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Rabbit skeletal muscle protein phosphatases C-I and C-II have been previously isolated as two proteins of Mr = approximately 35,000. Both enzymes display broad substrate specificities but have distinct enzymatic properties in regard to their susceptibility to heat-stable protein inhibitor-2 and their response to divalent cations. Monoclonal antibodies against both protein phosphatase C-I and C-II were produced by fusion of spleen cells of immunized BALB/c mice with SP2/0-Ag14 mouse myeloma cells. The products of the hybrid cells were screened by solid phase radioimmunoassay for the production of antibodies to protein phosphatase C-I and C-II. Positive cells were cloned and injected into mice to produce ascitic fluids. Ten monoclonal antibodies against phosphatase C-I and eight monoclonal antibodies against phosphatase C-II were obtained. These antibodies were characterized with regard to their relative binding affinities to the two protein phosphatases and their abilities to inhibit the phosphorylase phosphatase activities of the two enzymes. All ten of the phosphatase C-I monoclonal antibodies inhibited the phosphorylase phosphatase activity of phosphatase C-I, and three of these also inhibited phosphatase C-II. Only one of the eight antibodies to phosphatase C-II was inhibitory and inhibited the activities of both phosphatase C-I and C-II. Examination of the binding of these monoclonal antibodies by a solid phase radioimmunoassay showed that eight of the ten phosphatase C-I antibodies cross-reacted with phosphatase C-II, while all eight of the phosphatase C-II antibodies cross-reacted with phosphatase C-I. These findings show that phosphatases C-I and C-II possess common antigenic determinant(s) and may, therefore, be structurally related proteins.  相似文献   
Cultures of bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells accumulated 1-[methyl-3H]methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ([3H]MPP+) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner with an apparent Km of 0.7 microM and a Vmax of 3 pmol/min/10(6) cells. The uptake was sodium dependent and sensitive to inhibitors of the cell-surface catecholamine transporter. At low concentrations of MPP+, the subcellular distribution was identical to that of endogenous catecholamines in the catecholamine-containing chromaffin vesicles. However, at a higher concentration of MPP+, a larger proportion of the toxicant was recovered in the cytosolic fraction, with less in the chromaffin vesicle fractions. When cells were prelabeled with [3H]MPP+, at 1 and 300 microM, and then permeabilized with digitonin in the absence of Ca2+, there was a proportionally greater release of MPP+ from the cells labeled at the higher concentration of the toxicant. In the presence of Ca2+, cell permeabilization induced a time-dependent secretion of catecholamines and a parallel secretion of MPP+. Under these conditions, the secretion of endogenous catecholamines was unaffected by the presence of MPP+. When the permeabilization studies were carried out in the presence of tetrabenazine, a massive release of MPP+ was observed in the absence of Ca2+ and was not further increased by Ca2+. In intact cells prelabeled with 300 microM [3H]MPP+, the secretagogues nicotine and veratridine elicited a Ca2+ -dependent secretion of catecholamines and MPP+ from the cells in similar proportions to their cellular contents. Barium-induced release of both species was independent of external Ca2+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We investigated cultural evolution in populations of common chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) in the Atlantic islands (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries) and neighboring continental regions (Morocco and Iberia) by employing a population-memetic approach. To quantify differentiation, we used the concept of a song meme, defined as a single syllable or a series of linked syllables capable of being transmitted. The levels of cultural differentiation are higher among the Canaries populations than among the Azorean ones, even though the islands are on average closer to each other geographically. This is likely the result of reduced levels of migration, lower population sizes, and bottlenecks (possibly during the colonization of these populations) in the Canaries; all these factors produce a smaller effective population size and therefore accentuate the effects of differentiation by random drift. Significant levels of among-population differentiation in the Azores, in spite of substantial levels of migration, attest to the differentiating effects of high mutation rates of memes, which allow the accumulation of new mutants in different populations before migration can disperse them throughout the entire region.  相似文献   
Alcohol-induced pancreas damage remains as one of the main risk factors for pancreatitis development. This disorder is poorly understood, particularly the effect of acetaldehyde, the primary alcohol metabolite, in the endocrine pancreas. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a protective protein in many tissues, displaying antioxidant, antiapoptotic, and proliferative responses. In the present work, we were focused on characterizing the response induced by HGF and its protective mechanism in the RINm5F pancreatic cell line treated with ethanol and acetaldehyde. RINm5F cells were treated with ethanol or acetaldehyde for 12 h in the presence or not of HGF (50 ng/ml). Cells under HGF treatment decreased the content of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation induced by both toxics, improving cell viability. This effect was correlated to an improvement in insulin expression impaired by ethanol and acetaldehyde. Using a specific inhibitor of Erk1/2 abrogated the effects elicited by the growth factor. In conclusion, the work provides mechanistic evidence of the HGF-induced-protective response to the alcohol-induced damage in the main cellular component of the endocrine pancreas.  相似文献   
The nonstructural protein NSm of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has been identified as the avirulence determinant of the tomato single dominant Sw-5 resistance gene. Although Sw-5 effectiveness has been shown for most TSWV isolates, the emergence of resistance-breaking (RB) isolates has been observed. It is strongly associated with two point mutations (C118Y or T120N) in the NSm viral protein. TSWV-like symptoms were observed in tomato crop cultivars (+Sw-5) in the Baja California peninsula, Mexico, and molecular methods confirmed the presence of TSWV. Sequence analysis of the NSm 118–120 motif and three-dimensional protein modelling exhibited a noncanonical C118F substitution in seven isolates, suggesting that this substitution could emulate the C118Y-related RB phenotype. Furthermore, phylogenetic and molecular analysis of the full-length genome (TSWV-MX) revealed its reassortment-related evolution and confirmed that putative RB-related features are restricted to the NSm protein. Biological and mutational NSm 118 residue assays in tomato (+Sw-5) confirmed the RB nature of TSWV-MX isolate, and the F118 residue plays a critical role in the RB phenotype. The discovery of a novel TSWV-RB Mexican isolate with the presence of C118F substitution highlights a not previously described viral adaptation in the genus Orthotospovirus, and hence, the necessity of further crop monitoring to alert the establishment of novel RB isolates in cultivated tomatoes.  相似文献   
Faced with the rapid and extensive conversion of tropical rain forests to pasture lands and agricultural fields and with the need to preserve the remaining mammalian fauna, it is imperative to determine how the different species that form the mammalian community have responded to the anthropogenic alterations of their natural habitats To provide data in this direction, we sampled bats m 45 forest islands, m 20 agricultural habitats representing five types of vegetation (cocoa, coffee, mixed, citrus and allspice), in four live-fence sites and in four pasture sites at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico Sampling effort resulted in the capture of 2587 bats representing 35 species In forest habitats we detected 32 species We did not capture any bats at the four pasture sites, but the at the other agricultural habitats studied, we captured 38% of the bats and 77% of the species recorded Thirty-four percent of the species recorded were present at the live-fence habitats Isolating distance was an important variable influencing species richness in forests and in agricultural habitats Only 10% of the species recorded occurred m all the habitats studied, but 77% of the species occurred m a habitat other than ram forest Recaptures of bats indicated inter habitat movements in the fragmented landscape We discuss the conservation value for the bat fauna of agricultural islands of vegetation as elements reducing isolating distances among forest fragments  相似文献   
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanometric particles that enclose cell-derived bioactive molecules in a lipid bilayer and serve as intercellular communication tools. Accordingly, in various biological contexts, EVs are reported to engage in immune modulation, senescence, and cell proliferation and differentiation. Therefore, EVs could be key elements for potential off-the-shelf cell-free therapy. Little has been studied regarding EVs derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC-EVs), even though hPSCs offer good opportunities for induction of tissue regeneration and unlimited proliferative ability. In this review article, we provide an overview of studies using hPSC-EVs, focusing on identifying the conditions in which the cells are cultivated for the isolation of EVs, how they are characterized, and applications already demonstrated. The topics reported in this article highlight the incipient status of the studies in the field and the significance of hPSC-EVs’ prospective applications as PSC-derived cell-free therapy products.  相似文献   
We argue that the Würm III glaciation eradicated possible European populations ofS. torvicornis, and that today, a reconquest of Europe takes place on two fronts.A western wave has reached the Pyrenees, an eastern one now occupies most of eastern and northern Europe. The western route probably started in the Maghreb, the eastern one in the Levant and the Ponto-Caspian. Animals in the west had to move north by crossing, at right angles, a series of east-west oriented river valleys and progressed slowly; animals in the east could move up river valleys extending north-east, and moved quickly. Italy was not occupied, becauseS.torvicornis is a warm stenotherm, and by the time the climate had warmed sufficiently for it to reach the southern shore of the mediterranean (ca 6000 BP), the gap with Italy was probably too large for a crossing. Cold-loving species (of the generaBranchipus, Chirocephalus) conversely, and could freely flow across the Central Mediterranean at low sea-levels (ca 12000 BP), and now occur in Italy (and the rest of Europe) as well as in Northern Africa.A prediction of our hypothesis is that the pioneer populations in Spain and Central Europe should have been isolated longest. Thisis tested and confirmed by their comparative morphology, and two subspecies,S. t. torvicornis andS. t. bucheti are reinstated.A gap across the Nile Valley where onlyS. rubricaudatus seems to occur, deserves further study.  相似文献   
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