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The distribution of neurones immunoreactive to antisera raised against the undecapeptide C-terminal fragment of drosulfakinin II (DrmSKII), Asp-Gln-Phe-Asp-Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Gly-His-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2, has been studied in the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria. Antisera were preabsorbed with combinations of the parent antigen, the tetrapeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 and cholecystokinin, the vertebrate sulfated octapeptide (CCK-8), Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2, in order to ensure specificity for the sulfakinin peptides of C. vomitoria (the nonapeptide callisulfakinin I is identical to drosulfakinin I and callisulfakinin II differs from DrmSK II only by the presence of -Glu3-Glu4- in place of -Asp3-Asp4-). Only four pairs of sulfakinin-immunoreactive neurones have been visualised in the entire nervous system. These occur in the brain: two pairs of cells situated medially in the caudo-dorsal region close to the roots of the ocellar nerve and two other pairs at the same level but positioned more laterally. Despite the small number of sulfakinin-immunoreactive cells, there are extensive projections to many areas of neuropile in the brain and the thoracic ganglion. The pathway of the medial sulfakinin cells extends into each of the three thoracic ganglia and a metameric arrangement of sulfakinin neuronal projections is also seen in the abdominal ganglia. Neither the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracic ganglion, nor the abdominal nerves contain sulfakinin-immunoreactive material. These observations suggest that the sulfakinins of the blowfly function as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. They do not appear to have a direct role in gut physiology, as has been shown by in vitro bioassays for the sulfakinins of orthopterans and blattodeans. In addition to the neurones that display specific sulfakinin immunoreactivity, other cells within the brain and thoracic ganglion are immunoreactive to cholecystokinin/gastrin antisera. There are, therefore, at least two types of dipteran neuropeptides with amino acid sequences that are similar to the vertebrate molecules cholecystokinin and gastrin.  相似文献   
Restriction sites for six enzymes were mapped for the plastid DNAs of 25 species of Eragrostideae, one species of Cynodonteae (Eustachys distichophylla), and one species of Pooideae. Of the 124 restriction sites observed, 67 were variably present and shared by two or more species. These data were analyzed by the parsimony method using equal and unequal weights and by bootstrap analysis. The cladistic analyses established that members of the Muhlenbergiinae, including the genera Muhlenbergia, Blepharoneuron, Bealia, Chaboissaea, Lycurus, and Pereilema, share seven restriction site mutations and are strongly supported by the data as a monophyletic subtribe. Surprisingly, Redfieldia flexuosa also clustered with the Muhlenbergiinae in the analysis, perhaps indicative of a past interspecific hybridization event. The restriction sites data also weakly support a relationship (six shared mutations) between Erioneuron, Munroa, and Dasyochloa.  相似文献   
A critical stage in pollen development is the dissolution of the four products of meiosis, the tetrads, into free microspores. The tetrads are surrounded by a thick callose wall composed of -1,3-glucan. At the completion of meiosis, the tetrads are released into the anther locule after hydrolysis of the callose by a -1,3-glucanase. Using the polymerase chain reaction, we have amplified and subsequently cloned a cDNA corresponding to a -1,3-glucanase, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun) anther glucanase (Tag 1), which is expressed exclusively in anthers from meiosis to the free microspore stage of pollen development. The identity of the clone was determined by DNA and deduced protein sequence similarity to other known -1,3-glucanases. Several regions strictly conserved among four classes of glucanases are also conserved in the Tag 1 protein. Tag 1 represents a novel class of -1,3-glucanase based on phylogenetic analysis and RNA expression pattern. Tag 1 RNA was detected in situ only in the tapetum, with maximal expression just prior to tetrad dissolution. Due to its expression pattern and sequence similarity to other -1,3-glucanases, we believe Tag 1 may be involved in tetrad dissolution.  相似文献   
Abstract: In a number of different cell types, phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein has been shown to increase rapidly in response to stimuli that lead to an increase in intracellular calcium. Here, a stimulus-sensitive protein at this molecular weight is identified in PC12 cells and rat cortical synaptosomes as phosphoglucomutase. In addition, the added phosphate is shown to be in an oligosaccharide terminating in phosphodiester-linked glucose. In synaptosomes, incorporated radioactivity, following incubation with [14C]glucose or the [β-35S]phosphorothioate analogue of UDP-glucose, was found to increase within 5 s of stimulation and return to baseline within 25 s. Despite the many pathways utilizing glucose, this was the only detectable protein glycosylation observed in synaptosomes. These results indicate that cytoplasmic glycosylation is reversible and rapidly regulated, and suggest that phosphoglucomutase undergoes an alteration in function and/or topography in response to increases in intracellular calcium.  相似文献   
Polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) is a cell wall-associated protein that specifically binds to and inhibits the activity of fungal endopolygalacturonases. The Phaseolus vulgaris gene encoding PGIP has been cloned and characterized. Using a fragment of the cloned pgip gene as a probe in Northern blot experiments, it is demonstrated that the pgip mRNA accumulates in suspension-cultured bean cells following addition of elicitor-active oligogalacturonides or fungal glucan to the medium. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies specific for PGIP were generated against a synthetic peptide designed from the N-terminal region of PGIP; the antigenicity of the peptide was enhanced by coupling to KLH. Using the antibodies and the cloned pgip gene fragment as probes in Western and Northern blot experiments, respectively, it is shown that the levels of PGIP and its mRNA are increased in P. vulgaris hypocotyls in response to wounding or treatment with salicylic acid. Using gold-labeled goat-anti-rabbit secondary antibodies in EM studies, it has also been demonstrated that, in bean hypocotyls infected with Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, the level of PGIP preferentially increases in those cells immediately surrounding the infection site. The data support the hypothesis that synthesis of PGIP constitutes an active defense mechanism of plants that is elicited by signal molecules known to induce plant defense genes.  相似文献   
The extent of chromosomal mosaicism in human preimplantation embryos was examined using an improved procedure for the preparation and spreading of interphase nuclei for use in fluorescence in situ hybridisation, allowing the analysis of every nucleus within an embryo. One cell showed no hybridisation signals in only three of the 38 embryos that were included in this study, i.e. the hybridisation efficiency per successfully spread nucleus was 99% (197/200). Double-target in situ hybridisation analyses with X- and Y-chromosome-specific probes was performed to analyse nine embryos resulting from normal fertilisation, 22 polypronucleate embryos and seven cleavage-stage embryos where no (apronucleate) or only one pronucleus (monopronucleate) was observed. We also analysed autosomes 1 and 7 by double-target in situ hybridisation in the nuclei of two apronucleate, one monopronucleate and four polypronucleate embryos. All nine embryos that resulted from normal fertilisation were uniformly XY or XX. None of the apronucleate or monopronucleate embryos was haploid: three were diploid, one was triploid and three were mosaic. Fertilisation was detected by the presence of a Y-specific signal in four of these embryos. Of the polypronucleate embryos, two were diploid, two were triploid and 18 were mosaic for the sex chromosomes and/or autosomes 1 and 7. These results demonstrate that fertilisation sometimes occurs in monopronucleate embryos and that chromosomal mosaicism can be detected with high efficiency in apronucleate, monopronucleate and polypronucleate human embryos using fluorescence in situ hybridisation.  相似文献   
Similarly to higher plant root systems, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard (UTEX 90) cells exhibited biphasic NO3? uptake kinetics. The uptake pattern was similar in cells cultured in 10 mM NO3? (NO3?-grown), 0.25 mM NO3? (N-limited) or 10 mM NO3? followed by an 18-h period of N-deprivation (N-starved). In all cell types there was an apparent phase transition in uptake at 1.1 mM NO3?, although there were variations in the uptake Vmax of both isotherms. The rate of uptake via isotherm 0 ([NO3?]<1.1 mM) in N-limited cells was higher than that of either NO3?-grown or N-starved cells. In contrast, NO3?-grown and N-limited cells exhibited comparable Vmax values when supplied with 1.1 to 1.8 mM NO3? (isotherm 1). When supplied with 1.6 mM NO3?, both N-limited and N-starved cells exhibited enhanced linear uptake after 60 min of incubation. We ascribed this to an induction phenomenon. This trend was not observed when NO3?-grown cells were supplied with 1.6 mM NO3?, or when N-limited and N-starved cells were supplied with 0.6 mM NO3?. The ‘inducible’ aspect of uptake by N-limited cells was blocked by cycloheximide (10 mg l?1), but not by actinomycin D (5 mg l?1), thus indicating the involvement of a translational or post-translational event. To investigate this phenomenon further, we analysed the cell proteins of N-limited cells supplied with either 0.6 or 1.6 mM NO3? for 90 min, using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Comparison of protein profiles enabled the identification of a single cell membrane-associated polypeptide (21 kDa, pI ca 5.5) and ten soluble fraction polypeptides (17–73 kDa, pI ca 5.0 to 7.1) unique to the high NO3? treatment. We propose that the ‘inducible’ portion of NO3? uptake may provide the means by which C. reinhardtii cells regulate uptake in accordance with assimilatory capacity.  相似文献   
Two types of behavior have been previously reported in models of immune networks. The typical behavior of simple models, which involve B cells only, is stationary behavior involving several steady states. Finite amplitude perturbations may cause the model to switch between different equilibria. The typical behavior of more realistic models, which involve both B cells and antibody, consists of autonomous oscillations and/or chaos. While stationary behavior leads to easy interpretations in terms of idiotypic memory, oscillatory behavior seems to be in better agreement with experimental data obtained in unimmunized animals. Here we study a series of models of the idiotypic interaction between two B cell clones. The models differ with respect to the incorporation of antibodies, B cell maturation and compartmentalization. The most complicated model in the series has two realistic parameter regimes in which the behavior is respectively stationary and chaotic. The stability of the equilibrium states and the structure and interactions of the stable and unstable manifolds of the saddle-type equilibria turn out to be factors influencing the model's behavior. Whether or not the model is able to attain any form of sustained oscillatory behavior, i.e. limit cycles or chaos, seems to be determined by (global) bifurcations involving the stable and unstable manifolds of the equilibrium states. We attempt to determine whether such behavior should be expected to be attained from reasonable initial conditions by incorporating an immune response to an antigen in the model. A comparison of the behavior of the model with experimental data from the literature provides suggestions for the parameter regime in which the immune system is operating.  相似文献   
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