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Evolutionary trends in the evolution of host specificity have been the focus of much discussion but little rigorous empirical testing. On the one hand, specialization is often presumed to lead irreversibly into evolutionary dead ends and little diversification; this would mean that generalists might evolve into specialists, but not vice versa. On the other hand, low host specificity may limit the risk of extinction and provide more immediate fitness benefits to parasites, such that selection may favour evolution toward a generalist strategy. Here, we test for directionality in the evolution of host specificity using a large data set and phylogenetic information on 297 species of fleas parasitic on small mammals. The analyses determined whether host specificity, measured both as the number of host species exploited and their taxonomic diversity, was related to clade rank of the flea species, or the number of branching events between an extant species and the root of the phylogenetic tree (i.e., the total path length from the root of the tree to the species). Based on regression analyses, we found positive relationships between the number of host species used and clade rank across all 297 species, as well as within one (Hystrichopsyllidae) of four large families and one of seven large genera investigated separately; in addition, we found a positive relationship between the taxonomic diversity of host species used and clade rank in another of the seven genera. These results suggest a slight evolutionary trend of decreasing host specificity. Using a much more conservative likelihood ratio test, however, a random walk, or null model, of evolution could not be discarded in favour of the directional trends in all cases mentioned above. Still, these results suggest that host specificity may have tended to decrease in many flea lineages, a process that could have been driven by the benefits of exploiting a wide range of host species.  相似文献   
Genetic constructs containing the human lactoferrin (hLf) gene were created within a joint program of Russian and Belorussian scientists. Using these constructs, transgenic mice were bred (the maximum hLf concentration in their milk was 160 g/L), and transgenic goats were also generated (up to 10 g/L hLf in their milk). Experimental goatherds that produced hLf in their milk were also bred, and the recombinant hLf was found to be identical to the natural protein in its physical and chemical properties. These properties included electrophoretic mobility, isoelectric point, recognition by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, circular dichroic spectra, interaction with natural ligands (DNA, lipopolysaccharides, and heparin), the binding of iron ions, the sequence of the 7 terminal amino acids, and its biological activity. The latter was assessed by the agglutination of Micrococcus luteus protoplasts, bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes , and fungicidal activity against Candida albicans . We also demonstrated a significant increase in the activity of antibiotics when used in combination with Lf.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that compositional and/or phylogenetic dissimilarity of host assemblages affect compositional and/or phylogenetic dissimilarity of parasite assemblages, to different extents depending on scale, using regional surveys of fleas parasitic on small mammals from 4 biogeographical realms. Using phylogenetic community dissimilarity metric, we calculated the compositional and phylogenetic dissimilarity components between all pairs of host and parasite communities within realms and hemispheres. We then quantified the effect of compositional or phylogenetic dissimilarity in host regional assemblages, and geographical distance between assemblages, on the compositional or phylogenetic dissimilarity of flea regional assemblages within a realm, respectively. The compositional dissimilarity in host assemblages strongly affected compositional dissimilarity in flea assemblages within all realms and within both hemispheres. However, the effect of phylogenetic dissimilarity of host assemblages on that of flea assemblages was mostly confined to the Neotropics and Nearctic, but was detected in both the Old and New World at the higher scale, possibly because of phylogenetic heterogeneity in flea and host faunas between realms. The clearer effect of the compositional rather than the phylogenetic component of host community dissimilarity on flea community dissimilarity suggests important roles for host switching and ecological fitting during the assembly history of flea communities.  相似文献   


Chronic arterial stiffness contributes to the negative health effects of obesity and insulin resistance, which include hypertension, stroke, and increased cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity are individually associated with improved central arterial stiffness; however, their combined effects on arterial stiffness are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to determine how insulin levels modify the improvements in arterial stiffness seen with weight loss in overweight and obese young adults.


To assess the effects of weight loss and decreased fasting insulin on vascular stiffness, we studied 339 participants in the Slow the Adverse Effects of Vascular Aging (SAVE) trial. At study entry, the participants were aged 20?C45, normotensive, non-diabetic, and had a body-mass index of 25?C39.9?kg/m2. Measures of pulse wave velocity (PWV) in the central (carotid-femoral (cfPWV)), peripheral (femoral-ankle (faPWV)), and mixed (brachial-ankle (baPWV)) vascular beds were collected at baseline and 6?months. The effects of 6-month change in weight and insulin on measures of PWV were estimated using multivariate regression.


After adjustment for baseline risk factors and change in systolic blood pressure, 6-month weight loss and 6-month change in fasting insulin independently predicted improvement in baPWV but not faPWV or cfPWV. There was a significant interaction between 6-month weight change and change in fasting insulin when predicting changes in baPWV (p?<?0.001). Individuals experiencing both weight loss and insulin reductions showed the greatest improvement in baPWV.


Young adults with excess weight who both lower their insulin levels and lose weight see the greatest improvement in vascular stiffness. This improvement in vascular stiffness with weight loss and insulin declines may occur throughout the vasculature and may not be limited to individual vascular beds.

Trial registration

NCT00366990  相似文献   
Dynamic, mRNA-containing stress granules (SGs) form in the cytoplasm of cells under environmental stresses, including viral infection. Many viruses appear to employ mechanisms to disrupt the formation of SGs on their mRNAs, suggesting that they represent a cellular defense against infection. Here, we report that early in Semliki Forest virus infection, the C-terminal domain of the viral nonstructural protein 3 (nsP3) forms a complex with Ras-GAP SH3-domain–binding protein (G3BP) and sequesters it into viral RNA replication complexes in a manner that inhibits the formation of SGs on viral mRNAs. A viral mutant carrying a C-terminal truncation of nsP3 induces more persistent SGs and is attenuated for propagation in cell culture. Of importance, we also show that the efficient translation of viral mRNAs containing a translation enhancer sequence also contributes to the disassembly of SGs in infected cells. Furthermore, we show that the nsP3/G3BP interaction also blocks SGs induced by other stresses than virus infection. This is one of few described viral mechanisms for SG disruption and underlines the role of SGs in antiviral defense.  相似文献   
Alphavirus replicase protein nsP1 has multiple functions during viral RNA synthesis. It catalyzes methyltransferase and guanylyltransferase activities needed in viral mRNA capping, attaches the viral replication complex to cytoplasmic membranes, and is required for minus-strand RNA synthesis. Two temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations in Semliki Forest virus (SFV) were previously identified within nsP1: ts10 (E529D) and ts14 (D119N). Recombinant viruses containing these individual mutations reproduced the features of the original ts strains. We now find that the capping-associated enzymatic activities of recombinant nsP1, containing ts10 or ts14 lesions, were not ts. The mutant proteins and polyproteins also were membrane bound, mutant nsP1 interacted normally with the other nonstructural proteins, and there was no major defect in nonstructural polyprotein processing in the mutants, although ts14 surprisingly displayed slightly retarded processing. The two mutant viruses were specifically defective in minus-strand RNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Integrating data from SFV and Sindbis virus, we discuss the domain structure of nsP1 and the relative positioning of and interactions between the replicase proteins. nsP1 is suggested to contain a specific subdomain involved in minus-strand synthesis and interaction with the polymerase nsP4 and the protease nsP2.  相似文献   
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