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Dynamin is a GTPase playing an essential role in ubiquitous intra cellular processes involving separation of vesicles from plasma membranes and membranes of cellular compartments. Recent experimental progress (. Cell. 93:1021-1029;. Cell. 94:131-141) has made it possible to attempt to understand the action of dynamin in physical terms. Dynamin molecules are shown to bind to a lipid membrane, to self-assemble into a helicoidal structure constricting the membrane into a tubule, and, as a result of GTP hydrolysis, to mediate fission of this tubule (). In a similar way, dynamin is supposed to mediate fission of a neck connecting an endocytic bud and the plasma membrane, i.e., to complete endocytosis. We suggest a mechanism of this "pinchase" action of dynamin. We propose that, as a result of GTP hydrolysis, dynamin undergoes a conformational change manifested in growth of the pitch of the dynamin helix. We show that this gives rise to a dramatic change of shape of the tubular membrane constricted inside the helix, resulting in a local tightening of the tubule, which is supposed to promote its fission. We treat this model in terms of competing elasticities of the dynamin helix and the tubular membrane and discuss the predictions of the model in relation to the previous views on the mechanism of dynamin action.  相似文献   
The dynamics of functional relations between neurons was studied in the frontal cortex of dogs performing reversal conditioning task. To reveal the functionally relevant relationships between the temporal patterns of correlated firing and behavioral events, we developed an original processing technique. The technique included the following procedures: a) isolation of the "coupled spikes" (CS) from simultaneously recorded impulse trains: b) search for the temporal patterns of correlated firings and their classification by clustering single trials with similar temporal distribution of CS; c) assessment of behavioral significance of the identified patterns by evaluation of the probabilities of coincidence of behavioral events and different CS patterns. Significant correlations between impulse trains were revealed in 38 neuronal pairs of 456 analyzed. The effects of change in behavioral context on the CS dynamics during the task performance were found in 87% of neuronal pairs with correlated activity. In 17 pairs the behavioral conditions were identified, under which potentially connected neurons fired independently during all the periods of the behavioral task. The potentialities of the advanced processing technique are discussed. We suggest that this analysis can provide useful information about the temporal distribution of correlated firings under conditions of nonstereotyped behavior, when an animal reacts in the dynamically organized experimental context.  相似文献   
The oligomerization of deoxyguanosine 5-phosphoro-2-methylimidazolide on a polycytidylate template is much less efficient than the oligomerization of the corresponding activated ribonucleotide. Nonetheless oligomers containing up to eight nucleotide residues are detected. The products are 3–5-linked oligodeoxyribonucleotides capped at the 5-terminus with a pyrophosphate-linked monomer.  相似文献   
Only a fraction of eukaryotic genes affect the phenotype drastically. We compared 18 parameters in 1273 human morbid genes, known to cause diseases, and in the remaining 16 580 unambiguous human genes. Morbid genes evolve more slowly, have wider phylogenetic distributions, are more similar to essential genes of Drosophila melanogaster, code for longer proteins containing more alanine and glycine and less histidine, lysine and methionine, possess larger numbers of longer introns with more accurate splicing signals and have higher and broader expressions. These differences make it possible to classify as non-morbid 34% of human genes with unknown morbidity, when only 5% of known morbid genes are incorrectly classified as non-morbid. This classification can help to identify disease-causing genes among multiple candidates.  相似文献   
MAK-V/Hunk is a recently identified MARK/Par-1-related mammalian protein kinase. Although the precise function of this protein kinase is yet to be established, available data suggest its involvement in animals development and in the physiology of the nervous system. Here we report characterization of a cDNA encoding Xenopus laevis orthologue of MAK-V/Hunk protein kinase, xMAK-V. The in silico analysis also revealed MAK-V/Hunk orthologues in the fish Fugu rubripes and primitive chordate Ciona intestinalis but not in invertebrate species such as Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, suggesting that MAK-V/Hunk is a chordate-specific protein kinase. The expression of xmak-v in X. laevis embryos was analyzed using whole-mount in situ hybridization. Expression of xmak-v has been detected in all developmental stages studied including maternal expression in unfertilized eggs. The xmak-v mRNA has a predominant occurrence on the animal hemisphere of the egg, and this pattern of expression is sustained throughout cleavage and blastula stages. At the gastrula stage xmak-v expression is restricted to the ectoderm. In the later stage embryos xmak-v is expressed over the entire embryonic surface including the open neural plate at stage 15 and also in neural tube at stage 22. At tadpole stage xmak-v expression is strong in embryonic epidermis, nervous system and sensory organs, and is also obvious in perisomitic mesoderm and brachial arches.Edited by N. Satoh  相似文献   
The influence of tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-alpha) and media, conditioned by activated macrophages and lymphocytes and containing a complex of biologically active compounds (including cytokines), on the parameters of lipid metabolism in macrophages was studied. The addition of recombinant TNF-alpha and immunocompetent cell-conditioned media to mouse peritoneal macrophages culture stimulated labelled oleate incorporation into cholesterol esters and triglycerides, as well as labelled glycerine incorporation into cholesterol esters, but inhibited labelled cholesterol incorporation into cholesterol esters. One of the mechanisms of the influence of activated immunocompetent cells on cholesterol metabolism in macrophages was, supposedly, the stimulation of sphigmomyelinase activity by a complex of anti-inflammatory cytokines produced by these cells on their activation.  相似文献   
Nonsporulating mycelial fungi producing cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and isolated from soils of South Vietnam with high residual content of dioxins are capable of growing on a solid medium in the presence of high atrazine concentrations (to 500 mg/l). At 20 and 50 mg/l atrazine, the area of fungal colonies was 1.5-1.2-fold larger, respectively, compared with control colonies of the same age, whereas development of the colonies at 500 mg/l atrazine was delayed by 5 days, compared with controls grown in the absence of atrazine. Surface cultivation of the fungus on a minimal medium with glucose as a sole source of carbon and energy decreased the initial concentration of atrazine (20 mg/l) 50 times in 40 days; in addition, no pronounced sorption of atrazine by mycelium was detected. This was paralleled by accumulation in the culture medium of extracellular CDH; atrazine increased the synthesis of this enzyme two- to threefold. Accumulation of beta-glucosidase (a mycelium-associated enzyme) and cellulases preceded the formation of CDH.  相似文献   
A possible role of palmitic acid/Ca2+ (PA/Ca2+) complexes in the cyclosporin-insensitive permeability transition in mitochondria has been studied. It has been shown that in the presence of Ca2+, PA induces a swelling of mitochondria, which is not inhibited by cyclosporin A. The swelling is accompanied by a drop in membrane potential, which cannot be explained only by a work of the Ca2+ uniporter. With time, the potential is restored. Evidence has been obtained indicating that the specific content of mitochondrial lipids would favor the PA/Ca2+ -induced permeabilization of the membrane. In experiments with liposomes, the PA/Ca2+ -induced membrane permeabilization was larger for liposomes formed from the mitochondrial lipids, as compared to the azolectin liposomes. Additionally, it has been found that in mitochondria of the TNF (tumor necrosis factor)-sensitive cells (WEHI-164 line), the content of PA is larger than in mitochondria of the TNF-insensitive cells (C6 line), with this difference being mainly provided by PA incorporated in phosphatidylethanolamine and especially, cardiolipin. The PA/Ca2+ -dependent mechanism of permeability transition in mitochondria might be related to some pathologies, e.g. myocardial ischemia. The heaviness of myocardial infarction of ischemic patients has been demonstrated to correlate directly with the content of PA in the human blood serum.  相似文献   
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