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Potassium (K) is one of the major nutrients that is essential for plant growth and development. The majority of cellular K+ resides in the vacuole and tonoplast K+ channels of the TPK (Two Pore K) family are main players in cellular K+ homeostasis. All TPK channels were previously reported to be expressed in the tonoplast of the large central lytic vacuole (LV) except for one isoform in Arabidopsis that resides in the plasma membrane. However, plant cells often contain more than one type of vacuole that coexist in the same cell. We recently showed that two TPK isoforms (OsTPKa and OsTPKb) from Oryza sativa localize to different vacuoles with OsTPKa predominantly found in the LV tonoplast and OsTPKb primarily in smaller compartments that resemble small vacuoles (SVs). Our study further revealed that it is the C-terminal domain that determines differential targeting of OsTPKa and OsTPKb. Three C-terminal amino acids were particularly relevant for targeting TPKs to their respective endomembranes. In this addendum we further evaluate how the different localization of TPKa and TPKb impact on their physiological role and how TPKs provide a potential tool to study the physiology of different types of vacuole.Key words: TPK channels, small vacuoles, vacuolar targeting, potassiumThe roles of plant vacuolar K+ channels are diverse and include potassium homeostasis, turgor regulation and responses to abiotic stress. Vacuolar K+-selective channels belong to two-pore K+ (TPK) channel families which have been found in genomes of many plant species such as Arabidopsis, poplar, Physcomitrella, Eucalyptus, barley, potato, rice and tobacco (Fig. 1). TPKs have structural similarity to mammalian “tandem P domain” channels with a secondary structure that contains four transmembrane domains and two pore regions (Fig. 2).15 TPK channels have pore regions with a GYGD signature that endows K+ selectivity and a variable number of Ca2+ binding EF domains in the C terminus.38 One of the best characterized members of the TPK family is AtTPK1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. AtTPK1 activity is voltage independent but sensitive to cytosolic Ca2+, cytosolic pH and N-terminal phosphorylation by 14-3-3 proteins.5,6,8,9 In Arabidopsis, AtTPK1 expresses in the large lytic vacuole (LV) and plays roles in cellular K+ homeostasis, K+-release during stomatal closure and seed germination.4,5 Other members of the Arabidopsis TPK family (AtTPK2, AtTPK3, AtTPK5) have been shown to localize to the LV but also showed some expression in smaller, vesicle-like, compartments.4 However, none of these isoforms appears to form functional channels in planta although our experiments with heterologous expression of AtTPK3 and AtTPK5 in the K+ uptake deficient E. coli LB2003 demonstrates complementation of bacterial growth phenotype (Isayenkov S, et al. unpublished results). Equally intriguing, is the plasma membrane localization of the Arabidopsis TPK4 isoform, in spite of its sequence being very similar to that of other TPKs.10Open in a separate windowFigure 1Phylogenetic tree of plant TPKs. The three main clusters of TPKs comprise: Cluster 1 with AtTPK1-like channels; Cluster 2 with AtTPK3/TPK5-like channels; Cluster 3 with barley HvTPKb. Bootstrap analysis was performed using ‘Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis, MEGA4’ software available at www.megasoftware.net/mega4/megaOpen in a separate windowFigure 2Two-pore potassium channel secondary structure. TPK channels comprise four transmembrane domains (1–4) and two pore regions (P) per subunit. Functional channels are formed from two subunits. In most TPKs, both P regions contain a K+ selectivity signature, GYGD. However, the tobacco NtTPKa isoform has different motifs in the second P domain. In the N terminal region, TPKs have a 14-3-3 binding domain that impact on channel activity, with the binding of 14-3-3 protein leading to channel activation. C-termini of TPKs show a varying number of putative Ca2+ binding “EF hands” which may vary from zero to two.  相似文献   


Vascular growth is a prerequisite for adipose tissue (AT) development and expansion. Some AT cytokines and hormones have effects on vascular development, like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF‐A), angiopoietin (ANG‐1), ANG‐2 and angiopoietin‐like protein‐4 (ANGPTL‐4).


In this study, the independent and combined effects of diet‐induced weight loss and exercise on AT gene expression and proteins levels of those angiogenic factors were investigated. Seventy‐nine obese males and females were randomized to: 1. Exercise‐only (EXO; 12‐weeks exercise without diet‐restriction), 2. Hypocaloric diet (DIO; 8‐weeks very low energy diet (VLED) + 4‐weeks weight maintenance diet) and 3. Hypocaloric diet and exercise (DEX; 8‐weeks VLED + 4‐weeks weight maintenance diet combined with exercise throughout the 12 weeks). Blood samples and fat biopsies were taken before and after the intervention.


Weight loss was 3.5 kg in the EXO group and 12.3 kg in the DIO and DEX groups. VEGF‐A protein was non‐significantly reduced in the weight loss groups. ANG‐1 protein levels were significantly reduced 22‐25% after all three interventions (P < 0.01). The ANG‐1/ANG‐2 ratio was also decreased in all three groups (P < 0.05) by 27‐38%. ANGPTL‐4 was increased in the EXO group (15%, P < 0.05) and 9% (P < 0.05) in the DIO group. VEGF‐A, ANG‐1, and ANGPTL‐4 were all expressed in human AT, but only ANGPTL‐4 was influenced by the interventions.


Our data show that serum VEGF‐A, ANG‐1, ANG‐2, and ANGPTL‐4 levels are influenced by weight changes, indicating the involvement of these factors in the obese state. Moreover, it was found that weight loss generally was associated with a reduced angiogenic activity in the circulation.  相似文献   
The Aschelminthes is a collection of at least eight animal phyla, historically grouped together because the absence of a true body cavity was perceived as a pseudocoelom. Analyses of 18S rRNA sequences from six Aschelminth phyla (including four previously unpublished sequences) support polyphyly for the Aschelminthes. At least three distinct groups of Aschelminthes were detected: the Priapulida among the protostomes, the Rotifera-Acanthocephala as a sister group to the protostomes, and the Nematoda as a basal group to the triploblastic Eumetazoa.   相似文献   
Drosophila melanogaster belongs to a closely related group of eight species collectively known as the melanogaster subgroup; all are native to sub-Saharan Africa and islands off the east coast of Africa. The phylogenetic relationships of most species in this subgroup have been well documented; however, the three most closely related species, D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana, have remained problematic from a phylogenetic standpoint as no data set has unambiguously resolved them. We present new DNA sequence data on the nullo and Serendipity-alpha genes and combine them with all available nuclear DNA sequence data; the total data encompass 12 genes and the ITS of rDNA. A methodological problem arose because nine of the genes had information on intraspecific polymorphisms in at least one species. We explored the effect of inclusion/exclusion of polymorphic sites and found that it had very little effect on phylogenetic inferences, due largely to the fact that 82% of polymorphisms are autapomorphies (unique to one species). We have also reanalyzed our previous DNA-DNA hybridization data with a bootstrap procedure. The combined sequence data set and the DNA-DNA hybridization data strongly support the sister status of the two island species, D. sechellia and D. mauritiana. This at least partially resolves what had been a paradox of parallel evolution in these two species.   相似文献   
INTRoDUCTIoNlYho1iumrePensL,whiteclover,isaneconomicallyimportantplantspeciesintemperatepastures.Asbrieflyreportedby[1],ithas16pairsofchromosomes(2n=32).Asyet,nodetailedcytologicalexaminationofthisspecies,suchasC-banding,hasbeenrep0rted.Inthelastdecade,thetechnique0fC-bandinghasbeenusedt0examinehighlyrepeatedsequencesinplantchrom0s0mesandhasprovidedausefultoolf0rtheanalysis0fcyt0geneticstructureincr0pplants[2-71.Inplants,thechr0m0s0mall0calizationofhighlyrepeatedDNAsequencesbyinsituhybr…  相似文献   
The period (per) locus has received much attention in molecular evolution studies because it is one of the best studied "behavioral genes" and because it offers insight into the evolution of repetitive sequences. We studied most of the coding region of per in Drosophila willistoni and confirmed previously observed patterns of conservation and divergence among distantly related species. Five regions are so highly diverged that they cannot be aligned, whereas a region encompassing the PAS domain is very conserved. Structural and nucleotide polymorphism patterns in the willistoni group are not the same as those observed in previously studied species. We sequenced the region homologous to the highly polymorphic threonine-glycine repeat of D. melanogaster in multiple strains of D. willistoni, as well as in other members of willistoni group, and found an unusual amount of conservation in this region. However, the next nonconserved region downstream in the sequence is quite variable and polymorphic for the number of repeated glycines. The glycine codon usage is significantly different in this glycine repeat as compared to other parts of the gene. We were able to plot the directionality of change in the glycine repeat region onto a phylogeny and find that the addition of glycines is the general trend with the diversification of the willistoni group.   相似文献   
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