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Crustacean calcium bodies are epithelial sacs which contain a mineralized matrix. The objectives of this study were to describe the microscopic anatomy of calcium bodies in the terrestrial isopod Hyloniscus riparius and to establish whether they undergo molt-related structural changes. We performed 3D reconstruction of the calcium bodies from paraffin sections and analyzed their structure with light and electron microscopy. In addition, we analyzed the chemical composition of their mineralized matrices with micro-Raman spectroscopy. Two pairs of these organs are present in H. riparius. One pair is filled with bacteria while the other pair is not. In non-molting animals, the bacteria-filled calcium bodies contain apatite crystals and the bacteria-free calcium bodies enclose CaCO3-containing concretions with little organic matrix. During preparation for molt, an additional matrix layer is deposited in both pairs of calcium bodies. In the bacteria-filled calcium bodies it contains a mixture of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate, whereas only calcium carbonate is present in bacteria-free calcium bodies. After ecdysis, all mineral components in bacteria-free calcium bodies and the additional matrix layer in bacteria-filled calcium bodies are completely resorbed. During calcium resorption, the apical surface of the calcium body epithelium is deeply folded and electron dense granules are present in spaces between epithelial cells. Our results indicate that the presence of bacteria might be linked to calcium phosphate mineralization. Calcium bodies likely provide a source of calcium and potentially phosphate for the mineralization of the new cuticle after molt. Unlike other terrestrial isopods, H. riparius does not form sternal CaCO3 deposits and the bacteria-free calcium bodies might functionally replace them in this species.  相似文献   
Aims We aimed at determining differences in the leaf spectral signatures of plant species groups growing in habitats along the hydrological gradient of an intermittent wetland and to define leaf traits that explain their variability. We want to contribute to the understanding of the causes for plant spectrum variability at leaf and community levels.Methods We measured leaf reflectance spectra (300–887nm) of representative plant species from different habitats and analyzed spectral differences among species groups. To explain leaf spectra variability within a group, we performed detailed analyses of leaf morphological and biochemical traits in selected species.Important findings The reflectance spectra of the different species groups differed most in the green, yellow and red spectral ranges. The reflectance spectra of submerged leaves of hydrophytes with simple structures were explained by their biochemical traits (carotenoids), while for more complex aerial leaves, morphological traits were more important. In submerged and natant leaves of amphiphytes, total mesophyll and spongy tissue thickness were the most important traits, and these explained 44% and 47%, respectively, of the spectrum variability of each plant group. In general, the redundancy analysis biplots show that samples of different plant species colonizing the same habitat form separate clusters and are related to the explanatory variables in different ways. The redundancy analysis biplots of helophytes and wet meadow species show clustering of graminoids and dicots into two distinct groups. Leaf encrustation (prickle hair properties and epidermis thickness) is important for graminoids, while leaf thickness and specific leaf area have more important roles in dicots. Our results show that knowledge of the species composition and leaf traits is necessary to interpret the reflectance spectra of such plant communities.  相似文献   
A new, relatively simple method for determining the kinematic properties of jellyfish is presented. The bell movement of the scyphomedusa (Aurelia sp.) during its pulsation cycle was analysed using computer-aided visualization. Sequences of video images of individual Aurelia in a large aquarium were taken using a standard video camera. The images were then processed to obtain time series of the relative positions of selected points on the surface of the medusa’s bell. The duration of the bell relaxation was longer than that of the bell contraction, thereby confirming published results. In addition, the area of the exumbrellar surface of Aurelia increased during bell relaxation by more than 1.3-times that of the exumbrellar surface area during the maximum contraction of the bell. The volume change during the bell pulsation cycle was also measured using the same visualization method. Significant changes, of up to 50%, in the subumbrellar cavity volume were revealed while, in contrast, the volume between the exumbrellar and subumbrellar surfaces generally remained unchanged during the entire pulsation cycle of the bell. Comparison of the time series of the exumbrellar surface area and of the subumbrellar cavity volume indicated that the change of volume takes place before the change of the surface area of the bell. Guest editors: K. A. Pitt & J. E. Purcell Jellyfish Blooms: Causes, Consequences, and Recent Advances  相似文献   
Unlike severe gastric damage acutely induced by ethanol administration in rat, the ulcerogenic effect of chronic alcohol administration (3.03 g/kg b.w. or 7.28 g/kg b.w.) given in drinking water, producing liver lesions and portal hypertension, is far less investigated. Therefore, focus was on the antiulcer effect of the gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157, GEPPPGKPADDAGLV, M.W. 1419, known to have a beneficial effect in variety of gastrointestinal lesions models (10 microg or 10 ng/kg b.w. i.p. or i.g.), ranitidine (10 mg/kg b.w. i.g.) and propranol (10 mg/kg b.w. i.g.) or saline (5 ml/kg b.w. i.p./i.g.; control). They were given once daily (1) throughout 10 days preceding alcohol consumption, (2) since beginning of alcohol drinking till the end of the study, (3) throughout the last month of alcohol consumption, 2 months after alcohol drinking had been initiated. Gastric lesions were assessed, at the end of 3 months drinking [(1), (2)] or with respect to therapeutic effect of medication before medication or at the end of therapy. Pentadecapeptide BPC 157, ranitidine and propranolol may prevent gastric lesion development if given prophylactically, before alcohol drinking. Likewise, they attenuate the lesion appearance given once daily throughout the drinking period. Importantly, when given therapeutically, they may antagonize otherwise pertinent lesion presence in stomach mucosa of the drinking rats. Thus, these results demonstrate that pentadecapeptide BPC 157, ranitidine and propranol may prevent, attenuate or reverse the gastric lesions appearance in chronically alcohol drinking rats, and may be used for further therapy, while the other studies showed that their effect (except to ranitidine) is parallel with their beneficial effect on liver lesion and portal hypertension.  相似文献   
Limited information is available on the effects of chronic mercury exposure in relation to the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). It is known from in vitro and in vivo studies that Hg can promote lipid peroxidation through promotion of free radical generation, and interaction with antioxidative enzymes and reduction of bioavailable selenium. The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that long-term past occupational exposure to elemental Hg (Hg0) can modify antioxidative capacity and promote lipid peroxidation in miners.

The study population comprised 54 mercury miners and 58 workers as the control group. The miners were examined in the post-exposure period. We evaluated their previous exposure to Hg0, the putative appearance of certain nonspecific symptoms and signs of micromercurialism, as well as the main behavioural and biological risk factors for CVD, and determined: 1) Hg and Se levels in blood and urine, 2) antioxidative enzymes, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD), catalase (CAT), and selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in erythrocytes as indirect indices of free radical activity, 3) pineal hormone melationin (MEL) in blood and urine, and 4) lipid hydroperoxides (LOOHs) and malondialdehyde (MDA) as lipid peroxidation products.

The mercury miners were intermittently exposed to Hg0 for periods of 7 to 31 years. The total number of exposure periods varied from 13 to 119. The cumulative U-Hg peak level varied from 794-11,365 μg/L. The current blood and urine Hg concentrations were practically on the same level in miners and controls. Miners showed some neurotoxic and nephrotoxic sequels of micromercurialism. No significant differences in behavioural and biological risk factors for CVD were found between miners and controls. A weak correlation (r = 0.36, p < 0.01) between systolic blood pressure and average past exposure U-Hg level was found. The mean P-Se in miners (71.4 μg/L) was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than in the controls (77.3 μg/L), while the mean U-Se tended to be higher (p < 0.05) in miners (16.5 μg/g creatinine) than in the controls (14.0 μg/g creatinine). Among antioxidative enzyme activities, only CAT in erythrocytes was significantly higher (p < 0.01) in miners (3.14 MU/g Hb) than in the controls (2.65 MU/g Hb). The mean concentration of B-MEL in miners (44.3 ng/L) was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than in the controls (14.9 ng/L). The mean value of U-MEL sulphate (31.8 μg/L) in miners was significantly lower (p < 0.01) than in the control group (46.9 μg/L). Among the observed lipid peroxidative products, the mean concentration of U-MDA was statistically higher (p < 0.01) in miners (0.21 μmol/mmol creatinine) than in the controls (0.17 μmol/mmol creatinine).

In the group of miners with high mercury accumulation and the presence of some nonspecific symptoms and signs of micromercurialism, the results of our study partly support the assumption that long-term occupational exposure to Hg0 enhances the formation of free radicals even several years after termination of occupational exposure. Therefore, long-term occupational exposure to Hg0 could be one of the risk factors for increased lipid peroxidation and increased mortality due to ischaemic heart disease (ICH) found among the mercury miners of the Idrija Mine.  相似文献   



In this study, the environmental performance of three newly developed materials for the conservation of built Cultural Heritage is preliminary evaluated by means of life cycle assessment (LCA). Although LCA has been adopted since many years in many fields, including the construction industry, still it is barely used the field of the Cultural Heritage conservation. Therefore, this paper aims to put a step forward to a wider use of the method for a more sustainable conservation of built heritage.


Cradle-to-gate approach was applied, which includes activities beginning with production of constituent and ancillary materials and concluding with the manufacturing of the product and its packaging. The functional unit was the production of 1 kg of the consolidant stored in a canister and ready to use. Ecoinvent database was used for the life cycle inventory of chemicals. This database was also taken into account to evaluate impacts related with energy (electricity) needs during manufacturing of the consolidants and production of polyethylene canisters (packaging material). The IMPACT 2002+ method was used to select the impact categories.

Results and discussion

The consolidants under investigation are calcium acetoacetate and two calcium alkoxides (calcium ethoxide and calcium isopropoxide). In the case of calcium acetoacetate consolidant, the highest environmental impact is related to the use of acetone dicarboxylic acid as raw material. Manufacturing process of the final product is not an energy-demanding process; hence, it is regarded as relatively clean from the environmental point of view. In the case of calcium ethoxide and calcium isopropoxide nanosuspensions, the innovative materials just recently developed for conservation purpose, manufacturing has been performed and optimized at a kg/lab scale; therefore, the results must be considered provisional. The two calcium alkoxides nanosuspensions show a relatively high environmental footprint that reflect the high consumption of ancillary materials, i.e. solid CO2 used to cool down the reaction and liquid ammonia as catalyst, currently released in the atmosphere.


The environmental footprint of calcium acetoacetate is relatively low showing that 1 kg of the consolidant is associated to 0.32 kg of CO2 equivalent emissions. In the case of two calcium alkoxides nanosuspensions, the global warming impact amounts to 198 kg (calcium ethoxide, 1 kg) and 132 kg (calcium isopropoxide, 1 kg) of CO2 equivalent emissions. Given the planned optimization of the industrial production currently under investigation, the environmental footprint of the two calcium alkoxides nanosuspensions is expected to reduce between 60 and 85%.
Males of the predaceous stink bug Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) emit low frequency tremulatory signals. Laser vibrometry was used to record and analyze naturally emitted signals, focusing on variation in signal velocity and frequency during transmission through plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Plumbago auriculata Lam.) as a function of distance from the vibrational source. Signal velocity varied individually between 2 and 15 mm/s recorded on a plant close to the calling male and decreased by 0.3 to 1.5 dB/cm on bean and 0.3 to 0.9 dB/cm on plumbago. The dominant frequency of signals was variable at frequencies below 50 Hz. On bean frequencies centered around 10 Hz or 20 Hz were dominant for signals recorded at the source. Transmission through bean resulted in an increase in the 20 Hz peak relative to other frequencies in the signal. Variation of the dominant frequencies of signals transmitted through plumbago stems were more predictable, showing typical changes in amplitude relative to the distance from the source. The regular variation of the dominant frequency along the stem with linear increase of signal velocity at decreasing distance from the source may provide plant-dwelling insects with information about the distance to the calling individual.  相似文献   
Several plant species with amphibious characteristics from intermittent aquatic habitats were examined for colonisation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM), dark septate endophytes (DSE) and the ratio of aerenchyma in root tissue. We studied submerged specimens of Alisma plantago-aquatica, Mentha aquatica, Myosotis scorpioides, Oenanthe fistulosa, Gratiola officinalis, Glyceria fluitans, Sium latifolium and Teucrium scordium. In the first four, we also examined the emerged growth forms, which were grown under experimental conditions. Roots of all species were mycorrhizal and showed AM and DSE colonisation. The results suggest that AM colonisation may also be abundant in plants of aquatic environment. Arbuscules were not found in submerged specimens of M. aquatica, O. fistulosa and S. latifolium. The AM colonisation was generally higher in emerged specimens as compared to submerged ones. The aerenchyma ratio in root cross-sections ranged from 10 to 50% and in most cases did not differ between submerged and emerged specimens. No clear relationship between AM colonisation and aerenchyma ratio was recognized, while a positive correlation between AM and plant available phosphorous was established.  相似文献   
Exotic reptiles originating from the wild can be carriers of many different pathogens and some of them can infect humans. Reptiles imported into Slovenia from 2000 to 2005, specimens of native species taken from the wild and captive bred species were investigated. A total of 949 reptiles (55 snakes, 331 lizards and 563 turtles), belonging to 68 different species, were examined for the presence of endoparasites and ectoparasites. Twelve different groups (Nematoda (5), Trematoda (1), Acanthocephala (1), Pentastomida (1) and Protozoa (4)) of endoparasites were determined in 26 (47.3%) of 55 examined snakes. In snakes two different species of ectoparasites were also found. Among the tested lizards eighteen different groups (Nematoda (8), Cestoda (1), Trematoda (1), Acanthocephala (1), Pentastomida (1) and Protozoa (6)) of endoparasites in 252 (76.1%) of 331 examined animals were found. One Trombiculid ectoparasite was determined. In 563 of examined turtles eight different groups (Nematoda (4), Cestoda (1), Trematoda (1) and Protozoa (2)) of endoparasites were determined in 498 (88.5%) animals. In examined turtles three different species of ectoparasites were seen. The established prevalence of various parasites in reptiles used as pet animals indicates the need for examination on specific pathogens prior to introduction to owners.  相似文献   
Males of many spider species risk being attacked and cannibalized while searching for, courting, and mating with conspecific females. However, there are exceptions. We show that the funnel‐web spider, Hololena curta, has 3 adaptations that minimize risk to males during courtship and mating, and enhance reproductive success. First, males detected chemical or tactile signals associated with webs of virgin females, and differentiated them from webs of mated females, enabling males to increase encounter rates with virgin females and avoid aggressive mated females. Second, males produced stereotyped vibrational signals during courting which induced female quiescence and suppressed female aggression. Third, when touched by males, sexually receptive females entered a cataleptic state, allowing males to safely approach and copulate. Because males can mate multiple times and the sex ratio in natural populations of H. curta is female biased, overall reproductive output is likely increased by males of this species avoiding sexual cannibalism.  相似文献   
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