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Recent evidence has shown changes in body size and shape of individuals, which are suggested to be a result of global warming caused by climate change. Here, we explored the spatiotemporal changes in wing length and body mass of 24 wintering bird species in Northern Europe and how these relate to temperature anomaly.


Finland and Sweden, Europe.

Time Period

50 years, 1970 to 2020.

Major Taxa Studied

Birds, 24 species.


We used site-specific, long-term winter ringing data containing wing length and body mass measurements from across Sweden and Finland for 24 bird species. We modelled wing length and body mass change over time, in relation to the spatioclimatic gradient and as response to temperature anomalies (of [i] the same winter as the ringing took place, [ii] the previous winter and [iii] the previous spring) by accounting for phylogenetic relatedness between species and their species-specific responses to each predictor of interest.


We show that across all species, body size has decreased since the 1970s, with a negative relationship between wing length and temperature anomalies of previous winters, suggesting carry-over effects likely linked to body size-related survival or dispersal. Body mass was negatively related to the temperature anomaly of the same winter, indicating more immediate effects related to reduced fat reserves during mild winters.

Main Conclusions

Our results highlight a climate-driven decrease in body size across several species and its association with positive anomalies in winter temperature in the high latitudes. However, the responses are not spatially uniform and there is considerable species-specific variation, emphasizing the importance of conducting multispecies studies when investigating responses to climate change. The mechanisms of decreasing wing length and body mass seem to differ and underline the immediate and carry-over effects of temperature warming during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   
Geometric morphometric techniques were used to examine allometric and non-allometric influences on sexual shape dimorphism (SShD) in the ventral cranium (skull base, palate and upper jaw) of four species of lacertid lizards (Podarcis muralis, Podarcis melisellensis, Dalmatolacerta oxycephala, Dinarolacerta mosorensis). These species differ in body shape, ecology and degree of phylogenetic relatedness. The structures of the ventral cranium that were studied are directly involved in the mechanics of feeding and are connected to the jaw musculature; these structures are potentially subject to both sexual and natural selection. Allometry accounted for a considerable degree of cranial shape variation between the sexes. Allometric shape changes between individuals with smaller cranium size and individuals with larger cranium size are mostly related to changes in the skull base showing pronounced negative allometry. The rostral part, however, either scaled isometrically or showed less pronounced negative allometry than the skull base. Non-allometric intersexual shape variation predominantly involved changes related to the jaw adductor muscle chamber, i.e., changes that are associated with biomechanically relevant traits of the jaw system in females and males. Both allometric and non-allometric shape changes appeared to be species-specific. Our results indicate that natural and sexual selection may be involved in the evolution of SShD.  相似文献   
The mouse-virulent RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii is generally considered to have lost its cyst-forming capacity, and conversion of RH tachyzoites into cysts in non-immune mice has previously been shown exclusively following early treatment with sulfadiazine (SDZ). We here describe the development of tissue cysts in mice infected with RH strain parasites and treated with atovaquone (ATO) combined with pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC). Groups of Swiss-Webster mice infected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 10(2) RH tachyzoites were treated with 5, 25 and 100 mg of ATO/kg per day alone or combined with PDTC at 250 mg/kg per day from day 1 postinfection (p.i.) for 14 days. A total of 19 mice survived the 6-week observation period. Of these, brain cysts were recovered in nine (47%), with burdens ranging from 50 to 3120 (mean +/- S.D. = 622 +/- 963). All cyst-harboring mice had high specific IgG antibody levels (1:10,240-1:40,960, corresponding to 500-2000 IU/ml), as did one mouse in which cysts were not demonstrated, which was therefore included in the group of mice with residual infection. Bioassay performed to test the infectivity of these cysts produced acute lethal toxoplasmosis following i.p. inoculation in all instances (100%), and importantly, following peroral inoculation in four (29%). The recovered tachyzoites were highly infectious. In addition, significantly elevated interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) in the treated mice which developed residual infection compared with any group of infection-free (treated or subinoculated) mice, indicates immunological control of the parasite in the latent form. In conclusion, early treatment of mice infected with T. gondii RH tachyzoites with ATO and PDTC induces conversion into tissue cysts, thus providing a new model for studying the mechanism(s) of T. gondii stage conversion.  相似文献   
Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV has been demonstrated to play a role in cancer biology by many authors. Since then, additional proteins possessing similar enzymatic activity have been described and their role in cancerogenesis has been hypothesized. To assess the complexity of these 'Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV activity and/or structure homologs' (DASH) in glioma cells, we have studied their presence in cell lines of different degree of transformation. Our results provide evidence of cell line-specific expression and distribution of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV enzyme activity-bearing molecules and their dynamics associated with cell growth conditions. The biologic outcome of DASH pattern of composition probably depends on the regulatory peptides/DASH substrates in the cellular environment.  相似文献   
Few studies have covered both the effects of climate and land‐use change on animal populations under a single framework. Besides, the scarce multi‐species studies conducted have focused on breeding data, and there is little information published on changes in wintering populations. Here, we relate the pattern of long‐term temporal trends of wintering bird populations in Finland, north Europe, to covariates associated with climate and land‐use change. Finnish wintering populations have been monitored using ca 10 km winter bird census routes (> 420 routes counted annually) during 1959–2012. Population trends of 63 species were related to migratory strategy, urbanity, and thermal niche measured as species‐specific centre of gravity of the wintering distribution. Waterbird trends have shown a marked increase compared to landbirds. Among landbirds, forest species have suffered severe declines, whereas urban species have considerably increased in their wintering numbers. To follow up these results, we produced three multi‐species indices (for waterbirds, forest and urban species, respectively), which can improve our ability to detect and monitor the specific consequences of climate change and changes in land‐use, but at the same time act as a feedback to track the conservation status of the species. Our results suggest that waterbirds are responding to climate change, given their dependence on open water and the correlation with early‐winter temperature over the last decades. On the other hand, we believe trends of landbirds have been mainly driven by human‐induced land‐use changes. While urban species have likely benefited from the increase of supplementary feeding, forest species have probably suffered from the loss of native habitats.  相似文献   
Mountain areas often hold special species communities, and they are high on the list of conservation concern. Global warming and changes in human land use, such as grazing pressure and afforestation, have been suggested to be major threats for biodiversity in the mountain areas, affecting species abundance and causing distribution shifts towards mountaintops. Population shifts towards poles and mountaintops have been documented in several areas, indicating that climate change is one of the key drivers of species’ distribution changes. Despite the high conservation concern, relatively little is known about the population trends of species in mountain areas due to low accessibility and difficult working conditions. Thanks to the recent improvement of bird monitoring schemes around Europe, we can here report a first account of population trends of 44 bird species from four major European mountain regions: Fennoscandia, UK upland, south‐western (Iberia) and south‐central mountains (Alps), covering 12 countries. Overall, the mountain bird species declined significantly (?7%) during 2002–2014, which is similar to the declining rate in common birds in Europe during the same period. Mountain specialists showed a significant ?10% decline in population numbers. The slope for mountain generalists was also negative, but not significantly so. The slopes of specialists and generalists did not differ from each other. Fennoscandian and Iberian populations were on average declining, while in United Kingdom and Alps, trends were nonsignificant. Temperature change or migratory behaviour was not significantly associated with regional population trends of species. Alpine habitats are highly vulnerable to climate change, and this is certainly one of the main drivers of mountain bird population trends. However, observed declines can also be partly linked with local land use practices. More efforts should be undertaken to identify the causes of decline and to increase conservation efforts for these populations.  相似文献   
For decades, ecologists have investigated the effects of tree species diversity on tree productivity at different scales and with different approaches ranging from observational to experimental study designs. Using data from five European national forest inventories (16,773 plots), six tree species diversity experiments (584 plots), and six networks of comparative plots (169 plots), we tested whether tree species growth responses to species mixing are consistent and therefore transferrable between those different research approaches. Our results confirm the general positive effect of tree species mixing on species growth (16% on average) but we found no consistency in species‐specific responses to mixing between any of the three approaches, even after restricting comparisons to only those plots that shared similar mixtures compositions and forest types. These findings highlight the necessity to consider results from different research approaches when selecting species mixtures that should maximize positive forest biodiversity and functioning relationships.  相似文献   
Large‐scale multi‐species data on population changes of alpine or arctic species are largely lacking. At the same time, climate change has been argued to cause poleward and uphill range shifts and the concomitant predicted loss of habitat may have drastic effects on alpine and arctic species. Here we present a multi‐national bird indicator for the Fennoscandian mountain range in northern Europe (Finland, Sweden and Norway), based on 14 common species of montane tundra and subalpine birch forest. The data were collected at 262 alpine survey plots, mainly as a part of geographically representative national breeding bird monitoring schemes. The area sampled covers around 1/4 million km2, spanning 10 degrees of latitude and 1600 km in a northeast–southwest direction. During 2002–2012, nine of the 14 bird species declined significantly in numbers, in parallel to higher summer temperatures and precipitation during this period compared to the preceding 40 yr. The population trends were largely parallel in the three countries and similar among montane tundra and subalpine birch forest species. Long‐distance migrants declined less on average than residents and short‐distance migrants. Some potential causes of the current decline of alpine birds are discussed, but since montane bird population sizes may show strong natural annual variation due to several factors, longer time series are needed to verify the observed population trends. The present Fennoscandian monitoring systems, which from 2010 onwards include more than 400 montane survey plots, have the capacity to deliver a robust bird indicator in the climate‐sensitive mountainous regions of northernmost Europe for conservation purposes.  相似文献   
Our study aims at gaining insights into the processes determining the current treeline dynamics in Finnish Lapland. Using forest surveys conducted in 1978 and 2003 we modelled the occurrence and abundance of three dominant tree species in Finnish Lapland, i.e. Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Betula pubescens, with boosted regression trees. We assessed the importance of climatic, biotic and topographic variables in predicting tree occurrence and abundance based on their relative importance and response curves. We compared temporal and spatial transferability by using an extended transferability index. Site fertility, the abundance of co‐occurring species and growing degree days were generally the most important predictors for both occurrence and abundance across all species and datasets. Climatic predictors were more important for modelling occurrences than for modelling abundances. Occurrence models were able to reproduce the observed treeline pattern within one time period or region. Abundance models underestimated basal area but captured the general pattern of low and high values. Model performance as well as transferability differed considerably between species and datasets. Pinus sylvestris was modelled more successfully than P. abies and B. pubescens. Generally, spatial transferability was greater than temporal transferability. Comparing the environmental space between datasets revealed that transferring models means extrapolating to novel environments, providing a plausible explanation for limited transferability. Our study illustrates how climate change can shift the environmental space and lead to limited model transferability. We identified non‐climatic factors to be important in predicting the distribution of dominant tree species, contesting the widespread assumption of climatically induced range expansion.  相似文献   
Little is known of the normal seasonal variation in redox state and biotransformation activities in birds. In long-distance migratory birds, in particular, seasonal changes could be expected to occur because of the demands of migration and reproduction. In this study, we measured several redox parameters in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica L.) during the annual cycle. We captured the wintering barn swallows before spring migration in South Africa, and we captured the barn swallows that arrived in spring, bred in summer, and migrated in autumn in Finland. The redox status and biotransformation activities of barn swallows varied seasonally. Wintering birds in South Africa had high biotransformation activities and appeared to experience oxidative stress, whereas in spring and summer, they showed relatively low redox (superoxide dismutase [SOD], catalase [CAT], and glutathione reductase [GR]) and biotransformation enzyme activities. Autumn birds had very low biotransformation enzyme activities and low indication of oxidative stress but high activity of some redox enzymes (GR and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PDH]). High activities of some redox enzymes (SOD, GR, and G6PDH) seem to be related to migration, whereas low activities of some redox enzymes (SOD, CAT, and GR) may be associated with breeding. Barn swallows in South Africa may experience pollution-related oxidative stress, which may hamper interpretation of normal seasonal variation in redox parameters.  相似文献   
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