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As a result of chronic stress, anxiety appeared in the rats behaviour, motor activity increased, heart rate quickened, blood pressure raised, conditioned instrumental alimentary reflexes missed, the duration of deep phases of sleep lowered, time of falling asleep became longer, the number of awakening increased. The change in quantitative characteristics of sleep was accompanied by its worsening, especially of rapid sleep. Administration of substance P (SP) eledoisin hexopeptide (EH) (250 mcg/kg), 100-200 mcg/kg of delta sleep peptide and 10 mcg/kg of ethylcrotyl barbiturate improved the rats behaviour and sleep parameters. Calipnon accelerated falling asleep. Delta sleep peptide increased sleep duration. SP and EH restored not only the quantitative characteristics of deep phases of sleep but greatly improved their quality: lowered the blood pressure disrupted tachycardia, normalized the conditioned activity.  相似文献   
The sign and degree of spatial-motor asymmetry in rats were studied in conditions both of spontaneous or signalled choice in an U-maze and spontaneous multiple choice in a radial labyrinth. It was shown that during investigation of a new environment, motor asymmetry in rats was feebly expressed in all conditions of experiments, irrespective of the labyrinth scheme and experimental procedures. In the process of training, adequate behaviour was formed and in some conditions a distinctly expressed spatial asymmetry appeared, while in other cases it was absent. Apparently, while investigating an "unknown" situation (where rats can move rightwards and leftwards), the strategy of "displacement" is characteristic of them. Later the rate of asymmetry manifestation depends on concrete spatial and temporal characteristics of already "familiar" surroundings.  相似文献   
Plasma volume was decreased by prolonged bicycle exercise, by passive heating in warm water, by sauna dehydration, and by diuretically induced dehydration in eleven well trained subjects. Blood samples from an arm vein were taken before and after this pre-treatment, as well as after a subsequent standard exercise test (SET) on a bicycle ergometer (50%, 70% and 105% of max VO2; the SET with no pre-treatment was used as a control condition. The changes in plasma concentration of Na+, K+ and Cl- were not proportional to the calculated plasma volume changes. The Na+ and Cl- concentrations always increased in the plasma, while plasma potassium concentration was increased after prolonged exercise, but decreased after the other types of dehydrations. The standard exercise test produced a pronounced fall in total calculated plasma potassium and in K+ concentration measured 3-5 min after exercise in all types of experiments. In the standard exercise test the calculated water loss from the plasma volume was relatively large. It amounted to about 2/3 of the total water loss in the standard exercise test and was independent of the pre-treatments.  相似文献   
Conditions for the regeneration of cells from protoplasts of Streptomyces chrysomallus, a producer of the peptide antibiotic actinomycin, are described. Regeneration of fusion products was most efficient at 27-30 degrees C on regeneration R2 medium (Okanishi et al., 1974) containing 0.25 M-sucrose. The addition of phosphate (150-300 mg 1(-1) to the medium and incubation at 23 degrees C proved to be optimal for the regeneration of individual strains. Highest recombination frequencies after protoplast fusion were obtained by fusing protoplasts in the presence of 45% (w/v) polyethylene glycol 6000. With strains that produce no, or little antibiotic, protoplasts must be present in excess in fusion mixtures in order to overcome inhibition of regeneration by the antibiotic-producing partner.  相似文献   
The possibility that the 12 alpha-hydroxylase involved in formation of bile acids is of regulatory importance for the ratio between cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid in bile was studied with an in vivo technique. [4-14C]7 alpha-Hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one and [6 beta-3H]7 alpha, 12 alpha-dihydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one were synthesized, and a mixture of these two bile acid intermediates was administered intravenously in five healthy subjects and in one patient with severe liver cirrhosis. The patient with liver cirrhosis was included in the study because of a considerable reduction in biosynthesis of cholic acid. Since the [4-14C]-labeled steroid is an intermediate just proximal to and since the [6 beta-3H]-labeled steroid is an intermediate just distal to the 12 alpha-hydroxylase step, the 3H/14C ratio in the cholic acid formed should reflect the relative 12 alpha-hydroxylase activity. The 3H/14C ratio varied between 1.8 and 3.9 in the cholic acid isolated from the healthy subjects and was 3.6 in the cholic acid isolated from the patient with liver cirrhosis. The ratio between cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid varied between 0.6 and 3.9 in the bile from the control subjects and was only 0.4 in the bile from patients with liver cirrhosis. There was no correlation between the 3H/14C ratios and the ratios between cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid in bile.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Genetic identification of an endoproteinase encoded by the adenovirus genome   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The temperature-sensitive adenovirus type 2 mutant H2ts1 is defective for polypeptide processing at the non-permissive temperature. We have in the present study mapped the mutation by marker rescue and DNA sequencing techniques: the mutation is a C/T transition located at map co-ordinate 61.1. Previous sequencing studies have identified an uninterrupted translational reading frame in this part of the adenovirus genome, encoding a hypothetical 23 X 10(3) Mr polypeptide. The mutation leads to a proline/leucine substitution in the 23 X 10(3) Mr polypeptide.  相似文献   
Loci for human U1 RNA: structural and evolutionary implications   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Three clones U1-1, U1-6, and U1-8 containing sequences related to human U1 RNA have been studied by sequence analysis. The results show that each of the three clones represents a distinct locus. The U1-6 locus is closely related to the HU1-1 locus, which is believed to represent a functional U1 gene. The U1-1 and U1-8 loci are pseudogenes by definition, since they contain sequences that are closely related to but not identical with the human U1 RNA sequence. The U1-6 locus contains the sequence T-A-T-A-T close to the 5'-end of the U1 sequence but it is unclear if this represents the promoter. When the U1-8 locus was compared to the U1-6 locus, it was observed that the 5'-flanking sequences, except in the immediate vicinity of the pseudogene, are as well-conserved as the U1-related sequence itself, at least up to position -220. The high degree of homology in the 5'-flanking region suggests that U1 genes have a much more strict sequence requirement with regard to 5'-flanking sequences than most other eukaryotic genes. The U1-6 and U1-8 loci contain the sequence T-A-T-G-T-A-G-A-T-G-A between positions -211 and -221. An identical sequence is present in the equivalent position in the HU1-1 locus, and may represent the promoter. The high degree of conservation in the postulated promoter region indicates that pseudogenes like U1-8 possibly could be expressed. A truncated U1-related sequence is present between 106 to 150 nucleotides upstream from the U1 gene/pseudogene in the U1-6, the U1-8 and the HU1-1 loci, suggesting that the U1 genes may have been clustered early in evolution. The U1-1 locus has a strikingly different structure from the U1-8 locus; the pseudogene itself is as closely related to the U1 RNA sequence as is the U1-8 pseudogene but the flanking sequences, both on the 5' and the 3' side, share no detectable homology with the corresponding regions in the U1-6 or U1-8 loci. It may therefore be postulated that small nuclear RNA pseudogenes are created by several different mechanisms.  相似文献   
Short ragweed allergenic extract has been studied by means of crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis (CRIE) with the use of sera from 37 allergic patients and the relevant control sera. In this study 22 of 52 antigens, detectable in crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) against polyspecific rabbit anti-ragweed IgG, were able to bind specific human IgE to their corresponding immunoprecipitates. This binding was semiquantified by comparison with the binding of a standard serum pool. Nine antigens were identified as important allergens, including the previously isolated components, AgE, AgK, and Ra6. Certain allergens (e.g., AgE, AgK, and Ag 31) bound IgE in almost all patients' sera, whereas others showed a bimodal distribution for sera of responder and nonresponder patients. The total CRIE score was found to correlate significantly both with ragweed-specific serum IgE antibody determined by RAST (rs = 0.88; p less than 0.001) and with total IgE level (rs = 0.55; p less than 0.01). Patient's CRIE scores to AgE also correlated significantly with their specific IgE antibody to AgE measured by RIA (r = 0.47; p less than 0.01) and with skin-test sensitivity to AgE (r = 0.44; p less than 0.05). It was concluded that CRIE is well suited for identification of important ragweed allergens without the previous need for laborious isolation procedures.  相似文献   
The presence of a factor immunologically related to cobra venom factor (CVF) was demonstrated in serum and plasma from the Indian cobra (Naja naja kaoutia). The factor was purified from cobra plasma by affinity chromatography on an anti-CVF gel and was found to consist of a protein composed of two polypeptide chains similar in size to those of human C3. With use of immunoblotting technique, common antigenic determinants were found in the smaller chain of the prepared material and the beta-chain of human C3; the larger chain may display antigenic determinants present in the alpha-chain of human C3. These findings suggest that this molecule represents the C3 of the cobra complement system. Common antigenic determinants were also demonstrated in the alpha-chain of CVF and the beta-chains of human and cobra C3. No reactions were observed between the beta- and gamma-chains of CVF and any antiserum against human C3 or its subunits. Upon immunodiffusion analysis, cobra serum was found to contain a factor besides C3 sharing antigens specific for CVF, while cobra C3 was antigenically deficient compared to CVF. This suggests that cobra C3 physiologically is degraded to a molecule very similar to or identical with CVF.  相似文献   
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