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The elimination of transformed and viral infected cells by natural killer (NK) cells requires a specialized junction between NK and target cells, denominated immunological synapse (IS). After initial recognition, the IS enables the directed secretion of lytic granules content into the susceptible target cell. The lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1 regulates NK effector function by enabling NK-IS assembly and maturation. The pathways underlying LFA-1 accumulation at the IS in NK cells remained uncharacterized. A kinase anchoring protein 350 (AKAP350) is a centrosome/Golgi-associated protein, which, in T cells, participates in LFA-1 activation by mechanisms that have not been elucidated. We first evaluated AKAP350 participation in NK cytolytic activity. Our results showed that the decrease in AKAP350 levels by RNA interference (AKAP350KD) inhibited NK-YTS cytolytic activity, without affecting conjugate formation. The impairment of NK effector function in AKAP350KD cells correlated with decreased LFA-1 clustering and defective IS maturation. AKAP350KD cells that were exclusively activated via LFA-1 showed impaired LFA-1 organization and deficient lytic granule translocation as well. In NK AKAP350KD cells, activation signaling through Vav1 was preserved up to 10 min of interaction with target cells, but significantly decreased afterwards. Experiments in YTS and in ex vivo NK cells identified an intracellular pool of LFA-1, which partially associated with the Golgi apparatus and, upon NK activation, redistributed to the IS in an AKAP350-dependent manner. The analysis of Golgi organization indicated that the decrease in AKAP350 expression led to the disruption of the Golgi integrity in NK cells. Alteration of Golgi function by BFA treatment or AKAP350 delocalization from this organelle also led to impaired LFA-1 localization at the IS. Therefore, this study characterizes AKAP350 participation in the modulation of NK effector function, revealing the existence of a Golgi-dependent trafficking pathway for LFA-1, which is relevant for LFA-1 organization at NK-lytic IS.  相似文献   
Faced with the rapid and extensive conversion of tropical rain forests to pasture lands and agricultural fields and with the need to preserve the remaining mammalian fauna, it is imperative to determine how the different species that form the mammalian community have responded to the anthropogenic alterations of their natural habitats To provide data in this direction, we sampled bats m 45 forest islands, m 20 agricultural habitats representing five types of vegetation (cocoa, coffee, mixed, citrus and allspice), in four live-fence sites and in four pasture sites at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico Sampling effort resulted in the capture of 2587 bats representing 35 species In forest habitats we detected 32 species We did not capture any bats at the four pasture sites, but the at the other agricultural habitats studied, we captured 38% of the bats and 77% of the species recorded Thirty-four percent of the species recorded were present at the live-fence habitats Isolating distance was an important variable influencing species richness in forests and in agricultural habitats Only 10% of the species recorded occurred m all the habitats studied, but 77% of the species occurred m a habitat other than ram forest Recaptures of bats indicated inter habitat movements in the fragmented landscape We discuss the conservation value for the bat fauna of agricultural islands of vegetation as elements reducing isolating distances among forest fragments  相似文献   
The near-global distribution of hadrosaurid dinosaurs during the Cretaceous has been attributed to mastication, a behaviour commonly recognized as a mammalian adaptation. Its occurrence in a non-mammalian lineage should be accompanied by the evolution of several morphological modifications associated with food acquisition and processing. This study investigated morphological variation in the dentary, a major element of the hadrosauroid lower jaw. Eighty-four hadrosauroid dentaries were subjected to geometric morphometric and statistical analyses to investigate their taxonomic, ontogenetic, and individual variation. Results suggest increased food acquisition and processing efficiency in saurolophids through a complex pattern of evolutionary and growth-related changes. The edentulous region grew longer relative to dentary length, allowing for food acquisition specialization anteriorly and processing posteriorly, and became ventrally directed, possibly associated with foraging low-growing vegetation, especially in younger individuals. The saurolophid coronoid process became anteriorly directed and relatively more elongate, with an expanded apex, increasing moment arm length, with muscles pulling the jaw more posteriorly, increasing mechanical advantage. During growth, all hadrosauroids underwent anteroposterior dental battery elongation by the addition of teeth, and edentulous region ventralization decreased. The dental battery became deeper in saurolophids by increasing the number of teeth per tooth family. The increased coronoid process anterior inclination and relative edentulous region elongation in saurolophids are hypothesized to have evolved through hypermorphosis and/or acceleration, peramorphic heterochronic processes; the development of an anteroposteriorly shorter but dorsoventrally taller saurolophid dentary, is probably due to post-displacement in dental battery elongation and edentulous region decreased ventral orientation, a paedomorphic heterochronic process.  相似文献   
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanometric particles that enclose cell-derived bioactive molecules in a lipid bilayer and serve as intercellular communication tools. Accordingly, in various biological contexts, EVs are reported to engage in immune modulation, senescence, and cell proliferation and differentiation. Therefore, EVs could be key elements for potential off-the-shelf cell-free therapy. Little has been studied regarding EVs derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC-EVs), even though hPSCs offer good opportunities for induction of tissue regeneration and unlimited proliferative ability. In this review article, we provide an overview of studies using hPSC-EVs, focusing on identifying the conditions in which the cells are cultivated for the isolation of EVs, how they are characterized, and applications already demonstrated. The topics reported in this article highlight the incipient status of the studies in the field and the significance of hPSC-EVs’ prospective applications as PSC-derived cell-free therapy products.  相似文献   
Embryogenic cell suspensions of Lavatera thuringiaca L. were established from leaf petiole and shoot regeneration was achieved when cells were plated on medium without growth regulators. We tested three methods for protoplast culture, isolated from a one-year old embryogenic cell suspension, to determine the best conditions for L. thuringiaca protoplast culture and shoot regeneration. The highest protoplast plating efficiency was obtained with the agaroseembedded method, reaching 30%, while the nursing culture method gave 5% when the protoplasts were plated over Whatman paper No. 2. However, the same nursing culture failed to produce protoplast-derived microcalluses when the protoplasts were plated on a nitrocellulose filter. The liquid thin layer method gave the lowest plating efficiency with only 0.5%. Shoot regeneration from protoplast-derived microcalluses was achieved in two steps; first, globular embryo development was favored in medium low in auxin (2,4-d and BA at 0.01 and 0.05 mg 1-1, respectively), second, the globular embryos further differentiate into shoots in medium without growth regulators or in medium containing GA3 (0.5 to 1.0 mg 1-1).Abbreviations 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BA benzyladenine - GA3 gibberellic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid  相似文献   
We argue that the Würm III glaciation eradicated possible European populations ofS. torvicornis, and that today, a reconquest of Europe takes place on two fronts.A western wave has reached the Pyrenees, an eastern one now occupies most of eastern and northern Europe. The western route probably started in the Maghreb, the eastern one in the Levant and the Ponto-Caspian. Animals in the west had to move north by crossing, at right angles, a series of east-west oriented river valleys and progressed slowly; animals in the east could move up river valleys extending north-east, and moved quickly. Italy was not occupied, becauseS.torvicornis is a warm stenotherm, and by the time the climate had warmed sufficiently for it to reach the southern shore of the mediterranean (ca 6000 BP), the gap with Italy was probably too large for a crossing. Cold-loving species (of the generaBranchipus, Chirocephalus) conversely, and could freely flow across the Central Mediterranean at low sea-levels (ca 12000 BP), and now occur in Italy (and the rest of Europe) as well as in Northern Africa.A prediction of our hypothesis is that the pioneer populations in Spain and Central Europe should have been isolated longest. Thisis tested and confirmed by their comparative morphology, and two subspecies,S. t. torvicornis andS. t. bucheti are reinstated.A gap across the Nile Valley where onlyS. rubricaudatus seems to occur, deserves further study.  相似文献   
Management goals in protected areas and/or communities usually include diversity as one of the most valuable and confident criteria. Nevertheless, the use of diversity and related indices as a means of evaluating successful management practices could produce conflicting results. Here we report a case study in one of the most important European protected areas. After 6 years of intensive conservation management of the Don~ana National Park, the general abundance and numbers of the target single-species conservation plan (the Iberian lynx) increased, although carnivore community diversity and evenness decreased. This was a result of a disproportionate increase of an oportunistic native species, the red fox. We propose the combined use of diversity, richness and evenness indices when monitoring management practices such as those reported here.  相似文献   
This paper reports new distribution records of large branchiopods for Mexico following a three year survey of the Baja California peninsula. The occurance of the anostracans Thamnocephalus mexicanus (Linder, 1941) and T. platyurus (Packard, 1877), the notostracan Lepidurus lemmoni (Holmes, 1894), and the spinicaudatans Eulimnadia cylindrova (Belk, 1989) and E. texana (Packard,1871), all represent the first records for the peninsula. An undescribed species of the anostracan genus Streptocephalus is recorded from the state of Baja California (Norte). The occurrence of the notostracan genus Triops and four other anostracan species on the peninsula is also confirmed. The conchostracan Cyclestheria hislopi (Baird, 1859) is recorded from the state of Quintana Roo. The collections of Lepidurus and Cyclestheria are the first records for México. These records increase the number of species of large branchiopods reported fromMéxico to 36: 20 Anostraca, 3 Notostraca, 11 Spinicaudata, and 2Laevicaudata. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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