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Recent studies have shown that some flavonoids are modulators of proinflammatory cytokine production. In this study, velutin, a unique flavone isolated from the pulp of açaí fruit (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), was examined for its effects in reducing lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-6 production in RAW 264.7 peripheral macrophages and mice peritoneal macrophages. Three other structurally similar and well-studied flavones, luteolin, apigenin and chrysoeriol, were included as controls and for comparative purposes. Velutin exhibited the greatest potency among all flavones in reducing TNF-α and IL-6 production. Velutin also showed the strongest inhibitory effect in nuclear factor (NF)-κB activation (as assessed by secreted alkaline phosphatase reporter assay) and exhibited the greatest effects in blocking the degradation of inhibitor of NF-κB as well as in inhibiting mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 and JNK phosphorylation; all of these are important signaling pathways involved in production of TNF-α and IL-6. The present study led to the discovery of a strong anti-inflammatory flavone, velutin. This compound effectively inhibited the expression of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 in low micromole levels by inhibiting NF-κB activation and p38 and JNK phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are present in all types of cells as well as in organelles. tRNAs of animal mitochondria show a low level of primary sequence conservation and exhibit 'bizarre' secondary structures, lacking complete domains of the common cloverleaf. Such sequences are hard to detect and hence frequently missed in computational analyses and mitochondrial genome annotation. Here, we introduce an automatic annotation procedure for mitochondrial tRNA genes in Metazoa based on sequence and structural information in manually curated covariance models. The method, applied to re-annotate 1876 available metazoan mitochondrial RefSeq genomes, allows to distinguish between remaining functional genes and degrading 'pseudogenes', even at early stages of divergence. The subsequent analysis of a comprehensive set of mitochondrial tRNA genes gives new insights into the evolution of structures of mitochondrial tRNA sequences as well as into the mechanisms of genome rearrangements. We find frequent losses of tRNA genes concentrated in basal Metazoa, frequent independent losses of individual parts of tRNA genes, particularly in Arthropoda, and wide-spread conserved overlaps of tRNAs in opposite reading direction. Direct evidence for several recent Tandem Duplication-Random Loss events is gained, demonstrating that this mechanism has an impact on the appearance of new mitochondrial gene orders.  相似文献   
Proteolytic degradation of fibrin, the major structural component in blood clots, is critical both during normal wound healing and in the treatment of ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction. Fibrin-containing clots experience substantial strain due to platelet contraction, fluid shear, and mechanical stress at the wound site. However, little is understood about how mechanical forces may influence fibrin dissolution. We used video microscopy to image strained fibrin clots as they were degraded by plasmin, a major fibrinolytic enzyme. Applied strain causes up to 10-fold reduction in the rate of fibrin degradation. Analysis of our data supports a quantitative model in which the decrease in fibrin proteolysis rates with strain stems from slower transport of plasmin into the clot. We performed fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) measurements to further probe the effect of strain on diffusive transport. We find that diffusivity perpendicular to the strain axis decreases with increasing strain, while diffusivity along the strain axis remains unchanged. Our results suggest that the properties of the fibrin network have evolved to protect mechanically loaded fibrin from degradation, consistent with its function in wound healing. The pronounced effect of strain upon diffusivity and proteolytic susceptibility within fibrin networks offers a potentially useful means of guiding cell growth and morphology in fibrin-based biomaterials.  相似文献   
During lymphangiogenesis in the mammalian embryo, a subset of vascular endothelial cells in the cardinal veins is reprogrammed to adopt a lymphatic endothelial fate. The prevailing model of lymphangiogenesis contends that these lymphatic precursor cells migrate away from the cardinal veins and reassemble peripherally as lymph sacs from which a lymphatic vasculature is generated. However, this model fails to account for a number of observations that, as a result, have remained anecdotal. Here, we use optical projection tomography, confocal microscopy and in vivo live imaging to uncover three key stages of lymphatic vascular morphogenesis in the mouse embryo at high resolution. First, we define territories or "pre-lymphatic clusters" of Prox1-positive lymphatic endothelial progenitor cells along the antero-posterior axis of the cardinal veins. Second, these pre-lymphatic clusters undergo progressive extrusion ("ballooning") to generate primitive lymph sacs. Third, lymphatic vessels emerge by a combination of mechanisms including sprouting from the lymph sacs and direct delamination of streams of cells from the cardinal veins. Our data support a new model for lymphatic vascular patterning and morphogenesis, as a basis for identifying the molecular cues governing these processes.  相似文献   
Flow cytometric analyses were performed to study intracellular single-cell calcium transients ([Ca2+]i) in suspended human neutrophils during the initial phase of N-formyl peptide stimulation. Thereby, two neutrophil populations became apparent. Early maximally Ca2+-responding (high fluorescence) neutrophils and not-yet Ca2+-responding (low fluorescence) neutrophils, but no neutrophils with intermediate levels of [Ca2+]i, were detected. Within 7 s the number of low fluorescence neutrophils decreased and the number of high fluorescence neutrophils increased maximally. This suggests that [Ca2+]i transients occurred abruptly in individual neutrophils within a time interval below 1 s. At lower N-formyl peptide concentrations the lag times of individual neutrophils and the interval time of maximal activation of the [Ca2+]i-responding neutrophil population increased, however the percentage of [Ca2+]i-responding cells decreased. Surprisingly, no influence of the N-formyl peptide concentration on the [Ca2+]i-induced fluorescence signal of the individual cell was observed: it was always in an almost maximal range or not responding. In parallel, binding studies performed with fluorescein-labeled N-formyl peptide revealed that the heterogeneity of [Ca2+]i-responding cells cannot be explained by different receptor occupancy. In summary, this study demonstrates that [Ca2+]i transients induced by N-formyl peptides in suspended individual human neutrophils occur very rapidly in an almost “all-or-none manner” and that the mean increasing fluorescence signal of a calcium indicator within a whole neutrophil population results from varying lag times of the individual cells, rather than from the mean simultaneous progress of many cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Studies of genetic adaptation in plant populations along elevation gradients in mountains have a long history, but there has until now been neither a synthesis of how frequently plant populations exhibit adaptation to elevation nor an evaluation of how consistent underlying trait differences across species are. We reviewed studies of adaptation along elevation gradients (i) from a meta‐analysis of phenotypic differentiation of three traits (height, biomass and phenology) from plants growing in 70 common garden experiments; (ii) by testing elevation adaptation using three fitness proxies (survival, reproductive output and biomass) from 14 reciprocal transplant experiments; (iii) by qualitatively assessing information at the molecular level, from 10 genomewide surveys and candidate gene approaches. We found that plants originating from high elevations were generally shorter and produced less biomass, but phenology did not vary consistently. We found significant evidence for elevation adaptation in terms of survival and biomass, but not for reproductive output. Variation in phenotypic and fitness responses to elevation across species was not related to life history traits or to environmental conditions. Molecular studies, which have focussed mainly on loci related to plant physiology and phenology, also provide evidence for adaptation along elevation gradients. Together, these studies indicate that genetically based trait differentiation and adaptation to elevation are widespread in plants. We conclude that a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying adaptation, not only to elevation but also to environmental change, will require more studies combining the ecological and molecular approaches.  相似文献   
Introduced predatory fishes have had consistently severe consequences for native fishes in stream environments around the world, although the drivers of these effects are often unclear. In the Swartkops River headwaters in South Africa, native Eastern Cape redfin Pseudobarbus afer were always absent from sites occupied by non‐native black basses Micropterus salmoides and Micropterus dolomieu, but generally co‐occurred with the native predators Anguilla marmorata and Anguilla mossambica. A natural experiment provided by flood‐mediated recolonization of black‐bass occupied sites by P. afer demonstrated depletion in black‐bass invaded sites. Field behavioural observations of P. afer indicated that they foraged among benthic cover during the day, but suspended in open water at night. As the nocturnal A. marmorata and A. mossambica foraged actively within structural cover at night and M. dolomieu and M. salmoides are diurnal or crepuscular predators, P .afer is thus optimized to avoid predation by native anguillid predators and not the functionally unique predatory black basses. The integration of distributional, temporal population dynamics and behavioural data suggests that the severe effects of Micropterus spp. are probably a consequence of prey naïveté and behaviour evolved to evade native predators.  相似文献   
Birds overwintering at high latitudes may find it challenging to meet their energy budgets when thermoregulatory costs are high and food availability is low. Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus), like most raptors, exhibit reversed sexual size dimorphism, so , if availability of high‐quality (food‐rich) habitats is limited, we predicted that larger and dominant females would use better ‐ quality habitat than males. During the winters of 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 in Saskatchewan , where many Snowy Owls overwinter annually, we measured prey (small mammal) abundance in fields with four types of cover, including cut stalks (stubble) of canola, grain and legume crops, and pasture, and related this estimate of quality to habitat selection by males and females. Small mammal abundance varied annually , but not among the three types of crop stubble. However, prey were less abundant in pastures than in the three types of crop cover in one of three years. Biweekly surveys of owls conducted during the two winters along a 60 ‐ km transect revealed weak selection for legume fields, especially by males. The home ranges of nine females with transmitters included proportionally less canola stubble than those of eight males with transmitters. Within home ranges, males avoided canola stubble and tended to use legume fields more, whereas females used all four habitat types in proportion to availability. Fewer Snowy Owls than expected were observed at locations along the transect within 800 m of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) and their associated habitats , suggesting that Snowy Owls also avoided these potential competitors on the landscape. Our results suggest that larger females outcompete smaller male Snowy Owls for home ranges in preferred habitat with less canola stubble because stubble‐free legume fields provide easier access to prey than canola fields with numerous rigid stalks.  相似文献   
The bacterium Vibrio cholerae is a natural inhabitant of aquatic ecosystems across the planet. V. cholerae serogroups O1 and O139 are responsible for cholera outbreaks in developing countries accounting for 3–5 million infections worldwide and 28.800–130.000 deaths per year according to the World Health Organization. In contrast, V. cholerae serogroups other than O1 and O139, also designated as V. cholerae non-O1/O139 (NOVC), are not associated with epidemic cholera but can cause other illnesses that may range in severity from mild (e.g. gastroenteritis, otitis, etc.) to life-threatening (e.g. necrotizing fasciitis). Although generally neglected, NOVC-related infections are on the rise and represent one of the most striking examples of emerging human diseases linked to climate change. NOVC strains are also believed to potentially contribute to the emergence of new pathogenic strains including strains with epidemic potential as a direct consequence of genetic exchange mechanisms such as horizontal gene transfer and genetic recombination. Besides general features concerning the biology and ecology of NOVC strains and their associated diseases, this review aims to highlight the most relevant aspects related to the emergence and potential threat posed by NOVC strains under a rapidly changing environmental and climatic scenario.  相似文献   
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