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The responses of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] to enhanced UV-B radiation during the 5-year treatment performed outdoors have been subjected to ecophysiological and growth analysis. The plants were exposed to UV-B radiation, simulating 17% ozone depletion. Ecophysiological parameters were monitored three times a year on three needle age classes, while growth was analysed at the end of each growth season. Spruce exhibited great variability in the amounts of photosynthetic pigments and methanol-soluble UV-B absorbing compounds, light use efficiency, photosynthesis and respiratory potential. The needle, branch and plant biomass production was not significantly affected during the 5-year treatment. The repeated-measures procedure comparing growth parameters through subsequent seasons, revealed a decrease of branch diameter under enhanced UV-B, which could be interpreted as a cumulative UV-B effect. The effects of UV-B radiation depended on needle development stage, interaction with environmental conditions and stresses. A reduced negative effect of UV-B radiation was observed during the prolonged drought in 2003, which was hypothesised as an alleviating effect. The tolerance of Norway spruce to elevated UV-B was to a large extent due to the high content of methanol-soluble UV-B absorbing compounds that was related neither to environmental conditions, including UV-B dose, nor to the developmental stage of the needles. The current year needles exhibited a tendency to increased production of UV-B absorbing compounds under elevated UV-B radiation. The outdoor study performed under variable environmental conditions showed great complexity of spruce response to enhanced UV-B.  相似文献   
A Cylindrocarpon species with up to 10 μm wide, straight and predominantly 3-septate macroconidia, subglobose to ovoidal microconidia and chlamydospores, is described as Cyl. pauciseptatum. It is most similar to Cyl. austrodestructans but no chlamydospores and microconidia are formed in the latter. Similar macroconidia also occur in Cyl. theobromicola, which forms oval to ellipsoidal microconidia at least sparsely and has slightly curved macroconidia, and Cyl. destructans var. crassum, which forms abundant 1-celled microconidia. DNA sequence data of the internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 plus the 5.8S rDNA and the partial beta-tubulin gene were used for phylogenetic inferences. Cylindrocarpon pauciseptatum and Cyl. macrodidymum are monophyletic and are closely related to other species of Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto including members of the Cyl. destructans (teleomorph, Neonectria radicicola) species complex, which accommodates Cyl. liriodendri (teleomorph, Neon. liriodendri), Cyl. destructans var. crassum and Cyl. austrodestructans (teleomorph, Neonectria austroradicicola comb. nov.). Cylindrocarpon theobromicola is distantly related to species of Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto or Neonectria sensu stricto. It clustered among cylindrocarpon-like species with curved macroconidia, of which some belong to the Neon. mammoidea group. Relatively voluminous cells in sporodochial conidiophores of Cyl. theobromicola resembled those described for Campylocarpon, which is closely related to members of the Neon. mammoidea group including Cyl. theobromicola. Cylindrocarpon pauciseptatum has been isolated from roots of Vitis spp. in South-eastern Europe (Slovenia) as well as New Zealand, where it also occurs on roots of Erica melanthera.  相似文献   
Liver lesions and portal hypertension in rats, following chronic alcohol administration, are a particular target for therapy. Portal hypertension (mm Hg) assessed directly into the portal vein, and liver lesions induced by 7.28 g/kg b.w. of alcohol given in drinking water for 3 months, were counteracted by a stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157, GEPPPGKPADDAGLV, M.W. 1419, known to have a beneficial effect in a variety of models of gastrointestinal or liver lesions (10 microg or 10 ng/kg b.w. i.p. or i.g.) and propranolol (10 mg/kg b.w. i.g.), but not ranitidine (10 mg/kg b.w. i.g.) or saline (5 ml/kg b.w. i.p./i.g.; control). The medication (once daily) was throughout either the whole 3 months period (1) or the last month only (2) (last application 24 h before sacrifice). In the background of 7.28 g/kg/daily alcohol regimen similar lesions values were assessed in control rats following alcohol consumption, after 2 or 3 months of drinking. Both prophylactic and therapeutic effects were shown. After a period of 2 or 3 months, in all control saline [intragastrically (i.g.) or intraperitoneally (i.p.)] treated rats, the applied alcohol regimen consistently induced a significant rise of portal blood pressure values over values noted in healthy rats. In rats that received gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 or propranolol the otherwise raised portal pressure was reduced to the values noted in healthy rats. Besides, a raised surface area (microm(2)) and increased circumference (microm) of hepatocyte or hepatocyte nucleus [HE staining, measured using PC-compatible program ISSA (VAMS, Zagreb, Croatia)] and an advanced steatosis [scored (0-4), Oil Red staining] (on 100 randomly assigned hepatocytes per each liver), an increased liver weight, all together parallel a raised portal pressure in controls. Some of them were completely eliminated (not different from healthy rats, i.e. portal pressure, the circumference and area of hepatocytes, liver weight), while others were markedly attenuated (values less than in drinking controls, still higher than in healthy rats, i.e. circumference and area of hepatocytes nucleus). On the other hand, ranitidine application attenuated only steatosis development. In summary, despite continuous chronic alcohol drinking, pentadecapeptide BPC 157, and propranolol may prevent portal hypertension as well as reverse already established portal hypertension along with related liver disturbances.  相似文献   
Anti-ulcer agents may likely attenuate lesions outside the gastrointestinal tract, since they had protected gastrectomized rats (a "direct cytoprotective effect"). Therefore, their therapeutic potential in lung/stomach lesions were shown. Rats received an intratracheal (i.t.) HCl instillation [1.5 ml/kg HCl (pH 1.75)] (lung lesion), and an intragastric (i.g.) instillation of 96% ethanol (gastric lesion; 1 ml/rat, 24 h after i.t. HCl instillation), then sacrificed 1 h after ethanol. Basically, in lung-injured rats, the subsequent ethanol-gastric lesion was markedly aggravated. This aggravation, however, in turn, did not affect the severity of the lung lesions in the further period, at least for 1 h of observation. Taking intratracheal HCl-instillation as time 0, a gastric pentadecapeptide, GEPPPGKPADDAGLV, M.W.1419, coded BPC 157 (10 microg, 10 ng, 10 pg), ranitidine (10 mg), atropine (10 mg), omeprazole (10 mg), were given [/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.)] (i) once, only prophylactically [as a pre-treatment (at -1h)], or as a co-treatment [at 0)], or only therapeutically (at +18h or +24 h); (ii) repeatedly, combining prophylactic/therapeutic regimens [(-1 h)+(+24 h)] or [(0)+(+24 h)], or therapeutic/therapeutic regimens [(+18 h)+(+24 h)]. For all agents, combining their prophylactic and salutary regimens (at -1 h/+24 h, or at 0/+24 h) attenuated lung lesions; even if effect had been not seen already with a single application, it became prominent after repeated treatment. In single application studies, relative to controls, a co-treatment (except to omeprazole), a pre-treatment (at -1 h) (pentadecapeptide BPC 157 and atropine, but not ranitidine and omeprazole) regularly attenuated, while therapeutically, atropine (at +18 h), pentadecapeptide BPC 157 highest dose and omeprazole (at +24 h), reversed the otherwise more severe lung lesions.  相似文献   
Ammodytoxin is a presynaptically neurotoxic (beta-neurotoxic) snake venom secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)). We detected a 25 kDa protein which binds the toxin with very high affinity (R25) in porcine cerebral cortex. Here we show that R25 is an integral membrane protein with intracellular localisation. It is the first sPLA(2) receptor known to date that localises to intracellular membranes. Centrifugation on sucrose gradients was used to fractionate porcine cerebral cortex. The subcellular composition of the fractions was determined by following the distribution of organelle-specific markers. The distribution of R25 in the fractions matched the distribution of the mitochondrial marker succinate dehydrogenase, but not the markers for plasma membrane, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, synaptic and secretory vesicles. R25 most likely resides in mitochondria, which are known to be targets for sPLA(2) neurotoxins in the nerve ending and are potentially implicated in the process of beta-neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
Campylobacter,salmonella and chlamydia in free-living birds of Croatia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis and avian chlamydiosis are zoonotic diseases in which birds have been suggested to play an important role as reservoirs. We have investigated the prevalence of Campylobacter and Salmonella spp. and Chlamydophila sp. in 107 free-living birds belonging to 25 species from 13 families from Croatia in order to examine the natural infections caused by these agents. Campylobacter jejuni-like organisms were isolated from 2 of 107 free-living bird species examined (1.9%). Salmonella was isolated from 8 fresh fecal specimens from free-living bird species (7.4%). These isolates were identified as S. typhimurium in 4 (3.7%), and S. enteriditis in 4 (3.7%) free-living birds. These samples originated from feral pigeons (Columba livia domesticus; n=14; 28.6%), rook (Corvus frugilegus; n=13; 15.4%), buzzard (Buteo buteo; n=12; 16.7%), black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus; n=8; 12.5%) and tawny owl (Strix aluco; n=8; 12.5%). The presence of Chlamydophila sp. was not detected in the free-living birds examined during this study. Epidemiological aspects and possible significance of the examined birds as a source of infections for domestic animals and humans are discussed.  相似文献   
Breast cancer cells exhibit excessive proteolysis, which is responsible for extensive extracellular matrix degradation, invasion and metastasis. Besides other proteases, lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin B has been implicated in these processes and the impairment of its intracellular activity was suggested to reduce harmful proteolysis and hence diminish progression of breast tumors. Here, we present an effective system composed of poly(D,L-lactide-coglycolide) nanoparticles, a specific anti-cytokeratin monoclonal IgG and cystatin, a potent protease inhibitor, that can neutralize the excessive intracellular proteolytic activity as well as invasive potential of breast tumor cells. The delivery system distinguishes between breast and other cells due to the monoclonal antibody specifically recognizing cytokeratines on the membrane of breast tumor cells. Bound nanoparticles are rapidly internalized by means of endocytosis releasing the inhibitor cargo within the lysosomes. This enables intracellular cathepsin B proteolytic activity to be inhibited, reducing the invasive and metastatic potential of tumor cells without affecting proteolytic functions in normal cells and processes. This approach may be applied for treatment of breast and other tumors in which intracellular proteolytic activity is a part of the process of malignant progression.  相似文献   
The phosphoinositide-binding proteins Ent3p and Ent5p are required for protein transport from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the vacuole in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Both proteins interact with the monomeric clathrin adaptor Gga2p, but Ent5p also interacts with the clathrin adaptor protein 1 (AP-1) complex, which facilitates retention of proteins such as Chs3p at the TGN. When both ENT3 and ENT5 are mutated, Chs3p is diverted from an intracellular reservoir to the cell surface. However, Ent3p and Ent5p are not required for the function of AP-1, but rather they seem to act in parallel with AP-1 to retain proteins such as Chs3p at the TGN. They have all the properties of clathrin adaptors, because they can both bind to clathrin and to cargo proteins. Like AP-1, Ent5p binds to Chs3p, whereas Ent3p facilitates the interaction between Gga2p and the endosomal syntaxin Pep12p. Thus, Ent3p has an additional function in Gga-dependent transport to the late endosome. Ent3p also facilitates the association between Gga2p and clathrin; however, Ent5p can partially substitute for this function. We conclude that the clathrin adaptors AP-1, Ent3p, Ent5p, and the Ggas cooperate in different ways to sort proteins between the TGN and the endosomes.  相似文献   
Recently, marked therapeutic effects pertaining to the recovery of injured rat spinal cords (1 min compression injury of the sacrocaudal spinal cord (S2-Co1) resulting in tail paralysis) appeared after a single intraperitoneal administration of the stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 at 10 min post-injury. Besides the demonstrated rapid and sustained recovery (1 year), we showed the particular points of the immediate effect of the BPC 157 therapy that began rapidly after its administration, (i) soon after injury (10 min), or (ii) later (4 days), in the rats with a definitive spinal cord injury. Specifically, in counteracting spinal cord hematoma and swelling, (i) in rats that had undergone acute spinal cord injury, followed by intraperitoneal BPC 157 application at 10 min, we focused on the first 10–30 min post-injury period (assessment of gross, microscopic, and gene expression changes). Taking day 4 post-injury as the definitive injury, (ii) we focused on the immediate effects after the BPC 157 intragastric application over 20 min of the post-therapy period. Comparable long-time recovery was noted in treated rats which had definitive tail paralysis: (iii) the therapy was continuously given per orally in drinking water, beginning at day 4 after injury and lasting one month after injury. BPC 157 rats presented only discrete edema and minimal hemorrhage and increased Nos1, Nos2, and Nos3 values (30 min post-injury, (i)) or only mild hemorrhage, and only discrete vacuolation of tissue (day 4, (ii)). In the day 4–30 post-injury study (iii), BPC 157 rats rapidly presented tail function recovery, and no demyelination process (Luxol fast blue staining).  相似文献   
In both animal and plant acyl elongation systems, it has been proposed that fatty acids are first activated to acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) before their elongation, and that the ATP dependence of fatty acid elongation is evidence of acyl-CoA synthetase involvement. However, because CoA is not supplied in standard fatty acid elongation assays, it is not clear if CoA-dependent acyl-CoA synthetase activity can provide levels of acyl-CoAs necessary to support typical rates of fatty acid elongation. Therefore, we examined the role of acyl-CoA synthetase in providing the primer for acyl elongation in leek (Allium porrum L.) epidermal microsomes and Brassica napus L. cv Reston oil bodies. As presented here, fatty acid elongation was independent of CoA and proceeded at maximum rates with CoA-free preparations of malonyl-CoA. We also showed that stearic acid ([1-14C]18:0)-CoA was synthesized from [1-14C]18:0 in the presence of CoA-free malonyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA, and that [1-14C]18:0-CoA synthesis under these conditions was ATP dependent. Furthermore, the appearance of [1-14C]18:0 in the acyl-CoA fraction was simultaneous with its appearance in phosphatidylcholine. These data, together with the s of a previous study (A. Hlousek-Radojcic, H. Imai, J.G. Jaworski [1995] Plant J 8: 803–809) showing that exogenous [14C]acyl-CoAs are diluted by a relatively large endogenous pool before they are elongated, strongly indicated that acyl-CoA synthetase did not play a direct role in fatty acid elongation, and that phosphatidylcholine or another glycerolipid was a more likely source of elongation primers than acyl-CoAs.  相似文献   
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