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Constructed wetland systems built to handle nutrient contaminants are often efficient at removing nitrogen, but ineffective at reducing phosphorus (P) loads. Incorporating a clay-based substrate can enhance P removal in subsurface-flow constructed wetland systems. We evaluated the potential of crushed brick, a recycled building product, and two particle sizes of a palygorskite–bentonite industrial mineral aggregate (calcined clay) to sorb P from simulated nutrient-rich plant nursery effluent. The three substrates were screened for P sorbing behavior using sorption, desorption, and equilibration experiments. We selected one substrate to evaluate in an 8-month field trial to compare field sorption capacity with laboratory sorption capacity. In the laboratory, coarse calcined clay average sorption capacity was 497 mg kg−1 and it sorbed the highest percentage of P supplied (76%), except at exposure concentrations >100 mg L−1 where the increased surface area of fine calcined clay augmented its P sorption capacity. Subsurface-flow mesocosms were filled with coarse calcined clay and exposed to a four and seven day hydraulic retention time treatment. Phosphorus export was reduced by 60 to 74% for both treatments until substrate P-binding sites began to saturate during month seven. During the eight month experiment, the four and seven day treatments fixed 1273 ± 22 mg kg−1 P and 937 ± 16 mg kg−1 P, respectively. Sequential extractions of the P saturated clay indicated that P could desorb slowly over time from various pools within the calcined clay; thus, if the calcined clay were recycled as a soil amendment, most P released would be slowly available for plant uptake and use. This study demonstrated the viability of using coarse calcined clay as a root bed substrate in subsurface-flow treatment wetlands remediating phosphorus from plant nursery runoff.  相似文献   
The germination of seeds of Eichhornia crassipes in locations distant from the foci of infestation may be a means of dispersal of this invasive plant. Nonetheless, no modern studies have examined the influence of single components on germination, although the influence of temperature, oxygen and redox potential was examined in earlier studies. The effects of pH, conductivity, nitrate, phosphate, potassium, calcium, iron and boron on germination of E. crassipes were determined in seed germination tests. The results showed that external input of nutrients influences germination, since neither pH nor conductivity alone had any effect, but there was a significant increase in germination in growth media containing phosphorus at 3.95 mg·l(-1) (P/L; 95.5%) and boron at 10 mg·l(-1) (B/L; 97.5%); at higher concentrations, the latter was toxic. These findings contribute to knowledge of factors controlling the germination of E. crassipes seeds. Consequently, E. crassipes seeds would find very good conditions for germination in water classified as hypereutrophic, which may play a decisive role in expansion of this plant.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli lethality by hydrogen peroxide is characterized by two modes of killing. In this paper we have found that hydroxyl radicals (OH -) generated by H2O2 and intracellular divalent iron are not involved in the induction of mode one lethality (i.e. cell killing produced by concentrations of H2O2 lower than 2.5 mM). In fact, the OH radical scavengers, thiourea, ethanol and dimethyl sulfoxide, and the iron chelator, desferrioxarnine, did not affect the survival of cells exposed to 2.5mM H2O2. In addition cell vulnerability to the same H2O2 concentration was independent on the intracellular iron content. In contrast, mode two lethality (i.e. cell killing generated by concentrations of H2O2 higher than 10mM) was markedly reduced by OH radical scavengers and desferrioxamine and was augmented by increasing the intracellular iron content.

It is concluded that OH. are required for mode two killing of E. coli by hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
As Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoU possesses two functional blocks of homology to calcium-independent (iPLA(2)) and cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)), we addressed the question whether it would exhibit a proinflammatory activity by enhancing the synthesis of eicosanoids by host organisms. Endothelial cells from the HMEC-1 line infected with the ExoU-producing PA103 strain exhibited a potent release of arachidonic acid (AA) that could be significantly inhibited by methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate (MAFP), a specific PLA(2) inhibitor, as well as significant amounts of the cyclooxygenase (COX)-derived prostaglandins PGE(2) and PGI(2). Cells infected with an isogenic mutant defective in ExoU synthesis did not differ from non-infected cells in the AA release and produced prostanoids in significantly lower concentrations. Infection by PA103 induced a marked inflammatory response in two different in vivo experimental models. Inoculation of the parental bacteria into mice footpads led to an early increase in the infected limb volume that could be significantly reduced by inhibitors of both COX and lipoxygenase (ibuprofen and NDGA respectively). In an experimental respiratory infection model, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from mice instilled with 10(4) cfu of PA103 exhibited a marked influx of inflammatory cells and PGE(2) release that could be significantly reduced by indomethacin, a non-selective COX inhibitor. Our results suggest that ExoU may contribute to P. aeruginosa pathogenesis by inducing an eicosanoid-mediated inflammatory response of host organisms.  相似文献   
We investigated the signal mediators and the cellular events involved in the nitric oxide (NO)-induced hepatocyte resistance to oxygen deprivation in isolated hepatocytes treated with the NO donor (Z)-1-(N-methyl-N-[6-(N-methylammoniohexyl)amino])diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (NOC-9). NOC-9 greatly induced PI3K activation, as tested by phosphorylation of PKB/Akt. This effect was prevented by either 1H-(1,2,4)-oxadiazolo-(4,3)-quinoxalin-1-one, an inhibitor of the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), or KT5823, an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent kinase (cGK), as well as by farnesyl protein transferase inhibitor, which blocks the function of Ras GTPase. Bafilomycin A, an inhibitor of the lysosome-type vacuolar H+-ATPase, cytochalasin D, which disrupts the cytoskeleton-dependent organelle traffic, and wortmannin, which inhibits the PI3K-dependent traffic of lysosomes, all abolished the NOC-9-induced hepatocyte protection. The treatment with NOC-9 was associated with the PI3K-dependent peripheral translocation and fusion with the plasma membrane of lysosomes and the appearance at the cell surface of the vacuolar H+-ATPase. Inhibition of sGC, cGK, and Ras, as well as the inhibition of PI3K by wortmannin, prevented the exocytosis of lysosomes and concomitantly abolished the protective effect of NOC-9 on hypoxia-induced pHi and [Na+]i alterations and cell death. These data indicate that NO increases hepatocyte resistance to hypoxic injury by activating a pathway involving Ras, sGC, and cGK that determines PI3K-dependent exocytosis of lysosomes.  相似文献   
We quantified TGF-β1 and acetylcholine (ACh) concentrations in induced sputum supernatants (ISSs) from 18 healthy controls (HC), 22 healthy smokers (HS) and 21 COPDs. ISSs from HC, HS and COPD as well as rhTGF-β1 were also tested in neutrophil adhesion and in mAChR2, mAChR3 and ChAT expression experiments in human bronchial epithelial cells (16-HBE). Finally, we evaluated the effects of Olodaterol (a novel inhaled β(2)-adrenoceptor agonist) and Tiotropium Spiriva?, alone or in combination, on neutrophil adhesion and mAChRs and ChAT expression in stimulated 16-HBE. The results showed that 1) TGF-β1 and ACh concentrations are increased in ISSs from COPD in comparison to HC and HS, and TGF-β1 in HS is higher than in HC; 2) ISSs from COPD and HS caused increased neutrophil adhesion to 16-HBE when compared to ISSs from HC. The effect of ISSs from COPD was significantly reduced by TGF-β1 depletion or by the pretreatment with Olodaterol or Tiotropium alone or in combination, while the effect of ISSs from HS was significantly reduced by the pretreatment with Olodaterol alone; 3) mAChR2, mAChR3 and ChAT expression was increased in 16-HBE stimulated with ISSs from COPD and TGF-β1 depletion significantly reduced this effect on mAChR3 and ChAT expression; 4) rhTGF-β1 increased mAChR2, mAChR3 and ChAT expression in 16-HBE; 5) Olodaterol did not affect the expression of mAChRs and ChAT in 16-HBE. Our findings support the use of β? long-acting and anticholinergic drugs to control the bronchoconstriction and TGF-β1-mediated neutrophilic inflammation in COPD.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) has been shown to be an effective strategy for controlling soilborne plant pathogens and plant-parasitic nematodes in vegetable and other specialty crop production systems. Anaerobic soil disinfestation is based upon supplying labile carbon (C) to stimulate microbially-driven anaerobic soil conditions in moist soils covered with polyethylene mulch. To test the effectiveness of warm-season cover crops as C sources for ASD, a greenhouse study was conducted using a sandy field soil in which several warm-season legumes and grasses were grown and incorporated and compared to molasses-amended and no C source controls.


Greenhouse pots were irrigated to fill soil porosity and covered with a transparent polyethylene mulch to initiate a 3-week ASD treatment prior to planting tomatoes. Soilborne plant pathogen inoculum packets, yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) tubers, and Southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood; M.i.) eggs and juveniles were introduced at cover crop incorporation.


In nearly all cases, ASD treatment utilizing cover crops as a C source resulted in soil anaerobicity values that were equal to the molasses-amended fallow control and greater than the no C source fallow control. In trial 1, Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend.:Fr. (F.o.) survival was reduced by more than 97% in all C source treatments compared to the no C source control but there was no effect of C source in Trial 2. Carbon source treatments were inconsistent in their effects on survival of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. (S.r). In general, the number of M.i. extracted from tomato root tissue and root gall ratings were low in all treatments with cover crop C source, molasses C source, or composted poultry litter. Germination of yellow nutsedge tubers was highest in the no C source control (76%), lowest in the molasses control (31%), and intermediate from cover crop treatments (49% to 61%).


Warm-season cover crops have potential to serve as a C source for ASD in vegetable and other crop production systems, but more work is needed to improve consistency and further elucidate mechanisms of control of soilborne plant pathogens and weeds during ASD treatment utilizing cover crops.  相似文献   
Multiple paternity within litters occurs in various groups of mammals exhibiting different mating systems. Using seven genetic markers (i.e., microsatellites), we investigated the paternity of littermates in free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a Mediterranean habitat. Using the software CERVUS 2.0 we estimated the probability of detecting multiple paternity across all loci (D), the probability of paternity (W) and a statistic Δ that allows the assignment of paternity to the most likely male with strict and relaxed levels of confidence. Multiple paternity was inferred for one of the nine analysed litters at the 80% confidence level. This suggests that a single male may control the access to receptive adult females and it shows that multiple paternity is not very common in the studied free-ranging wild boar population. Despite the possible occurrence of sperm competition and/or female cryptic choice, mate guarding seems to play a significant role in sexual selection. To better understand the wild boar's mating strategies further studies analysing the reproductive success of both sexes and under different environmental conditions should be conducted.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine the genetic structure, evolutionary relationships, and the genetic diversity among 18 local cattle breeds from Spain, Portugal, and France using 16 microsatellites. Heterozygosities, estimates of Fst, genetic distances, multivariate and diversity analyses, and assignment tests were performed. Heterozygosities ranged from 0.54 in the Pirenaica breed to 0.72 in the Barrosã breed. Seven percent of the total genetic variability can be attributed to differences among breeds (mean Fst = 0.07; P < 0.01). Five different genetic distances were computed and compared with no correlation found to be significantly different from 0 between distances based on the effective size of the population and those which use the size of the alleles. The Weitzman recursive approach and a multivariate analysis were used to measure the contribution of the breeds diversity. The Weitzman approach suggests that the most important breeds to be preserved are those grouped into two clusters: the cluster formed by the Mirandesa and Alistana breeds and that of the Sayaguesa and Tudanca breeds. The hypothetical extinction of one of those clusters represents a 17% loss of diversity. A correspondence analysis not only distinguished four breed groups but also confirmed results of previous studies classifying the important breeds contributing to diversity. In addition, the variation between breeds was sufficiently high so as to allow individuals to be assigned to their breed of origin with a probability of 99% for simulated samples.  相似文献   
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