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Simple bilayer solar cells, using commercially available cationic cyanine dyes as donors and evaporated C60 layer as an acceptor are prepared. Cyanine dyes with absorption maxima of 578, 615 and 697 nm having either perchlorate or hexafluorophosphate counter‐ions are evaluated. The perchlorate dye leads to cells with S‐shape current‐voltage curves; only the dyes with the hexafluorophosphate counter‐ions lead to efficient solar cells. When the wide bandgap dyes are employed, S‐shape current‐voltage curves are obtained when the conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS is used as hole transport layer. Substitution of PEDOT:PSS with MoO3 leads to cells with more rectangular current–voltage curves and high fill factors. Additionally, the cells using the MoO3 layer for hole extraction lead to high open circuit voltages of 0.9 V. In the case that a low bandgap hexafluorophosphate dye is used with the HOMO above that of the PEDOT:PSS the cell performance is independent on the type of hole transport layer employed. Using this approach, bilayer solar cells are obtained with power efficiencies ranging from 1.8 to 2.9% depending on the particular dye employed. These are impressive numbers for bilayer solar cell that are partially solution processed in ambient conditions.  相似文献   
Despite the fact that mites were used at the dawn of forensic entomology to elucidate the postmortem interval, their use in current cases remains quite low for procedural reasons such as inadequate taxonomic knowledge. A special interest is focused on the phoretic stages of some mite species, because the phoront-host specificity allows us to deduce in many occasions the presence of the carrier (usually Diptera or Coleoptera) although it has not been seen in the sampling performed in situ or in the autopsy room. In this article, we describe two cases where Poecilochirus austroasiaticus Vitzthum (Acari: Parasitidae) was sampled in the autopsy room. In the first case, we could sample the host, Thanatophilus ruficornis (Küster) (Coleoptera: Silphidae), which was still carrying phoretic stages of the mite on the body. That attachment allowed, by observing starvation/feeding periods as a function of the digestive tract filling, the establishment of chronological cycles of phoretic behavior, showing maximum peaks of phoronts during arrival and departure from the corpse and the lowest values in the phase of host feeding. From the sarcosaprophagous fauna, we were able to determine in this case a minimum postmortem interval of 10 days. In the second case, we found no Silphidae at the place where the corpse was found or at the autopsy, but a postmortem interval of 13 days could be established by the high specificity of this interspecific relationship and the departure from the corpse of this family of Coleoptera.  相似文献   

Bacillus methylotrophicus M4-96 is a beneficial rhizobacterium that has been isolated from the rhizosphere of maize (Zea mays). In this study, we investigated its efficacy as a plant growth promoter for strawberry in vitro, as well as its ability to induce callose deposition in leaves to reduce the severity of Botrytis cinerea infection. Two methods of plant-bacterial interaction were used: inoculation near the root and emission of volatile compounds with no physical contact. Plant biomass increased under both treatments, but with developmental parameters of the plants differentially stimulated by each method. Root inoculation increased petiole number and root length, whereas bacterial volatiles increased petiole length and root number. A chemical analysis of the bacterial culture revealed the presence of indole acetic acid (0.21 μg L−1) and gibberellic acid (6.16 μg L−1). Acetoin was previously identified as the major volatile produced by the bacteria, and its application to strawberry explants increased their growth and development. Furthermore, when acetoin and both phytoregulators were added to the culture media, these positive effects were enhanced. The inoculation method also affected the size and quantity of callose deposits in the leaves. Treatment with volatiles increased callose deposition in the leaves by up to five-fold, which promoted a rapid defense reaction that inhibited the incidence of gray mold by reinforcing cell wall. Taken together, our results show that B. methylotrophicus M4-96 promotes growth and induces systemic resistance in strawberry plants.

BackgroundEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are generally the chosen test for Chagas disease (CD) diagnosis; however, its performance depends on the antigen preparation adsorbed to the solid phase, which may lead to false-positive results and cross-reactions. The use of chimeric recombinant antigens can overcome this limitation. Four chimeric antigens from Trypanosoma cruzi (IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4) were developed and evaluated in phase I, II and III studies using indirect ELISA as diagnostic platform. However, peroxidase-labeled secondary anti-human IgG antibody, which is employed in indirect ELISAs, limits its use for the detection of species-specific and class-specific antibodies. To overcome this limitation, peroxidase-labeled antigens can be utilized, diagnosing both acute or chronic infection, in a species and immunoglobulin class-independent manner, through the use of a double-antigen sandwich ELISA (DAgS-ELISA). We aimed to evaluate and validate the diagnostic performance of the chimeric antigens IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4 in the DAgS-ELISA platform.Methodology/Principal findingsDAgS-ELISA was optimized by checkerboard titration. In phase I study, 207 positive and 205 negative samples were evaluated. Cross-reactivity to other infections was also assessed using 68 samples. The selected conditions for the tests utilized 25 ng of antigen per well and the conjugate diluted at 1:2,000 for all molecules. In the phase I study, the areas under the curve of IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4 were 98.7%, 99.5%, 98.6% and 98.8%, respectively. Among the positive samples, IBMP-8.1 antigen classified 53 (25.6%) as false negative, IBMP-8.2, 27 (13%), IBMP-8.3, 24 (11.6%) and IBMP-8.4, 43 (20.8%), giving sensitivities of 74.4%, 87%, 88.4% and 79.2%, respectively. The only antigen that did not reach 100% specificity was IBMP-8.3, with 96.6%. IBMP-8.3 was also the only molecule to show cross-reactivity with HTLV.Conclusions/SignificanceDAgS-ELISA is a promising tool for immunodiagnosis, and despite the high AUC values, the performance of this assay was different from the values obtained by our group when using these antigens in the indirect ELISA, for this reason, improvements are being considered to increase the sensitivity of the DAgS-ELISA.  相似文献   
Aim We aim to map the distribution of four heath and shrub formations constituting habitats of high conservation priority in Europe, whose occurrence is strongly dependent on human activities. Specifically, we assess whether the use of LANDSAT data in habitat distribution modelling may account for land use management, allowing accurate mapping of real distribution patterns. In particular, we explore whether reflectance values may be a better alternative to other remote sensing data traditionally used in modelling approaches (i.e. spectral vegetation indices and classified land cover maps). Finally, we test whether modelling performance is affected by the ecological traits of the dominant species of the target formations. Location Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). Methods We generated maps for the four formations (two specialists vs. two generalists) using MaxEnt. First, we ran the models with environmental predictors only (topography, climate, lithology and human disturbances). Then, we compared the advantages of including, in turn, different data derived from LANDSAT imagery: reflectance values (corresponding to different wavelength channels of the multispectral image), a spectral index and a land cover map. We assessed changes in explanatory power and also in the formation’s predicted distribution patterns. Results Formations dominated by specialist species were accurately mapped on a base of environmental variables only, whereas those dominated by generalists were overpredicted. Average mean temperature, southness and distance to urban areas were the variables contributing most in predictions of environmental models. LANDSAT channels increased the accuracy of all models, but mainly those for formations dominated by generalist species. They showed advantages against other remote sensing data traditionally used in modelling approaches. Main conclusions Habitat distribution models allowed accurate mapping of heath and shrub formations. The use of reflectance values as predictors improved the accuracy of the models, particularly for formations dominated by generalist species, supplying environmental information that was otherwise unavailable.  相似文献   
Rhizomatosae is a taxonomic section of the South American genus Arachis, whose diagnostic character is the presence of rhizomes in all its species. This section is of particular evolutionary interest because it has three polyploid (A. pseudovillosa, A. nitida and A. glabrata, 2n?=?4x?=?40) and only one diploid (A. burkartii, 2n?=?2x?=?20) species. The phylogenetic relationships of these species as well as the polyploidy nature and the origin of the tetraploids are still controversial. The present study provides an exhaustive analysis of the karyotypes of all rhizomatous species and six closely related diploid species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes by cytogenetic mapping of DAPI/CMA heterochromatin bands and 5S and 18–26S rDNA loci. Chromosome banding showed variation in the DAPI heterochromatin distribution pattern, which, together with the number and distribution of rDNA loci, allowed the characterization of all species studied here. The bulk of chromosomal markers suggest that the three rhizomatous tetraploid species constitute a natural group and may have at least one common diploid ancestor. The cytogenetic data of the diploid species analyzed evidenced that the only rhizomatous diploid species—A. burkartii—has a karyotype pattern different from those of the rhizomatous tetraploids, showing that it is not likely the genome donor of the tetraploids and the non-monophyletic nature of the section Rhizomatosae. Thus, the tetraploid species should be excluded from the R genome, which should remain exclusively for A. burkartii. Instead, the karyotype features of these tetraploids are compatible with those of different species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes (E genome species), suggesting the hypothesis of multiple origins of these tetraploids. In addition, the polyploid nature and the group of diploid species closer to the tetraploids are discussed.  相似文献   
In recent years, more attention has been paid to exposure of the general population to household products. In order to assess exposure, it is necessary to generate exposure data. For this reason, a preliminary study of dishwashing liquid contact on Brest university students was performed. Dishwashing liquid is frequently used and when it is improperly mixed it can liberate harmful molecules. As for university students, they may have a repetitive contact with dishwashing liquid during their academic studies. Relevant parameters as frequency of dishwashing, duration, and amount of dishwashing liquid were assessed from questionnaires and laboratory tests. Tests revealed that overall no difference between the sexes and the type of residential household on dishwashing was present on this population. Amount of washed items and duration was significantly correlated, which could seem logical but remarkable considering the lack of correlation between other parameters. Values of 1.39 and 58.8 μg/kg bw/day for the 95th percentile of dermal and inhalation probabilistic exposure were found, respectively. Dermal exposure coincides with deterministic published data. In the case of inhalation exposure no published data are available. Higher inhalation exposure value may show that dermal exposure is diminished by high dilution of dishwashing liquid in water.  相似文献   
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