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Redescripción de Proteocephalus paraguayensis (Rudin, 1917) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae), parásito de Hydrodynastes gigas (Dum., Bibr. & Dum., 1854) de Paraguay. Se describe esta especie notable, considerada por Freze (1965) como species inquirenda. Si comparamos esta especie con otras especies de Proteocephalidea, veremos que ella presenta caracteres anatomo-morfológicos propios. Esta especie se caracteriza por: vitelógenos de posición dorsal, adosados a la musculatura interna longitudinal, desbordando en parte sobre el córtex y la médula; formación particular del útero; posición cortical del tronco uterino y medular de los divertículos uterinos; esfínter vaginal proximal; cirro muy alargado; glándula de Mehlis muy desarrollada. Consideramos P. paraguayensis como una especie válida y presumimos que el huesped-tipo es Hydrodynastes gigas (Dum., Bibr. & Dum., 1854). A pesar de las características que posee P. paraguayensis, pensamos que no es oportuno clasificar esta especie en un nuevo género monotípico. Proteocephalus paraguayensis, considered by Freze (1965) as a species inquirenda, is redescribed and figured. When compared with other members of the Proteocephalidea, the species shows the following morpho-anatomical characters: the vitelline follicles in a dorsal position, attached to the internal longitudinal musculature and extending into both the cortex and medulla; a characteristic formation of the uterus; the uterine stem in a cortical position and uterine branches in a medullary position; a proximal vaginal sphincter; a very elongate cirrus; and very large Mehlis' glands. The specific status of Proteocephalus paraguayensis is confirmed. Our specimens were taken from Hydrodynastes gigas (the host according to Rudin was Coluber sp.). Even though the species differs significantly from other proteocephalideans, its systematic and phylogenetic position is not yet clearly demonstrated, and it is decided to refrain from attributing it to a new genus.  相似文献   
Resumé Quinze nouvelles espèces de Monogènes Dactylogyridae sont décrites chez quinze espèces deBarbus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) appartenant aux sous-genresB. (Barbus) etB. (Labeobarbus) en Afrique du Nord. Les barbeaux examinés proviennent des différents bassins hydrographiques du Maroc et d'une localité nommée Hamman Bourgiba en Tunisie. Dans cette dernière région, le genreBarbus n'est représenté que par une seule espèce:Barbus (B.) callensis. Au Maroc, on en dénombre actuellement quatorze dont quatre appartiennent au sous-genreLabeobarbus: il s'agit deBarbus (L.) fritschii; B. (L.) harteti; B. (L.) paytonii etB. (L.) reinii. Les dix espèces appartenant au sous-genreBarbus sont:Barbus (B.) figuiensis; B. (B.) ksibi; B. (B.) lepineyi; B. (B.) magniatlantis; B. (B.) massaensis; B. (B.) moulouyensis; B. (B.) nasus; B. (B.) pallaryi; B. (B.) setivemensis etB. (B.) issenensis.Chaque sous-genre possède son propre pool parasitaire, à l'exception deDactylogyrus marocanus n. sp., recontré sur des espèces appartenant aux deux sous-genres (B. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) reinii, B. (L.) nasus, B. (B.) setivimensis, B. (B.) ksibi). Sur les cinqDactylogyrus parasitant lesLabeobarbus, trois présentent une spécificité stricte vis à vis de leur hôte. Il s'agit deDactylogyrus reinii n. sp. surB. (L.) reinii; D. volutus n. sp. etD. zatensis n. sp. surB. (L.) fritschii. Les espècesD. oumiensis n. sp. etD. kulindrii n. sp. présentent une spécifité stenoxène et parasitent respectivementB. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) reinii etB. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) reinii.Nous avons recontré neufDactylogyrus chez les poisson-hôtes appartenent au sous-genreBarbus. Six d'entre eux ont une spécificité oïoxène; ce sont:D. guirensis n. sp.,D. atlasensis n. sp. etD. draaensis n. sp. surB. (B.) pallaryi; D. borjensis n. sp. surB. (B.) nasus etD. heteromorphus n. sp. etD. tunisiensis n. sp. surB. (B.) callensis. Les trois autres parasites ont un spectre d'hôtes plus large. Il s'agit deD. ksibii n. sp. recontré chezB. (B.) ksibi, B. (B.) setivimensis etB. (B.) magniatlantis; D. ksibioïdes n. sp. recontré chezB. (B.) setivimensis etB. (B.) moulouyensis. L'espèceD. fimbriphallus n. sp. stenoxène, se recontre chez les poisson-hôtes du versant Sud de l'Atlas et de la façade méditerranéenne à savoir:B. (B.) figuiensis, B. (B.) lepineyi, B. (B.) massaensis, B. (B.) moulouyensis, B. (B.) pallaryi etB. (B.) issenensis.Le rôle des Dactylogyridae en tant que marqueurs biogéographiques, phylogénétiques et taxonomiques est discuté à partir de la composition spécifique des communautés de Monogènes rencontrés et de leurs différents types morphologiques.
Fifteen new species of the Dactylogyridae (Monogenea) parasitic on fifteen species of barbels (Barbus) from North Africa (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) are described. The fishes studied belong to two subgenera,B. (Labeobarbus) andB. (Barbus), collected from various hydrographical basins of Morocco and from the Hamman Bourgiba locality in Tunisia. In the latter area, the genusBarbus is represented by onlyBarbus (Barbus) callensis. In Morocco, fourteen species are listed, four of which belong to the subgenusLabeobarbus; these areBarbus (L.) fritschii; B. (L.) harteti; B. (L.) paytonii andB. (L.) reinii. The other ten species belong to the subgenusBarbus: these areBarbus (B.) figuiensis; B. (B.) ksibi; B. (B.) lepineyi; B. (B.) magniatlantis; B. (B.) massaensis; B. (B.) moulouyensis; B. (B.) nasus; B. (B.) pallaryi; B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) issenensis. Each of the two subgenera has its unique parasitic fauna, except forDactylogyrus marocanus n. sp. collected on species belonging to both subgenera (B. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) reinii, B. (B.) nasus, B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) ksibi). Of the five monogeneans found onLabeobarbus, three appear to be specific to one host: they areDactylogyrus reinii n. sp. onB. (L.) reinii, andD. volutus n. sp. andD. zatensis n. sp. onB. (L.) fritschii. D. kulindrii n. sp. parasitisedB. (L.) reinii andB. (L.) fritschii; andD. oumiensis n. sp. occurred onB. (L.) reinii, B. (L.) paytonii andB. (L.) harteti. NineDactylogyrus species were found in fishes belonging to the subgenusBarbus. Six of them have an oïoxenous specificity: these areD. guirensis n. sp.,D. atlasensis n. sp. andD. draaensis n. sp. onB. (B.) pallaryi; D. borjensis n. sp. onB. (B.) nasus andD. heteromorphus n. sp. andD. tunisiensis n. sp. on(B.) callensis. These other three have a wider range of hosts: they areD. ksibii n. sp. collected fromB. (B.) ksibi, B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) magniatlantis, andD. ksibioïdes n. sp. found onB. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) moulouyensis. D. fimbriphallus n. sp. is a characteristic parasite of fishes from the southern side of the Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean coast (B. (B.) figuiensis, B. (B.) lepineyi, B. (B.) massaensis, B. (B.) moulouyensis, B. (B.) pallaryi andB. (B.) issenensis).The role of dactylogyrids as biogeographical phylogenetic and taxonomic indicators is discussed in relation to the specific structure of the monogenean communities and the different morphological types found.
Uptake,accumulation and metabolism of auxins in tobacco leaf protoplasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Uptake and metabolism of exogenous naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) have been studied in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) mesophyll protoplasts. Both auxins entered protoplasts by diffusion under the action of the transmembrane pH gradient without any detectable participation of an influx carrier. Molecules were accumulated by an anion-trapping mechanism and most of them were metabolized within hours, essentially as glucose-ester and amino-acid conjugates. Protoplasts were equipped with a functional auxin-efflux carrier as evidenced by the inhibitory effect of naphthylphtalamic acid on IAA efflux. Basically, similar mechanisms of NAA and IAA uptake occurred in protoplasts. However, the two auxins differed in their levels of accumulation, due to different membrane-transport characteristics, and the nature of the metabolites produced. This shows the need to estimate the accumulation and the metabolism of auxins when analyzing their effects in a given cell system. The internal auxin concentration could be modulated by changing the transmembrane pH gradient, giving an interesting perspective for discriminating between the effects of intra- and extracellular auxin on physiological processes.Abbreviations BA benzoic acid - Ci/Ce accumulation ratio of auxin - IAAasp N-[3-indolylacetyl]-dl-aspartic acid - NAA naphthalene-1-acetic acid - NAAasp N-[1-naphthylacetyl]-l-aspartic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid The authors thank Dr. M. Caboche (I.N.R.A, Versailles, France) for his generous gifts of some amide derivatives of 1-NAA, Mr. P. Varennes and Dr. B. Das (I.C.S.N., C.N.R.S., Gif-sur-Yvette, France) for recording and interpreting the mass spectra of NAA glucose ester, and Prof. P. Manigault (Institut des Sciences Végétales, Gif-sur-Yvette) for microscopy measurements of protoplast dimensions. This work was supported by funds from the C.N.R.S, I.N.R.A, and E.E.C.  相似文献   
Colonies of the African stink ant Paltothyreus tarsatuslocated in the forest have nests with shorter horizontal galleries and a smaller total foraging surface than colonies located in open areas. Each solitary worker specializes on the same central or peripheral hunting zone but she does not specialize on a particular sector during group-retrieving. The search for prey is characterized by a wandering walk with spatial parameters varying in two ways. Capture of a termite releases a path characterized by sinuosity and a decrease in speed of movement. In contrast, a failure in the course of an attempted capture releases an increase in both sinuosity and speed of movement corresponding to a socalled reserve behavior. Each worker shortens her retrieving trip in comparison with her search trip and the straightness of the homing paths depends on the size and shape of the prey. Our data show that behavioral flexibility at the individual level in P. tarsatusis important in determining spatial foraging strategy at the colony level.  相似文献   
In Gregarina blaberae a Mr = 47 000 and a Mr = 260–240 000 doublet polypeptides reacted in immunoblotting: i) with a polyclonal monospecific rabbit antibody to frog muscular actin, a monoclonal anti-actin antibody against chicken gizzard; and ii) with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to human erythrocyte β-spectrin, respectively. The Mr = 47 000 actin-like protein is associated with the ghost and a contractille cytoplasmic extract. The presence of an actin-like protein in Gregarina and Lecudina and its cellular distribution in the cortex indicated that the gliding movement might involve an actin-myosin system in contrast to previous studies. Immunofluorescence showed clear differences between the anterior part of Gregarina and Lecudina which illustrated the high cell polarity of these protozoa. The Mr = 260–240 000 doublet was detected in SDS-PAGE from G. blaberae trophozoite ghosts but not in the cytoplasmic extracts or in extracts from sexual stages, indicating that the presence of these spectrin-like proteins is stage-dependent. Visualization of the Mr = 260–240 000 by immunofluorescence showed clear species differences, with rings arranged perpendicular to the longitudinal narrow folds of G. blaberae, with longitudinal lines underlying the folds of L. pellucida and with lines separating the large folds of Selenidium pendula. The cellular distribution is consistent with a stabilizer function of the spectrin-like proteins in the scaffolding of the cortex of gregarines according to the high diversity of the cell-shape and the cell motility systems in gregarines. The presence of spectrin-like proteins in protozoa and particularly in parasites from primitive arthropods indicated that ancestral spectrin genes could the Mr = 260–240 000 form.  相似文献   
A library of random peptide sequences was used to select peptides that inhibit an anti-idiotypic catalytic Ig, immunoglobulin (IgG) 9G4H9, with a beta-lactamase-like activity. This library displays cyclic heptapeptides on the surface of bacteriophages and represents a collection of up to 4.5 x 109 peptides. The first selection step aimed at enriching the library in species that bind to the whole Ig molecule. The second step was to discriminate peptides that bind to part of the molecule other than the active site. Selected peptides were then screened by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Those displaying measurable Kd values were assayed for their ability to inhibit the catalytic Ig.  相似文献   
Zinc deficiency impairs the metabolism of thyroid hormones, androgens, and above all growth hormones. In view of their important role in growth, it is not surprising to find growth disorders associated with zinc deficiency. Stunted growth linked to zinc deficiency is found during gestation, and also in the newborn and children up to adolescence. Depending on the country, 5–30% of children suffer from moderate zinc deficiency, responsible for small-for-age height. Zinc supplementation has proven effective in many studies, mainly in children where zinc deficiency has first been found. Finally, zinc supplementation makes it possible in certain cases to overcome resistance to growth hormone treatment.  相似文献   
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