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Summary Conventional solution-phase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in situ PCR/PCR in situ hybridization are powerful tools for retrospective analysis of fixed paraffin wax-embedded material. Amplification failure using these techniques is now encountered in some centres using archival fixed tissues. Such ailures may not only be due to absent target DNA sequences in the tissues, but may be a direct effect of the type of fixative, fixation time and/or fixation temperature used. The type of nucleic acid extraction procedure applied will also influence amplification results. This is particularly true with in situ PCR/PCR in situ hybridization.To examine these effects in solution-phase PCR, -globin gene was amplified in 100 mg pieces of tonsillar tissue fixed in Formal saline, 10% formalin, neutral buffered formaldehyde, Carnoy's, Bouin's, buffered formaldehyde sublimate, Zenker's, Helly's and glutaraldehyde at 0 to 4°C, room temperature and 37°C fixation temperatures and for fixation periods of 6, 24, 48 and 72 hours and 1 week. DNA extraction procedures used were simple boiling and 5 days' proteinase K digestion at 37°C. Amplified product was visible primarily yet variably from tissue fixed in neutral buffered formaldehyde and Carnoy's, whereas fixation in mercuric chloride-based fixatives produced consistently negative results. Room temperature and 37°C fixation temperature appeared most conducive to yielding amplifiable DNA template. Fixation times of 24 and 48 hours in neutral buffered formaldehyde and Carnoy's again favoured amplification.Fixed SiHa cells (containing 1–2 copies of HPV 16) were examined using PCR in situ hybridization for the amplification of HPV 16. Discrete and diffuse amplification signals were obtained. Neutral buffered formaldehyde fixation for 12–24 hours yielded amplifiable material suitable for use with PCR in situ hybridization. Overall amplification success within cellular preparations was 40%, with non-specific background staining also seen. Possible technical problems encountered with PCR in situ hybridization are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Notes on Avian Biology 1994: Selected Contributions from the 21st International Ornithological CongressMorphology and Physiology: Endocrinology

Subject: Endocrinology and chronobiology  相似文献   
Resumé Quinze nouvelles espèces de Monogènes Dactylogyridae sont décrites chez quinze espèces deBarbus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) appartenant aux sous-genresB. (Barbus) etB. (Labeobarbus) en Afrique du Nord. Les barbeaux examinés proviennent des différents bassins hydrographiques du Maroc et d'une localité nommée Hamman Bourgiba en Tunisie. Dans cette dernière région, le genreBarbus n'est représenté que par une seule espèce:Barbus (B.) callensis. Au Maroc, on en dénombre actuellement quatorze dont quatre appartiennent au sous-genreLabeobarbus: il s'agit deBarbus (L.) fritschii; B. (L.) harteti; B. (L.) paytonii etB. (L.) reinii. Les dix espèces appartenant au sous-genreBarbus sont:Barbus (B.) figuiensis; B. (B.) ksibi; B. (B.) lepineyi; B. (B.) magniatlantis; B. (B.) massaensis; B. (B.) moulouyensis; B. (B.) nasus; B. (B.) pallaryi; B. (B.) setivemensis etB. (B.) issenensis.Chaque sous-genre possède son propre pool parasitaire, à l'exception deDactylogyrus marocanus n. sp., recontré sur des espèces appartenant aux deux sous-genres (B. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) reinii, B. (L.) nasus, B. (B.) setivimensis, B. (B.) ksibi). Sur les cinqDactylogyrus parasitant lesLabeobarbus, trois présentent une spécificité stricte vis à vis de leur hôte. Il s'agit deDactylogyrus reinii n. sp. surB. (L.) reinii; D. volutus n. sp. etD. zatensis n. sp. surB. (L.) fritschii. Les espècesD. oumiensis n. sp. etD. kulindrii n. sp. présentent une spécifité stenoxène et parasitent respectivementB. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) reinii etB. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) reinii.Nous avons recontré neufDactylogyrus chez les poisson-hôtes appartenent au sous-genreBarbus. Six d'entre eux ont une spécificité oïoxène; ce sont:D. guirensis n. sp.,D. atlasensis n. sp. etD. draaensis n. sp. surB. (B.) pallaryi; D. borjensis n. sp. surB. (B.) nasus etD. heteromorphus n. sp. etD. tunisiensis n. sp. surB. (B.) callensis. Les trois autres parasites ont un spectre d'hôtes plus large. Il s'agit deD. ksibii n. sp. recontré chezB. (B.) ksibi, B. (B.) setivimensis etB. (B.) magniatlantis; D. ksibioïdes n. sp. recontré chezB. (B.) setivimensis etB. (B.) moulouyensis. L'espèceD. fimbriphallus n. sp. stenoxène, se recontre chez les poisson-hôtes du versant Sud de l'Atlas et de la façade méditerranéenne à savoir:B. (B.) figuiensis, B. (B.) lepineyi, B. (B.) massaensis, B. (B.) moulouyensis, B. (B.) pallaryi etB. (B.) issenensis.Le rôle des Dactylogyridae en tant que marqueurs biogéographiques, phylogénétiques et taxonomiques est discuté à partir de la composition spécifique des communautés de Monogènes rencontrés et de leurs différents types morphologiques.
Fifteen new species of the Dactylogyridae (Monogenea) parasitic on fifteen species of barbels (Barbus) from North Africa (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) are described. The fishes studied belong to two subgenera,B. (Labeobarbus) andB. (Barbus), collected from various hydrographical basins of Morocco and from the Hamman Bourgiba locality in Tunisia. In the latter area, the genusBarbus is represented by onlyBarbus (Barbus) callensis. In Morocco, fourteen species are listed, four of which belong to the subgenusLabeobarbus; these areBarbus (L.) fritschii; B. (L.) harteti; B. (L.) paytonii andB. (L.) reinii. The other ten species belong to the subgenusBarbus: these areBarbus (B.) figuiensis; B. (B.) ksibi; B. (B.) lepineyi; B. (B.) magniatlantis; B. (B.) massaensis; B. (B.) moulouyensis; B. (B.) nasus; B. (B.) pallaryi; B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) issenensis. Each of the two subgenera has its unique parasitic fauna, except forDactylogyrus marocanus n. sp. collected on species belonging to both subgenera (B. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) reinii, B. (B.) nasus, B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) ksibi). Of the five monogeneans found onLabeobarbus, three appear to be specific to one host: they areDactylogyrus reinii n. sp. onB. (L.) reinii, andD. volutus n. sp. andD. zatensis n. sp. onB. (L.) fritschii. D. kulindrii n. sp. parasitisedB. (L.) reinii andB. (L.) fritschii; andD. oumiensis n. sp. occurred onB. (L.) reinii, B. (L.) paytonii andB. (L.) harteti. NineDactylogyrus species were found in fishes belonging to the subgenusBarbus. Six of them have an oïoxenous specificity: these areD. guirensis n. sp.,D. atlasensis n. sp. andD. draaensis n. sp. onB. (B.) pallaryi; D. borjensis n. sp. onB. (B.) nasus andD. heteromorphus n. sp. andD. tunisiensis n. sp. on(B.) callensis. These other three have a wider range of hosts: they areD. ksibii n. sp. collected fromB. (B.) ksibi, B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) magniatlantis, andD. ksibioïdes n. sp. found onB. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) moulouyensis. D. fimbriphallus n. sp. is a characteristic parasite of fishes from the southern side of the Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean coast (B. (B.) figuiensis, B. (B.) lepineyi, B. (B.) massaensis, B. (B.) moulouyensis, B. (B.) pallaryi andB. (B.) issenensis).The role of dactylogyrids as biogeographical phylogenetic and taxonomic indicators is discussed in relation to the specific structure of the monogenean communities and the different morphological types found.
Abstract: Specific endothelin (ET) binding sites were characterized in membranes prepared from human cerebral cortices using binding assay and cross-linking analysis. The presence of immunoreactive (IR) ET-1 was studied by radioimmunoassay. Saturation binding experiments revealed that the K D and B max for 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 to membranes from gray matter were 25 ± 6 pM and 115 ± 15 fmol/mg of protein and 24 ± 5 p M and 108 ± 13 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. Similar results were obtained for white matter. In the presence of 10 n M sarafotoxin-6c, which is selective for ETB receptors, 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 binding was totally abolished. However, in the presence of 1 μ M BQ123, which is selective for ETAreceptors, both bindings were not affected. These results suggest that the human cerebral cortex contains only ETBreceptors. Cross-linking of 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 to membranes with disuccinimidyl suberate resulted in the labeling of two bands of 48 and 31 kDa. Concentrations of IR-ET-1 in the gray and white matter were 7.0 ± 3.2 and 2.5 ± 1.7 fmol/g wet weight, respectively. The demonstration of high-affinity ETB receptors and the presence of IRET-1 suggest that the peptide may act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in the human cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
We compared the efficacy of immunization with either simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Env glycoprotein (Env), Env plus Gag proteins (Gag-Env), or whole inactivated virus (WIV), with or without recombinant live vaccinia vector (VV) priming, in protecting 23 rhesus macaques (six vaccine and two control groups) from challenge with SIVmac251 clone BK28. Vaccination elicited high titers of syncytium-inhibiting and anti-Env (gp120/gp160) antibodies in all vaccinated macaques and anti-Gag (p27) antibodies in groups immunized with WIV or Gag-Env. Only WIV-immunized macaques developed anticell (HuT78) antibodies. After homologous low-dose intravenous virus challenge, we used frequency of virus isolation, provirus burden, and change in antibody titers to define four levels of resistance to SIV infection as follows. (i) No infection ("sterilizing" immunity) was induced only in WIV-immunized animals. (ii) Abortive infection (strong immunity) was defined when virus or provirus were detected early in the postchallenge period but not thereafter and no evidence of virus or provirus was detected in terminal tissues. This response was observed in two animals (one VV-Env and one Gag-Env). (iii) Suppression of infection (incomplete or partial immunity) described a gradient of virus suppression manifested by termination of viremia, declining postchallenge antibody titers, and low levels (composite mean = 9.1 copies per 10(6) cells) of provirus detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells or lymphoid tissues at termination (40 weeks postchallenge). This response occurred in the majority (8 of 12) of subunit-vaccinated animals. (iv) Active infection (no immunity) was characterized by persistent virus isolation from blood mononuclear cells, increasing viral antibody titers postchallenge, and high levels (composite mean = 198 copies per 10(6) cells) of provirus in terminal tissues and blood. Active infection developed in all controls and two of three VV-Gag-Env-immunized animals. The results of this study restate the protective effect of inactivated whole virus vaccines produced in heterologous cells but more importantly demonstrate that a gradient of suppression of challenge virus growth, reflecting partial resistance to SIV infection, is induced by subunit vaccination. The latter finding may be pertinent to studies with human immunodeficiency virus vaccines, in which it is plausible that vaccination may elicit significant suppression of virus infection and pathogenicity rather than sterilizing immunity.  相似文献   
Uptake,accumulation and metabolism of auxins in tobacco leaf protoplasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Uptake and metabolism of exogenous naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) have been studied in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) mesophyll protoplasts. Both auxins entered protoplasts by diffusion under the action of the transmembrane pH gradient without any detectable participation of an influx carrier. Molecules were accumulated by an anion-trapping mechanism and most of them were metabolized within hours, essentially as glucose-ester and amino-acid conjugates. Protoplasts were equipped with a functional auxin-efflux carrier as evidenced by the inhibitory effect of naphthylphtalamic acid on IAA efflux. Basically, similar mechanisms of NAA and IAA uptake occurred in protoplasts. However, the two auxins differed in their levels of accumulation, due to different membrane-transport characteristics, and the nature of the metabolites produced. This shows the need to estimate the accumulation and the metabolism of auxins when analyzing their effects in a given cell system. The internal auxin concentration could be modulated by changing the transmembrane pH gradient, giving an interesting perspective for discriminating between the effects of intra- and extracellular auxin on physiological processes.Abbreviations BA benzoic acid - Ci/Ce accumulation ratio of auxin - IAAasp N-[3-indolylacetyl]-dl-aspartic acid - NAA naphthalene-1-acetic acid - NAAasp N-[1-naphthylacetyl]-l-aspartic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid The authors thank Dr. M. Caboche (I.N.R.A, Versailles, France) for his generous gifts of some amide derivatives of 1-NAA, Mr. P. Varennes and Dr. B. Das (I.C.S.N., C.N.R.S., Gif-sur-Yvette, France) for recording and interpreting the mass spectra of NAA glucose ester, and Prof. P. Manigault (Institut des Sciences Végétales, Gif-sur-Yvette) for microscopy measurements of protoplast dimensions. This work was supported by funds from the C.N.R.S, I.N.R.A, and E.E.C.  相似文献   
The role of ABA in the induction of freezing tolerance was investigatedin two wheat (T. aestivum L.) cultivars, Glenlea (spring var)and Fredrick (winter var). Exogenous application of ABA (5x10–5M for 5 days at 24°C) increased the freezing tolerance ofintact plants by only 3°C (LT50) in both cultivars. Maximalfreezing tolerance (LT50 of –9°C for Glenlea and –17°Cfor Fredrick) could only be obtained with a low temperaturetreatment (6/2°C; day/night) for 40 days. These resultsshow that exogenously applied ABA cannot substitute for lowtemperature requirementto induce freezing tolerance in intactwheat plants. Furthermore, there was no increase in the endogenousABA level of wheat plants during low temperature acclimation,suggesting the absence of an essential role for ABA in the developmentof freezing tolerance in intact plants. On the other hand, ABAapplication (5x10–5 M for 5 days at 24°C) to embryogenicwheat calli resulted in an increase of freezing tolerance similarto that achieved by low temperature. However, as in intact plants,there was no increase in the endogenous ABA level during lowtemperature acclimation of calli. These results indicate thatthe induction of freezing tolerance by low temperature is notassociated with an increase in ABA content. Using an antibodyspecific to a protein family associated with the developmentof freezing tolerance, we demonstrated that the induction offreezing tolerance by ABA in embryogenic wheat calli was correlatedwith the accumulation of a new 32 kDa protein. This proteinis specifically induced by ABA but shares a common antigenicitywith those induced by low temperature. These results suggestthat ABA induces freezing tolerance in wheat calli via a regulatorymechanism different from that of low temperature. (Received June 15, 1993; Accepted September 16, 1993)  相似文献   
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