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The distribution of the two glutamate-synthase (GOGAT) activities known to exist in higher plants (NADH dependent, EC; and ferredoxin dependent, EC was studied in non-chlorophyllous and chlorophyllous cultured tissue as well as in young leaves of Bouvardia ternifolia. The NADH-GOGAT was present in all three tissues. Using a sucrose gradient we found it in both the soluble and the plastid fraction of non-chlorophyllous and chlorophyllous tissue, but exclusively in the chloroplast fraction of the leaves. Ferredoxin-GOGAT was found only in green tissues and was confined to the chloroplasts. Ferredoxin-GOGAT activity increased in parallel with the chlorophyll content of the callus during the greening process in Murashige-Skoog medium (nitrate and ammonium as the nitrogen sources), while NADH-GOGAT was not affected by the greening process in this medium. Furthermore, both activities were differentially affected by either nitrate or ammonium as the sole nitrogen source in the medium during this process. It is suggested that each GOGAT activity is a different entity or is differently regulated.Abbreviations GOGAT glutamate synthase - MS Murashige-Skoog (1962) medium - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
14-d-old conventional piglets were picked from normal piggery, washed with disinfectants, placed into isolators suitable for germfree work, fed a sterile diet and treated with peroral antibiotics (nalidixic acid, kanamycin, and nystatin). Beginning with day 5 or 7, Enterobacteriaceae were not found in feces. The absence of these bacteria was proved by inoculation of germfree newborn piglets with caecal content. In selectively decontaminated piglets, the white blood cell count in blood had fallen to 6 X 10(9)/L; this decrease was due to an extremely low number of granulocytes (to 0.8 X 10(9)/L). On day 35, IgG-positive cells almost disappeared from the spleen, whereas IgA cells were found in an unusually great amount. Corresponding changes in serum levels were established. The colonization resistance effect in Enterobacteriaceae-deprived piglets was confirmed; settling of introduced various E. coli strains did not occur or was delayed.  相似文献   
Mathematical modelling of the course of the immune response is undoubtedly one of the most progressive and most promising areas of modern immunology. Mathematical models (along with computer programs) can be taken as "the only means of thoroughly testing and examining a large and intricate theory" (Partridge et al. 1984). The first phase of construction of mathematical models is the formulation of assumptions based on the knowledge of the facts to be modelled (manifested usually in a scheme of the presumed course of the modelled process). The first mathematical models of immune response were based on the hypothesis of a two-stage differentiation of cells participating in the humoral response, published in Prague 23 years ago (Sercarz and Coons 1962; Sterzl 1962) and illustrated by the X----Y----Z scheme. Many contemporary mathematical models still stem from this scheme which undoubtedly fits the fundamental data concerning the immune system.  相似文献   
Changes in the number of bacteria and relative distribution of strains producing poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) in soil were investigated. Samples of chernozem soil were cul tivated with glucose in the presence of a mineral nitrogen source (diammonium hydrogen phos phate) or in its absence, either in a batch or a heterocontinuous cultivation system. In both cultivation systems the addition of glucose resulted in a roughly ten-fold increase of bacteria concentration and an increase in the proportion of strains able to produce PHB granules. When the nitrogen source was added simultaneously with glucose, the concentration of bacteria increased by two orders of magnitude in both cultivation systems. In the batch system changes in the concentration of strains capable of PHB production were very small under these con ditions whereas in the heterocontinuous system their number decreased by almost 50 %. The survival of bacteria in the soil suspension after 57-d starvation was associated with PHB production which differed, depending on the previous treatment of the soil samples. The concentration of bacteria decreased least pronouncedly in the control with water and most significantly during cultivation with glucose and a nitrogen source, where the initial PHB content was very low in spite of high numbers of bacteria.  相似文献   
The presence ofa allotypic determinants was tested in fractions obtained by gel filtration of antigen-specific receptors isolated by immunoadsorption from lymphoid cells of antigen-stimulateda3-3 rabbits. This technique, as well as the inhibition of the reaction of isolated receptors with anti-T cell receptor antisera (anti R) by anti-a3 antibodies failed to demonstrate the presence of a allotypie determinants. The inhibitory effect of antigen-specific receptors isolated from the lymphoid cells of stimulated A/J mice on the cytotoxic effect of anti-Ia antibodies on mouse spleen cells in the presence of rabbit complement was tested. All preparations inhibited the cytotoxic reaction with the average effectivity of 60%. In order to confirm the presence of Ia determinants on the rabbit and mouse T cell receptor molecules it was shown that the reactions of three anti-R antisera with 12 different receptor preparations were inhibited by anti-la antibodies. SDS-PAGE analyses of125I-labelled mouse specific receptors and the precipitate obtained by anti-R antisera showed that T cell receptors were present in fractions with molar mass 100 and 85 kg/mol. The molar mass of the former fraction after reduction and alkylation was 45 kg/mol.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 forms “plaques” during layer cultivation. The “plaques” were shown not to be caused by the presence of a temperate bacteriophage or by random contamination. The “plaques” and their central microcolonies were used to repeatedly isolate cultures producing an antibiotic substance against the original strainA. tumefaciens C58, other nopaline strains, some octopine strains ofA. tumefaciens and some strains of the related genusRhizobium. The substance is thus a bacteriocin; in analogy to agrocins 84 and D286 it was named agrocin C58. The agrocin is not inactivated by trypsin. Its production by strain C58 was found only on cultivation on solid but not liquid media. The producing isolate ofA. tumefaciens C58 (strain C58i2) contains neither plasmid pTiC58 nor the plasmid analogous to pAgK84 which controls the production of agrocin 84 inA. radiobacter K84.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins labeled with 32P1 in S49 mouse lymphoma cells revealed five phosphoproteins that were rapidly and reversibly dephosphorylated in response to elevation of cyclic AMP (cAMP). Under basal conditions, labeling of at least two of these proteins was limited by slow turnover of protein-bound phosphate. The rapid cAMP-mediated dephosphorylation of these species was attributable, therefore, to stimulation of a specific phosphoprotein phosphatase.  相似文献   
Evidence of microgeographic and temporal genetic differentiation in natural populations of Drosophila subobscura is presented. The alcohol dehydrogenease locus was used as a genetic marker. Behavioral differences among the sexes and genotypes may explain these observations, although the molecular basis remains obscure.  相似文献   
The 24 hour urinary free cortisol and cortisone excretion after an oral 100 g glucose load was measured in 60 males (aged 22-56) divided into three groups. G-I consisted of 10 healthy men, G-II of 37 surgical patients and G-III comprised 23 patients with atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease. The followed subjects responded to the glucose ingestion accordingly to their cortisol excretion. Subjects with an urinary cortisol excretion up to 200 micrograms/24 h responded to the glucose load with an increase of excretion in free cortisol and cortisone. Subjects with the excretion of cortisol above 200 micrograms/24 h responded unambiguously with a decrease in their excretion. We suggest that these changes in both directions can be explained by the available amount of NADPH in the liver. In patients with atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease, in whom disturbances in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism can be proposed, the response of free corticoids, namely the respond of cortisone, are unequal.  相似文献   
The methyl-sensitive restriction endonucleases HpaII and HhaI as well as the methyl-insensitive enzyme MspI were used to examine the methylation status of the pro-alpha 1(II) collagen gene of cartilage. Five different cell types with varying abilities to express type II collagen were studied. Chick embryo chondrocytes express type II collagen, while 5-bromodeoxyuridine-treated chondrocytes, retinoic acid-treated chondrocytes, chick embryo fibroblasts, and erythrocytes do not synthesize type II collagen. Both cDNA and genomic probes for the pro-alpha 1(II) collagen gene were used, covering the complete 3' end of the gene and its flanking sequences. The pro-alpha 1(II) collagen DNA was undermethylated in chondrocytes, compared to either fibroblasts or erythrocytes. However, the methylation of the 5-bromodeoxyuridine-treated and retinoic acid-treated chondrocytes was identical to that of control chondrocytes. The methylation pattern of two regions of the gene of the pro-alpha 2(I) collagen chain was identical in all cell types tested, whether or not the gene was expressed. Our results indicate that genes for these collagen chains differ in their methylation pattern. The type II collagen gene shows reduced methylation in expressing cartilage, but does not acquire an increase in methylation in "dedifferentiated" chondrocytes. The changes in DNA methylation that occur during cell differentiation do not appear to be sufficient to explain gene activation and deactivation.  相似文献   
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