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Light-induced formation of ubiquinol-10 in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers was followed by rapid-scan Fourier transform IR difference spectroscopy, a technique that allows the course of the reaction to be monitored, providing simultaneously information on the redox states of cofactors and on protein response. The spectrum recorded between 4 and 29 ms after the second flash showed bands at 1,470 and 1,707 cm(-1), possibly due to a QH(-) intermediate state. Spectra recorded at longer delay times showed a different shape, with bands at 1,388 (+) and 1,433 (+) cm(-1) characteristic of ubiquinol. These spectra reflect the location of the ubiquinol molecule outside the Q(B) binding site. This was confirmed by Fourier transform IR difference spectra recorded during and after continuous illumination in the presence of an excess of exogenous ubiquinone molecules, which revealed the process of ubiquinol formation, of ubiquinone/ubiquinol exchange at the Q(B) site and between detergent micelles, and of Q(B)(-) and QH(2) reoxidation by external redox mediators. Kinetics analysis of the IR bands allowed us to estimate the ubiquinone/ubiquinol exchange rate between detergent micelles to approximately 1 s. The reoxidation rate of Q(B)(-) by external donors was found to be much lower than that of QH(2), most probably reflecting a stabilizing/protecting effect of the protein for the semiquinone form. A transient band at 1,707 cm(-1) observed in the first scan (4-29 ms) after both the first and the second flash possibly reflects transient protonation of the side chain of a carboxylic amino acid involved in proton transfer from the cytoplasm towards the Q(B) site.  相似文献   
The X-ray structures of human aldose reductase holoenzyme in complex with the inhibitors Fidarestat (SNK-860) and Minalrestat (WAY-509) were determined at atomic resolutions of 0.92 A and 1.1 A, respectively. The hydantoin and succinimide moieties of the inhibitors interacted with the conserved anion-binding site located between the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme and active site residues Tyr48, His110, and Trp111. Minalrestat's hydrophobic isoquinoline ring was bound in an adjacent pocket lined by residues Trp20, Phe122, and Trp219, with the bromo-fluorobenzyl group inside the "specificity" pocket. The interactions between Minalrestat's bromo-fluorobenzyl group and the enzyme include the stacking against the side-chain of Trp111 as well as hydrogen bonding distances with residues Leu300 and Thr113. The carbamoyl group in Fidarestat formed a hydrogen bond with the main-chain nitrogen atom of Leu300. The atomic resolution refinement allowed the positioning of hydrogen atoms and accurate determination of bond lengths of the inhibitors, coenzyme NADP+ and active-site residue His110. The 1'-position nitrogen atom in the hydantoin and succinimide moieties of Fidarestat and Minalrestat, respectively, form a hydrogen bond with the Nepsilon2 atom of His 110. For Fidarestat, the electron density indicated two possible positions for the H-atom in this bond. Furthermore, both native and anomalous difference maps indicated the replacement of a water molecule linked to His110 by a Cl-ion. These observations suggest a mechanism in which Fidarestat is bound protonated and becomes negatively charged by donating the proton to His110, which may have important implications on drug design.  相似文献   
The deposition of fibrillar protein aggregates in human organs is the hallmark of several pathological states, including highly debilitating neurodegenerative disorders and systemic amyloidoses. It is widely accepted that small oligomers arising as intermediates in the aggregation process, released by fibrils, or growing in secondary nucleation steps are the cytotoxic entities in protein-misfolding diseases, notably neurodegenerative conditions. Increasing evidence indicates that cytotoxicity is triggered by the interaction between nanosized protein aggregates and cell membranes, even though little information on the molecular details of such interaction is presently available. In this work, we propose what is, to our knowledge, a new approach, based on the use of single-cell force spectroscopy applied to multifunctional substrates, to study the interaction between protein oligomers, cell membranes, and/or the extracellular matrix. We compared the interaction of single Chinese hamster ovary cells with two types of oligomers (toxic and nontoxic) grown from the N-terminal domain of the Escherichia coli protein HypF. We were able to quantify the affinity between both oligomer type and the cell membrane by measuring the mechanical work needed to detach the cells from the aggregates, and we could discriminate the contributions of the membrane lipid and protein fractions to such affinity. The fundamental role of the ganglioside GM1 in the membrane-oligomers interaction was also highlighted. Finally, we observed that the binding of toxic oligomers to the cell membrane significantly affects the functionality of adhesion molecules such as Arg-Gly-Asp binding integrins, and that this effect requires the presence of the negatively charged sialic acid moiety of GM1.  相似文献   
Resistance of the melon line TGR‐1551 to the aphid Aphis gossypii is based on preventing aphids from ingesting phloem sap. In electrical penetration graphs (EPGs), this resistance has been characterized with A. gossypii showing unusually long phloem salivation periods (waveform E1) mostly followed by pathway activities (waveform C) or if followed by phloem ingestion (waveform E2), ingestion was not sustained for more than 10 min. Stylectomy with aphids on susceptible and resistant plants was performed during EPG recording while the stylet tips were phloem inserted. This was followed by dissection of the penetrated leaf section, plant tissue fixation, resin embedding, and ultrathin sectioning for transmission electron microscopic observation in order to study the resistance mechanism in the TGR. The most obvious aspect appeared to be the coagulation of phloem proteins inside the stylet canals and the punctured sieve elements. Stylets of 5 aphids per genotype were amputated during sieve element (SE) salivation (E1) and SE ingestion (E2). Cross‐sections of stylet bundles in susceptible melon plants showed that the contents of the stylet canals were totally clear and also, no coagulated phloem proteins occurred in their punctured sieve elements. In contrast, electron‐dense coagulations were found in both locations in the resistant plants. Due to calcium binding, aphid saliva has been hypothesized to play an essential role in preventing/suppressing such coagulations that cause occlusion of sieves plate and in the food canal of the aphid's stylets. Doubts about this role of E1 salivation are discussed on the basis of our results.  相似文献   
The regulatory role that mitochondria play in cell dysfunction and cell-death pathways involves the concept of a complex and multisite regulation of cellular respiration and energy production signaled by cellular and intercellular messengers. Hence, the role of nitric oxide, as a physiological regulator acting directly on the mitochondrial respiratory chain acquires further relevance. This article provides a survey of the major regulatory roles of nitric oxide on mitochondrial functions as an expression of two major metabolic pathways for nitric oxide consumption: a reductive pathway, involving mitochondrial ubiquinol and yielding nitroxyl anion and an oxidative pathway involving superoxide anion and yielding peroxynitrite. The modulation of the decay pathways for nitrogen-and oxygen-centered radicals is further analyzed as a function of the redox transitions of mitochondrial ubiquinol. The interplay among these redox processes and its implications for mitochondrial function is discussed in terms of the mitochondrial steady-state levels (and gradients) of nitric oxide and superoxide anion.  相似文献   
Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest an emerging phylogeny for the extant Placentalia (eutherian) that radically departs from morphologically based constructions of the past. Placental mammals are partitioned into four supraordinal clades: Afrotheria, Xenarthra, Laurasiatheria, and Euarchontoglires. Afrotheria form an endemic African clade that includes elephant shrews, golden moles, tenrecs, aardvarks, hyraxes, elephants, dugongs, and manatees. Datamining databases of genome size (GS) shows that till today just one afrotherian GS has been evaluated, that of the aardvark Orycteropus afer. We show that the GSs of six selected representatives across the Afrotheria supraordinal group are among the highest for the extant Placentalia, providing a novel genomic signature of this enigmatic group. The mean GS value of Afrotheria, 5.3 ± 0.7 pg, is the highest reported for the extant Placentalia. This should assist in planning new genome sequencing initiatives. [Reviewing Editor: Dmitri Petrov]  相似文献   
Abstract Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) are able to differentiate into mature cells of various mesenchymal tissues. Recent studies have reported that hMSC may even give rise to cells of ectodermal origin. This indication of plasticity makes hMSC a promising donor source for cell-based therapies. This study explores the differentiation potential of hMSC in a tissue-specific microenvironment simulated in vitro . HMSC were cultured air-exposed on dermal equivalents (DEs) consisting of collagen types I and III with dermal fibroblasts and subjected to conditions similar to those used for tissue engineering of skin with keratinocytes. Culture conditions were additionally modified by pre-treating the cells with 5-azacytidine or supplementing the medium with all trans retinoic acid (RA). HMSC were capable of adaptation to epidermis-specific conditions without losing their mesenchymal multipotency. However, despite the viability and evident three-dimensional epidermis-like growth pattern, hMSC showed a persistent expression of mesenchymal but not of epithelial markers, thus indicating a lack of epidermal (trans) differentiation. Further, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated that hMSC cultured under epidermis-specific conditions adopted a myofibroblastic phenotype and function, promoted in particular by air exposure. In conclusion, multipotent hMSC failed to differentiate into E-cadherin- or cytokeratin-expressing cells under optimized organotypic culture conditions for keratinocytes but differentiated into myofibroblast-like cells contracting the extracellular matrix, a phenomenon that was enhanced by RA and 5-azacytidine. These results indicate that hMSC might contribute to wound-healing processes by extracellular matrix reorganization and wound contraction but not by differentiation into keratinocytes.  相似文献   
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a family of proteins involved in the deacetylation of histones and other non-histones substrates. HDAC6 belongs to class II and shares similar biological functions with others of its class. Nevertheless, its three-dimensional structure that involves the catalytic site remains unknown for exploring the ligand recognition properties. Therefore, in this contribution, homology modeling, 100-ns-long Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation and docking calculations were combined to explore the conformational complexity and binding properties of the catalytic domain 2 from HDAC6 (DD2-HDAC6), for which activity and affinity toward five different ligands have been reported. Clustering analysis allowed identifying the most populated conformers present during the MD simulation, which were used as starting models to perform docking calculations with five DD2-HDAC6 inhibitors: Cay10603 (CAY), Rocilinostat (RCT), Tubastatin A (TBA), Tubacin (TBC), and Nexturastat (NXT), and then were also submitted to 100-ns-long MD simulations. Docking calculations revealed that the five inhibitors bind at the DD2-HDAC6 binding site with the lowest binding free energy, the same binding mode is maintained along the 100-ns-long MD simulations. Overall, our results provide structural information about the molecular flexibility of apo and holo DD2-HDAC6 states as well as insight of the map of interactions between DD2-HDAC6 and five well-known DD2-HDAC6 inhibitors allowing structural details to guide the drug design. Finally, we highlight the importance of combining different theoretical approaches to provide suitable structural models for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   
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