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Summary Several pneumococcal bacteriophages showing a morphology similar to that previously described for Cp-1 (Ronda et al. 1981) have been isolated and purified from throat samples taken from healthy children. Three of these phages (Cp-5, Cp-7 and Cp-9) have been studied in detail and compared to Cp-1. The four phages differed in several respects, e.g. size, structural polypeptides, restriction enzyme cleavage patterns, etc. The DNA of Cp-5, Cp-7 and Cp-9 showed protease-sensitive transfecting activity. This, together with the results obtained by electrophoretic analyses as well as by isotopic labelling of these DNAs with [-32P] ATP and polynucleotide kinase indicated that all these new phages have a protein covalently linked to the 5 ends of their DNAs as in the case of Cp-1 (García et al. 1983). Restriction enzyme cleavage maps of Cp-1, Cp-5, Cp-7 and Cp-9 have been constructed.  相似文献   
The fertility of spermatozoa from the different epididymal segments of hamsters was tested by in-vivo insemination. Caput and proximal corpus spermatozoa were non-fertile; spermatozoa from the distal corpus epididymidis fertilized 13% (38/290) oocytes and those from the proximal and distal cauda epididymidis 71 and 87%, respectively. When tested by in-vitro insemination, distal corpus spermatozoa penetrated 44% of oocytes while those from the distal cauda fertilized 87% of oocytes. Spermatozoa from the distal corpus recovered in Medium BMOC fertilized 13% (28/219) of oocytes in vivo, while those mixed with an epididymal protein preparation (0.8 mg protein/ml) fertilized 24% (49/204; P less than 0.01) of oocytes. When distal corpus spermatozoa were inseminated in vivo with 0.8 mg epididymal protein preparation 34% (31/90) oocytes were fertilized and only 22% (23/103; P less than 0.05) oocytes were fertilized when the proteins were obtained from epididymides of animals castrated for 30 days. When distal corpus spermatozoa were preincubated for 5 h in medium without (control) or with protein preparation (0.8 or 1.6 mg protein/ml), a significant increase in in-vitro oocyte penetration was found (25 compared with 45%; P less than 0.05) when the protein was present at 1.6 mg/ml. These results confirm and extend previous observations suggesting a role for androgen-dependent glycoproteins secreted by the epididymis in the acquisition of fertilizing ability that occurs during sperm maturation.  相似文献   
The pneumoconiosis developing after inhalation of air-borne dusts in the work place depends on the relation between the value of particle deposition in the respiratory tract and the rate of particle clearance from sites of their deposition. For testing the deposition in humans an aerosol of paraffin oil was given to a cohort of healthy persons. The characteristic parameters of the aerosol had been defined. The concentration of particles in 5 channels were measured in both the inhaled and exhaled air samples using the particle counter ROYCO 225. The deposition fraction was calculated from the relation of particle amount in expired air to the amount in inhaled air in each distribution class. In this preliminary report the results comparable with the prediction mathematical curve are discussed.  相似文献   
The kinetics of interaction of antitumor glycoside antibiotic olivomycin with DNA has been investigated. The existence of two relaxation times in the experimental kinetics curves indicates that two types of antibiotic--DNA complex are formed. We have measured the rate constants of association and dissociation processes and determined their temperature dependences. It is suggested, that one of the complex form results from nonspecific interaction between glycoside residues of the antibiotic molecule and sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA whereas the other type of complex exhibits a pronounced specificity for GC-rich regions on DNA. The binding specificity probably results from formation of a H-bond between the antibiotic chromophore ring and guanine 2-amino group. A stereochemical model for olivomycin-DNA complex is proposed. According to this model the antibiotic chromophore and glycoside residues are located in the narrow groove of DNA.  相似文献   
Early bovine embryos (1- to 8-cell stages) were recovered from superovulated heifers at slaughter on Days 2 or 3. Embryos were cultured for 3-4 days in Medium B2 supplemented with 15% (v/v) fetal calf serum in the absence (B2SS, 106 embryos) or presence of trophoblastic vesicles (B2SS + TV, 190 embryos). At the end of culture, there were more (P less than 0.001) morulae (greater than or equal to 16 cells) in B2SS X TV (46%) than in B2SS alone (18%) irrespective of the initial cell stage. More 8-cell embryos reached the 16-cell stage than did embryos with less than 8 cells (30% vs 15% in B2SS, P greater than 0.05; 70% vs 41% in B2SS + TV, P less than 0.005). After culture, 102 morulae were transferred non-surgically to temporary recipient heifers (84 embryos cultured in B2SS + TV and 18 in B2SS). After 2 or 3 days, 14 out of 58 embryos from the B2SS + TV group and 3 out of 10 embryos from the B2SS group were recovered as blastocysts. Most blastocysts were deep-frozen and stored for several weeks. After thawing, 10 apparently normal embryos from the B2SS + TV group were transferred non-surgically into 10 recipient heifers. Four pregnancies were induced, but only one embryo survived to term (birth of a normal male calf). It is concluded that trophoblastic vesicles release one or several unknown compound(s) normally present in vivo, promoting the cleavage of early bovine embryos.  相似文献   
The contribution deals with the phytocenological analysis of theRondeletio correifoliae-Andropogonetum multinervosi, an endemic savanna association occuring on the Siguanea Hills (Sierra de la Siguanea) near the Colony Hotel.  相似文献   
Nine species ofByssoloma Trevisan (Pilocarpaceae) are reported from a collection of foliicolous lichens from Zaire, and includeB. murinum sp. n. In addition,B. usambarense sp. n. is described from adjacent Tanzania. A determination key is provided to all the known African species, and each species is briefly characterized.  相似文献   
The antibody response against Babesia divergens in vaccinated calves and in unvaccinated sentinels on farms where vaccination had been practiced routinely, was investigated using a live vaccine. Sera were obtained before and 3 weeks after vaccination in March and April, approximately 1 month before the animals were put out on pasture. Additional blood samples were collected at the end of the grazing season and again the next spring. At that time previously unvaccinated sentinel calves were vaccinated and their antibody response was tested 3 weeks later. All sera were analysed by an IF-technique. All of the vaccinated calves (100%) were seropositive 3 weeks after vaccination. The seroresponse did not differ signifacantly between animals vaccinated before their first or second grazing season although the age difference was about 12 months. No clinical symptoms of babesiosis were seen in vaccinated animals. The titres were, however, significantly higher 3 weeks after vaccination than 6 months later. After the grazing season about 42% of the unvaccinated sentinel calves were sero–positve. Two of these calves had clinical babesiosis on pasture in July and September respectively. The number of sentinel calves which became infected on pasture showed a large farm-to-farm variation although all cattle on the farms once had been infected-/vaccinated with B. divergens. Probably the different number of calves infected was a reflection of a variation in tick density on the different pastures. All calves, which were seropositive after the grazing season, were also seropositive after 6 months indoors. The titres declined during the winter period, but they were still within the range of 2 doubling dilution steps.  相似文献   
White mice previously infected with 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Eimeria falciformis oocysts on days 0, 5, 10 or 30 were inoculated per os with 10(1), 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Toxoplasma oocysts. While the results obtained for mice with higher Toxoplasma inocula were consistent, animals with 10(1) and 10(2) oocysts previous inoculation with Eimeria showed important differences related with those infected only with Toxoplasma. For example, survival time was higher in animals infected with both parasites, especially if inoculated with Eimeria 30 days before Toxoplasma infection. Furthermore the number of T. gondii cysts found in the animals previously infected with Eimeria was lower compared with mice inoculated with Toxoplasma only. Body weight of mice infected with Toxoplasma previous infection with Eimeria was almost normal in relation to those infected only with Toxoplasma, indicating a probable pathological effect due to the parasite, more evident in "non immunized" mice.  相似文献   
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