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Causal relationship between sodium and hypertension has been proposed and various changes in Na+,K+-ATPase (sodium pump) activity have been described in established primary hypertension. A number of direct vascular effects of estradiol have been reported, including its impact on the regulation of sodium pump activity and vasomotor tone. The effects of estradiol involve the activation of multiple signaling cascades, including phosphatydil inositol-3 kinase (PI3K) and p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p42/44MAPK). In addition, some of the effects of estradiol have been linked to activity of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). One possible cardioprotective mechanism of estradiol involves of the interaction between estradiol and the rennin-angiotensin system (RAS). Elevated circulating and tissue levels of angiotensin II (Ang II) have been implicated in the development of hypertension and heart failure. The aim of our investigation was to elucidate the signaling mechanisms employed by estradiol and Ang II in mediating sodium pump, in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). The aim of our investigation was to elucidate the signaling mechanisms employed by estradiol and Ang II in mediating sodium pump activity/expression in VSMC, with particular emphasis on PI3K/cPLA2/p42/44MAPK signaling pathways. Our primary hypothesis is that estradiol stimulates sodium pump activity/expression in VSMC via PI3K/cPLA2/p42/44MAPK dependent mechanism and, that impaired estradiol-stimulated sodium pump activity/expression in hypertensive rodent models (i.e. SHR), Ang II-mediated vascular impairment of estradiol is related to a decrease ability of estradiol to stimulate the PI3K/cPLA2/p42/44MAPK signaling pathways. An important corollary to this hypothesis is that in hypertensive state (i.e. SHR rats) the decreasing in ACE enzyme activity and/or AT1 receptor expression caused by administration of estradiol is accompanying with abrogated ability of Ang II to decrease IRS-1/PI3K association, and consequent PI3K/cPLA2/p42/44MAPK activity and associated sodium pump activity/expression.A clear characterization of how Ang II attenuates estradiol signaling may lead to a better understanding of the molecular mechanism(s) underlying pathophysiological conditions such as hypertension and to understanding how certain pathophysiological situations affect sodium pump activity/expression in VSMC.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the acute effects of extracellular low micromolar concentrations of cadmium and mercury ions on the peritubular cell membrane potential and its potassium selectivity in proximal tubular cells of the frog kidney. Peritubular exposure to 3 micromol/L Cd(2+) or 1 micromol/L Hg(2+) led to a rapid, sustained and reversible hyperpolarization of the peritubular cell membrane, paralleled by an increase in fractional K(+) conductance. Peritubular barium abolished hyperpolarization of the peritubular cell membrane to peritubular 3 micromol/L Cd(2+) or 1 micromol/L Hg(2+). Perfusing the lumen with 10 mmol/L l-alanine plus/minus 3 micromol/L Cd(2+) or Hg(2+) did not modify rapid depolarization and rate of slow repolarization of the peritubular cell membrane potential. In conclusion, low micromolar concentrations of Cd(2+) and Hg(2+) increase K(+) conductive pathway in the peritubular cell membrane and in this way can enhance ability of proximal renal tubular cells to maintain the driving force for electrogenic Na(+) and substrate reabsorption.  相似文献   
The soccer-specific field tests are popular among coaches due to their simplicity, validity, and minimal use of equipment. Nevertheless, there is a general lack of data about their reliability, particularly regarding the tests of anaerobic performance. Twenty professional male soccer players performed 3 consecutive trials of the tests of throwing-in and standing-kick performance (the distance measured) as well as on timed 10-m sprint, flying 20-m sprint, running 10 x 5 m, zigzag running with and without the ball, and the skill index (i.e., the ratio of the zigzag running without and with the ball). With the exception of the throwing-in and standing kick, the evaluated tests revealed high intraclass correlation coefficients (i.e., >0.80), small within-individual variations (coefficient of variation, <4%), and sample sizes for detecting a 2% change in the tested performance that are either close to or below the standard size of a professional soccer squad. In addition to simplicity and face validity, most of the evaluated tests revealed high reliability. Therefore, the evaluated tests are recommended for sport-specific profiling and early selection of young athletes as well as for routine testing procedures that could detect effects of various intervention procedures. Regarding the throwing-in and standing-kick tests, direct measurement of the ball velocity (e.g., with a standard radar gun) is recommended.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide-scavenging activity of polyhydroxylated fullerenol, C60(OH)24.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investigation of the possible nitric oxide-scavenging activity of hydroxylated derivative of fullerene, fullerenol C60(OH)24, demonstrated that it expressed direct scavenging activity toward nitric oxide radical (NO) liberated within solution of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a well known NO donor. In parallel, pre-treatment (30') with intratesticular injection of fullerenol (60 microg/each testis) prevented NO-induced decrease of catalase, glutathione transferase and glutathione peroxidase activities in the denucleated fraction of interstitial testicular cells of adult rats 2 h after intratesticular injection of SNP (20 microg/each testis). In addition, fullerenol decreased formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBA-RS) with similar efficiency as butylated hydroxy toluen (BHT), a well known antioxidant. Also, fullerenol expressed certain scavenging activity toward superoxide anion (O2-) in xanthine/xanthine oxidase system. In summary, results obtained in this study confirmed free radical-scavenging activity of fullerenol, and according to our knowledge, it is the first evidence of direct NO-quenching activity of hydroxylated C60 derivative in different milieu.  相似文献   
We present a case of 77 years old male with suspected giant cell arteritis. With anamnesis, physical examination, immunological tests, Colour Doppler ultrasonography of superficial temporal artery and finally with patohistological analysis of temporal artery biopsy, we came to right diagnosis.  相似文献   
Prostate cancer continues to be the most frequently diagnosed neoplasm, and the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in men. Oxidative stress may enhance prostatic carcinogenesis. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is the only known superoxide scavenger in mitochondria. It plays a key role in antioxidant defense as mitochondria are important for oxidative metabolism coupled to the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation and hence, ROS production. A T-->C single nucleotide substitution, resulting in a Val-->Ala change at position 9 (Ala-9Val), which alters the secondary structure of the protein, has been noted to affect transport of MnSOD into the mitochondria. We have determined the MnSOD genotype in 85 prostate cancer cases and 151 control subjects. Ala-9Val polymorphism was determined using real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification with fluorescently labeled primers. No significant difference was found in prostate cancer susceptibility in the subjects with Ala/Ala and Val/Ala genotype compared with Val/Val genotype (Odds ratio (OR), 1.3; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.69-2.42; p = 0.416). We did not observe an association of the MnSOD genotype or allele frequency between subgroups of cases divided by disease status (aggressive vs. non-aggressive prostate cancer). However, in the analyses stratified by the age at diagnosis we have observed that men homozygous for Ala had a 5.2-fold increased risk of early-onset prostate cancer (under age of 65) compared to men homozygous for Val allele (p = 0.05). These data suggest that Ala/Ala MnSOD genotype in the Macedonian population could have an influence on early onset of prostate cancer, but no impact on the subsequent development of the disease.  相似文献   
Nucleus raphéobscurus (NRo) modulates hypoglossal (XII) nerve motor output in the invitro transverse brain stem slice of neonatal rats (1-5 days old);chemical ablation of NRo and its focal CO2 acidificationmodulated the bursting rhythm of XII nerves. We microinjected a 4.5 mMsolution of kainic acid into the NRo to disrupt cellular activity andobserved that XII nerve activity was temporarily abolished(n = 10). We also microinjected CO2-acidified (pH = 6.00 ± 0.01) artificialcerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) into the NRo (n = 6), thepre-Bötzinger complex (PBC) (n = 6), as well as acontrol region in the lateral tegmental field equidistant to NRo, PBC,and the XII motor nuclei (n = 12). CO2acidification of the control region had no effect on XII motor output.CO2 acidification of the NRo significantly(P < 0.05) increased the burst discharge frequency ofXII nerves by 77%; integrated burst amplitude and burst durationincreased by 64% and 52%, respectively. CO2 acidificationof the PBC significantly (P < 0.05) increased theburst discharge frequency of XII nerves by 65%, but neither integratedburst amplitude nor burst duration changed. These results demonstratethat chemical ablation of the NRo can abolish XII nerve bursting rhythmand that stimulation of the NRo with CO2-acidified aCSF canexcite XII nerve bursting activity. From these observations, weconclude that, in transverse brain stem slices, the NRo containspH/CO2-sensitive cells that modulate XII motor output.

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