
Multiple linear regression was used to quantify the dependence of the antimicrobial activity of 13 peptides upon three calculated or experimentally determined parameters: mean hydrophobicity, mean hydrophobic moment, and α-helix content. Mean hydrophobic moment is a measure of the amphiphilicity of peptides in an α-helical conformation. Antimicrobial activity was quantified as the reciprocal of the measured minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Escherichia coli. One of the peptides was magainin 2, and the remainder were novel peptides designed for this study. The multiple linear regression results revealed that the amphiphilicity of the peptides was the most important factor governing anti-microbial activity compared to mean hydrophobicity orα-helix content. A better regression cf the data was obtained using In(1/MIC + constant) as the dependent variable than with either 1/MIC or In(1/MIC). These results should be useful in designing peptides with higher antimicrobial activity. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
An anaerobic liquid enrichment method followed by plating on a selective medium revealed that the soft rot coliform bacterium Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora was generally present in water from drains, ditches, streams, rivers and lakes (including reservoirs) in southern Scotland and in Colorado, United States, in mountainous, upland and arable areas through the year. Many sites were remote from susceptible or diseased crops. Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica was isolated much less frequently and no Erwinia bacteria were isolated from underground waters. Erwinia bacteria were also found in rain-water in Scotland, in winter snow from mountain passes in Colorado, and in sea water from the west and east coasts of Scotland and from the coasts of Oregon, California, Texas, Louisiana and Florida. The significance of the occurrence of these bacteria in water is discussed in relation to the control of blackleg and soft rot diseases of potato by production of Erwinia -free stocks.  相似文献   
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