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The mechanosensitive channel MscL in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli is a homopentameric complex involved in homeostasis when cells are exposed to hypoosmotic conditions. The E. coli MscL protein is synthesized as a polypeptide of 136 amino acid residues and uses the bacterial signal recognition particle for membrane targeting. The protein is inserted into the membrane independently of the Sec translocon but requires YidC. Depletion of YidC inhibits translocation of the protein across the membrane. Insertion of MscL occurs primarily in a proton motive force-independent manner. The hydrophilic loop region of MscL has 29 residues that include 5 charged residues. Altering the charges in the periplasmic loop of MscL affects the requirements for membrane insertion. The introduction of one, two or three negatively charged amino acids makes the insertion dependent on the electrochemical membrane potential and gradually dependent on the Sec translocon, whereas the addition of five negatively charged residues as well as the addition of three positively charged residues inhibits membrane insertion of MscL. However, we find that the mutant with three uncharged residues requires both the SecYEG complex and YidC but not SecA for membrane insertion. In vivo cross-linking data showed that the newly synthesized MscL interacts with YidC and with SecY. Therefore, the MscL mutants use a membrane insertion mechanism that involves SecYEG and YidC simultaneously.  相似文献   
An Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cDNA encoding a novel 16-kDa protein (P16) of the chloroplast thylakoid lumen has been characterised. The function of the protein is unknown but it shares some sequence similarity with alpha allophycocyanins. P16 is synthesised with a bipartite, lumen-targeting presequence, and import experiments demonstrated that this protein follows the ΔpH-dependent pathway. Analysis of the thylakoid transfer peptide revealed two unusual features. Firstly, the key targeting determinant is predicted to be a twin-arginine followed by a highly hydrophobic residue two residues later, rather than at the third position as in most transfer peptides. Secondly, the C-terminal domain of the transfer peptide contains multiple charged residues which may help to prevent mistargeting by the Sec-type protein translocase. Received: 16 October 1998 / Accepted: 29 October 1998  相似文献   
The cell''s endomembranes comprise an intricate, highly dynamic and well-organized system. In plants, the proteins that regulate function of the various endomembrane compartments and their cargo remain largely unknown. Our aim was to dissect subcellular trafficking routes by enriching for partially overlapping subpopulations of endosomal proteomes associated with endomembrane markers. We selected RABD2a/ARA5, RABF2b/ARA7, RABF1/ARA6, and RABG3f as markers for combinations of the Golgi, trans-Golgi network (TGN), early endosomes (EE), secretory vesicles, late endosomes (LE), multivesicular bodies (MVB), and the tonoplast. As comparisons we used Golgi transport 1 (GOT1), which localizes to the Golgi, clathrin light chain 2 (CLC2) labeling clathrin-coated vesicles and pits and the vesicle-associated membrane protein 711 (VAMP711) present at the tonoplast. We developed an easy-to-use method by refining published protocols based on affinity purification of fluorescent fusion constructs to these seven subcellular marker proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. We present a total of 433 proteins, only five of which were shared among all enrichments, while many proteins were common between endomembrane compartments of the same trafficking route. Approximately half, 251 proteins, were assigned to one enrichment only. Our dataset contains known regulators of endosome functions including small GTPases, SNAREs, and tethering complexes. We identify known cargo proteins such as PIN3, PEN3, CESA, and the recently defined TPLATE complex. The subcellular localization of two GTPase regulators predicted from our enrichments was validated using live-cell imaging. This is the first proteomic dataset to discriminate between such highly overlapping endomembrane compartments in plants and can be used as a general proteomic resource to predict the localization of proteins and identify the components of regulatory complexes and provides a useful tool for the identification of new protein markers of the endomembrane system.Membrane compartmentalization is an essential mechanism for eukaryotic life, by which cells separate and control biological processes. Plant growth, development, and adaptation to biotic and abiotic stress all rely on the highly dynamic endomembrane system, yet we know comparatively little about the proteins regulating these dynamic trafficking events. The plasma membrane (PM) provides the main interface between the cell and its environment, mediating the transfer of material to and from the cell and is a primary site for perception of external signals. Transmembrane proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and trafficked to the PM via the Golgi, although there are other secretory routes for soluble cargo (discussed in (14)). Post-Golgi trafficking is the main route by which newly synthesized transmembrane proteins and cell wall glycans are delivered to the PM. In plants, secretory and endocytic traffic converge at the trans-Golgi network (TGN), which also functions as an early endosome (EE). Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) are the other main endosomal compartment in plants and serve as prevacuolar compartments (PVCs) or late endosomes (LE) destined for vacuolar degradation (reviewed (1, 5, 6)).Recycling and sorting of plasma membrane proteins is essential for generating the polar localization of auxin efflux transporters (discussed in (7)), formation of the cell plate during cell division (811), and in defense such as localized deposition of papilla reviewed in (12, 13). Furthermore, the subcellular localization of transporters and receptors is dynamically regulated. For example, the boron transporter (BOR1) exhibits polar localization and is internalized and degraded under conditions of high boron to reduce toxicity (14, 15). Similarly the receptor-like kinases (RLKs) flagellin-sensing 2 (FLS2) and brassinosteroid insensitive 1 (BRI1), important transmembrane receptors in antibacterial immunity and plant development, respectively, are constitutively endocytosed and recycled to the PM (1618). Both receptors and transporters are also cargoes of the LE/MVB trafficking route (16) and are probably sorted to the vacuole for degradation (19, 20). Importantly, FLS2 trafficking via the recycling endocytic or the late endocytic route depends on its activation status; inactive receptors are recycled while ligand-activated receptors are sorted to the late endosomal pathway (16). Similarly, the polar sorting of auxin efflux transporters depends on their phosphorylation status (21). These observations illustrate that membrane compartmentalization underpins important aspects of plant cell biology and has initiated a quest toward a better understanding of the endomembrane compartments and the routes and mechanisms by which cargo is trafficked and sorted within the cell.Membrane trafficking within the cell requires complex machinery consisting of a plethora of coat and adaptor proteins, small GTPases, targeting, tethering, and scission factors (reviewed in (22, 23)). Homologues of some animal and yeast and endomembrane regulators have been identified in plants, but the localization and function of many of these remain to be characterized. For example, members of the RAB GTPase family have been shown to have markedly different roles and localizations in plants compared with their animal and yeast homologs (24). Therefore, acquiring localization data for tethering complexes and other regulators in plant systems is essential. In Arabidopsis thaliana, some of these proteins have been developed as useful probes to visualize the different endomembrane compartments by fusion with fluorescent reporters (9, 2527). These include regulators of trafficking events such as RAB GTPases that are molecular switches responsible for the assembly of tethering and docking complexes and compartment identity. RAB proteins are widely used markers of endomembrane compartments, for example RABD2a/ARA5 labels the Golgi and TGN/EE as well as post-Golgi vesicles (4, 24, 26, 28), RABF2b/ARA7 localizes to TGN/EE and LE (25), RABF1/ARA6 is a marker of the LE/MVB vesicles (25, 29), and RABG3f localizes to MVBs and the tonoplast (26, 30).Fluorescent-tagged marker lines for the live-cell imaging of plant cells have been invaluable in defining the location of proteins within and between organelles and endomembrane compartments (26). However, microscopic investigation of membrane trafficking is limited by throughput, as only few proteins can be studied simultaneously. A powerful approach to large-scale identification of proteins in endomembrane compartments is through subcellular fractionation based on physical properties to directly isolate or enrich for the subcellular compartment of interest. Subcellular fractionation-based proteomics have been successfully used to decipher the steady state and cargo proteomes of, including but not limited to, the ER, the vacuole, PM, mitochondria and chloroplasts, and smaller vesicle-like compartments such as peroxisomes and Golgi (3141). However, the smaller, transitory vesicles of the secretory and endocytic pathways have proved challenging to purify for reliable proteomic analysis. To overcome this, affinity purification of vesicles was established in animal cells (42, 43) and recently successfully applied in plants in combination with subcellular fractionation. Affinity purification and mass spectrometry (MS) of syntaxin of plants 61 (SYP61)-positive TGN/EE compartments identified 145 proteins specifically enriched in (44), while affinity isolation of VHA-a1-GFP (vacuolar H+ ATPase A1) identified 105 proteins associated with the TGN/EE (45). The VHA-A1 affinity purification data were then further refined using density gradient centrifugation to differentiate cargo and steady-state proteins (45).We have further explored affinity purification of fluorescent-tagged markers localizing to defined compartments to identify proteins associated with trafficking. Our motivation was to dissect the trafficking routes by enriching for partially overlapping subpopulations of endosomal proteomes associated with small GTPases in the RAB family. We selected RABD2a/ARA5, RABF2b/ARA7, RABF1/ARA6, and RABG3f as markers for Golgi/TGN/EE/secretory vesicles, LE/MVB compartments, LE/MVB compartments and LE/MVB/tonoplast, respectively. Additionally, we used Golgi transport 1 (GOT1), which localizes to the Golgi, clathrin light chain 2 (CLC2) labeling clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) and pits and the vesicle-associated membrane protein 711 (VAMP711) present at the tonoplast (26, 27, 29, 46, 47) as comparisons. Our objective was to identify transient cargo proteins, tethers, and docking factors associated with dynamic subdomains of the endomembrane system, to supplement better-characterized “steady-state” components, and to identify components of recycling and vacuolar trafficking pathways.  相似文献   
Completion of genome sequences for many organisms allows a reasonably complete definition of the complement of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. In mammals this "core matrisome" comprises ~300 proteins. In addition there are large numbers of ECM-modifying enzymes, ECM-binding growth factors, and other ECM-associated proteins. These different categories of ECM and ECM-associated proteins cooperate to assemble and remodel extracellular matrices and bind to cells through ECM receptors. Together with receptors for ECM-bound growth factors, they provide multiple inputs into cells to control survival, proliferation, differentiation, shape, polarity, and motility of cells. The evolution of ECM proteins was key in the transition to multicellularity, the arrangement of cells into tissue layers, and the elaboration of novel structures during vertebrate evolution. This key role of ECM is reflected in the diversity of ECM proteins and the modular domain structures of ECM proteins both allow their multiple interactions and, during evolution, development of novel protein architectures.  相似文献   
Evidence is presented for the existence of two strong murine teratocarcinoma transplantation antigens (Gt) on the cell line PCC3. It is shown that the loci governing expression of these antigens are linked to the H-2 complex. These loci have been further mapped with respect to the brachyury marker (T) and H-2: Gt-1 lies 5±2 crossover units proximal to H-2 and 12±2 crossover units distal to T, Gt-2 lies 21±4 crossover units distal to H-2. It is possible that these strong transplantation antigens provide an embryonic analogue to the adult major histocompatibility system.  相似文献   
When Rhodococcus erythropolis is cultivated under the submerged conditions in a medium containing yeast mannan as a sole carbon source, it synthesizes exocellular alpha-mannanase which hydrolyzes alpha-1,2 and alpha-1,3 bonds in a mannan molecule. The alpha-mannanase of R. erythropolis exerts distinct lectin properties under the conditions which entirely exclude its enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Deep-water sharks are among the most vulnerable deep-water taxa because of their extremely conservative life-history strategies (i.e., late maturation, slow growth, and reproductive rates), yet little is known about their biology and ecology. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the trophic ecology of five deep-water shark species, the birdbeak dogfish (Deania calcea), the arrowhead (D. profundorum), the smooth lanternshark (Etmopterus pusillus), the blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus) and the knifetooth dogfish (Scymnodon ringens) sampled onboard a crustacean bottom-trawler off the south-west coast of Portugal. We combined carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes with RNA and DNA (RD) ratios to investigate the main groups of prey assimilated by these species and their nutritional condition, respectively. Stable isotopes revealed overall small interspecific variability in the contribution of different taxonomic groups to sharks' tissues, as well as in the origin of their prey. S. ringens presented higher δ15N and δ13C values than the other species, suggesting reliance on bathyal cephalopods, crustaceans and teleosts; the remaining species likely assimilated bathy-mesopelagic prey. The RD ratios indicated that most of the individuals had an overall adequate nutritional condition and had recently eaten. This information, combined with the fact that stable isotopes indicate that sharks assimilated prey from the local or nearby food webs (including commercially important shrimps), suggests a potential overlap between this fishing area and their foraging grounds, which requires further attention.  相似文献   
In this study the model of 7-day dry immersion (DI) was used. 17 male volunteers (23-29 years old) were divided in 2 groups: (i) 7-day DI without support (DI, n=9), (ii) 7-day DI using support stimulation (DIS, n=8). Support stimulator device exerted pressure of 0.2 +/- 0.15 kg/cm2 upon the plantar support zones simulating the walking pattern 6 times a day for 20 minutes of every hour: 10 minutes at a speed of 75 steps/min and 10 minutes at a speed of 120 steps/min. M. soleus biopsy was performed before and immediately after DI. The m. soleus fiber myosin heavy chain (MHC) profile, myofiber cross-sectional area (CSA) and total protein concentration were analyzed in frozen serial sections. In addition, NO-synthase 1 (NOS1) levels indicative of normal muscle cell signaling were analyzed by western blotting in 4 persons in each group. After dry immersion, percentage of muscle fibers containing type I MHC decreased by 6% (p<0.05) in group DI, but was not changed significantly in group DIS. Percentage of the type IIa fibers was significantly altered in none of the groups. Type I fiber CSA decreased by 24.4% (p<0.05) in group DI. No significant changes of type I fiber CSA were found in group DIS. CSA of the type IIa fibers significantly altered in none of the groups. The total protein concentration was found increased by 17.6% in group DI and by 21% in group DIS. The increased total protein content in group DI suggests a diminution of fiber CSA attributed to the loss of non-protein component of fibers. NOS1 decreased by 35.6% in group DI and increased by 58.1% in group DIS. We conclude that 7 days in dry immersion lead to reduction in the type I muscle fiber percentage, loss of the non-protein component and decline in NOS1. These changes were clearly prevented by the support stimulation protocol applied during the DI period.  相似文献   
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