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Genomic copy number variation (CNV) is a recently identified form of global genetic variation in the human genome. The Affymetrix GeneChip 100 and 500 K SNP genotyping platforms were used to perform a large-scale population-based study of CNV frequency. We constructed a genomic map of 578 CNV regions, covering approximately 220 Mb (7.3%) of the human genome, identifying 183 previously unknown intervals. Copy number changes were observed to occur infrequently (<1%) in the majority (>93%) of these genomic regions, but encompass hundreds of genes and disease loci. This North American population-based map will be a useful resource for future genetic studies. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The kouprey (Bos sauveli Urbain, 1937) is a very rare bovid species of Cambodia, which may be extinct in the wild, as no living specimen has been observed for a long time. Here, we describe a complete taxidermy mount, which presents astonishing morphological similarities with the kouprey. The animal was mounted in 1871 at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, where it was referenced as No. 1871-576. It was deposited at the Natural History Museum of Bourges, France, in 1931, where it is still conserved today. To clarify the taxonomic status of the specimen of Bourges, DNA was extracted from a piece of bone taken on the mandible, and two different fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were independently amplified and sequenced. The phylogenetic analyses show that the specimen of Bourges is robustly associated with the holotype of the kouprey, and that both are related to other wild species of Bos found in Indochina, i.e., banteng (B. javanicus) and gaur (B. frontalis). Because of doubts for sexing the animal, we applied a molecular test based on the PCR amplification of a DNA fragment specific to the Y chromosome. The results indicate that the specimen of Bourges is a male. The comparisons with male kouprey previously described in the literature reveal important differences concerning the body size, general coloration and horns. As these differences involve phenotypic traits that are strongly selected in case of domestication, we suggest that the specimen of Bourges was a domestic ox. This implies therefore that the kouprey may have been domesticated in Cambodia, and that several extant local races may be directly related to the kouprey.  相似文献   
Microbial ecosystems beneath glaciers and ice sheets are thought to play an active role in regional and global carbon cycling. Subglacial sediments are assumed to be largely anoxic, and thus various pathways of organic carbon metabolism may occur here. We examine the abundance and diversity of prokaryotes in sediment beneath two glaciers (Lower Wright Glacier in Antarctica and Russell Glacier in Greenland) with different glaciation histories and thus with different organic carbon substrates. The total microbial abundance in the Lower Wright Glacier sediment, originating from young lacustrine sediment, was an order of magnitude higher (~8 × 106 cells per gram of wet sediment) than in Russell Glacier sediment (~9 × 105 cells g−1) that is of Holocene-aged soil origin. 4% of the microbes from the Russell Glacier sediment and 0.04–0.35% from Lower Wright Glacier were culturable at 10°C. The Lower Wright Glacier subglacial community was dominated by Proteobacteria, followed by Firmicutes. The Russell Glacier library was much less diverse and also dominated by Proteobacteria. Low numbers and diversity of both Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota were found in both sediments. The identified clones were related to bacteria with both aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms, indicating the presence of both oxic and anoxic conditions in the sediments.  相似文献   


Coffea canephora, also called Robusta, belongs to the Rubiaceae, the fourth largest angiosperm family. This diploid species (2x = 2n = 22) has a fairly small genome size of ≈ 690 Mb and despite its extreme economic importance, particularly for developing countries, knowledge on the genome composition, structure and evolution remain very limited. Here, we report the 160 kb of the first C. canephora Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) clone ever sequenced and its fine analysis.  相似文献   
Some soil bacteria protect plants against soil-borne diseases by producing toxic secondary metabolites. Such beneficial biocontrol bacteria can be used in agricultural systems as alternative to agrochemicals. The broad spectrum toxins responsible for plant protection also inhibit predation by protozoa and nematodes, the main consumers of bacteria in soil. Therefore, predation pressure may favour biocontrol bacteria and contribute to plant health. We analyzed the effect of Acanthamoeba castellanii on semi-natural soil bacterial communities in a microcosm experiment. We determined the frequency of culturable bacteria carrying genes responsible for the production of the antifungal compounds 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyrrolnitrin (PRN) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in presence and absence of A. castellanii. We then measured if amoebae affected soil suppressiveness in a bioassay with sugar beet seedlings confronted to the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Amoebae increased the frequency of both DAPG and HCN positive bacteria in later plant growth phases (2 and 3 weeks), as well as the average number of biocontrol genes per bacterium. The abundance of DAPG positive bacteria correlated with disease suppression, suggesting that their promotion by amoebae may enhance soil health. However, the net effect of amoebae on soil suppressiveness was neutral to slightly negative, possibly because amoebae slow down the establishment of biocontrol bacteria on the recently emerged seedlings used in the assay. The results indicate that microfaunal predators foster biocontrol bacterial communities. Understanding interactions between biocontrol bacteria and their predators may thus help developing environmentally friendly management practices of agricultural systems.  相似文献   
The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic GHG emissions mainly from deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management. Mitigation from the sector is thus extremely important in meeting emission reduction targets. The sector offers a variety of cost‐competitive mitigation options with most analyses indicating a decline in emissions largely due to decreasing deforestation rates. Sustainability criteria are needed to guide development and implementation of AFOLU mitigation measures with particular focus on multifunctional systems that allow the delivery of multiple services from land. It is striking that almost all of the positive and negative impacts, opportunities and barriers are context specific, precluding generic statements about which AFOLU mitigation measures have the greatest promise at a global scale. This finding underlines the importance of considering each mitigation strategy on a case‐by‐case basis, systemic effects when implementing mitigation options on the national scale, and suggests that policies need to be flexible enough to allow such assessments. National and international agricultural and forest (climate) policies have the potential to alter the opportunity costs of specific land uses in ways that increase opportunities or barriers for attaining climate change mitigation goals. Policies governing practices in agriculture and in forest conservation and management need to account for both effective mitigation and adaptation and can help to orient practices in agriculture and in forestry towards global sharing of innovative technologies for the efficient use of land resources. Different policy instruments, especially economic incentives and regulatory approaches, are currently being applied however, for its successful implementation it is critical to understand how land‐use decisions are made and how new social, political and economic forces in the future will influence this process.  相似文献   
Understanding how climate change will affect regeneration from seeds is important for developing conservation strategies. We evaluated seed germination requirements for sympatric species of Xyris from montane rupestrian grasslands (campo rupestre) in Brazil to determine their thermal niche and thermal requirements for seed germination. We also assessed whether projected temperature increases would affect seed germination of the species. Seed germination was evaluated at a wide range of constant temperatures (10–40°C) under light (12-hr photoperiod) and dark conditions. Base temperatures (Tb) and thermal times for 50% germination (θ50) were calculated for three species. The effects of projected mean temperature increase on seed germination percentage and timing were evaluated. All species revealed an absolute light requirement for germination. Thermal germination niche breadth was greatest for X. asperula (15 to 35°C) and narrowest for X. seubertii (20 and 25°C). Base temperatures for X. asperula, X. pilosa and X. trachyphylla were 9.0, 12.8 and 11.1°C, respectively. In the scenario with the highest temperature increase (A2), the greatest reductions in seed germination are observed for X. pilosa and X. seubertii. The lowest projected temperature increase (2°C) was sufficient to decrease by 1 day the germination time of X. asperula and X. pilosa. Species of Xyris do not present a pattern for thermal germination niche and thermal requirements values, indicating that the effects of climate warming on the regeneration of these seeds will probably vary among species.  相似文献   
The alarm pheromones often released by animals under stressful situations seem to elicit behavioral changes in conspecifics, which in the appropriate context can be viewed as anti-predatory responses. However, the releasing of alarm pheromones associated with predatory events has not been demonstrated in mammals. In the current study with wild-caught Cabrera voles, we carried out experiments in the laboratory and in the field to assess the release of alarm pheromones in scent-marks during simulated predatory events and disclose their effects on conspecifics. We first conducted an assay wherein voles where let to scent-mark a clean substrate in the absence of disturbance (control) and under the simulation of predatory events. Contrarily to the control, no fecal boli were released and the area marked with urine was significantly larger during the predatory simulation. In a subsequent assay, we assessed the voles’ preference between urine-marks released under predatory simulation and in control conditions. Voles showed a significant preference by control substrates. Finally, a third assay was carried out in the vole’s habitat wherein the individual activity was monitored by radio-tracking before and after placement of urine-marks obtained during the conditions described above. The vole’s activity was only reduced near the urine-marks released during the simulated predatory events. The results suggest that: (1) during predatory attempts, Cabrera voles release an alarm pheromone in their urine-marks; (2) the putative alarm pheromone reduces the voles’ activity in the surroundings of the marked area; (3) the putative alarm pheromone persists in the field affecting conspecifics’ activity for several days.  相似文献   

Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in fish is the result of long-term biomagnification in the food chain and is of public concern, due to the toxicity they engender. The objective of this research was to determine the concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in 13 species of marine fish broadly commercialized in Aracaju, SE, Brazil and to evaluate the risks of fish consumption associated with these trace elements, using the Target Hazard Quotient (THQ). As, Cd, and Pb levels were measured with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and mercury was analyzed via cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicate a large variability in concentrations for arsenic (0.07–2.03?mg kg–1) and mercury (0.01–1.44?mg kg–1), associated with the animal dietary category. Cadmium (0.04–0.19?mg kg–1) and lead (<0.01–0.45?mg kg–1), on the other hand showed a mild variability. None of the evaluated specimens had As, Cd, and Pb THQ values higher than 1. The THQ values for mercury were higher but indicated no consumption risk, except for amberjack, and snook fish. Overall THQ indicates lower risk of consumption in fish that are at the base of the food chain, than in those that are top predators.  相似文献   
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