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The sequence organization of four different families of Y chromosomal repetitive DNA is characterized at three levels of spatial extension along the Y chromosome of Drosophila hydei. At the lowest level of resolution, DNA blot analysis of Y chromosomal fragments of different lengths and in situ hybridization experiments on metaphase chromosomes demonstrate the clustering of each particular sequence family within one defined region of the chromosome. At a higher level of resolution, family specific repeats can be detected within these clusters by crosshybridization within 10–20 kb long continuous stretches of cloned DNA in EMBL3 phages. At the highest level of resolution, detailed sequence analysis of representative subclones about 1 kb in length reveals a satellite-like head to tail arrangement of family specific degenerated subrepeats as the building scheme common to all four families. Our results provide the first comparative sequence analysis of three novel families of repetitive DNA on the long arm of the F chromosome of D. hydei. Additional data are presented which support the existence of two related subfamilies of repetitive DNA on the short arm of the Y chromosome.  相似文献   
The kinetics of mineralization of 14C-labeled phenol and aniline were measured at initial concentrations ranging from 0.32 to 5,000 ng and 0.30 ng to 500 micrograms/g of soil, respectively. Mineralization of phenol at concentrations less than or equal to 32 ng/g of soil and of aniline at all concentrations began immediately, and the curves for the evolution of labeled CO2 were biphasic. The patterns of mineralization of 4.0 ng of 2,4-dichlorophenol per g of soil and 20 ng of nitrilotriacetic acid per g of soil were similar to the patterns for phenol and aniline. The patterns of mineralization of 1.0 to 100 ng of p-nitrophenol and 6.0 ng of benzylamine per g of soil were also biphasic but after a short apparent lag period. The curves of CO2 evolution from higher concentrations of phenol and p-nitrophenol had increasing apparent lag phases and were S-shaped or linear. Cumulative plots of the percentage of substrate converted to CO2 were fit by nonlinear regression to first-order, integrated Monod, logistic, logarithmic, zero-order, three-half-order, and two-compartment models. None of the models of the Monod family provided the curve of best fit to any of the patterns of mineralization. The linear growth form of the three-half-order model provided the best fit for the mineralization of p-nitrophenol, with the exception of the lowest concentrations, and of benzylamine. The two-compartment model provided the best fit for the mineralization of concentrations of phenol below 100 ng/g, of several concentrations of aniline, and of nitrilotriacetic acid. It is concluded that models derived from the Monod equation, including the first-order model, do not adequately describe the kinetics of mineralization of low concentrations of chemicals added to soil.  相似文献   
Kinetics of mineralization of phenols in lake water.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The kinetics of mineralization of phenol and p-nitrophenol in lake water was determined at concentrations from 200 pg/ml to 5 micrograms/ml. The mineralization data were fit by nonlinear regression to equations for 14 kinetic models that describe patterns of biodegradation by nongrowing cells or by microorganisms growing on either the test chemical or other organic substrates. The kinetics od mineralization of phenol in water samples collected in July was best described by first-order models for 0.5 ng of phenol per ml; by Monod-without-growth, logistic, and logarithmic models for 1.0 and 2.0 ng/ml and 5.0 ng/ml to 1.0 micrograms/ml, respectively, if it is assumed that the mineralizing population uses phenol as the sole carbon source for growth; by models (for phenol at concentrations of 2.0 ng/ml to 1.0 micrograms/ml) that assume that the phenol-mineralizing populations do not grow or grow logarithmically or logistically on uncharacterized carbon compounds but metabolize the phenol when present at levels below and above Km, respectively, for that compound; and by a logarithmic model at 5.0 micrograms/ml. Under the test conditions, usually less than 10% of the phenol C that was metabolized was incorporated into microbial cells or retained by other particulate material in the water at substrate concentrations of 10 ng/ml or less, and the percentage increased at higher substrate concentrations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Antisera raised against Rauscher leukemia virus (R-MuLV) contain a preponderance of antibodies against glycoprotein gp70 that are dependent on the presence of carbohydrate side chains for reactivity, as judged by immunoprecipitation or Western blotting. However, the majority of neutralizing antibodies were not dependent on the presence of carbohydrate, as indicated by (i) the ability of deglycosylated R-MuLV to adsorb neutralizing antibody from sera as efficiently as glycosylated R-MuLV and (ii) the ability of deglycosylated R-MuLV to induce neutralizing antibody responses when injected into rabbits. Moreover, a faster response was obtained with deglycosylated R-MuLV than with untreated control virus in the latter experiments. The results indicate that the neutralizing antibodies are a discrete subpopulation of the total antibody response. Furthermore, the carbohydrate moieties appear to afford protection to the virion during infection, rather than serve as a target for neutralization.  相似文献   
High-rate anaerobic digestion can be applied in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors for the treatment of various wastewaters. In upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors, sludge retention time is increased by a natural immobilization mechanism (viz. the formation of a granular type of sludge). When this sludge is cultivated on acid-containing wastewater, the granules mainly consist of an acetoclastic methanogen resembling Methanothrix soehngenii. This organism grows either in rods or in long filaments. Attempts to cultivate a stable sludge consisting predominantly of Methanosarcina sp. on an acetate-propionate mixture as substrate by lowering the pH from 7.5 during the start-up to approximately 6 failed. After 140 days of continuous operation of the reactor a filamentous organism resembling Methanothrix soehngenii prevailed in the sludge. The specific methanogenic activity of this sludge on acetate-propionate was optimal at pH 6.6 to 6.8 and 7.0 to 7.2, respectively.  相似文献   
Bacteriophage 80 alpha did not increase in number in cultures containing less than about 1.0 X 10(4) to 1.5 X 10(4) CFU of Staphylococcus aureus per ml, but bacteriophage replication did occur when the number of bacteria exceeded this density, either initially or as a result of host cell multiplication. The minimum density of an asporogenous strain of Bacillus subtilis required for an increase in the number of bacteriophage SP beta cI was about 3 X 10(4) CFU/ml. The threshold density of Escherichia coli for the multiplication of bacteriophage T4 was about 7 X 10(3) CFU/ml. In the presence of montmorillonite, bacteriophage T4 did not increase in number until the E. coli population exceeded 10(4) CFU/ml. The mineralization of glucose was not affected in E. coli cultures inoculated with a low number of bacteriophage T4, but it could not be detected in cultures inoculated with a large number of phage. The numbers of bacteriophage T4 and a bacteriophage that lyses Pseudomonas putida declined rapidly after being added to lake water or sewage. We suggest that bacteriophages do not affect the number or activity of bacteria in environments where the density of the host species is below the host cell threshold of about 10(4) CFU/ml.  相似文献   
Summary A survey was made of published results of tests of the capacity of Rhizobium derived from one legume genus to nodulate plants from other genera. The data were derived from more than 14,000 separate cross-inoculation trials involving species from 165 genera of legumes. Numerical taxonomic techniques were applied to 113 of the genera for which results of substantial cross-infection tests were available. The data were examined using mean character difference coefficients re-expressed as total and positive-only similarity coefficients. The resulting similarity matrices were clustered by the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages. Eighteen affinity groups were defined at the 70% similarity level. With few exceptions, the physiological and cultural behavior of the rhizobia was consistent within the defined groups. Two broad categories were suggested in the numerical taxonomic analysis, and their validity is discussed in regard to the geographic, physiological and cultural characteristics of the legumes and their Rhizobium microsymbionts. The taxonomic and agronomic value of this approach and the new groupings are discussed.  相似文献   
Following incubation of [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) and [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) with suspensions of guinea pig brain membranes, analysis of the supernatants by HPLC has shown that both peptides are degraded at 25 degrees C and at 0 degrees C. Bestatin and captopril reduce degradation at 0 degrees C but for a similar degree of protection at 25 degrees C arginine-containing dipeptides are also required. The effects of these peptidase inhibitors on the degradation profiles indicate that [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) has three main sites of cleavage: the Tyr1-Gly2, Arg6-Arg7, and Leu5-Arg6 bonds. With [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) as substrate the Arg7-Ile8 and Ile8-Arg9 bonds are also liable to cleavage. In binding assays, in contrast to the effects of peptidase inhibitors on the degradation of unbound [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) and [3H]dynorphin A (1-9), bestatin and captopril have little effect on the binding characteristics of the tritiated dynorphin A fragments at the kappa-site at 0 degrees C. However, at 25 degrees C binding is low in the absence of peptidase inhibitors. When binding at mu- and delta-sites is prevented, the maximal binding capacities of [3H]dynorphin A (1-8), [3H]dynorphin A (1-9), and [3H](-)-bremazocine at the kappa-site are similar; [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) has 5-10 times higher affinity for the kappa-site than [3H]dynorphin A (1-8). Comparison of the effects of peptidase inhibitors on unbound dynorphin A fragments with their effects in binding assays suggests that the bound peptides are protected from the action of peptidases.  相似文献   
The specific activities of the enzymes alpha-mannosidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase increase immediately after the initiation of the development of bacterially grown cell cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum. The regulation of these two enzymes was found to be dissociable in the developmental timer mutant, FM-1, which aggregates 4.5 h earlier than wild-type cells due to the absence of the first rate-limiting component of the preaggregative period. The increase in alpha-mannosidase activity occurs in the absence of the first rate-limiting component, but the increase in N-acetylglucosaminidase activity does not. These results indicate the following: (1) the increase in the specific activity of alpha-mannosidase is not related to the timing of subsequent developmental stages; (2) the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is not necessary for the subsequent developmental program; and (3) either the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is dependent upon progress through the first rate-limiting component, or the increase in this enzyme activity and the first rate-limiting component are both dependent upon an early event for which FM-1 is defective. In addition to early development, we monitored the two enzyme activities during dedifferentiation. The results demonstrate that there is no difference between dedifferentiating wild-type cells and dedifferentiation-defective mutant HI-4 cells. Changes in enzyme specific activity accompanying dedifferentiation are dependent upon the composition of the dedifferentiation-inducing media and are consistent with the levels of these enzymes observed in cells growing in the different nutrient media.  相似文献   
l-Amino acid oxidase is synthesized in Neurospora crassa in response to three different physiological stimuli: (i) starvation in phosphate buffer, (ii) mating, and (iii) nitrogen derepression in the presence of amino acids. During starvation in phosphate buffer, or after mating, l-amino acid oxidase synthesis occurred in parallel with that of tyrosinase. Exogenous sulfate repressed the formation of the two enzymes in starved cultures, but not in mated cultures. Sulfate repression was relieved by protein synthesis inhibitors, suggesting that the effect of sulfate required the synthesis of a metabolically unstable protein repressor. With amino acids as the sole nitrogen source only l-amino acid oxidase was produced. Under these conditions enzyme synthesis was repressed by ammonium and was insensitive to sulfate. Biochemical evidence suggested that the l-amino acid oxidase formed under the three different conditions was the same protein. Therefore, the expression of l-amino acid oxidase appeared to be under the control of least two regulatory circuits. One, also controlling tyrosinase, seems to respond to developmental signals related to sexual morphogenesis. The other, controlling other enzymes of the nitrogen catabolic system, is used by the organism to obtain nitrogen from alternative sources such as proteins and amino acids.  相似文献   
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