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This study proposes a framework for deconstructing complex walking patterns to create a simple principal component space before checking whether the projection to this space is suitable for identifying changes from the normality. We focus on knee osteoarthritis, the most common knee joint disease and the second leading cause of disability. Knee osteoarthritis affects over 250 million people worldwide. The motivation for projecting the highly dimensional movements to a lower dimensional and simpler space is our belief that motor behaviour can be understood by identifying a simplicity via projection to a low principal component space, which may reflect upon the underlying mechanism. To study this, we recruited 180 subjects, 47 of which reported that they had knee osteoarthritis. They were asked to walk several times along a walkway equipped with two force plates that capture their ground reaction forces along 3 axes, namely vertical, anterior-posterior, and medio-lateral, at 1000 Hz. Data when the subject does not clearly strike the force plate were excluded, leaving 1–3 gait cycles per subject. To examine the complexity of human walking, we applied dimensionality reduction via Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis. The first principal component explains 34% of the variance in the data, whereas over 80% of the variance is explained by 8 principal components or more. This proves the complexity of the underlying structure of the ground reaction forces. To examine if our musculoskeletal system generates movements that are distinguishable between normal and pathological subjects in a low dimensional principal component space, we applied a Bayes classifier. For the tested cross-validated, subject-independent experimental protocol, the classification accuracy equals 82.62%. Also, a novel complexity measure is proposed, which can be used as an objective index to facilitate clinical decision making. This measure proves that knee osteoarthritis subjects exhibit more variability in the two-dimensional principal component space.  相似文献   
Hypercholesterolemia is a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In the heart, activation of K(ACh) mediates the vagal (parasympathetic) negative chronotropic effect on heart rate. Yet, the effect of cholesterol on K(ACh) is unknown. Here we show that cholesterol plays a critical role in modulating K(ACh) currents (I(K,ACh)) in atrial cardiomyocytes. Specifically, cholesterol enrichment of rabbit atrial cardiomyocytes led to enhanced channel activity while cholesterol depletion suppressed I(K,ACh). Moreover, a high-cholesterol diet resulted in up to 3-fold increase in I(K,ACh) in rodents. In accordance, elevated currents were observed in Xenopus oocytes expressing the Kir3.1/Kir3.4 heteromer that underlies I(K,ACh). Furthermore, our data suggest that cholesterol affects I(K,ACh) via a mechanism which is independent of both PI(4,5)P(2) and Gβγ. Interestingly, the effect of cholesterol on I(K,ACh) is opposite to its effect on I(K1) in atrial myocytes. The latter are suppressed by cholesterol enrichment and by high-cholesterol diet, and facilitated following cholesterol depletion. These findings establish that cholesterol plays a critical role in modulating I(K,ACh) in atrial cardiomyocytes via a mechanism independent of the channel's major modulators.  相似文献   
Patterns of reproductive isolation in Mediterranean deceptive orchids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evolution of reproductive isolation is of central interest in evolutionary biology. In plants, this is typically achieved by a combination of pre- and postpollination mechanisms that prevent, or limit, the amount of interspecific gene flow. Here, we investigated and compared two ecologically defined groups of Mediterranean orchids that differ in pollination biology and pollinator specificity: sexually deceptive orchids versus food-deceptive orchids. We used experimental crosses to assess the strength of postmating prezygotic, and postzygotic reproductive isolation, and a phylogenetic framework to determine their relative rates of evolution. We found quantitative and qualitative differences between the two groups. Food-deceptive orchids have weak premating isolation but strong postmating isolation, whereas the converse situation characterizes sexually deceptive orchids. Only postzygotic reproductive isolation among food-deceptive orchids was found to evolve in a clock-like manner. Comparison of evolutionary rates, within a common interval of genetic distance, showed that the contribution of postmating barriers was more relevant in the food-deceptive species than in the sexually deceptive species. Asymmetry in prezygotic isolation was found among food-deceptive species. Our results indicate that postmating barriers are most important for reproductive isolation in food-deceptive orchids, whereas premating barriers are most important in sexually deceptive orchids. The different rate of evolution of reproductive isolation and the relative strength of pre- and postmating barriers may have implication for speciation processes in the two orchid groups.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas mendocina was found to produce a unique homopolymer of poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate), P(3HO), rather than a copolymer, when grown on sodium octanoate as the sole carbon source. Although this polymer has been produced by other organisms, interestingly this is the first time an absolute homopolymer has been produced by a wild type organism. In addition, a detailed study on the effects of different extraction methods on the yield, molecular weight, thermal properties, and lipopolysaccharide content of P(3HO) has been carried out. The organism was able to accumulate P(3HO) up to 31.38% of its dry cell weight within 48 h in mineral salt medium. Characterization of the monomer was carried out using FTIR, GC-MS, (13)C, (1)H, and HSQC NMR spectroscopy. The polymer had a crystallinity of 37.5%, Young's modulus value of 11.6 MPa and contact angle of 77.3°. Microstructural studies of solvent cast polymer films revealed a smooth surface topography with a root-mean-square roughness value of 0.238 μm.  相似文献   
Centaurea corymbosa Pourret (Asteraceae) is a narrow endemic species known only from six populations located in a 3-km2 area in the south of France. Earlier field experiments have suggested that pollen and seed dispersal were highly restricted within and among populations. Consistent with the field results, populations were highly differentiated for five allozyme loci and among-population variation fitted an isolation-by-distance model. In the present study, we investigated the genetic structure of C. corymbosa using six microsatellite loci. As with allozymes, microsatellites revealed no within-population structure and a large differentiation among populations. However, allozyme loci were less powerful than microsatellites in detecting the extent of gene flow assessed by assignment tests. The patterns of structuration greatly varied among loci for both types of marker; we suggest that differences in single-locus pattern could mainly be an effect of stochastic variation for allozymes and an effect of variation in mutation rate for microsatellites. In contrast to the multilocus results, the two most polymorphic microsatellite loci did not show any isolation-by-distance pattern. Our results suggest that highly variable loci might not always be the best suited markers to quantify levels of gene flow among populations.  相似文献   


Do vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity differ between managed and structurally complex unmanaged stands? To what extent do species richness and beta‐diversity relate to forest structural attributes and heterogeneity?


Five national parks in central and southern Italy.


We sampled vascular plant species composition and forest structural attributes in eight unmanaged temperate mesic forest stands dominated or co‐dominated by beech, and in eight comparison stands managed as high forests with similar environmental features. We compared plant species richness, composition and beta‐diversity across pairs of stands (unmanaged vs managed) using GLMM s. Beta‐diversity was quantified both at the scale of each pair of stands using plot‐to‐plot dissimilarity matrices (species turnover), and across the whole data set, considering the distance in the multivariate species space of individual plots from their centroid within the same stand (compositional heterogeneity). We modelled the relationship between species diversity (richness and beta‐diversity) and forest structural heterogeneity and individual structural variables using GLMM s and multiple regression on distance matrices.


Species composition differed significantly between managed and unmanaged stands, but not richness and beta‐diversity. We found weak evidence that plant species richness increased with increasing levels of structural heterogeneity and canopy diversification. At the scale of individual stands, species turnover was explained by different variables in distinct stands, with variables related to deadwood quantity and quality being selected most often. We did not find support for the hypothesis that compositional heterogeneity varies as a function of forest structural characteristics at the scale of the whole data set.


Structurally complex unmanaged stands have a distinct herb layer species composition from that of mature stands in similar environmental conditions. Nevertheless, we did not find significantly higher levels of vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity in unmanaged stands. Beta‐diversity was related to patterns of deadwood accumulation, while for species richness the evidence that it increases with increasing levels of canopy diversification was weak. These results suggest that emulating natural disturbance, and favouring deadwood accumulation and canopy diversification may benefit some, but not all, facets of plant species diversity in Apennine beech forests.
Presence of A+U-rich elements (AREs) within 3-untranslated regions (3UTRs) of numerous mRNAs has been associated with rapid mRNA turnover; however, the interaction of specific factors with AREs is also associated with mRNA stabilization. Recently, two ARE binding proteins with putative mRNA destabilizing (AUF1) and stabilizing (HuR) properties have been described. However, no direct comparison of AUF1 and HuR binding properties has been made. Therefore, we examined the relative affinities of p37AUF1 and HuR for a diverse set of ARE-containing mRNAs encoding -adrenergic receptors, a proto-oncogene, and a cytokine. We find that high-affinity AUF1 binding appears to require elements beyond primary nucleotide sequence. In contrast, binding of HuR appears considerably less constrained. As a functional correlate, we determined the ability of these specific mRNA sequences to affect the stability of chimeric -globin mRNA constructs. Although the relative affinity of AUF1 and HuR are generally predictive of mRNA stability, we find that certain mRNA sequences do not conform to these generalizations.  相似文献   
Bioclimate envelope models have been widely used to illustrate the discrepancy between current species distributions and their potential habitat under climate change. However, the realism and correct interpretation of such projections has been the subject of considerable discussion. Here, we investigate whether climate suitability predictions correlate to tree growth, measured in permanent inventory plots and inferred from tree‐ring records. We use the ensemble classifier RandomForest and species occurrence data from ~200,000 inventory plots to build species distribution models for four important European forestry species: Norway spruce, Scots pine, European beech, and pedunculate oak. We then correlate climate‐based habitat suitability with volume measurements from ~50‐year‐old stands, available from ~11,000 inventory plots. Secondly, habitat projections based on annual historical climate are compared with ring width from ~300 tree‐ring chronologies. Our working hypothesis is that habitat suitability projections from species distribution models should to some degree be associated with temporal or spatial variation in these growth records. We find that the habitat projections are uncorrelated with spatial growth records (inventory plot data), but they do predict interannual variation in tree‐ring width, with an average correlation of .22. Correlation coefficients for individual chronologies range from values as high as .82 or as low as ?.31. We conclude that tree responses to projected climate change are highly site‐specific and that local suitability of a species for reforestation is difficult to predict. That said, projected increase or decrease in climatic suitability may be interpreted as an average expectation of increased or reduced growth over larger geographic scales.  相似文献   
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