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The papovavirus JC virus (JCV) is highly oncogenic in experimental animals but, unlike simian virus 40 (SV40), is severely restricted in its ability to transform cells in culture. We exploited the close genetic relatedness of these two viruses to delimit region(s) of the T protein which can restrict transforming activity. Novel chimeric genomes were produced by exchanging various segments of the JCV and SV40 T-protein-coding regions. These DNA constructs specified early proteins with in-frame substitutions of analogous amino acid sequences. A second set of genomes was prepared which, in addition to chimeric early proteins, contained substituted regulatory regions. The transformation efficiencies of these chimeric genomes were intermediate between those of SV40 and JCV, with the source of T protein exerting a greater effect than that of the regulatory region. The ability of certain constructs to induce efficient transformation required the presence of an SV40 regulatory region or specific sequences within the SV40 early coding region. Cloned cell lines prepared from representative transformants were characterized; the ability to form colonies in soft agarose was investigated, and the presence of viral T and cellular p53 proteins was determined. The various T proteins differed in amount, stability, and the ability to form stable complexes with p53.  相似文献   
Four different α-d-glucosyltransferases (GTF) have been obtained from culture filtrates of Streptococcus sobrinus strains grown in the chemostat at pH 6·5 in complex medium supplemented with Tween 80. Three of the enzymes, GTF-S1, GTF-S3 and GTF-S4, converted sucrose into soluble glucans. Their limit of hydrolysis with endodextranase, the proportion of linear to branched oligosaccharides among the end products of enzymic degradation, and methylation analysis, all supported the view that the glucans were dextrans. The S1-dextrans were highly branched (32% of α-(1 → 3)-branch points), S3-dextrans were linear, and the branching of S4-dextrans was intermediate in value (9%). The enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of three such diverse dextrans were thus proved to be three different GTF, each with a characteristic specificity. Conditions of growth in the chemostat could be varied to provide maximum yields of either GTF-S1, -S3 or -S4.  相似文献   
We have recently obtained strong genetic evidence that the acidic Calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide (EPS I) of Rhizobium meliloti Rm1021 is required for nodule invasion and possibly for later events in nodule development. Thirteen loci on the second megaplasmid have been identified that are required for, or affect, the synthesis of EPS I. Mutations in certain of these loci completely abolish the production of EPS I and result in mutants that form empty Fix- nodules. exoH mutants fail to succinylate their EPS I and form empty Fix- nodules. We have identified two unlinked regulatory loci, exoR and exoS, whose products play negative roles in the regulation of expression of the exo genes. We have recently discovered that R. meliloti has a latent capacity to synthesize a second exopolysaccharide (EPS II) that can substitute for the role(s) of EPS I in nodulation of alfalfa but not of other hosts. Possible roles for Rhizobium exopolysaccharides in nodulation are discussed.  相似文献   
The functional properties of the anaerobic responsive element (ARE) of the maize Adh1 gene have been analysed using a transient expression assay in electroporated maize protoplasts. The ARE functions in both orientations although inversion of the ARE sequence relative to the TATA box element produces slightly weaker promoter activity under anaerobic conditions and elevated expression under aerobic conditions. Promoter activity under anaerobic conditions is proportional to the number of complete ARE sequences in the Adh1 promotor. The ARE contains two sub-regions and dimers of sub-region II are as efficient as the wild-type sequence in activating gene expression under anaerobic conditions. However, sub-region I dimers do not appear capable of inducing gene expression in response to anaerobic stress. We conclude that sub-region II is essential for anaerobic induction of gene expression. Reporter gene expression remains constant when the spacing between sub-regions of the ARE is increased up to at least 64 bp, but increased spacing of 136 bp or greater abolishes expression in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, indicating that a close association of the two sub-regions is required both for anaerobic responsiveness and for maximal levels of aerobic gene expression. When the ARE is placed upstream of position –90 of the CaMV 35S promoter, the ARE produces a high level of expression in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The general enhancement of gene expression driven by the hybrid ARE/35S promoter in aerobic conditions requires an intact sub-region II motif since mutation or deletion of sub-region II from the hybrid promoter reduces the level of expression to that observed for the truncated 35S promoter alone. In addition, mutation of the sub-region I sequences in the ARE/35S hybrid promoter does not significantly reduce expression in aerobic conditions, relative to pARE/35S(-90), suggesting that sub-region I does not contribute to this general enhancer function.  相似文献   
The ceroid lipofuscinoses are a group of neurodegenerative lysosomal storage diseases of children and animals that are recessively inherited. In diseased individuals fluorescent storage bodies accumulate in a wide variety of cells, including neurons. Previous studies of these bodies isolated from tissues of affected sheep confirmed that the storage occurs in lysosomes, and showed that the storage body is mostly made of a single protein with an apparent molecular mass of 3500 Da with an N-terminal amino acid sequence that is the same as residues 1-40 of the c-subunit (or dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide-reactive proteolipid) of mitochondrial ATP synthase. In the present work we have shown by direct analysis that the stored protein is identical in sequence with the entire c-subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase, a very hydrophobic protein of 75 amino acid residues. As far as can be detected by the Edman degradation, the stored protein appears not to have been subject to any post-translational modification other than the correct removal of the mitochondrial import sequences that have been shown in other experiments to be present at the N-terminal of its two different precursors. No other protein accumulates in the storage bodies to any significant extent. Taken with studies of the cDNAs for the c-subunit in normal and diseased sheep, these results indicate that the material that is stored in lysosomes of diseased animals has probably entered mitochondria and has been subjected to the proteolytic processing that is associated with mitochondrial import. This implies that the defect that leads to the lysosomal accumulation concerns the degradative pathway of the c-subunit of ATP synthase. An alternative, but less likely, hypothesis is that for some unknown reason the precursors of subunit c are being directly mis-targeted to lysosomes, where they become processed to yield a protein identical with the protein that is normally found in the mitochondrial ATP synthase assembly, and which then accumulates.  相似文献   
The S 3 allele of the S gene has been cloned from Papaver rhoeas cv. Shirley. The sequence predicts a hydrophilic protein of 14.0 kDa, showing 55.8% identity with the previously cloned S 1 allele, preceded by an 18 amino acid signal sequence. Expression of the S 3 coding region in Escherichia coli produced a form of the protein, denoted S3e, which specifically inhibited S3 pollen in an in vitro bioassay. The recombinant protein was ca. 0.8 kDa larger than the native stigmatic form, indicating post-translational modifications in planta, as was previously suggested for the S1 protein. In contrast to other S proteins identified to date, S3 protein does not appear to be glycosylated. Of particular significance is the finding that despite exhibiting a high degree of sequence polymorphism, secondary structure predictions indicate that the S1 and S3 proteins may adopt a virtually identical conformation. Sequence analysis also indicates that the P. rhoeas S alleles share some limited homology with the SLG and SRK genes from Brassica oleracea. Previously, cross-classification of different populations of P. rhoeas had revealed a number of functionally identical alleles. Probing of western blots of stigma proteins from plants derived from a wild Spanish population which contained an allele functionally identical to the Shirley S 3 allele with antiserum raised to S3e, revealed a protein (S 3 s) which was indistinguishable in pI and M r from that in the Shirley population. A cDNA encoding S 3 s was isolated, nucleotide sequencing revealing a coding region with 99.4% homology with the Shirley-derived clone at the DNA level, and 100% homology at the amino acid level.  相似文献   
Sedimentation rates were estimated in a Central Amazonian Black-water inundation forest. Sediment deposition on the forest ground, remote from the river bed, during an annual flood period, is of the order of 1 to 10 tons per hectare, depending on water depth and duration of flooding. The sediments consisted of fine organic matter, kaolinite, quartz sands and biogenic particles of silica. Their genesis and deposition depend on the interplay between pedogenic, limnological and biological processes. Sediments derive primarily from the materials leached from the soils. Clay soils are the main source of dissolved silica, and the sandy soils are the main sources of organic coumpounds and mineral particles. The physical sedimentation of particles as quartz sand grains only occurs in the upper reaches of the studied river. In the flood plain, the sedimentation is due to the coagulation and deposition of combined mineral particles and humic substances, and to the biological precipitation of the silica leached from the soil by sponges.  相似文献   
The Physiological Relevance of Na+-Coupled K+-Transport   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Plant roots utilize at least two distinct pathways with high and low affinities to accumulate K+. The system for high-affinity K+ uptake, which takes place against the electrochemical K+ gradient, requires direct energization. Energization of K+ uptake via Na+ coupling has been observed in algae and was recently proposed as a mechanism for K+ uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). To investigate whether Na+ coupling has general physiological relevance in energizing K+ transport, we screened a number of species, including Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh. ecotype Columbia, wheat, and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), for the presence of Na+-coupled K+ uptake. Rb+-flux analysis and electrophysiological K+-transport assays were performed in the presence and absence of Na+ and provided evidence for a coupling between K+ and Na+ transport in several aquatic species. However, all investigated terrestrial species were able to sustain growth and K+ uptake in the absence of Na+. Furthermore, the addition of Na+ was either without effect or inhibited K+ absorption. The latter characteristic was independent of growth conditions with respect to Na+ status and pH. Our results suggest that in terrestrial species Na+-coupled K+ transport has no or limited physiological relevance, whereas in certain aquatic angiosperms and algae this type of secondary transport energization plays a significant role.  相似文献   
A genetic linkage map of Theobroma cacao (cocoa) has been constructed from 131 backcross trees derived from a cross between a single tree of the variety Catongo and an F1 tree from the cross of Catongo by Pound 12. The map comprises 138 markers: 104 RAPD loci, 32 RFLP loci and two morphologic loci. Ten linkage groups were found which cover 1068 centimorgans (cM). Only six (4%) molecular-marker loci show a significant deviation from the expected 11 segregation ratio.The average distance between two adjacent markers is 8.3 cM. The final genome-size estimates based on two-point linkage data ranged from 1078 to 1112 cM for the cocoa genome. This backcross progeny segregates for two apparently single gene loci controlling (1) anthocyanidin synthesis (Anth) in seeds, leaves and flowers and (2) self-compatibility (Autoc). The Anth locus was found to be 25 cM from Autoc and two molecular markers co-segregate with Anth. The genetic linkage map was used to localize QTLs for early flowering, trunk diameter, jorquette height and ovule number in the BC1 generation using both single-point ANOVA and interval mapping. A minimum number of 2–4 QTLs (P<0.01) involved in the genetic expression of the traits studied was detected. Coincident map locations of a QTL for jorquette height and trunk diameter suggests the possibility of pleiotropic effects in cocoa for these traits. The combined estimated effects of the different mapped QTLs explained between 11.2% and 25.8% of the phenotypic variance observed in the BC1 population.  相似文献   
The argument is put forward that genetic mutations are viable then only, when the changed pattern of growth and/or metabolism is accommodated by the taxon-specific biochemistry of the organisms, i.e. by adaptive, somatic/physiological plasticity. The range of somatic plasticity under changing environmental conditions, therefore, has a certain predictive value for the kind of mutations that are likely to be viable.  相似文献   
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