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Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are relatively autoreactive yet, paradoxically, have been found to display normal sensitivity to thymic deletion. The relationship between self-avidity, apoptosis, and the selection of Tregs therefore remains unclear. We show that thymic Tregs develop efficiently, even at low self-avidity, and are moderately resistant to apoptosis in comparison to conventional thymocytes. Consistent with this, although conventional self-reactive T cell populations undergo chronic peripheral deletion, self-reactive Tregs are largely spared removal. Similarly, the distribution of Tregs among peripheral CD4(+) cells exhibits a linear inverse relationship with CD45RB expression, indicating relative apoptosis resistance of Tregs in chronic responses to environmental Ags. We also show that appropriate controls for CD45RB levels are important for comparisons of Treg and conventional T cell activity. When thus controlled, and contrary to previous reports, Tregs exhibit normal sensitivity to cell death through TCR-independent stimuli, such as the purinergic receptor, P2X(7). Finally, although absence of CD45 in gene-targeted mice results in profound T cell hyporesponsiveness, there is little or no effect on thymic Treg frequency. In summary, the data support a model in which signal strength plays little part in Treg lineage specification, though moderate resistance of self-reactive Tregs to apoptosis may result in progressive biasing of peripheral Treg TCRs toward autoreactivity in comparison to those of conventional T cells.  相似文献   
The use of ghostwriters by industry is subject to increasing public attention and scrutiny. This article addresses the practice and ethics of scientific ghostwriting. We focus on the type of ghostwriting that involves a pharmaceutical company hiring a medical education and communications company to write a paper favorable of their product, who then hires a well-known academic to publish it under his or her name without disclosing the paper's true origins. We argue that this practice is harmful both to the public and to the institutions of science and that it is not justified by an analogy to accepted scientific authorship practices. Finally, we consider ways to discourage the practice.  相似文献   
A gene located within the intron of a larger gene is an uncommon arrangement in any species. Few of these nested gene arrangements have been explored from an evolutionary perspective. Here we report a phylogenetic analysis of kayak (kay) and fos intron gene (fig), a divergently transcribed gene located in a kay intron, utilizing 12 Drosophila species. The evolutionary relationship between these genes is of interest because kay is the homolog of the proto-oncogene c-fos whose function is modulated by serine/threonine phosphorylation and fig is a predicted PP2C phosphatase specific for serine/threonine residues. We found that, despite an extraordinary level of diversification in the intron-exon structure of kay (11 inversions and six independent exon losses), the nested arrangement of kay and fig is conserved in all species. A genomewide analysis of protein-coding nested gene pairs revealed that approximately 20% of nested pairs in D. melanogaster are also nested in D. pseudoobscura and D. virilis. A phylogenetic examination of fig revealed that there are three subfamilies of PP2C phosphatases in all 12 species of Drosophila. Overall, our phylogenetic and genomewide analyses suggest that the nested arrangement of kay and fig may be due to a functional relationship between them.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pyogenes is a gram-positive human pathogen that causes a wide spectrum of disease, placing a significant burden on public health. Bacterial surface-associated proteins play crucial roles in host-pathogen interactions and pathogenesis and are important targets for the immune system. The identification of these proteins for vaccine development is an important goal of bacterial proteomics. Here we describe a method of proteolytic digestion of surface-exposed proteins to identify surface antigens of S. pyogenes. Peptides generated by trypsin digestion were analyzed by multidimensional tandem mass spectrometry. This approach allowed the identification of 79 proteins on the bacterial surface, including 14 proteins containing cell wall-anchoring motifs, 12 lipoproteins, 9 secreted proteins, 22 membrane-associated proteins, 1 bacteriophage-associated protein, and 21 proteins commonly identified as cytoplasmic. Thirty-three of these proteins have not been previously identified as cell surface associated in S. pyogenes. Several proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified proteins were used to generate specific mouse antisera for use in a whole-cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The immunoreactivity of specific antisera to some of these antigens confirmed their surface localization. The data reported here will provide guidance in the development of a novel vaccine to prevent infections caused by S. pyogenes.  相似文献   
The system and modelling errors of two fundamentally different motion capture systems (opto-reflective vs. video-based) were tested under various conditions, to determine their ability to accurately measure flexion-extension of the elbow angle in cricket bowling. A mechanical arm was used for all testing, that enabled known elbow flexion-extension and abduction ("carry") angles to be manually set. The root mean squared (RMS) error of 0.6 degrees for the opto-reflective system (Vicon-612) was more accurate in reconstructing a known angle than the video-based system (Peak Motus) (RMS error 2.3 degrees ) in the laboratory, when the same mathematical procedure (model) was applied to calculate the elbow flexion-extension angle. When different models were applied to the raw marker trajectories collected using the video-based system, RMS was lowest for the external marker segmental cluster models (2.3 degrees ) compared with 9.4 degrees for the vector and 4.5 degrees for the projected vector approaches, where joint centres were visually approximated. Real world, field-based comparisons using the video-based system showed that occluding the arm and therefore the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint centre locations by placing a shirt on the arm, increased RMS error for both vector (7.8 degrees -9.0 degrees ) and projected vector (4.3 degrees -5.1 degrees ) modelling approaches.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species of the genus Burkholderia, from the Betaproteobacteria, have been isolated from legume nodules, but so far they have only been shown to form symbioses with species of Mimosa, sub-family Mimosoideae. This work investigates whether Burkholderia tuberum strains STM678 (isolated from Aspalathus carnosa) and DUS833 (from Aspalathus callosa) can nodulate species of the South African endemic papilionoid genera Cyclopia (tribe Podalyrieae) and Aspalathus (Crotalarieae) as well as the promiscuous legume Macroptilium atropurpureum (Phaseoleae). METHODS: Bacterial strains and the phylogeny of their symbiosis-related (nod) genes were examined via 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Seedlings were grown in liquid culture and inoculated with one of the two strains of B. tuberum or with Sinorhizobium strain NGR 234 (from Lablab purpureus), Mesorhizobium strain DUS835 (from Aspalathus linearis) or Methylobacterium nodulans (from Crotalaria podocarpa). Some nodules, inoculated with green fluorescence protein (GFP)-tagged strains, were examined by light and electron microscopy coupled with immunogold labelling with a Burkholderia-specific antibody. The presence of active nitrogenase was checked by immunolabelling of nitrogenase and by the acetylene reduction assay. B. tuberum STM678 was also tested on a wide range of legumes from all three sub-families. KEY RESULTS: Nodules were not formed on any of the Aspalathus spp. Only B. tuberum nodulated Cyclopia falcata, C. galioides, C. genistoides, C. intermedia and C. pubescens. It also effectively nodulated M. atropurpureum but no other species tested. GFP-expressing inoculant strains were located inside infected cells of C. genistoides, and bacteroids in both Cyclopia spp. and M. atropurpureum were immunogold-labelled with antibodies against Burkholderia and nitrogenase. Nitrogenase activity was also shown using the acetylene reduction assay. This is the first demonstration that a beta-rhizobial strain can effectively nodulate papilioinoid legumes. CONCLUSIONS: Papilionoid legumes from widely different tribes can be nodulated by beta-rhizobia, forming both indeterminate (Cyclopia) and determinate (Macroptilium) nodules.  相似文献   
Fossum S  Crooke E  Skarstad K 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(21):4514-4522
The replication period of Escherichia coli cells grown in rich medium lasts longer than one generation. Initiation thus occurs in the 'mother-' or 'grandmother generation'. Sister origins in such cells were found to be colocalized for an entire generation or more, whereas sister origins in slow-growing cells were colocalized for about 0.1-0.2 generations. The role of origin inactivation (sequestration) by the SeqA protein in origin colocalization was studied by comparing sequestration-deficient mutants with wild-type cells. Cells with mutant, non-sequesterable origins showed wild-type colocalization of sister origins. In contrast, cells unable to sequester new origins due to loss of SeqA, showed aberrant localization of origins indicating a lack of organization of new origins. In these cells, aberrant replisome organization was also found. These results suggest that correct organization of sister origins and sister replisomes is dependent on the binding of SeqA protein to newly formed DNA at the replication forks, but independent of origin sequestration. In agreement, in vitro experiments indicate that SeqA is capable of pairing newly replicated DNA molecules.  相似文献   
Elliott K 《Bioethics》2007,21(2):98-110
William Hurlbut, a Stanford University bioethicist and member of the President's Council on Bioethics, recently proposed a solution to the current impasse over human embryonic stem cell research in the United States. He suggested that researchers could use genetic engineering and somatic cell nuclear transfer (i.e. cloning) to develop human 'pseudo-embryos' that have no potential to develop fully into human persons. According to Hurlbut, even thinkers who typically ascribe high moral status to human embryos could approve of destroying these 'pseudo-embryos' for the sake of harvesting human embryonic stem cells. This essay argues, first, that an argument based on the 'paradox of the heap' (an argument that many 'pro-life' thinkers employ in order to defend the notion that human embryos have high moral value from the moment of conception) challenges the ethical legitimacy of Hurlbut's proposal. Second, the paper argues that this conflict may illustrate a reductio ad absurdum for this 'pro-life' argument itself rather than being a problem for Hurlbut's proposal. As a result, the paper challenges the 'pro-life'strategy of arguing that one should respond to uncertainty about the moral status of developing embryos by being morally 'cautious' and granting all human embryos full moral status from the moment of conception. It appears that one is faced with a complex series of choices (about where to draw the moral line between entities that are human persons and entities that are not), and a strict moral 'cautiousness' about this series of choices may ultimately lead to absurdity.  相似文献   
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