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Ursino, Mauro, and Carlo Alberto Lodi. A simplemathematical model of the interaction between intracranial pressure andcerebral hemodynamics. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(4): 1256-1269, 1997.A simplemathematical model of intracranial pressure (ICP) dynamics oriented toclinical practice is presented. It includes the hemodynamics of thearterial-arteriolar cerebrovascular bed, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)production and reabsorption processes, the nonlinear pressure-volumerelationship of the craniospinal compartment, and a Starling resistormechanism for the cerebral veins. Moreover, arterioles are controlledby cerebral autoregulation mechanisms, which are simulated by means ofa time constant and a sigmoidal static characteristic. The model isused to simulate interactions between ICP, cerebral blood volume, andautoregulation. Three different related phenomena are analyzed: thegeneration of plateau waves, the effect of acute arterial hypotensionon ICP, and the role of cerebral hemodynamics during pressure-volume index (PVI) tests. Simulation results suggest the following:1) ICP dynamics may become unstablein patients with elevated CSF outflow resistance and decreasedintracranial compliance, provided cerebral autoregulation is efficient.Instability manifests itself with the occurrence of self-sustainedplateau waves. 2) Moderate acutearterial hypotension may have completely different effects on ICP,depending on the value of model parameters. If physiological compensatory mechanisms (CSF circulation and intracranial storage capacity) are efficient, acute hypotension has only negligible effectson ICP and cerebral blood flow (CBF). If these compensatory mechanismsare poor, even modest hypotension may induce a large transient increasein ICP and a significant transient reduction in CBF, with risks ofsecondary brain damage. 3) The ICPresponse to a bolus injection (PVI test) is sharply affected, viacerebral blood volume changes, by cerebral hemodynamics andautoregulation. We suggest that PVI tests may be used to extractinformation not only on intracranial compliance and CSF circulation,but also on the status of mechanisms controlling CBF.

The microscopic structure of theAlouatta caraya ovary is studied in different ages and reproductive stages. The most significant feature seems to be the presence in adult ovaries of abundant glandular interstitial tissue which occupies both the cortex and medulla. It seems to be derived from the theca interna of atretic follicles. Discrete luteinized masses are present in the medulla in all the ovaries observed. Invaginations of the surface epithelium are seen only in infant and juvenile ovaries. The development of cystic follicles seems to be a common pathway of atresia.  相似文献   
Upon epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation, fetal (20 days of gestation) and regenerating (44-48 h after partial hepatectomy) rat hepatocytes, isolated and cultured under identical conditions, increased DNA synthesis and entered into S-phase and mitosis, measured as [3H]thymidine incorporation and DNA content per nucleus in a flow cytometer, respectively. Fetal hepatocytes consisted of a homogeneous population of diploid (2C) cells. Two different populations of cells were present in regenerating liver, diploid (2C) and tetraploid (4C) cells, that responded to EGF. Glucagon or norepinephrine did not affect EGF stimulation of DNA synthesis in fetal liver cells, but they potentiated EGF response in regenerating hepatocyte cultures. Glucocorticoid hormones (dexamethasone) inhibited DNA synthesis in fetal hepatocyte cultures, an effect potentiated by the presence of glucagon or norepinephrine. In contrast, in regenerating hepatocytes, dexamethasone increased EGF-induced proliferation. EGF-dependent DNA synthesis was inhibited by TGF-beta in both fetal and regenerating cultured hepatocytes. TGF-beta action was partially suppressed by norepinephrine in regenerating hepatocytes, but was without effect in fetal hepatocyte cultures, whereas a synergistic action between TGF-beta and dexamethasone inhibiting growth in fetal but not in regenerating hepatocytes was found. Taken together, these results may suggest that there are significant differences between fetal and regenerating hepatocyte growth in their response to various hormones.  相似文献   
Changes in neutral amino acid transport activity caused by addition of phytohaemagglutinin-P to quiescent peripheral pig lymphocytes have been evaluated by measurements of 14C-labelled neutral and analogue amino acids under conditions approaching initial entry rates. Utilizing methylaminoisobutyric acid, the best model substrate of System A, we confirmed our previous report (Borghetti, A.F., Kay, J.E. and Wheeler, K.P. (1979) Biochem. J. 182, 27–32) on the absence of this transport system in quiescent cells and its emergence following stimulation. Furthermore, we demonstrated the presence in quiescent cells of an Na+-dependent transport system for neutral amino acids that has been characterized as System ASC by several criteria including intolerance to methylaminoisobutyric acid, strict Na+-dependence, the property of transtimulation and specificity for pertinent substrates such as alanine, serine, cysteine and threonine. Analysis of the relationship between influx and substrate concentration revealed that two independent saturable components contribute to entry of alanine in quiescent cells: a low affinity (Km = ≈4 mM) and a high affinity (Km = ≈0.2 mM) component. The high affinity component could be inhibited in a competitive way by serine, cysteine and threonine, but methylaminoisobutyric acid did not change appreciably its constants. The enhanced activity of alanine transport through the ASC system observed in activated cells resulted from a large increase in the capacity (V) of the high affinity component without any substantial change in the apparent affinity constant (Km).  相似文献   
Meiotic and somatic cells at interphase in Triatoma infestans are characterized by the formation of a large chromocenter, which was assumed to contain the whole of the three large pairs of autosomes and the sex chromosomes. Observations with C-banding techniques show that the chromocenter is formed only by the terminal and subterminal heterochromatic blocks of the three large pairs of autosomes and the sex chromosomes. During pachytene the two largest autosomal pairs loop on themselves and their condensed ends form the chromocenter, together with the single heterochromatic end of the third autosomal pair. The X and Y chromosomes seem to associate with these condensed ends by their affinity for C-heterochromatin. During a very short pachytene stage, bivalents and synaptonemal complexes (SCs) are observed. Pachytene is followed by a very long diffuse stage, during which SCs are disassembled, multiple complexes aggregate on the inner face of the chromocenter and finally all complexes disappear and a dense material is extruded to the cytoplasm through the annuli. The 3-dimensional reconstruction of early pachytene chromocenters show 3 SCs entering and tunnelling the chromocenter, while during mid-pachytene 4 SCs enter this mass and a 5th SC is in a separate small mass. The looping of a whole SC which has both ends in the chromocenter was shown by the reconstructions. These data are interpreted as the progressive looping of the two largest bivalents during pachytene, forming finally the association of 5 bivalent ends corresponding to the 5 C-banding blocks of the large autosomal pairs. No single axis or SC that could be ascribed to the sex chromosomes was found. This agrees with the pachytene microspreads, which show only 10 SCs corresponding to the autosomal bivalents. The X and Y chromosomes are enclosed in the chromocenter, as shown by the unravelling chromocenters at diplotene-diakinesis. Thus the sex chromosomes do not form axial condensations, and this fact may be related to the ability of the X and Y chromosomes to divide equationally at metaphase I. SCsThis paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Francisco A. Saez  相似文献   
The pairing behaviour of the X and Y chromosomes of Monodelphis dimidiata was studied with light and electron microscopy. Pairing of the sex chromosomes is delayed with respect to autosome synapsis. Both the X and the minute Y chromosome show an axis attached by its two ends to the nuclear envelope. Synapsis of the sex chromosomes occurs by the joining of the chromatin sheaths that surround the axes and by a small, three-layered structure close to the nuclear envelope. The X and Y chromosomes remain joined to each other during the diffuse stage and diplotene-diakinesis but they do not show a synaptonemal complex. During the diffuse stage a dense plate is formed at the boundary between the X-Y body and the nuclear envelope. During early metaphase a folded sheet is attached to the periphery of the X-Y body. This sheet is formed by a piece of the nuclear envelope carrying the dense plate and it shows transverse fibrils and a central element similar to synaptonemal-complex remains. No evidence of a non-chiasmate segregation mechanism was observed. Polarization of the axial ends of the sex chromosomes is observed after X-Y synapsis. These important departures from the X-Y pairing pattern of eutherian mammals are discussed and assumed to present a special mechanism for holding the minute Y joined to the X chromosome in this marsupial.  相似文献   
Cell surface changes occurring before and during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis embryos have been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Our study covers the period of development from very young blastulae (stage 7) to late gastrulae (stage 1212. Before the onset of the epibolic movement there is evidence of locomotory activity of the cells lining the blastocoel at the animal pole. In the medim- (stage 8) and small-cell (stage 9) blastula, when pregastrulation movements are progressing rapidly, microvilli appear in the interstices between cells, both at the animal and at the vegetal pole. In the gastrula, most of the cells close to the blastopore have either their entire exposed surface or part of it covered with microvilli. On the other hand, the cells that have just reached the blastopore and have become clubshaped do not display microvilli on their surfaces; microvilli are also absent on the surface of the cells that have undergone invagination. The invaginated chorda-mesoderm is made up of single fibroblastlike cells with long thin filopodia which are interwoven with those of nearby cells. The observations are discussed in relation to changes in cell-to-cell connections and to the role of cell surface organization in the morphogenetic movements of gastrulation.  相似文献   
Sex hormones seem to modulate the immune/inflammatory responses by different mechanisms in female and male rheumatoid arthritis patients. The effects of 17β-oestradiol and of testosterone were tested on the cultured human monocytic/macrophage cell line (THP-1) activated with IFN-γ in order to investigate their role in cell proliferation and apoptosis. Activated human THP-1 cells were cultured in the presence of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone (final concentration, 10 nM). The evaluation of markers of cell proliferation included the NF-κB DNA-binding assay, the NF-κB inhibition complex, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression and the methyl-tetrazolium salt test. Apoptosis was detected by the annexin V-propidium assay and by the cleaved poly-ADP ribose polymerase expression. Specific methods included flow analysis cytometry scatter analysis, immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis. Cell growth inhibition and increased apoptosis were observed in testosterone-treated THP-1 cells. Increased poly-ADP ribose polymerase-cleaved expression and decreased proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression, as well as an increase of IκB-α and a decrease of the IκB-α phosphorylated form (ser 32), were found in testosterone-treated THP-1 cells. However, the NF-κB DNA binding was found increased in 17β-oestradiol-treated THP-1 cells. The treatment with staurosporine (enhancer of apoptosis) induced decreased NF-κB DNA binding in all conditions, but particularly in testosterone-treated THP-1 cells. Treatment of THP-1 by sex hormones was found to influence cell proliferation and apoptosis. Androgens were found to increase the apoptosis, and oestrogens showed a protective trend on cell death – both acting as modulators of the NF-κB complex.  相似文献   
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