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In this article, we present a computational multiscale model for the characterization of subcellular proteins. The model is encoded inside a simulation tool that builds coarse-grained (CG) force fields from atomistic simulations. Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations on an all-atom model of the actin filament are performed. Then, using the statistical distribution of the distances between pairs of selected groups of atoms at the output of the MD simulations, the force field is parameterized using the Boltzmann inversion approach. This CG force field is further used to characterize the dynamics of the protein via Brownian dynamics simulations. This combination of methods into a single computational tool flow enables the simulation of actin filaments with length up to 400 nm, extending the time and length scales compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Moreover, the proposed multiscale modeling approach allows to investigate the relationship between atomistic structure and changes on the overall dynamics and mechanics of the filament and can be easily (i) extended to the characterization of other subcellular structures and (ii) used to investigate the cellular effects of molecular alterations due to pathological conditions.  相似文献   
Ursino, Mauro, and Carlo Alberto Lodi. A simplemathematical model of the interaction between intracranial pressure andcerebral hemodynamics. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(4): 1256-1269, 1997.A simplemathematical model of intracranial pressure (ICP) dynamics oriented toclinical practice is presented. It includes the hemodynamics of thearterial-arteriolar cerebrovascular bed, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)production and reabsorption processes, the nonlinear pressure-volumerelationship of the craniospinal compartment, and a Starling resistormechanism for the cerebral veins. Moreover, arterioles are controlledby cerebral autoregulation mechanisms, which are simulated by means ofa time constant and a sigmoidal static characteristic. The model isused to simulate interactions between ICP, cerebral blood volume, andautoregulation. Three different related phenomena are analyzed: thegeneration of plateau waves, the effect of acute arterial hypotensionon ICP, and the role of cerebral hemodynamics during pressure-volume index (PVI) tests. Simulation results suggest the following:1) ICP dynamics may become unstablein patients with elevated CSF outflow resistance and decreasedintracranial compliance, provided cerebral autoregulation is efficient.Instability manifests itself with the occurrence of self-sustainedplateau waves. 2) Moderate acutearterial hypotension may have completely different effects on ICP,depending on the value of model parameters. If physiological compensatory mechanisms (CSF circulation and intracranial storage capacity) are efficient, acute hypotension has only negligible effectson ICP and cerebral blood flow (CBF). If these compensatory mechanismsare poor, even modest hypotension may induce a large transient increasein ICP and a significant transient reduction in CBF, with risks ofsecondary brain damage. 3) The ICPresponse to a bolus injection (PVI test) is sharply affected, viacerebral blood volume changes, by cerebral hemodynamics andautoregulation. We suggest that PVI tests may be used to extractinformation not only on intracranial compliance and CSF circulation,but also on the status of mechanisms controlling CBF.

The granules which appear in the nucleolar area in apoptotic HL-60 cells after camptothecin administration (Zweyeret al., Exp. Cell Res.221, 27–40, 1995) were detected also in several other cell lines induced to undergo apoptosis by different stimuli, such as MOLT-4 treated with staurosporine, K-562 incubated with actinomycin D, P-815 exposed to temperature causing heat shock, Jurkat cells treated with EGTA, U-937 growing in the presence of cycloheximide and tumor necrosis factor-α, and HeLa cells treated with etoposide. Using immunoelectron microscopy techniques, we demonstrate that, besides the already described nuclear matrix proteins p125 and p160, these granules contain other nucleoskeletal polypeptides such as proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a component of ribonucleoprotein particles, a 105-kDa constituent of nuclear spliceosomes, and the 240-kDa nuclear mitotic apparatus-associated protein referred to as NuMA. Moreover, we also found in the granules SAF-A/hn-RNP-U and SATB1 proteins, two polypeptides that have been reported to bind scaffold-associated regions DNA sequencesin vitro,thus mediating the formation of looped DNA structuresin vivo.Fibrillarin and coilin are not present in these granules or the PML protein. Thus, the granules seen during the apoptotic process apparently are different from coiled bodies or other types of nuclear bodies. Furthermore, these granules do not contain chromatin components such as histones and DNA. Last, Western blotting analysis revealed that nuclear matrix proteins present in the granules are not proteolytically degraded except for the NuMA polypeptide. We propose that these granules might represent aggregates of nuclear matrix proteins forming during the apoptotic process. Moreover, since the granules are present in several cell lines undergoing apoptosis, they could be considered a previously unrecognized morphological hallmark of the apoptotic process.  相似文献   
Sperm must undergo the acrosome reaction (AR) in order to fertilize the egg. In sea urchins, this reaction is triggered by the egg jelly (EJ) which, upon binding to its sperm receptor, induces increases in the ion permeability of the plasma membrane and changes in protein phosphorylation. Here, we demonstrated that the sperm expresses ROCK (∼135 kDa), which is a serine/threonine protein kinase. ROCK localized, as RhoGTPase (Rho), in the acrosomal region, midpiece and flagellum. H-1152, a ROCK antagonist, inhibited the two cellular processes defining the AR: the acrosomal exocytosis and the actin polymerization. The ionophores nigericin and A23187 reversed the AR inhibition induced by H-1152, suggesting that ROCK functions at the level of the EJ-induced ion fluxes. Accordingly, H-1152 blocked 70% the intracellular alkalinization induced by EJ. These results indicate that EJ activates a Na+-H+ exchanger (NHE) in the sperm through a Rho/ROCK-dependent signaling pathway that culminates in the AR.  相似文献   
Summary Ovule perforation technique and media components (plant growth regulators andl-glutamine) were tested on in vitro growth of immature (<3 mm) embryos of “Springcrest” and “Earligrande” peaches. Ovule perforation was 2 to 4 times more effective in promoting embryo growth than leaving ovules intact.l-Glutamine (400 mg·liter−1) promoted an increase in growth but could not be used with indole-acetic acid plus kinetin because an antagonistic effect on embryo growth occurred. The use of these exogenous plant growth regulators did not increase embryo growth over in vivo growth.  相似文献   

The enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) is mainly involved in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. HMGR catalyses the reduction of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) to mevalonate at the expense of two NADPH molecules in a two-step reversible reaction. In the present study, we constructed a model of human HMGR (hHMGR) to explore the conformational changes of HMGR in complex with HMG-CoA and NADPH. In addition, we analysed the complete sequence of the Flap domain using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and principal component analysis (PCA). The simulations revealed that the Flap domain plays an important role in catalytic site activation and substrate binding. The apo form of hHMGR remained in an open state, while a substrate-induced closure of the Flap domain was observed for holo hHMGR. Our study also demonstrated that the phosphorylation of Ser872 induces significant conformational changes in the Flap domain that lead to a complete closure of the active site, suggesting three principal conformations for the first stage of hHMGR catalysis. Our results were consistent with previous proposed models for the catalytic mechanism of hHMGR.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   
The flavoenzyme DAAO from Rhodotorula gracilis, a structural paradigm of the glutathione-reductase family of flavoproteins, is a stable homodimer with a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) molecule tightly bound to each 40-kD subunit. In this work, the thermal unfolding of dimeric DAAO was compared with that of two monomeric forms of the same protein: a Deltaloop mutant, in which 14 residues belonging to a loop connecting strands betaF5-betaF6 have been deleted, and a monomer obtained by treating the native holoenzyme with 0.5 M NH(4)SCN. Thiocyanate specifically and reversibly affects monomer association in wild-type DAAO by acting on hydrophobic residues and on ionic pairs between the betaF5-betaF6 loop of one monomer and the alphaI3' and alphaI3" helices of the symmetry-related monomer. By using circular dichroism spectroscopy, protein and flavin fluorescence, activity assays, and DSC, we demonstrated that thermal unfolding involves (in order of increasing temperatures) loss of tertiary structure, followed by loss of some elements of secondary structure, and by general unfolding of the protein structure that was concomitant to FAD release. Temperature stability of wild-type DAAO is related to the presence of a dimeric structure that affects the stability of independent structural domains. The monomeric Deltaloop mutant is thermodynamically less stable than dimeric wild-type DAAO (with melting temperatures (T(m)s) of 48 degrees C and 54 degrees C, respectively). The absence of complications ensuing from association equilibria in the mutant Deltaloop DAAO allowed identification of two energetic domains: a low-temperature energetic domain related to unfolding of tertiary structure, and a high-temperature energetic domain related to loss of secondary structure elements and to flavin release.  相似文献   
Doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) is a particular mitochondrial DNA inheritance mode reported in a number of bivalves. DUI species show two types of mtDNA, one transmitted from females to daughters and sons (F mitotype) and another one from males to sons (M mitotype). In Veneridae, the existence of DUI has been investigated in several species but it was found in only two of them. In this study, we obtained partial sequences of rrnL, cytb and cox1 genes of males and females of Polititapes rhomboides from NW Spain and we demonstrated the existence of heteroplasmy in males, as expected under DUI. F and M mitotypes showed a taxon-specific phylogenetic pattern and similar evolutionary rates. We focused on cox1 for population genetic analysis, examining separately F and M mitotypes, but also F mitotypes from females (F) and males (F). In all cases, cox1 bears signs of strong purifying selection, with no apparent evidence of relaxed selection in the M genome, while the divergence between F and M genomes is in agreement with the neutral model of evolution. The cox1 polymorphism, higher at the M than at the F genome, also shows clear footprints of genetic hitchhiking with favourable mutations at other mtDNA loci, except for F. In terms of population structure, results suggest that the pattern depends on the examined mitotype (F, F♀, F or M).  相似文献   
The removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by membrane bioreactor (MBR) under aerobic conditions had been studied using naphthalene (NAP) and phenanthrene (PHE) as model compounds. Three MBRs with submerged ultra-filtration hollow fiber membranes were operated applying different operational conditions during 6.5 months. Complete NAP and PHE removal was obtained applying loads of 7 gNAP kgTSS?1 day?1 and 0.5 gPHE kgTSS?1 day?1, while the organic loading rate was adjusted to 0.26 kgCOD kgTSS?1 day?1, with the biomass concentration being 6000 mgTSS L?1, the hydraulic retention time (HRT) 8 h and the solids retention time (SRT) 30 days. Load increases, as well as HRT and SRT reductions, affected the NAP and PHE removals. Biodegradation was found to be the major NAP and PHE removal mechanism. There was no NAP accumulation in the biomass. Low PHE quantities remain sorbed in the biomass and the contribution of the sorption in the removal of this compound was estimated to be less than 0.01 %. The volatilization does not contribute to the PHE removal in MBRs, but the contribution of NAP volatilization can reach up to 0.6 % when HRT of 8 h is applied.  相似文献   
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