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Analgesic concentrations of nitrous oxide were administered to 6 healthy male subjects, and blood samples were assayed for prolactin, ACTH, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, growth hormone, cortisol and thyroid hormones. Analgesic nitrous oxide (mean concentration = 48.8%) produced statistically significant elevation of prolactin and depression of cortisol whilst not producing statistically significant changes in the other hormones assayed. The increase in prolactin and decrease in cortisol levels are similar to the hormonal changes associated with administration of opioids in man. We have also confirmed the findings of other workers that cortisol levels may not always be correlated with ACTH levels.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effect of added selenite on autotrophic growth and the time course of hydrogen oxidation derepression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum 122DES cultured in a medium purified to remove selenium compounds. In addition, hydrogenase was purified to near homogeneity and examined for the specific incorporation of Se into the enzyme. The addition of Se at 0.1 microM significantly increased total cell protein and hydrogenase specific activity of harvested cells. Also, the addition of SeO3(2-) enhanced the time course of hydrogenase derepression by 133%, whereas VO3, AsO2(2-), SO2(2-), and TeO3(2-) failed to substantially affect hydrogenase derepression. During the final chromatographic purification of hydrogenase, a striking coincidence in peaks of protein content, Se radioactivity, and hydrogenase activity of fractions was obtained. The total Se content expressed per milligram of protein increased manyfold during the purification procedure. The mean Se content of the purified hydrogenase was 0.56 +/- 0.13 mol of Se per mol of enzyme. These results indicate that Se is an important element in the H2 metabolism of B. japonicum and that hydrogenase from B. japonicum is a seleno protein.  相似文献   
Adenylate cyclase in permeabilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was examined. Among various permeabilization procedures, including organic solvents, detergents and other reagents, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and digitonin treatments resulted in the highest recovery of adenylate cyclase activity. Incubation of cells at 30 degrees C with digitonin at 0.01% to 0.1%, or DMSO at 20% to 40% for 15 to 30 min gave optimal adenylate cyclase activity. The enzyme activity in digitonin-permeabilized cells could be supported only by Mn2+, whereas Mg2+ with or without guanine nucleotides did not support cyclase activity. DMSO-permeabilized cells exhibit efficient Mn2+- and Mg2+/Gpp[NH]p-dependent stimulation. Furthermore, digitonin added to yeast membranes at a 1:50 detergent to protein ratio (w/w) abolishes guanyl nucleotide regulation without significantly affecting the Mn2+-supported cyclase activity. The superiority of DMSO is further supported by the fact that recovery of adenylate cyclase activity is better in the DMSO-treated cells than in the digitonin-treated cells. DMSO most probably causes less disturbance of the fabric of the native cell. We conclude that digitonin, but not DMSO, uncouples the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase from the regulatory GTP binding (ras) proteins.  相似文献   
alpha-Factor, a secreted tridecapeptide pheromone, is required for mating between the a- and alpha-haploid mating types of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An analogue of alpha-factor, [DHP8,DHP11,Nle12] tridecapeptide (where DHP represents 3,4-dehydro-L-proline and Nle represents norleucine), was catalytically reduced in the presence of 3H gas to produce a radiolabeled pheromone with high specific activity, purity, and biological activity. Association and dissociation kinetics indicated values of 4.9 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 for k1 and 1.1 x 10(-3) s-1 for k-1. Saturation binding studies gave an equilibrium dissociation constant equal to 2.3 x 10(-8) M, which approximated the kinetically derived KD of 2.2 x 10(-8) M. These values compare favorably to the previously determined KD of 6 x 10(-9) M (Jenness, D.D., Burkholder, A.C., and Hartwell, L.H. (1986) Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 318-320). Scatchard analysis and dissociation in the presence of excess unlabeled ligand indicated interaction with a homogeneous population of noninteracting binding sites (13,000 sites/cell). A number of alpha-factor analogues, previously investigated for their structure-function relationships (Naider, F., and Becker, J.M. (1986) CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem. 21, 225-249), were used to compete with [3H]alpha-factor binding. Four tridecapeptides having conservative amino acid replacements bound strongly to the receptor. In contrast, [Phe3]alpha-factor and 10 des-Trp1-alpha-factor analogues bound to the receptor 1-3 orders of magnitude less effectively than did alpha-factor itself. The binding constants for all active pheromones correlated with biological activity. However, des-Trp1[Phe3]alpha-factor and des-Trp1-[Ala3]alpha-factor, which were not biologically active, still competed with alpha-factor binding, indicating that these analogues fail to induce a secondary signal necessary for biological response to the pheromone. One analogue, des-Trp1-[Cha3,L-Ala9]alpha-factor (where Cha represents cyclohexylalanine), was not biologically active and did not demonstrate binding to the receptor, whereas des-Trp1-[Cha3,D-Ala9]alpha-factor was active and bound to the receptor. This finding suggests that a type II beta-turn is necessary for binding of alpha-factor to its receptor and for subsequent biological activity.  相似文献   
The addition of the calcium ionophore A23187 to rabbit neutrophils increases the amount of actin associated with the cytoskeleton regardless of the presence or absence of calcium in the incubation medium. In the presence of extracellular calcium, the effect of A23187 is biphasic with respect to concentration. The action of the ionophore is rapid, transient, and is inhibited by pertussis toxin, hyperosmolarity, and quinacrine. On the other hand, the addition of pertussis toxin or hyperosmolarity has small if any, effect on the rise in intracellular calcium produced by A23187. While quinacrine does not affect the fMet-Leu-Phe-induced increase in cytoskeletal actin and the polyphosphoinositide turnover, its addition inhibits completely the stimulated increase in Ca-influx produced by the same stimulus. The results presented here suggest that a rise in the intracellular concentration of free calcium is neither necessary nor sufficient for the stimulated increase in cytoskeletal-associated actin. A possible relationship between the lipid remodeling stimulated by chemoattractants and the increased cytoskeletal actin is discussed.  相似文献   
Analogues of the des-1-tryptophan,3-beta-cyclohexylalanine-alpha-factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where the glycyl residue of position 9 was replaced by D-Ala, L-Ala, D-Leu, and L-Leu, were synthesized and evaluated by morphogenesis assays and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Synthesis was accomplished in solution phase with mixed anhydrides and p-nitrophenyl active esters as the coupling agents. All crude dodecapeptides were purified to greater than 98% homogeneity by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography on a reversed-phase column. The Gly9, D-Ala9, and D-Leu9 analogues elicited morphogenic alterations in MATa strains of S. cerevisiae at concentrations of 1-2 micrograms/mL and exhibited similar CD patterns in both trifluoroethanol and tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer, pH 7.4. In contrast, the L-Ala9 and L-Leu9 analogues were more than 200 times less active in the morphogenesis assay and had markedly different CD spectra. These results demonstrate that the position 9 residue plays an important role in determining the biological activity and solution conformation of alpha-factor. We suggest the presence of a type II beta-turn in the Lys7-Gln10 region when the alpha-factor assumes its biologically active conformation.  相似文献   
Pertussis toxin treatment of rabbit peritoneal neutrophils causes a concentration-dependent inhibition of granule enzyme secretion induced by formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, C5a, and leukotriene B4. It also inhibits chemotaxis induced by formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. The same toxin treatment, however, has no effect on granule enzyme secretion induced by the calcium ionophore A23187 or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Moreover, pertussis toxin treatment does not affect either the number or affinity of the formylpeptide receptors on the neutrophil nor does it have any effect on the unstimulated levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) or the transient rise in cAMP induced by chemotactic factor stimulation in these cells. We hypothesize that pertussis toxin, as in other cells, interacts with a GTP binding regulatory protein identical with or analogous to either Ni or transducin which mediates the receptor-induced inhibition or activation of a target protein or proteins required in neutrophil activation. The nature of the target protein is unknown, but it is not the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase. The target protein acts after binding of chemotactic factor to its receptor in the sequence that leads to the receptor-induced rise in intracellular Ca2+. It does not affect the responses elicited by the direct introduction of calcium into the cells or the activity of protein kinase C.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1 was compared to PAO1 strains containing an IncP-1 R plasmid (RP1, R68, or R68.45) in an experimental mouse burn infection model. All R plasmids tested caused a 10- to 400-fold increase in mean lethal dose (LD50). The decrease in virulence produced by plasmids R68 and R68.45 was significantly greater than the decrease caused by the closely related plasmid RP1. All plasmids also led to an increased sensitivity of strain PAO1 to human serum bactericidal activity. Virulence and serum resistance of strain PAO1 were restored by curing of the entire plasmid R68.45 but not by deletions in the plasmid's transfer gene regions.  相似文献   
The differential response of white clover ( Trifolium repens L. cv. Regal Ladino) and berseem clover ( Trifolium alexandrinum L. cv. Mississippi ecotype) was investigated by treating greenhouse cultured plants with 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid (2,4-DB). Berseem clover plants were significantly injured by a treatment concentration of 0.6 kg ha-1 of 2,4-DB, whereas white clover plants were not injured by treatment levels below 2.4 kg ha-1. The metabolism of 2,4-DB in cell suspension cultures of white clover and berseem clover was investigated using [ring-14C]-2,4-DB and non-labeled 2,4-DB. White clover cell cultures metabolized ca 4-fold more 2,4-DB than berseem cultures over a 44-h treatment period. The decrease in berseem cell population was 4-fold greater than the decrease in white clover cell population in response to the 8 μ M 2,4-DB treatment. The herbicide and its [ring-14C]-labeled metabolites were isolated from treated cells and medium after 44 h by partition and thin-layer chromatography. White clover cells metabolized 90% of the [14C]-2,4-DB and berseem clover cells metabolized 22% of the herbicide. The major portion of the radiolabel was in the glycoside fractions from extracts of both species. The differential response of Trifolium species to 2,4-DB is implied to be due to the differential rate of 2,4-DB metabolism to a glycoside by the clover plants.  相似文献   
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